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1、注塑工艺设计注射成型周期Injection Molding Cycle4(1).充填阶段Filling st age(2).后充填阶段Post-filling st age(3).开模阶段Mold-opening st age1.成型周期开始Cycle begins2.充填/保压切换点F/P swit ches over3.型腔完全充满Cavit y is all filled4.保压释放Packing pres.is released5.冷却/开模切换点P/0 swit ches over6.开模Mold opens7.关模及下个周期开始Mold closes and next cycle

2、begins模温 Mold TemperatureMold t emperat ures are import ant in det ermining final part finish and molded-in st ress levels.Cold molds are more difficult t o fill,necessit at ing high inject ion pressure and melt t emperat ure.Heat ed molds generally produce a part wit h a bet t er finish and lower m

3、olded in st ress.Because of t he high heat dist ort ion t emperat ures of engineering t hermoplast ic resins,part s are eject ed easily at higher t emperat ures.The midpoint of t he suggest ed range w川 generally give good result s wit h respect t o part appearance and cycle t ime.Higher mold t emper

4、at ures can result in bet t er flow,st ronger knit lines and lower molded-in st resses.Using lower t han t he suggest ed mold t emperat ures will generally result in higher molded-in st resses and compromise(危及)part int egrit y.熔胶温度 Melt TemperatureAs a general rule,residence t ime should be as shor

5、t as possible when molding near t he maximum suggest ed melt t emperat ure.When processing near,or at,t he uppe门imit of t he melt range,t he shot weight should approach 80 t o 90%of t he cylinder capacit y of t he machine.(当料温接近上限时,射料量应当接近注射机射胶量 的80至)90%)If t he cylinder t emperat ure exceeds t he u

6、pper limit of t he suggest ed melt range,t hermal degradat ion of t he resin and loss of physical propert ies may result.熔胶温度 Melt TemperatureA relat ively small increase in screw speed(RPM)or back pressure can result in a dramat ic increase in melt t emperat ure wit h no change in cont roller set p

7、oint.(即使设定料温不变,稍微增加螺杆 转速或背压就会明显增加融胶温度。)It is suggest ed t hat melt t emperat ures be measured using hand-held pyromet ers.These measures should be t aken on t he t hermoplast ic melt s aft er t he machine is on cycle.Increased melt t emperat ures will reduce viscosit y and increase resin flow,t hus

8、providing for longer flow for t hin wall sect ions and help produce lower residual st ress.When higher melt t emperat ures are used,reduced barrel/residence t imes are needed t o minimize any degradat ion of t he resin.螺杆转速Screw SpeedScrew speeds(RPM)should be adjust ed t o permit screw rot at ion d

9、uring t he ent ire cooling cycle wit hout delaying t he overall cycle.Low screw speeds w川 help reduce glass fiber damage during plast icat ion when molding reinforced grades.(塑化力口中甫弓货物塑料 日寺,低的螺捍醇速可以减少玻,幽的揖毁。)Suggest ed screw speed is dependent on screw diamet er.Opt imum linear velocit y of screw O.

10、D.is t ypically 8 inches(202.4 mm)per second.RPM=(60 x 8 inches/second or 202.4mm/second)/(ttx screw diamet er).For example,for a 3 inch(75.9 mm)diamet er screw:3(screw Dia.)x 3.1416=9.4248 divided int o 8 inches(202.4 mm)per second(opt imum linear velocit y)x 60=51 RPM.背压 Back PressureBack Pressure

11、A back pressure of 50 t o 100 psi(0.35 t o 0.7 MPa)is suggest ed t o help ensure a homogeneous melt and maint ain consist ent shot size.(推荐采用0.35到0.7 MPa的 背压,以确保均匀的融胶及维持一致的射料量)Higher back pressures used t o improve melt mixing result in higher melt t emperat ures and possibly degradat ion due t o ex

12、cessive shearing of t he resin.射速 Injection SpeedThe fast est fill speed possible provides longer flow,fills t hinner wall sect ions,and helps t o creat e a bet t er surface finish.Slower fill is suggest ed for sprue-gat ed and edgegat ed part s t o help prevent gat e blush,splay and jet t ing.In t

13、hick wall part s 0.2 inches(5.06 mm)and up slow fill helps reduce sinks and voids.射压 Injection PressureInjection PressureThe act ual inject ion pressure will depend on variables such as melt t emperat ure,mold t emperat ure,part geomet ry,wall t hickness,flow lengt h,and ot her mold and equipment co

