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1、 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】人教版新版小学四年级英语下册第六单元测试题小学四年级英语下册第六单元测试题一 判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T, 不同的写F. (10分)( ) 1. water tiger ( ) 2. bird nurse ( ) 3. tall card ( ) 4. horse homework ( ) 5. apple table二、找朋友,给下列英语单词找正确的中文意思。(8分) l. colourful( ) 2. expensive( ) 3. cheap( ) 4.

2、pretty( ) 5. dress( ) 6. skirt( ) 7. shirt( ) 8. T-shirt( )A便宜的 B短裙 CT恤衫 D昂贵的 E连衣裙 F漂亮的 G色彩丰富的 H衬衫二 选出所给单词不同类的选项。(10分)( ) 1. A. hamburger B. banana C. pear( ) 2. A. am B. is C. them( ) 3. A. sixty B. how much C. how many( ) 4. A. sneakers B. pants C. scandals( ) 5. A. pretty B. cheap C. expensive三 选

3、择填空。(24分) ( )1. Are they all right A. Yes, it is. B. No, they are good. C. Yes, they are. ( )2. How much Thirty-five yuan. A. it is B. are the sneaker C. are the shoes ( ) size A. Size five. B. Five yuan. C. Five oclock. ( )4. How much your jeans A. is B. are C. am ( )5. that dress. A. Look B. look

4、at C. Look on ( )6. 1 want sneakers. A. a B. a pair of C. an ( ) 7.Mary:_ -Assistant: Size seven. A What is size B What size C What size is D Can I help you. ( ) :_ -Tom: Yes, please. A Can I help you B How much is it C Can I wear shirt D Is it size five ( ) : How much is it -Amy:_ A It is eight yua

5、n B It is an apple. C It is not eight yuan D They are eight yuan. ( ) :_ -Jim: They are forty yuan . A How much are they B How much is it C How much they are D How much it is ( ) 11、当你遇到一些需要帮助的人时,你可以主动地说: A Can I help you B Can you help me C Can I have a look ( ) 12 、你刚认识一位外国的朋友,想知道他来自哪里,你应该怎么问: A H

6、i ,what is your name B What are you C Hi ,where are you from 四 按正确顺序排列下列句子。(14分)( ) Ok, Ill take it.( ) How much is it?( ) Can I help you?( ) What size?( ) Its ninety yuan.( ) Size six.( ) Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.五 在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把字母编号写在题前的括号里。(10分) A B( ) they monkeys?A. Size 6.( ) size?

7、B. Yes, they are .( ) this the library? C. Its cool.( ) s the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock.( ) s time is it now? E. Yes, it is.十二、连词成句。(14分) 1. much it how is ( ) _ 2. how like you this do skirt( ) _ 3. is it yuan ten ( . ) _ _ _ 4. are much they how ( ) _ 5. I help can you ( ) _ _ 6、I can

8、them try on () _ _ _ 7、 we take will them (.) _ _六阅读短文,然后判断,对的写T,错的写F。(10分) Im Mike. Im in Shanghai. Its very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But its too expensive. Its fifty yuan.( )s cool in Shanghai.( ) has a new T-shirt.( ) hat is forty yuan.( )s sunny in Shanghai.

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