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1、16. The question is _ me and I have no idea of it. A) beyond B ) over C) beside D) above 17. The output of our pany this month is _ that of last month. A) twice as much as B) twice as much C) twice many as D) twice as many as 18. Hardly had I got home _ the telephone rang. A) then B) when C) as D) t

2、han 19. By the time you get back, I _ all the work. A) would finish B) will have finished C) has finished D) had finished 20. It s required that the students _ the term paper tomorrow. A) finished B) finish C) will finish D) may finish 21._ the final examination is over, we can go outside for picnic

3、. A) Even though B) Now that C) For D) With 22. Tom was the only one of the students who _ named Outstanding Student. A) is B) are C) was D) were 23. There is something wrong with my car. It will take me one hour to have it _. A) fix B) fixing C) to fix D) fixed 24. Seldom _ his wife punishes her ch

4、ildren for speaking out their own ideas freely. A) I saw B) I have seen C) have I seen D) do I see 25. It s high time the government _some measures to raise people s awareness of environmental protection. A) will take B) take C) took D) takes16. The question is _ me and I have no idea of it. A) beyo

5、nd B ) over C) beside D) above 16【答案】A【译文】我不懂这个问题,一点儿也不知道。 【考点】固定搭配 【解析】“beyond sb”意为“为某人所不能理解,超出某人的能力范围”,其他词均无此搭配,故选A。17. The output of our pany this month is _ that of last month. A) twice as much as B) twice as much C) twice many as D) twice as many as 17【答案】A【译文】我们工厂这月的产量是上月的两倍。 【考点】倍数的表达法 【解析】倍

6、数+as much/many as,用much还是many由主语的形式决定。 n A是B的多少倍:n .times as +形容词/副词原级+ as n Our house is three times as big as theirs.n 我们的房子是他们的三倍大n In my class, girls are two times(or twice) as many as boys. n 女生是男生的两倍 n A比B多少倍n times + 形容词/副词的比较级 + thann Our house is three times bigger than theirs.n 我们的房子比他们的大三

7、倍。n 我们的房子是他们的四倍大。n This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. n18. Hardly had I got home _ the telephone rang. A) then B) when C) as D) than 18【答案】B【译文】我一到家xx铃就响了。 【考点】固定搭配 【解析】hardly.when是固定关联词组,意为“一就”,类似的词组还有“scarcelywhen”,“no soonerthan”等。19. By the time you get back, I _ all the work. A)

8、 would finish B) will have finished C) has finished D) had finished 19【答案】B【译文】到你回来的时候,我将已完成所有的工作。 【考点】动词的时态 【解析】by引导的时间短语通常和完成时态连用。“by the time you get back”表示将来的时间,因此主句应用将来完成时态,故选B。20. It s required that the students _ the term paper tomorrow. A) finished B) finish C) will finish D) may finish 20,

9、【答案】B【译文】要求学生们明天完成学期论文。 【考点】虚拟语气 【解析】本题考查的是虚拟语气在主语从句中的用法。其结构为it+形容词或过去分词+主语从句,用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”(should可以省略)。类似的词有“essential,urgent,natural,important,desirable,necessary,ordered”等。 21._ the final examination is over, we can go outside for a picnic. A) Even though B) Now that C) For D) With 21【答案】B

10、【译文】既然期末考试已经结束,那么我们可以外出野餐了。【考点】状语从句【解析】even though引导让步状语从句;now that引导原因状语从句,表“既然”。22. Tom was the only one of the students who _ named Outstanding Student. A) is B) are C) was D) were 22【答案】C【译文】汤姆是这些学生中唯一一名被授予优秀学生称号的人。 【考点】主谓一致 【解析】the only one of+名词,后面的定语从句中的谓语动词用单数形式,但one of+名词后面的定语从句中的谓语动词用复数,又因

11、题中主句时态为一般过去时,故此题选C。 23. There is something wrong with my car. It will take me one hour to have it _. A) fix B) fixing C) to fix D) fixed 23【答集】D 【译文】我的车出问题了,得花费我一小时时间找人修理。 【考点】非谓语动词 【解析】本题考查的是使役动词have后接过去分词作宾语补足语语表被动的用法。此类动词还有:keepfind,leave,make,get等。 24. Seldom _ his wife punishes her children for