14、nsiderat ions.Generally,the lowest pressures which provide t he desired propert ies,appearance,and molding cycle are preferred.(一般来,最低射屋可以提供需求的性、外瞿免和成型遇期。)Ideally,inject ion pressure should vary t o maint ain t he int ended ram speed.This is called velocit y cont rolled inject ion and provides t he

15、molder a much more robust and respect able process t han cont rolling inject ion pressure during fill.射压时充填时间变化曲线Injection Pressure vs Fill TimeMat erial:ABS50,0 _45.0U-SHAPE Curves Bi40.。5.FILL TIME(SEC)DVD盒的翘曲及锁模力需求Warpage and Required Clamp Force of a DVD BoxDV D盒,PP,广东省珠海市,2002.8

16、.6.DV D盒,PP,2型腔模,注射时间:1.8秒 公称厚度1.3mm,钱链厚度0.18mm产品简介产品:DV D Box 材料:PP产品尺寸(展开):284x191x9.4mm 产品尺寸(合上):136x191x14mm 模具为一出二。产品壁厚分布如上图所示,公称壁厚为1.3mm,侧壁壁厚为1.8mm、1.6mm和0.8mm,中间钱链处最小厚度为0.18mm。2方案比较表保压切换位置为99%,保压压力为切换时注射压力的80%.模温设定:8;料温设定:2601234567891011注射时间(S)射压(MPA)49.956.1

17、46.844.644.143.844.145.546.14951锁模力(Ton)252191153158163168181194203221287*第1项没有采用优化的螺杆注射曲线,和使用优化曲线者(第7项)比,射压高出了 13%以及锁模力多出了39%。*第2项至第11项采用优化的螺杆注射曲线。U型曲线(注射压力vs注射时间)0 5 0 56 5 5 4(pdw)S置壬羔射出屋力V S射出畤DV D 盒(PP)模温设定:8;料温设定:260C对应最小 射压的注 射时间为 1.2秒。0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.50f(S)U型曲线(锁模力vs注射时间)对应最小 锁

18、模力的 注射时间 为0.6秒。螺杆速率Ram SpeedProgrammed inject ion is suggest ed for part s wit h small gat es(pin gat es and subgat es).A slow inject ion rat e can be used at t he st art t o help eliminat e gat e blush,jet t ing,and burning of t he mat erial.Once underway,speed can be increased t o fill t he part.M

19、aint ain const ant melt front velocit y,and slow near end of fill t o opt imize part qualit y.螺杆速度时行程曲线Ram Speed ProfileI m IrIEec4:iori Control2felt temper mtre丽1 5。MHoko 21=x-200):99 85一 309 91 CINI r100Hoe speed ooritrol|re:IJ sp-dM mx 1 OO)*1I4-1 oo螺杆速度又寸行程设定的影响等速推进调整后的螺杆速度对行程设定较高的注射压力较低的注射压力MFV

20、&MFA的定义熔胶前沿速度Melt-Front Velocity(MFV)熔胶前沿截面积Melt-Front Area(MFA)前沿速度Melt Front Velocity前沿速度 在入子两 侧加快Melt front velocit y increases around t he insertt ime=t1 t ime=t2MFV的调整由于大部分的模具几何外型都相当复杂,固 定的螺杆速度不太可能提供固定的熔胶前沿推进 速度。每当型腔的截面积改变时,该区域的充填 速度就可能比其他区域充填的还要快,上图中表 示的,就是在一定的入口速度下,熔胶前沿推进 速度在入子的两侧突然加快的情形。这将会造

21、成 在上图中入子的两侧产生高剪切应力,可能会导 致成品的翘曲变形。螺杆速度对行程设定等速推进 调整后的螺杆行程设定pd s E B B|St roke%|熔胶通过浇口 熔胶填满型腔笔记本计算机LCD后盖LCD Cover,NotebookScale(10 mm)11优化的螺杆速度对行程曲线Optimized Ram Speed Profile(LCD Cover,Notebook)Filling:Recommended ram-speed vs.St roke100.0 C:C-MOLD_UserCI0417-100-30X100-30M00-3090.0(*)p 38dslEEP8PU3EE

22、038QZ6050.o o.430200.012.5 25.0 37.550.0 62.575.087.5100.0o o So.8 7St roke(%)熔胶流动情况Fill time=1.435s熔胶前沿推进Fil timeLgST u Fil nms e;i/A oknw YL_ sh.588 _Fil time-0 90KH|T _ScajvB_1Fill time j浦oktfW 3 1 ;Fill rime3国 q+XTVoWHtM/*,V 党优化的螺杆速度对行程曲线Recommended ram speed profile(rel):%st roke%speed0.000021.

