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1、1 七年级英语上册七年级英语上册 1-9 单元重点,难点及考点总结单元重点,难点及考点总结 Unit 1 My name is Gina.1.称代词各种形式称代词各种形式.【中考链接】You have more pens than _.But _ are nicer than _.A.I.mine.yours B.I.my.yours C.me.mine.you D.my.mine.you2.first name=given name(名名)last name=family name=surname(姓姓)full name(全全名:姓名:姓+名名)英美人姓名的表达与中国人不同。英美人名在前,

2、姓在后,有时中间会有 middle name.例如:JaneEyre 其中 Jane 是名,Eyre 是姓。Jim Allen Green 其中 Jim 是 first name(given name)Allen 是 middle name Green 是 family name(last name or surname)3.(1)first 序数词,第一,序数词前要加序数词,第一,序数词前要加 the.the first page.(2)1-10 的序数词形式必须会写的序数词形式必须会写 first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth

3、,ninth,tenth.【中考链接】Her name Mary King.King is her_.A.family name B.first name C.middle name D.full name4.分数的表达方式。分数的表达方式。分母基数词,分子序数词,分母大于 1,分母加 s.例如:3/4 three fourths 5.number 数字数字 the number of“的数目的数目”谓语动词用单数形式。谓语动词用单数形式。a number of相当于相当于 many,谓语动词用复数形式。谓语动词用复数形式。【中考链接】The number of people invited

4、_ fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A.were.was B.was.was C.was.were D.were.were6.family name family n.是一个集体名词。是一个集体名词。当被看做一个整体时,用单数形式;当被看做一个整体时,用单数形式;当被看成是里面当被看成是里面的个体时,用复数形式。的个体时,用复数形式。单数复数 第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格I youhe,she,itweyouthey人称代词宾格meyouhim,her,itusyouthem形物代myy

5、ourhis,her,itsouryourtheir物主代词名物代mineyourshis,hers,itsoursyourstheirs2【中考链接】Its seven oclock.Marys family _ TV.A.is watching B.are watching C.watches D.Watch Unit 2 This is my sister.本单元重点语法:1.We often (play)in the playground.2.He (get)up at six oclock.3.you (brush)your teeth every morning?4.What (d

6、o)he usually (do)after school?5.Danny (study)English,Chinese,maths,science and Art at school.6.Mike sometimes (go)to the park with his sister.7.At eight at night,she (watch)TV with his parents.8.Mike (read)English every day?9.How many lessons your classmates (have)on Monday?10.What time his mother (

7、do)the housework?II.改句子改句子1.Do you often play football after school?(改为肯定句)2.I have many books.(改为否定句)3.Gaoshans sister likes playing table tennis(改为否定句)4.She lives in a small town near New York.(改为一般疑问句)5.I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问句)6.We have four lessons.(改为否定句)7.Nancy doesnt run fast(改为肯定句)1.(1

8、).this,that,these,those,这些都叫做指示代词。(2)由指示代词 this 或 that 做主语的疑问句,作答时,常用 it 来代替 this,that 避免重复。Is that your pen?Yes,it is.2.一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的变化方式3.名词复数的变化形式:名词复数的变化形式:A.名词复数的规则变化(1).一般情况下加 s,如:book-books girl-girls(2).以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾的名词,在词尾加 es,如:bus-buses watch-watches(3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,把 y 变 i 在加 es,如:city-c

9、ities factory-factories(4).以 f 或以 fe 结结尾的名词把 f 或 fe 变成 v 在加 es,如:lifelives,leafleavesB.名词复数的不规则变化(1).child(children),foot(feet),tooth(teeth),man(men),woman(women),mouse(mice),Englishman 3(Englishmen)(2).单、复数同形:sheep,deer,Chinese,Japanese,fish(同一种鱼)如.a sheep,two sheep(3.集合名词如:family,public,group,clas

10、s 等。当作为整体时,为单数 My family is a big one.;当作为整体中的各个成员时,为复数如:My family are music lovers.(4).以“o”结尾,词尾加“es”的有:negro,hero,tomato,potato.(5).某国人的复数变化:中日不变英法变,其余“s”加后面。1.photo(复数)_ 2.man(复数)_ 3.sheep(复数)4.those(单数)_ 5.两个女老师 6.son(对应词)_ 7.German(复数)8.picture(复数)_ 9.门钥匙 10.they(单数)_ 11.child(复数)12.dog(复数)_ 13

