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1、2014年秋季一加一教育高一年级英语讲义(二十)模块一二语法复习编写人:蔡丹丹 审核人:刘老师 2015/1/6Part I 模块一语法 定语从句复1.Theplace_interestedmemostwastheChildrensPalace.A.Which B.where C.what D.inwhich2.Doyouknowtheman_?A.whomIspoke B.towhospoke C.Ispoketo D.thatIspoke3.Thisisthehotel_lastmonth.A.whichtheystayed B.atthattheystayedC.wheretheysta

2、yedat D.wheretheystayed4.Doyouknowtheyear_theChinesemunistPartywasfounded?A.which B.that C.when D.onwhich5.Thatistheday_Illneverforget.A.which B.onwhich C.inwhich D.when6.Thefactory_wellvisitnextweekisnotfarfromhere.A.whereB.towhichC.whichD.inwhich7.Greatchangeshavetakenplacesincetheninthefactory_we

3、areworking.A.whereB.thatC.whichD.there8.Thisisoneofthebestfilms_.A.thathavebeenshownthisyear B.thathaveshownC.thathasbeenshownthisyear D.thatyoutalked9.Canyoulendmethebook_theotherday? A.aboutwhichyoutalked B.whichyoutalkedC.aboutthatyoutalked D.thatyoutalked10.Thepen_heiswritingismine.A.withwhichB.

4、inwhichC.onwhichD.bywhich11.Theyarrivedatafarmhouse,infrontof_satasmallboy.A.whomB.who C.which D.that12.Theengineer_myfatherworksisabout50yearsold.A.towhom B.onwhom C.withwhich D.withwhom13.Itthereanyoneinyourclass_familyisinthecountry?A.whoB.whosC.whichD.whose14.Iminterestedin_youhavesaid.A.allthat


6、ike_asyouread.A.thenovels B.thesuchnovels C.suchnovels D.samenovels20.Hetalkedalotaboutthingsandpersons_theyrememberedintheschool.A.whichB.thatC.whomD.what21.Theletterisfrommysister,_isworkinginBeijing.A.whichB.thatC.whomD.who22.Inourfactorythereare2,000workers,twothirdsof_arewomen.A.themB.whichC.wh








14、olB.thistheschoolC.thisschooloneD.thisschoolwhere48.Johngotbeateninthegame,_hadbeenexpected.A.asB.thatC.whatD.who49.Ihaveboughttwoballpens,_writeswell.A.noneofthemB.neitherofthemC.neitherofwhichD.noneofwhich50.Allthatcanbeeaten_eatenup.A.arebeingB.hasbeenC.hadbeenD.havebeen Part II语法时态的趣味分级练习题时态的趣味练

15、习题第1级1. Dont make so much noise . The students an English class . A. are having B. have C. had D. were having 2. Where is the librarian ? She to the bookshop . A. went B. has gone C. goes D. will go 3. Nice to see you . I you for a long time . I in Beijing . Ive just e back .A. hadnt seen , am B. ha

16、vent seen , was C. didnt see , will be D. havent seen , shall be4. Hell go to work in Xian when he school next year .A. leaves B. is leaving C. will leave D. has left5. five years since we began learning English . A. There are B. It was C. It is D. They have been6. He told the policeman that Kate ne

17、ar the lake at this time yesterday evening . A. was playing B. is playing C. has played D. plays7. Do you know Betty very well ? Yes , she and I friends since we met in Guangzhou last summer . A. have made B. have bee C. have been D. have turned 8. Tom , can I borrow your book Chicken Soup ? Sorry ,

18、 I it to Mary . A. lent B. have lent C. had lent D. lend 9. Everyone except Tom and John there when the meeting began . A. is B. was C. are D. were10. Dongdong has Greener China for two months . A. joined B. taken part in C. been D. been a member of11. Do you know why she Mr. Jordan tomorrow ? She h

19、as changed her mind . A. wont visit B. didnt visit C. doesnt visit D. hasnt visited12. It seems to me that Lucy and Lily your classmates . A. is B. are C. has D. have13. The lady until she was 40 . A. didnt get married B. got married C. hadnt got married D. married 14. Mr. Green always tells his dau

20、ghter a story before she to sleep . A. will go B. went C. is going D. goes 15. By the end of last term , we three English films . A. will see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen 16. Rick ! Your jacket is wet through . Didnt you listen to the weather report this morning ? No , I didnt . I was in a hurry