12、 speaking out their own ideas freely. A) I saw B) I have seen C) have I seen D) do I see 24【答案】C 【译文】我很少看到他妻子因为孩子自由地说出自己的想法而惩罚孩子。 【考点】倒装结构及时态 【解析】具有否定意义或否定形式的词或词组位于句首时,谓语用部分倒装结构。其他具有否定意义的词还有:never,little,scarcely,hardly,not only等。另外,根据句意应用现在完成时态。 25. It s high time the government _some measures to r

13、aise people s awareness of environmental protection. A) will take B) take C) took D) takes25【答案】C 【译文】现在是时候政府采取措施提高人们的环保意识了。 【考点】虚拟语气 【解析】当Its(high/about)time后接从句时,从句谓语动词用过去时,意为“早该干某事而现在做已经有些晚了”。16. All students are eager to know _they will pass the exam or not. A) if B) that C) whether D) why 17. W

14、hen the couple _ here, they _ to the park. A) will e;will go B) e;go C) will e;go D) e;will go 18. I cannot find Tom anywhere. He _ have been off long. I heard him make a call just now. A) shouldnt B) cant C) mustnt D) neednt 19. No matter who he is, young or old, peoples state of mind tends to keep

15、 _ with the rapid change of society. A) contact B) progress C) touch D) pace 20. To tell you the truth, its very hard for us to help them get rid of Internet addiction. But we _ on this problem trying to improve the situation. A) worked B) had worked C) are working D) had been working 21. There was

16、an earthquake happened, _ 100 people and with more than 300 A) killed; injured B) killing; injured C) killed; injuring D) killing; injuring 22. 50miles southwest of the country _ the famous beautiful mountain. A) laying B) lie C) lies D)lays 23. Everyone has periods in their lives _ everything seems

17、 so hard. A) when B) where C) which D) that 24. Miss Liu doesnt mind _ your homework as long as it is done by yourself. A) you to delay handing in B) your delaying handing in C) your delaying to hand in D) you delay to hand in 25. By no means _ ready to quit her study. A) will she B) she will C) she

18、 is D) is she16. All students are eager to know _they will pass the exam or not. A) if B) that C) whether D) why 16【答案】C 【译文】所有学生都十分渴望知道他们能否通过这次考试。 【考点】连词辨析用法 【解析】根据句意可以排除选项B和D。虽然连词if和whether都有“是否”的含义,但只有whether能与or not搭配。 17. When the couple _ here, they _ to the park. A) will e;will go B) e;go C)

19、will e;go D) e;will go 17【答案】D 【译文】当这对夫妻来到这儿时,他们会去公园。 【考点】动词时态 【解析】在这句中they _to the park是主句,When the couple _ here是从句。当主句是将来时态或表示将来意义时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。 18. I cannot find Tom anywhere. He _ have been off long. I heard him make a call just now. A) shouldnt B) cant C) mustnt D) neednt 18【答案】B 【译文】“我在哪儿都找

20、不到汤姆。”“他一定没走多远,我刚才还听他打xx了呢”。 【考点】考查情态动词与虚拟语气用法 【解析】语境表示语气很肯定的否定判断推测:刚才还听他打xx了,因此他一定没走多远。用cant have done。shouldnt have done表示本不应该做某事;mustnt have done表示禁止做某事;而neednt have done指的是本来没必要做某事。 19. No matter who he is, young or old, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid change of society. A)

21、contact B) progress C) touch D) pace 19【答案】D 【译文】无论老少,人们的想法都能与时俱进。 【考点】动词短语 【解析】选项A与keepwith搭配时应为keep in contact with。选项B无法与keepwith搭配。选项C,keep touch with意为与保持联系。只有keep pace with符合题意,意为与并驾齐驱。20. To tell you the truth, its very hard for us to help them get rid of Internet addiction. But we _ on this

22、problem trying to improve the situation. A) worked B) had worked C) are working D) had been working 20【答案】C 【译文】说实话,帮助他们戒除网瘾很困难,但是我们正在努力解决这个问题。 【考点】动词时态 【解析】根据语境意义,我们可知这个动作正在进行中,因此用现在进行时。 21. There was an earthquake happened, _ 100 people and with more than 300_A) killed; injured B) killing; injured