11、.六一儿童节 14.第九 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?1.This,that,it 区别2.it is,its 与 its 辨析3.冠词的用法冠词的用法(1).不定冠词 a 和 an 区别(泛指不定冠词和定冠词用法不定冠词不定冠词 a 用于辅音因素前,用于辅音因素前,an 用于元用于元音音 因素前,因素前,特别注意:honest,hour,umbrella,university,useful,one-eyed girl 等单词前面冠词的不定冠词的选择。(2).the 是特指 a.特指双方都明白的人或物:Take the medicine.b.上文提到过的人或事:He

12、bought a house.Ive been to the house.c.指世上独一物二的事物.the sun,the sky,the moon,the earth d.单数名词连用表示一类事物,如:the dollar f.用在序数词和形容词最高级前。用在序数词和形容词最高级前。I live on the second floor.g.用在姓氏的复数名词前表示一家人或夫妻两个。用在姓氏的复数名词前表示一家人或夫妻两个。The Greens are watching TV now.h.用在表示方位词或西洋乐器的名词之前:用在表示方位词或西洋乐器的名词之前:Ji Lin is in the

13、north of China.She plays the piano.4.祈使句。尤其是祈使句的否定句的变化。Unit 4 Where is my school bag?1.Where 引导的特殊疑问句。2.介词 on 用法及和on,above,over.under,below,on,above,over.under,below 区别(1)above,在上面,与物体表面没有面的接触,与物体不是垂直关系,反义词是below.(2)over 在上面,与物体表面没有面的接触,与物体成垂直关系,反义词是under3.介词介词 in 和和 at 用法用法 in the tree 和和 on the tr

14、ee 的区别。的区别。4(1)在.里面。The apple is in the desk.(2)in 表示用.语言 Whats this in English?(3)in 穿着,戴着 The girl is in red pants(4)in 表示时间(用在年,月,季节,早晨,中午,晚上前)4.名词所有格的表达方式及相关题目 I dont think looking after is _ work A.woman B.womans C.women D.womens Unit 5 Do you have a soccor ball?1.一般现在时中实意动词做谓语时,否定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句

15、的变化形式。一般现在时中实意动词做谓语时,否定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的变化形式。2.have 表示“有”时和 there be 句型的区别。3.Lets=let us 后加动词原形。Lets have a rest.4.too,also,either 区别。too.to 结构 5.ask 用法 ask sb to do sth/ask sb not to do sth(tell 用法同)6.Play+球类、play+西洋乐器 7.感官动词(look,sound,smell,taste,feel)用法1)The dish_ delicious.A.look B.sound C.smell D

16、.taste(2)He feels_ now.A.good B.well C.to good D.Best8.以 ed 结尾和以 ing 结尾的形容词的区别。At the _ news,Mary feels very _.A.excited,exciting B.exciting,exciting C.excited,excited D.exciting,exciting 9.have fun in doing sth/have good time in doing sth/have problems/trouble/difficulties in doing sth10.like 用法:Wh

17、ats your father like?_.A.He likes apples B.He is very kind B.He is a worker D.He likes my mother Unit 6 Do you like bananas?本单元重点语法就是名词,尤其是表示蔬菜和水果的名词。一用 am,is,are,do,does,am not,isnt,arent,dont,doesnt)1.What _ your father like?2.What _ eat for supper?3.They _ like dessert and ice-cream.4.She _ sell

18、school things.she sells clothes.5.Chicken _very nice food.6.I _ Lucy.My name is Lily.7.Tom and Mike _like fruit or vegetables.8.It _healthy food.Dont eat it.please.59.I _going on a picnic with my friend.二单项选择.1.What would you like?_ bread.A.Two pieces B.Two pieces of C.A piece D.Pieces of 2.Lets _ t

19、he foot ball match.A.going and watch B.go to watch C.go and watching D.go and to watch 3.We need lots of _every day.A.vegetables B.meats C.milks D.healthy food4.What kind of fruit do you like?Well,I like _.A.the strawberries B.strawberry C.strawberries D.the strawberrys5.The doctor said to me.“Eat a

20、nd Sleep _ you can grow quickly”.A.a lot of B.lots of C.many D.much 6.What _ Tom like _today?A.does.eat B.is.eat C.does.to eat D.is.to eat 7._you like apples?A.Can B.Do C.Are 8.Do you want _orange?A.an B.a C.two 9.Lets _ baseball.Ok.Lets_.A.play.go B.plays.go C.play.to go D.play.goes10.There is a _s

21、hop.It sells banana,apples,pears and oranges.A.vegetable B.food C.fruit D.drink 11.Do they like hamburgers?-Yes.they like _ very much A.it B.them C.their D.its12.There _ three students and a teacher in the classroom,A.are B.is C.be D.am 13.Her parents _lunch at home.A.doesnt have B.havent C.hasnt D.

