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1、化学专业英语unite 1. Inorganic chemistry1.1 what is chemistry(1). 重点专业词汇讲解: Chemical: adj . 化学的、化学药品 Transformation: 变化,化学转变,转化 Dye: n. 染料 染色 , 或者vt. 染Charcoal: tkl 木炭Cellulose :纤维素 细胞的 seljlz; Fat:n. 脂肪 肥肉 adj . 肥大的alkalis: 碱 adj . 碱性的glycerin: 甘油 丙三醇alkalis: n. 碱金属alloy: 合金使成合金bronze: 青铜色的 n. 青铜(铜和锡的合金)

2、brass:brs n. 黄铜(铜和锌)要求学生会区别黄铜及青铜的不同翻译Poison:毒物 毒药 nt. 毒害 放毒 下毒Proton:n. 质子Nulei: n. 核 (nucleus的复数形式)njuklsIdentical : adj . 同一的Chirality n. 手性 手征 和Handeness的区别 Amino acid :n. 氨基酸Alanine: n.丙氨酸2. 课文中重点词组(phrase)Chemical change: 化学变化 physical change:物理变化Explore: 探险 研究 research investigate studyIsolate

3、: 分离 chemical bonds 化学键 chemical reaction: 化学反应Natural substance 天然物质Coke :焦炭 carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳Chemical bond 化学键 fundamental principle 基本原理The periodic table of elements :元素周期表 numbers of protons 质子数 atomic number 原子序数 covalent bonds 共价键 positive 正 阳性 negative 负 阴性3. 课文中重点句子Th

4、e first and most important principle is that chemical substances are made up of molecules in which atoms of various elements are linked in well-defined ways. 需要着重给学生讲解第一条也是最重要的原理是化学物质是有分子组成的,分子中的不同元素的原子是以一定的方式连接在一起的。Covalent bonds, in which two atoms are held together by a pair of electrons shared b

5、etween them, are the bonds that hold the atoms of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen togahter in cellulose. 对于共价键,两个原子靠它们之间公用的一对电子把它们连接在一起。例如纤维素中连接碳原子、氧原子和氢原子的键就是共价键。1.2 more about chemistry as the useful ScienceComposite: 合成的,复合的。复合物 composite compound 复合物Polyester: 聚酯 poly- 多、 聚、 多个等Superconductor:超导体 s

6、uper-Resistance:电阻 friction: 摩擦力Contamination 污染 污染物 additive 附加的 添加剂 Antioxidant 抗氧化剂 anti- 抗、 防 反对其他词汇有兴趣的可以掌握。1.3 the atomic theory and the periodic table(1)重点词汇的学习Atomistic :原子论的 particulate: 微粒 微粒的Alchemical:炼金术的 precious metal:贵金属Revision: 修订conservation:保存 守恒Peroxide:过氧化物 proton 质子Neutron:中子

7、subatomic 亚原子的 次原子的 nucleus 核子 alchemist:炼金术士 empirical 经验主义的 实验式Atomic number 原子序数 periodic table 周期表 alkaline 碱性的 碱的 碱性Inert 惰性的 noble 贵金属 1.5 nomenclature of inorganic compound(1) 重点词汇的学习 Nomenclature : 命名法 术语 Nonmetallic: 非金属的 adj . 非金属物质 Suffix: 词尾, 后缀 Prefix: 前缀, 词头。nt. 添以词头 Binary : 二进位的 二元的

8、adj. 二 双。 Electropositive element: 阳元素, 电正性元素。 Electronegative element 电负性元素。 Stem: 词干。(2)短语词组:需要掌握Inorganic compound 无机化合物Positively charge : 带正电性的Binary compound 二元化合物Metal and nometal 金属和非金属 表示什么化的 element 加ide 例如 boride 硼化 chloride 氯化Variable oxidation number 可变氧化数The International Union of Pure

9、 and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)国际纯粹与应用化学会Roman nuberal 罗马数字Chloride ion 氯离子Molecule 分子Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Momo= 1 tetra=4 deca=10Di=2 penta=5Tri=3 hexa=6Hydroxide 氢氧根 cyanide 氰根离子 ammonium 铵根离子Polyatomic ion多原子离子Acid 酸Dissolve 溶解 property 性质Formula 分子式(3) 重点句子: Binary compound in w