23、705210.000075.396520.000091.321430.0000100.000040.000093.646950.000094.163860.000088.422670.000085.049680.000079.232390.000096.2543100.000031.3536充填/保压切换点控制方式Fill/Pack Switch-Over PointF/P swit ch-over byF/P swit ch-over by percent volume(Default input)F/P swit ch-over by hydraulic pressure(Realit y

24、)型腔压力对切换时间Cavity Press,vs.Switch-Over TimeGood SwitchroverSS器d AllAv)Late Switch-Eariy Switch-overTIMETIMES S S M d A J J A V 3保压压力对型腔压力Packing Pressure vs.Cavity Pressure喷嘴压力-e Nozzle Pressure型腔压力日 Cavit y Pressure适当的保压压力Holding Pressure is appropriat e保压压力过低Holding Pressure is t oo low保压压力过高Holdin

25、g Pressure is t oo high速度/压力控制切换点V/P Switch-over Point射压Inject ion Pressure型腔内压Cav让y PressureConnect or,LCP-GF30,50吨全电式注塑机,500 mm/sec.,注射时间613秒,周期时间9.25秒,10.3.8.at Taipei PLAS保压压力时体积收缩率之影响Packing Pressure and Vol.Shrinkage10-1-1-浇口附近Near Gat e远离浇口End of Fill(淤)UTMP Uln.TOATime(s)保压压力85MPaPacking pre

26、ssure:85 MPaTime(s)HO保压压力54MPaPacking pressure:54 MPa型腔内压与保压时间Cavity Pressure Vs.Packing TimeN73Time(s)体积收缩率与浇口凝固点Volumetric Shrinkage and Gate SealN73N73ee(兴)七qs400 0 20Time(s)保压时间不足Insufficient Packing Time0 20 40Time(s)保压时间足够Sufficient Packing Time保压分析与工艺设计Packing Analysis and Process Design后门内衬+

27、后 门面板,PP-TD15,Cfor F,内衬收缩较大,面板收缩较小,强迫装配后,面 板上的定位管 销向外紧压内 衬的定位孔,2009.4.13.后门内衬+后 门面板,PP-TD15,Cfor F,内衬收缩较大,面板收缩较小,强迫装配后,面 板上的定位管 销向外紧压内 衬的定位孔,2009.4.13.后门内衬+后 门面板,PP-TD15,Cfor F,内衬收缩较大,面板收缩较小,强迫装配后,面 板上的定位管 销向外紧压内 衬的定位孔,2009.4.13.C.Hsu:下次试模,面板用较低保压,内 衬用较高保压。后门内衬+后 门面板,PP-TD15,Cfor F,内衬收缩较大,面板收缩较小,强迫装

28、配后,面 板上的定位管 销向外紧压内 衬的定位孔,2009.4.13.多段保压压力调整Multi-Phase Packing Pressure逐段下降之保压压力第一段较低之保压压力第二段较高之保压压力减少残留应力避免飞边避免缩痕多段保压时体积收缩率之影响Multi-Phase Packing Pressure and Volumetric Shrinkage10 产 3 O 10;:BO o W 二Time(s)Time(s)Time(s)图一(Fig.1)图二(Fig.2)图三(Fig.3)出 jljTime fs)Time(s)Time(s)圜 一 lfig.1圜二fhi.21Hxing.

29、3o凌,口附近Near gate2.38%2.43%3.25%O遗蹄洗口End of fill0.81%1.175%1.52%髓稹收缩率之差 Din.of shrink1.57%1.255%1.73%多段保压对锁模力之影响 Multi-Phase Packing Pressure Vs.Clamp ForceTIME(3)TIME(S)TIME(S)damp iorce VS Time CUmo isrca VS Time Qamp force VS Time量 oonoTIME(S)e二 m o,mat cs)多段保压时凝封剪切应力之影响Multi-Phase Packing Pressur

30、e and Frozen-In Shear StressPmrare VS Tine(mssnss&XAnm(3)Frasen-in ahear atre&a va Normalized atsiM ui4 smo-浇口附近(Near Gat e)Nonullaod thtnknm。-H-远离浇口(End of Fill)Sink Index缩痕指标Sink IndexSink IndexSink Index厚度=1.2mm10 mm C-PACK10 m C-PACK10 nun C-PACK保压压力:61 MPa Packing Pressure:61 MPa最大缩痕指标:3.66%Max

31、.Sink Index:3.66%保压压力:61 MPa Packing Pressure:61 MPa 最大缩痕指标:2.9%Max.Sink Index:2.9%保压压力:70 MPa Packing Pressure:70 MPa 最大缩痕指标:1.99%Max.Sink Index:1.99%充填模式Fill time=0.0003sScale 300 mm产品变形预测(一段保压)Deflection,all effects:Z ComponentScale Factor=1.000/roMflov/-42-34-29Scale(300 mm)产品变形预测(三段保压,由高而低)Defl