22、dont have14.That is _room.A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily and Lucys C.Lilys and Lucys D.Lilys and Lucy Unit 7 How much are these socks?1.How much 询问多少/与 how many 区别/how much 还可以询问价格 what is the price of sth?2.英语中表示成双成对或由两部分组成的物品,常常以复数形式出现.socks 短袜 pants 裤子 shoes 鞋子 glasses 眼镜 shorts 短裤 trousers 裤子(1)这类词做主语,谓

23、语动词一般用复数形式 How much are these socks?(2)它们若和 a pair of(一双,一条,一副)连用做主语时,谓语动词则用单数形式。6This pair of pants is 98 Yuan.3.help 用法 Help sb do sth/help sb with sth/with the help of sb4.I need a sweater for school.Need 用法:sb+need(s)to do sth sth need(s)doing sth=sth need(s)to be done5.take 拿走,带走 反义词是 bring.以及

24、carry 用法6.buy 买 buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 反义词:sell7.at great sale.意为“廉价出售,大减价”其中 sale 是动词 sell 的名词形式。8.for sale 代售 on sale 减价销售9.all 还表示三者和三者以上。注意 all 和 both 区别。10.价格 price,不能用 cheap 和 expensive 来修饰,只能用 high 和 low 来修饰。Unit9 When is your birthday?1.基数词(1)基数词表达时只用单数。three hundred(2)与介词短语连用,表概数,常用大数的复数

25、形式。hundreds of 2.序数词 (1).基变序,有规律,词尾加上 th,一二三特殊记,词尾字母 t,d,d 8t,9e,f 来把 ve 替,单词 ty 作结尾,一定将 y 变 ie,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。(2).序数词放在被修饰词前作定语时,序数词前加 the:the second floor (3).序数词前有时也可加 a/an,表示“又一,再一”Though he has tried two times,he wanted to try a third time.3.at/on/in 表时间“在”表时间 at on in 1)at 通常表在某个点时间。at 8.00 在

26、 8.00 at 9.25 在 9.25 2)on 通常表在某一天或某一天的上/下午、晚上。on September 1th 在 9 月 1 日 on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的上午 3)in 表在某一周/月/季节/年/世纪等。in 1979 在 1979 年 in September 在 9 月份 in spring 在春天4)固定词组 at dawn 在黎明 at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 4.have a good time=enjoy oneself(oneself 要随主语的变化而变化=have fun.They are having a good

27、time.=They are enjoying themselves.=They are having fun.Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.二、二、Important Sentences1.Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is art.2.Why do you like P.E.?Because its fun.3.Hows your day?Its OK.4.Who is your music teacher?My music teacher is Ms.Xie.5.When is

28、 your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday.76.How about you?7.Lets meet on Saturday.8.Thats for sure.9.Is that OK with you?这对你来说合适吗?三、三、GrammarWhats your favorite subject?=What subject do you like best?My favorite subject is math.=I like math best.1)Whats your favorite?=What do you like best?My

29、favorite is.=I like best.2)favorite前一定要用形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词或名词所有格名词所有格一起来修饰后面的名词。Whats Ginas favorite subject?Gina最喜欢的学科是什么?Her favorite subject is math.她最喜欢的学科是数学。3)favorite(美)亦可拼为favourite(英)4)favorite n.最喜欢的人或物(复数形式是 favorites)These clothes are my favorites.这些衣服是我最喜欢的。Which color is your favorite?哪种

30、颜色是你最喜爱的?四、Important Points1.Why do you like math?Because its interesting.2.Hows your day?今天过得如何?Its OK.还行。Great!棒极了!3.have+学科:上某一学科的课 have English 上英语课 have a class/lesson 上课 have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早饭/中饭/晚饭 have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 have a school trip 开展校外活动 have a party 举行派对;举办聚会4.be busy wi

31、th sth be busy doing sth Im busy with my homework=Im busy doing my homework 我在忙着做家庭作业。He is busy writing a letter.他在忙着写信。5.interesting/funny interesting“有意思的;有吸引力的”,指引起理性的或智慧的兴趣。funny“逗乐的;有趣的;使人快乐的”,强调“滑稽可笑的”English is interesting.英语很有趣。I find this book interesting.我发现这本书很有意思。This is a funny movie.这

32、是一部搞笑的影This game looks funny.这个游戏看起来好玩。6.from to “从到”from Monday to Friday from Beijing to Shanghai 7.for+一段时间:表(某个动作)持续了多长时间。I played with him for two hours.10.be strict with sb.对某人要求严格 be strict in sth.对某事(在某方面)要求严格 1)Our English teacher is very strict with us.2)Our English teacher is very strict in our homework.11.play with 和一起玩

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