10、hich the electropositive element has a fixed oxidation state The majority of these compound contain a metal and a nometal . the chemical name is composed of the name of the metal ,which is written first , followed by the name of the nometal, which has been modified to an identifying stem plus the su

11、ffix ide翻译:二元化合物仅含两种不同的元素。它们的名字由两部分构成:电正性元素的名称及紧接在其后的电负性元素的名称,电负性元素的名称经修改后以ide结尾。Binary compound containing two nometals:The chemical bond that exists between two nometals is predominantly covalent. In a covalent compound , positive and negative oxidation numbers are assigned to the elements accordi

12、ng to their electronegativities. The most electropositive element is named first.翻译:存在于两种非金属之间的化学键主要是共价键。在共价化合物中,根据元素的电负性来指定元素的正氧化数和负氧化数。电正性的元素命名在先。Unit 3 organic chemistry14 nomenclature of saturated hydrocarbons and their radicals (1) saturated unbranched acyclic hydrocarbon and univalent radicals

13、 饱和直链烷烃和烷基的命名(掌握) (2)saturated branched-chain compound and univalent radicals饱和支链化合物及其一价基团的命名(掌握) (3)烷烃命名的规则 the 8 rules of nomenclature (掌握)(1) 重点词汇的学习Hydrocarbon 烃 碳氢化合物Radical:基团Unbranched 无支链的 Acyclic hydrocarbons 无环烃Methane 甲烷Alkyls 烷基类 链烃基化合物Univalent 单价的 一价的Substituent 取代 取代的Alphabetical 以字母顺

14、序的 , 字母的(2)重点句子的翻译Rule 1.2 Univalent radicals derived from saturated unbranched acyclic hydrocarbons by removal of hydrogen from a terminal carbon atom are named by replacing the ending “-ane” of the name the hydrocarbon by “-yl” . the carbon atom with the free valence is numbered as 1. as a class ,

15、 these radicals are called normal or unbranched chain, alkyls,翻译:从饱和直链碳氢化合物的一个终端碳原子去掉一个氢原子后所得到的一价基团的命名是将该碳氢化合物名称中的“ane”改为“yl”。具有自由键的碳原子编号为1. 作为这一类,这些基团称为正碳链或直链烷基。15 nomenclature of saturated hydrocarbons and their radicals (1) unsaturated compounds and univalent radicals 不饱和化合物及其一价基团的命名 (2)不饱和化合物的命名

16、规则 the 5 rules of nomenclature (掌握)重点词汇:Alkene: 烯烃 链烃Alkadiene: 链二烯Alkatriene: 三烯烃Ethylene 乙烯 乙烯基Allene: 丙二烯Acetylene: 乙炔 电石气Ethynyl: 乙炔基Vinyl: 乙烯基Allyl: 烯丙基Isopropenyl: 异丙烯基重点句子:Unsaturated unbranced acyclic hydrocarbons having one double bond are named by replacing the ending “-ane” of the name of

17、 the corresponding saturated hydrocarbon with the ending “-ene”重点讲解的内容:one double bond: - ane ene ethylene:eili:n one triple bond : -ane yne propyne prupain butyne 丁炔hydride: haidraid 氢化物 acetylene: setili:n 乙炔 电石气locant: 位次rule-4 2 or 3 choice (1). maximum carbon atom number(2) maximum number doubl

18、e bonds (3) lowest possible number of double triple bonds locant summary:Butane: bju:tein Butene bju:ti:n 1-丁烯Butyne16. nomenclature of other organic compounds (1) unsaturated compounds and univalent radicals 不饱和化合物及其一价基团的命名(掌握) (2)不饱和化合物的命名规则 the 5 rules of nomenclature (掌握) 重点词汇: Alcohol:美lkhl 酒精

19、乙醇, 醇 Infix: 美nfks 插入中缀 Ketone: 美kiton 酮 Aldehyde: 美ld,had 醛Carboxylic ,krbkslk 羧酸的Ether: i: 醚 乙醚 Ester:est 酯Amine:mi:n, min 胺Amide: maid 酰胺phthalate :l,et . 邻苯二甲酸酯;邻苯二甲酸sulfonic acid: slfunik 磺酸alkane: lkein 链烷diol: daiul 二醇methanol: menl 甲醇unambiguous: nmbigjus 清楚的 明白的讲解的重点内容:Alcohol: R-OH 链烷去除 “e