32、ection,all effects:Z ComponentScale Factor=1.000-0.0575mm0.3274 0.1350-0.2500-0.442480%60%20%压力保压保压时间20秒-37-32-31Scale(300 mm)产品变形预测(三段保压,由低而高)变形量比较进浇形式Max Min(mm)改进一段保压0.34-0.47三垮保压(由局面低)0.32 -0.44+6%三段保区(由低而局)0.16-0.19+56%笔记本电脑LCD后盖LCD Back Cover,Notebook Computer体积收缩率对时间Volumetric Shrinkage vs Ti

33、meLegend:Post-filling:V olumet ric shrinkage vs.TimeC:C-MOLD Use八CT0417-100-30vl 00-30V l U0-30固化层比时时间Frozen-layer Fraction vs TimeBU8Z0UZ体积收缩率 Volumetric Shrinkage(0%,60%),(10%,80%),(100%,80%)Post-filling:V olumet ric shrinkage(%)at Time=24.5500 s CAC-MOLD_UserCTnew-a-1new-a-11.0236体积收缩率 Volumetric

34、 Shrinkage(0%,60%),(40%,60%),(100%,60%)Post-filling:V olumet ric shrinkage(%)at Time=24.6800 s C:C-MOLD-1CTnew-05snew-05$-1new-05s-1体积收缩率 Volumetric Shrinkage(0%,100%),(40%,30%),(100%,30%)Post-filling:V olumet ric shrinkage(%)at Time=24.7500 s C:C-MOLD_UserCT0417-100-30100-30M 00-30Y也移 Y-displacemen

35、t(0%,100%),(40%,30%),(100%,30%)Shrinkage and Warpage:7-displacement(process-induced)(mm)C:C-MOLD JJse 八 C1A041 7-100-30X100-30M 00-30保压曲线对Y6移Holding Pressure Profile vs Y-displacementLCD后盖,笔记本电脑Holding Pressure Profile*Y-displacement一汨;6010 一 80100 一:80P4.320-;60P40 100 一 04.280-100“10-30,100-30 P3.

36、533保压曲线对时间Holding Pressure Profile vs Time_ o o o o o o 9 7 5 3 d保MM力(%)0 4.3 10.51.9 7.120BM(sec)LCD后盖,笔记本电脑酒瓶包装盒,PET,四川省宜 宾市,crack at 10mm from open end at eject ion,2003.7.16.分析模型S0#1100 mm)-425743工艺条件(原始设计)充填时间:8秒 保压时间:2秒 保压压力:切换时射压的80%入口水温:25射压与保压压力对时间曲线(原始设计)体积收缩率分布(13.07-1.87=11.20)(原始设计)优化螺杆

37、速率时行程曲线(改工艺条件(改善设计)充填时间:1秒 保压时间:12秒 保压压力:0 5秒:切换时射压的100%5 9秒:切换时射压的60%9 12秒:切换时射压的30%入口水温:25优化射压与保压压力对时间曲线(改善设计)体积收缩率分布(11.16-4.44=6.72)(改善设计)占 4口::36Scale(100 mm)V olumet ric shrinkage Model name:wu01Time:1.62 a(13.07-1.87=11,20)(原始设计)11.1610.329.4798.6387.7986.9576.1175.2764.436(11.16-4.44=6.72)(改

38、善设计)注射成型酒瓶包装盒 优化设计前后的比较原始设计改善设计减少须要的最大射压168.4 MPa79.5 MPa-52.8%须要的最大锁模力180.5 Ton85.3 Ton-52.7%体积收缩率差值11.20%6.72%-40.0%注射成型酒瓶包装盒 优化设计前后的比较原始设计改善设计Max.Shear St ress0.73 MPa0.61 MPaMax.Shear Rat e751.6 1/s7,094 1/sMax.Bulk Temperat ure260.8 267.6材料商建议值Max.Shear St ress:0.41 MPaMax.Shear Rat e:40,000 1/

39、sMax.Melt Temperat ure:270注塑机的规格要依 据模具的规格来定注塑机的规格要依据模具的规格来定。注塑的许多问题,如降解、飞边、翘曲、脆裂、短射、波纹等,都是因为模具与注塑机的搭配不当所致。正确的做法是做好产品设计后,根据产品设计做好模具 设计,然后根据模具设计选择或订定注塑机和周边设备。置物盒的波纹置物盒,HIPS,波纹、每射4次后短射一次、2003.9.艺nominal t hickness:2.5/产品重910g,连同料/头,总重约1Q00g。/射胶量1,382g的25%,和65%分别为346g和 898g。1000g已经超过上限898g。选择的注射机较大,良率为0