23、 C) killed; injuring D) killing; injuring 21【答案】B 【译文】最近发生了一次地震,造成死亡l00人,300多人受伤。 【考点】非谓语动词 【解析】第一空用kill的现在分词作状语,表示主动含义和补充说明;第二空用过去分词后置“300(people)”,意为“受伤的”。 22. 50miles southwest of the country _ the famous beautiful mountain. A) laying B) lie C) lies D)lays 22【答案】C 【译文】这个国家西南部50英里的地方坐落着一座美丽的高山。 【考

24、点】倒装结构及主谓一致 【解析】首先要知道词句为倒装句结构,另外根据句意可知,主语为“the famous beautiful mountain”,指的是一座漂亮的山,所以谓语也应该用单数。 lie lied lied lying 说谎 lie lay lain lying 平躺,位于 lay laid laid laying放置,下蛋23. Everyone has periods in their lives _ everything seems so hard. A) when B) where C) which D) that 23【答案】A 【译文】每个人的生命里都有一段什么事情都看

25、似十分艰难的时期。 【考点】定语从句 【解析】本题的关系词引导定语从句修饰periods,指的是一段时期,并在从句中作时间状语,因此选A。 24. Miss Liu doesnt mind _ your homework as long as it is done by yourself. A) you to delay handing in B) your delaying handing in C) your delaying to hand in D) you delay to hand in 24【答案】B 【译文】只要你的作业是自己做的,刘老师并不介意你晚些再交上来。 【考点】动名词

26、用法 【解析】mind和delay后都要接动名词形式。因此选B。 25. By no means _ ready to quit her study. A) will she B) she will C) she is D) is she25【答案】D 【译文】她从来也没准备要辍学。 【考点】倒装结构 【解析】当否定词或含有否定意义的词、短语放在句首时,句子一般要部分倒装,因此只能选择B或D。但因为be ready to do为固定搭配,意为“准备做某事”,故选D;B项缺少谓语。 16. We11 never forget _ in New York last year. A) us to m

27、eet a few friends B)our meeting a few friends C) a few friends to meet D) a few friends meeting 17. Is there any hope of _ the gold medal? A) John to win B) John win C) winning John D) John s winning 18. There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _ trouble. A) mak

28、ing B) to make C) to have made D) having made 19._ her surprise, Miss Wang found nobody in the classroom. A) At B) To C) For D) With 20. Anderson is one of those _ appear friendly but in fact are hard to deal with. A) who B) they C) that D) which 21. I wish they _ in their ball game. A) will be succ

29、eeded B) succeeded C) would be successful D) were success 22. It is difficult for her to make the final decision now, _ she is in a delicate situation. A) if B) unless C) until D) since 23. In old China women used _. A) to look down B) to look down upon C) to be looked down D) to be looked down upon

30、 24. I suppose you know every thing about that event, _ ? A) don t you B) do I C)do you D) don t I 25. Hellen is fond of light music, _ her brother is keen on rock and roll. A) when B) and C) while D) for16. We11 never forget _ in New York last year. A) us to meet a few friends B)our meeting a few f

31、riends C) a few friends to meet D) a few friends meeting 16【答案】B 【译文】我们永远不会忘记去年那次在纽约与几个朋友的会面。 【考点】固定用法 【解析】forget后面既可以接不定式,即forget to do sth,意为“忘记要做某事”;又可以接动名词,即forget doing sth,意为“忘记做过某事”。根据句意,故选B。 17. Is there any hope of _ the gold medal? A) John to win B) John win C) winning John D) John s winni

32、ng 17【答案】D 【译文】约翰有希望赢得金牌吗?【考点】非谓语动词 【解析】如果动名词动作的发出者不是句子的主语时,则需要有自己的逻辑主语,其形式为:物主代词+动名词;名词或人称代词宾格+动名词;名词s+动名词。根据题意,故选D。 18. There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _ trouble. A) making B) to make C) to have made D) having made 18【答案】B 【译文】接待处有个男人看起来非常生气,我想他要找麻烦。