21、. Besides , it when I left . A. hadnt rained B. would rain C. rained D. wasnt raining 17. His sister her hometown for three years . Shell return next year . A. left B. has left C. has been away D. has been away from 18. China the WTO and became a new member of it last year . A. joined B. join C. wil

22、l join D. has joined 19. We will stay at home if my aunt to visit us tomorrow . A. es B. will e C. is ing 20. When you your old friend ? The day before yesterday .A. will ; visit B. did ; visit C. have ; visited 时态的趣味练习题第2级1. you TV at the moment ?No , you can turn it off . A. Did ; watch B. Are ; w

23、atching C. Do ; watch D. Have ; watched2. If I free next Sunday . I to the farm with you .A. will be ; will go B. am ; will go C. am ; go D. will be ; go3. I often my homework after supper . But yesterday evening I a newspaper . A. do ; readed B. do ; read C. did ; read D. did ; readed4. There was a

24、n important meeting last night . Mr. Smith to it . A. was invited B. invited C. is invited D. invites 5. At the end of the meeting Miss Green two minutes to decide whether she should join the project or not . A. gave B. had given C. was given D. was giving6. Your sweater looks nice , is it wool ? Ye

25、s , and its Inner Mongolia .A. made of , made byB. made of , made inC. made by , made for D. made by , made from 7. The old man needs at most five hours sleep a night , but he for over seven hours tonight .A. has gone to bed B. has sleptC. has gone to sleepD. has fallen asleep8. you the film yet ? Y

26、es . I it last Saturday .A. Will ; see ; saw B. Did ; see ; saw C. Have ; seen ; have seenD. Have ; seen ; saw9. Mrs. Black with my mother when I saw her an hour ago . A. talks B. was talking C. has talked D. is talking10. I have this nice bike for more than two mouths .A. bought B. borrowed C. lent

27、 D. had11. Be quick , the door ! Youll just in time .A. is closing ; make it B. is closed ; miss itC. has closed ; go outD. will close ; catch it12. Your city looks beautiful ! Yes . Lots of trees and grass last year . A. are planted B. have planted C. were planting D. were planted 13. What the fore

28、st of the US. in the last 350 years ?A. has happened to B. is happened to C. has happened at D. is happening14. Please dont stand up in class until you .A. were told to B. are told to C. were told D. are told15. Im really getting too fat . From now on , I more exercise and eat less food . A. do B. a

29、re doing C. have done D. will do16. The rubbish in the river .A. is smelt bad B. smells badly C. is smelt badly D. smells bad17. The radio says a wild animal zoo is to in our city .A. be building B. build C. be built D. built18. Excuse me . What did you say you would like to do , Miss. White ? I sai

30、d Id better go back to the office . I someone this afternoon . A. would meet B. met C. am going to D. was meeting19. Would you like to play volleyball with me ? Sorry , I have to finish my diary before my mother back .A. es B. e C. will e D. came20. It must be on Channel 2 . Try that . I that . But

31、I still cant get anything . A. will try B. try C. have tried D. tried时态的趣味练习题第3级1. Jack his homework yet ; so he wont go out with his friends . A. finishes B. has finished C. doesnt finish D. hasnt finished2. How do you like HangZhou , Miss Read ? Sorry , I there . A. have gone B. have been C. haven

32、t gone D. havent been3. to the United States ? No , never , but I went to Canada a few years ago . A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Did you go D. Will you go4. Do you know why she Mr. Wang tomorrow ? She has changed her mind . A. wont visit B. didnt visit C. doesnt visit D. hasnt visited5. His g

33、randfather for over two years .A. has died B. has been dead C. has dead D. died6. This painting to a museum in New York in 1977 . A. sells B. sold C. was sold D. is sold 7. Well go for a picnic if it this Friday .A. wont rain B. isnt raining C. doesnt rain D. dont rain8. Dad , please open the door ,

34、 it . Ok , dear . I am ing . A. locks B. locked C. is locked D. was locked9. When we got to the cinema , the film for ten minutes . A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. had been on10. Im sorry , Mr. White cant see you now . He a meeting .A. has B. has had C. is having D. will have11. I dont k

35、now if he will e . If he , please let me know .A. will e B. e C. es D. is ing12. Jack to several places in North China since he came to Beijing with his parents . A. was traveling B. had traveled C. is traveling D. had traveled13. I wasnt at home yesterday . I to help with the harvest on the farm .A. asked B. was asked C. was asking D. has asked14. I can find few children in the classroom . Where are they ? They the Wo

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