40、%;从2003年10月试模 试到2004年6月,都无法交货。Product:42H TV Bezel,Weight:1,700 g Machine:1,300 Ton(Mit subishi);Shot Weight(PS)6240 g(Shot t o Cylinder Size of 40-60%is recommended by GE Plast ics.)Not e:1,700/6,240=27%一-.一_nwr42”电浆电视机,一 前框,PC(GE LEXAN HF1110),黄化、熔接线,2004.6.2.左上图是一电动工具手掌砂,其底板如右上图所示,原来材料是铸 铝,为了减重和降

41、本,改以PA6-GF30(添加30%玻璃纤微的尼龙单 六)注射成型,由于变形严重,试用超临界流体微发泡注射成型,除 了变形减少70%(见下表),底板减重8%以及周期时间缩短18%。新加Warpage(requirement is not 0,34mm)C1C2C3C4AverageReduct ionSolid1.00mm1.10mm1.00mm0.90mm1.00mmMuCell0.32mm0.25mm0.32mm0.30mm0.30mm70%Bot t om Plat e for Power ToolBot t om Plat e for Power Tool 新加Product:Bot

42、t om Plat eMat erial:PA6-GF30Machine:180 M Ton,45mm screwPart Det ails:116g(2 Cav),33s cycle Economic Benefit s:-Cycle Reduct ion:18%-Weight Reduct ion:8%-Aluminum Cast ing t o Plast ic Inject ion applicat ion.Qualit y Benefit s:-Warpage Reduct ion(70%)Ot hers:-Test ed wit h Rhodia MuCell grade mat

43、erial手掌砂底板Bottom Plate for Power Tool新加solid MuCell gradeSurface finish of Mucell grade mat erial is bet t er t han solid.Warpage improved.2010.4.21.at Trexel boot h,CH IN APLAS 2010,上海新加超临界流体微发泡注射成型风扇罩汽车(Chrysler RSCar)用风扇罩的材料 是尼龙单6(PA6)添加 玻纤和矿纤,采用超 临界流体微发泡注射 成型,较之传统注射 成型,除了变形减少 以及耐疲劳寿命增长 以外,产品(185

44、0克)较 前减重8%、周期时间(45秒)较前缩短20%以及锁模力须求从800吨 降至於00吨(减少50%)Daewoo Electronics Co.幽ProblemIndust ry:Home appliancesHigh Cost for paint ing processProduct:25 TV front cabinet Environment Problem V isible WeldlineSolut ionCAE was used t o find proper design t o reduce weldline visibilit y,improve gas penet r

45、at ion&surface qualit y and choose t he proper mat erial for non-paint ed TV front cabinet.25”电视机前框因采用气 辅和免喷涂而导致的节省DAEWOOConvent ional Inj.Gas Inj.Non-Paint ingWeight(g)2,4202,027Mat erial Cost(US$)1.841.54Cycle Time(sec)8055Product ion Cost(US$)0.590.41Number of int eg.part s(EA)334Cost for int eg.

46、part s(US$)0.440.05Cost for secondary operat ion0.620.51Cost for Paint ing1.051.050Part Qualit yGoodExcellentExcellentTot al Cost(US$)4.883.892.84Cost Saving(US$)00.992.041.因气辅而节省US$0.99/set,因免喷涂而节省US$1.05/set2.因气辅而节省US$0.99/set中,最大和次大节省是1)因化零为整(int eg.Part s+2nd operat ion)而节省的US$0.50/set2)因少用材料(ma

47、t erial)而节省的US$0.30/set3.年产150,000电视机前框,单采气辅一年可节省US$148,500;采气辅和免喷涂,一年又多节省US$157,500避激檄方向篮遇期畤崖品:避激械方向篮材料:PP(?)模具:曾述:方向心日寺以傅统注射成型,遇期日寺20分。单探氟率甫注射成型接,中空率逵63%,遇期日寺 大幅降焉2分。精益求精,思考如何迤一步缩 短遇期日寺冏。冏堰:遇期日寺水辅注射成型游戏机方向盘气辅成型方向盘水辅成型方向盘气辅成型件内壁剖面水辅成型件内壁剖面不同注射成型游戏机方向盘(020)的中空率和周期时间比较传统注射成型气辅注射成型水辅注射成型中空率(%)06363周期时间(秒)1,200120 60

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