33、【考点】固定用法 【解析】mean to do意为“打算做某事”;mean doing意为“意味着”。根据句意,故选B。19._ her surprise, Miss Wang found nobody in the classroom. A) At B) To C) For D) With 19【答案】B 【译文】令王老师惊讶的是,她发现教室里一个人也没有。 【考点】固定搭配 【解析】to ones surprise为固定搭配,意为“令某人惊讶的是”。故选B。 20. Anderson is one of those _ appear friendly but in fact are har

34、d to deal with. A) who B) they C) that D) which 20【答案】A 【译文】安得森是外表和蔼儿实际上去很难相处的人中的一个。 【考点】定语从句 【解新】这里需要一个表示人的关系代词,四个词中,只有who最合适。故选A。 21. I wish they _ in their ball game. A) will be succeeded B) succeeded C) would be successful D) were success 21【答案】B 【译文】我希望他们在球赛中取得成功。 【考点】虚拟语气 【解析】wish后面的从句要用虚拟语气,这

35、里是现在时,所以从句要用动词的过去式,故选B。22. It is difficult for her to make the final decision now, _ she is in a delicate situation. A) if B) unless C) until D) since 22【答案】D 【译文】因为她处境微妙,所以现在很难作最后的决定。 【考点】状语从句 【解析】四个词中,只有since可以引导原因状语从句,表示“由于,因为”的意思,故选D。 23. In old China women used _. A) to look down B) to look dow

36、n upon C) to be looked down D) to be looked down upon 23【答案】D 【译文】在旧中国妇女常常被人瞧不起。 【考点】被动语态 【解析】used to do sth表示“过去常常做某事”,而根据句意可知,women与谓语动词之间是被动关系,look down upon表示“瞧不起”,这里应该用它的被动语态,故选D。 24. I suppose you know every thing about that event, _ ? A) don t you B) do I C)do you D) don t I 24【答案】A 【译文】我想你了解

37、事件的一切,是吗? 【考点】反意疑问句 【解析】当主句谓语是think,believe,expect,suppose,imagine等引导的宾语从句时,疑问部分应与宾语从 句相对应构成反意疑问句。所以应忽略主句I suppose,根据从句来选择。从句是肯定句,主语是you,故选A。 25. Hellen is fond of light music, _ her brother is keen on rock and roll. A) when B) and C) while D) for25【答案】C 【译文】海伦喜欢轻音乐,而她弟弟却热衷于摇滚乐。 【考点】连词的用法 【解析】四个可供选择

38、的连词中,只有while可表示对比之意,有“而”的意思。故选C。16._,Gloria started looking for work. A) All the money being spent B) All the money having been spent C) All the money spend D) Spending all the money 17. It will take you one hour and fifty minutes _ the top of Mount Tai. A) reaching B) to reach C) being reached D) h

39、aving been reached 18._ the news, Ida changed her plans. A) In hearing B) To hear C) Of hearing D) On hearing 19. Tony is talking about the friends and the food _ interest him. A) which B) who C) that D)as 20. I didnt understand at first why he couldnt pass the test, no matter _ hard he had tried. A

40、) when B) where C) what D) how 21. In the _ half of the 17th century those cities became even more prosperous. A) latter B) latest C) later D) late 22. _ ing here, I havent seen a single person. A) Since B) From C) By D) At 23. Between 1975 and 1996, the number of overseas visitors expanded _ 27% on

41、 average each year. A) in B) by C) for D) to 24. So little _ about chemistry that the lecture was pletely beyond me. A) did I know B) I know C) do I know D) I knew 25. Had I known the result, I _ you to tell me. A) would not ask B) would not have asked C) had not asked D) have not asked16._,Gloria s

42、tarted looking for work. A) All the money being spent B) All the money having been spent C) All the money spend D) Spending all the money 16【答案】B 【译文】钱全部花光之后,格洛丽娅开始找工作。 【考点】独立主格结构 【解析】这是非谓语动词中分词的独立主格结构。分词动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,因此要用完成时,故选B。 17. It will take you one hour and fifty minutes _ the top of Mount Tai. A) reaching B) to reach C) being reached D) having

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