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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)初三英语目的状语从句知识汇总笔记初三英语目的状语从句知识汇总笔记 单选题 1、Finally,we suggest keeping some note cards in your study_you can make flashcards for coming tests.Aas ifBeven ifCso thatDsince that 答案:C 解析:句意:最后,我们建议在你的学习中保留一些笔记卡,这样你就可以为即将到来的考试制作抽认卡。A.好像;B.即使;C.以便于;D.自那以后。根据所给空前面的句子 Finally,we suggest keeping some

2、 note cards in your study 以及后面的句子 you can make flashcards for coming tests 可知,表示的是目的,需用 so that 引导,故答案选 C。小提示:so that 与 so.that.的区别:so that 引导目的状语从句。例如:I study hard so that I can find a good job.so.that.引导结果状语从句。例如:I was so tried that I couldnt walk on.例如题目中,根据所给空前面的句子 Finally,we suggest keeping som

3、e note cards in your study 以及后面的句子you can make flashcards for coming tests 可知,表示的是目的,需用 so that 引导,故答案选 C。2、They develop their skills _ they can do things better and better.AhoweverBbecauseCsinceDso that 答案:D 2 解析:句意:他们拓展他们的技能是为了他们能够把事情做得越来越好。考查连词。however 然而;because 因为;since 自从;so that 以至于。后面的从句表示目的

4、,只有 D 符合题意。故选 D。3、The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her.Aso thatBbecauseCsinceDwhen 答案:A 解析:句意:为了让所有学生都能听见她,老师讲得非常大声。A.so that 是固定词组,引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用 can/could/may/might/will/would/should 等情态动词或助动词,因此选 A。B.because 意为“因为”;C.since 表示“自以来,因为,由于”;D.when 意为“当时”。老师大声说话的目的是

5、让学生们都听到,所以,B、C、D 均不符合题意。4、You could save more money _ you can buy a car.AbeforeBalthoughCbutDso that 答案:D 解析:句意:你可以存更多的钱,这样你就可以买车了。考查连词辨析。before 在之前;although 尽管;but 但是;so that 以便。根据“You could save more moneyyou can buy a car.”可知,存钱的目的是为了买车,此处应用 so that 引导目的状语从句。故选 D。5、He works hard at English _ he c

6、an be an English teacher in the future.Asuch thatBi n order toCso thatDso as to 答案:C 3 解析:试题分析:句意:他努力学习英语为的是他将来能成为一名英语教师。根据句意及题干分析此空引导目的状语从句,所以选 C。B 与 D 后面只能跟动词原形。考点:考查连词的用法 6、Farmers rotate(轮作)their crops _ the soil will remain fertile.Aso thatBbecause ofCin order toDrather than 答案:A 解析:句意:农民轮作农作物,

7、这样土壤就会保持肥沃。考查目的状语从句。so that 以便,为了;because of 因为;in order to 为了,后接动词原形;rather than 而不是;空格后的句子“the soil will remain fertile”是前句“Farmers rotate(轮作)their crops”的目的,所以此处应该是 so that 引导的目的状语从句,故选 A。7、Shall I hand in the form this afternoon?Yes,please hand it in as soon as possible _ I can send it to our te

8、acher on time.AbecauseBalthoughCbutDso that 答案:D 解析:句意:我今天下午就要上交这个表格吗?是的,请尽快上交,以便于我可以按时把它交给老师。考查从属连词辨析。because 因为;although 虽然;but 但是;so that 以便于。根据前后两句的逻辑,可知此处表示目的,应该用 so that 引导目的状语从句,故选 D。8、Bring Ms.Steen to the party telling her she can be surprised.Awithout;thatBwith;soCwithout;so that 4 答案:C 解析

9、:句意:把斯汀女士带到聚会上,不要告诉她,这样她会感到惊讶的。考查介词辨析和结果状语从句。with:拥有,带有;without:没有;根据常识“把某人带到聚会上,不要告诉她,她才会感到惊讶”,可知第一个空填 without,without doing sth.:不做某事,排除 B。that 引导陈述句的宾语从句;so 因此,并列连词,表示因果关系,连接并列句;so that:为了,以便,这样,引导目的状语从句;根据句意可知后句表示目的,故选 C。9、Many people like reading newspapers _ they can learn whats happening in t

10、he world.Aso thatBever sinceCas soon as 答案:A 解析:句意:许多人喜欢看报,以便他们能了解世界上正在发生的事情。A.so that 以便;B.ever since 自从,从那时到现在;C.as soon as 一就。结合句意可知,此处是 so that 引导的目的状语从句,故答案为 A。10、I looked through my test paper again and again _ I wouldnt make any mistakes.AsoBbecauseCso thatDbut 答案:C 解析:句意:我一遍又一遍地看我的试卷,这样我就不会犯任何错误。根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法。A.so 因此;B.because 因为;C.so that 以至于;D.but 但是。根据语境可知,句子中的:I wouldnt make any mistakes 是 I looked through my test paper again and again 的目的,所以用 so that(为的是)引导目的状语从句;故选 C。

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