20、” 中间为 +数字中缀 + suffix “ol” Example: CH3CH2CH2OH 丙-1-醇 propan-1-ol CH2OHCH2OH 乙-1,2-二醇 ethane-1,2-diol优先权时: “Hydroxy” 2-hydroxypropanoic acidFunctional group: 官能团Ketone: R-CO-R : 链烷 Pentane: pentein 戊烷Example: CH3CH2CH2COCH3 Pentan-2-oneBenzophenone: benzufinun 苯甲酮 Acetone:situn CH3COCH3 propan-2-one优

21、先权时: “oxo” 3-oxohexanal 3-氧代己醛Aldehyde: R-CHO ethanal: enl aldehyde carbon “1CHOCH2COOH 3-oxopropanoic acid 3-氧代丙酸羰基碳不在碳链上(环醛) 前缀:乙酰或后缀: 卡巴醛6. carboxylic acid CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH Pentanoic acid 戊酸Benzene: benzi:n 苯 benzoic benzuik 苯甲酸Ether:R-C-R CH3COCH2CH3 methoxyethane 甲乙醚alkyl lkil 烷基 烃基ester: CH3CH

22、2 CH2 CH2COOCH3 methyl pentan oate oic乙酸乙酯: ethyl acetateCation: ktain 阳离子Unit 4 physical chemistry18. the first law of thermodynamics (1) 让学生掌握一些常见的物理化学专业术语 (2) 学生能够理解热力学第一定律的英语表达a.重点词汇 vocabularythermodynamics 热力学macroscopic 宏观的 肉眼可见的entropy 熵organism 有机体 生物体 微生物isothermal 等温的 等温线adiabatic 绝热的 隔热的

23、density: 密度calorie 卡路里 calorimeter 热量计infinitesimal 无穷小的kinetic:kinetik; kai- 动力学system 系统surrounding 环境in an open system 开放体系in a close system 密闭系统in an isolated system 孤立系统an adiabatic system 绝热系统heat 热 disorderly motion energy 能work工 orderly motioninternal energy: 内能kinetic and potential energy 动

24、能和失能、state function 态函数thermodynamic calculation 热力学计算path function 过程函数extensive or intensive property 广度或强度性质temperature densitymass amount of substance volume pressure the fist law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律the conservation of energy 能量守恒定律initial and final stateheat capacity 热容重点句子:Thermodynamics

25、 is a macroscopic science, and its most fundamental level is the study of two physical quantities , energy and entropy. 热力学 是一门宏观科学,它在最基本的水平上对能量和熵两个物理量进行研究。Thermodynamics determines the potential for chemical change, not the rate of chemical change-that is the domain of chemical kinetic. furthermore

26、, because it is such a common(and confusing) misconception that the potential for the change depends upon the release of energy, it should also be noted that it is not energy,but entropy which is the final arbiter of chemical change.热力学决定一个化学变化的潜能,而不是化学变化的速度,化学变化的速度是动力学研究的范畴。化学变化的潜能取决于释放出的能量,这是一个通常(

27、很容易混淆)的错误的概念,我们应当注意到熵才是化学变化的最终仲裁者,而不是能量。19. spontaneity,enthalpy, and entropy2. 教学重点及难点 (1) 让学生掌握一些常见的物理化学专业术语 (2) 学生能够理解热力学第二定律的英语表达a. 重点词汇 vocabularyspontaneity: 自发性enthalpy:焓entropy:熵surrounding环境potential energy 动能kinetic energy 动能combustion:燃烧exothermic: eksu:mik 放热的evolve 进展 生成stopcock:活塞endot

28、hermic: end:mk 吸热的randomness: 随机性disorder:混乱度thermodynamic 热力学的state function :状态函数conserve:守恒 保存flask: 瓶子 长颈瓶 重点词组:a resting place: 静态molecule molecular system 分子体系spontaneous process 自发过程evacuate:抽空 排空ice cube:冰块 冰融化 空调 冰箱 水泵 提重物 铁生锈锌和硫酸铜 等 碳酸钙分解 高温The second law of thermodynamics 热力学第二定律重点句子:In f

29、act,the change that occurs in the surrounding cause an increase in the entropy of the surroundings that occur in the surroundings that occurs in the system and that in the surroundings(which is the entropy change in the universe caused by that process)must be positive.翻译 :事实上,环境发生变化引起环境的熵增,这个熵增比体系的熵

30、减值更大,并且环境的熵变(它是由该过程引起的宇宙的熵变)一定是正值。No process that produce order (low entropy) in a system can proceed without producing an even large disorder(high entropy) in its surroundings.翻译:使体系变得有序(熵减)的过程如果没有在环境中产生更大的无序(熵增)是不可能进行的。Title: Removal of Nltrogen Monoxide through a Novel Catalytlc Process. 1. Decom

31、posltion on Excessively Copper Ion Exchanged ZSM-5 ZeolitesMasakazu Iwamoto,* Hidenori Yahiro, Kenji Tanda, Noritaka Mizuno, Yosihiro Mine, and Sbuichi KagawatJ. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95, 3727-3730Abstract: Repeated ion exchange of the ZSM-5 zeolite using aqueous copper(I1) acetate solution was found to

32、 bring about excess loading of copper ions above an exchange level of 100%. The high activity of the resulting catalyst for NO decomposition was consistent for at least 30 h even at short contact time and low NO pressure. The number of copper ions that can adsorb NO molecules has been determined by

33、a temperature-programmed desorption technique combined with IR measurement; 94% of Cu2+ ions in ZSM-5 were active for the adsorption. The activity of excessively copper ion exchanged ZSM-5 zeolite was slightly reduced by the oxygen in the feed gas while that of the zeolite, of which the loading amou

34、nt of copper was less than 100%, was greatly diminished under the same condition. SO2 completely poisons the activity at 673-923 K, but the activity can be regenerated at the higher temperature treatment. 标题:通过新型催化法去除一氧化氮。1.分解过剩铜离子交换ZSM-5型分子筛Masakazu Iwamoto,* Hidenori Yahiro, Kenji Tanda, Noritaka

35、Mizuno, Yosihiro Mine, and Sbuichi Kagawat(作者,没有翻译)J.物理学。化学。 1991年,95,3727-3730摘要:研究发现当用水合铜离子溶液反复交换ZSM-5分子筛时,可以导致铜离子的交换程度达到过载100以上。所得到的催化剂对于NO的分解活性之高与反应时间为30h的催化率一致,即使在催化剂与NO的接触时间很短且NO的分压很小的情况下。我们可以借助一个红外探测程序升温解吸技术来测定铜离子对NO分子的吸收效率。尤其是当ZSM-5分子筛中的Cu2+浓度达到94%的时候催化活性达到最高值。当分子筛中的原料气含有少量氧气时,过剩铜离子交换ZSM-5型分

36、子筛的吸收NO活性会略有降低,在673-923 K时SO2气体会是催化剂中毒失活,但是在较高温度下该催化剂可被重新处理使之再次具有催化活性。This work reports improved electrode kinetics of ethanol oxidation on the conducting polymer composite matrix, poly-vinyl carbazole (PNVC) crossed linked with V2O5 and embedded with Pt-Pd nano crystallites. The metal incorporated

37、polymer composite produces much higher current for ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline medium compared to their carbon supported counterpart. The former also exhibits higher tolerance to CO-poisoning leading to a satisfactory level of ethanol conversion to the end products as estimated by chromato

38、graphic analysis. The structure and morphology of the catalysts surface were determined by SEM and XRD analysis. Various electrochemical techniques were employed to evaluate the kinetic parameters related to electro-oxidation of ethanol. Activation energy for the oxidation reaction is remarkably red

39、uced, using the PNVC support, consistently throughout an extended potential region.这项工作向我们展示了乙醇电氧化反应以导电高分子聚合物(PS:聚乙烯基咔唑(PNVC)与V2O5交叉同时嵌入 Pt-Pd纳米微晶颗粒)为配合物的电极动力学研究。对乙醇电氧化反应来讲,在碱性介质中金属以高分子聚合物作为配合物产生的电流比金属以碳为配合物产生的电流更大。而且第一种方法也表现出对CO毒化作用较高的适应度,同时通过色谱分析我们也可以评估出该电极对于乙醇的电氧化程度也可达到一个令人满意的水平。我们通过电镜扫描分析和X-射线衍射分析可得到催化剂表面的结构和形态。同时我们运用多种电化学设备对乙醇电催化的动力学参数进行分析。通过PNVC的支持,乙醇电氧化反应的活化能显著降低,始终维持在一个扩展的潜力区。

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