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1、Primary School English Work ReportCATALOGUE目录Job DescriptionKey achievementsProblems accounted for and solutionsSelf assessment/reflectionFuture plans01Job DescriptionDesigning and implementing English current to meet the needs of students at different levelsAssessing and providing feedback on stude

2、nts progress,including written work,oral expression,and grammarPreparing and delivering engaging less plans,including interactive activities,role plays,and group discussionsMonitoring students learning difficulties and improving external support or resources to address themEnglish teaching tasksOrga

3、nizing English related extracurricular activities,such as English corners,speech challenges,and drama performancesAssisting students in the preparation of extracurricular activities,providing guidance on project ideas,content development,and presentation skillsEvaluating and providing feedback on st

4、udents participation and performance in extracurricular activitiesCoordinating with other teachers or external partners to bring in guest speakers or organize cultural exchange programsExtracurricular activity organizationRegularly communicating with parents to update them on their childrens progres

5、s in English learningCollaborating with parents to create a positive learning environment at home,such as encoding language practice or setting up learning resourcesInviting parents to participate in school events or activities to enhance their understanding of the teaching process and improve paren

6、t team cooperationAnswering parents questions and addressing their concerns about their childs performance or learning difficultiesParental communication and cooperation02Key achievements90%of students achieved an improvement in English grades compared to the previous semesterThe average improvement

7、 in English grades among all students was 20%The highest improvement in English grades was 50%,achieved by a student who had previously been struggling with the subjectImprovement of student English grades Awards in English competitionsOur school wont be the first place in the regional English speec

8、h contestTwo students were awarded the runner up price in the national English writing competitionThree students received certificates of participation in the international English debiting competition95%of parents expressed satisfaction with the quality of English education at our school80%of paren

9、ts reported an improvement in their childrens English grades compared to the previous year70%of parents said they would recommend our schools English program to other parentsParental satisfaction feedback03Problems accounted for and solutionsSummary Stimulating InterestDetailed description Teachers

10、can stimulate students interest in learning and improve their enthusiasm for learning English through innovative teaching methods,such as using games,songs,and stories.Lake of motivation for students to learn EnglishSummary Building ConfidenceDetailed description For students who lack confidence,tea

11、chers can provide more encouragement and affirmation to help them build confidence in learning English,thereby enhancing their learning motivation.Lake of motivation for students to learn English Practical ApplicationSummary Allowing students to apply English in practical life,such as English corner

12、s,English drama performances,etc.,can make them feel the importance of learning English and improve their learning motivation.Detailed descriptionLake of motivation for students to learn EnglishSummary Introducing multimedia teachingDetailed description Utilizing multimedia resources such as PPTs,vi

13、deos,and audio can enrich classroom teaching content and improve teaching effectiveness.Improvement of teaching methods Interactive teachingSummary Using interactive teaching methods,such as group discussions,role-playing,etc.,can increase student participation and enhance classroom interactivity.De

14、tailed descriptionImprovement of teaching methodsImprovement of teaching methodsPersonalized teachingSummaryBased on the different needs and characteristics of students,adopting personalized teaching methods can better meet their learning needs and improve teaching effectiveness.Detailed description

15、VS Strengthen communicationDetailed description A good communication mechanism should be established between schools and families to timely understand the learning situation of students and jointly solve learning problems.SummaryCommunication issues in family school cooperationSummary Holding parent

16、 teacher meetingsDetailed description Regularly holding parent teacher meetings for face-to-face communication between teachers and parents can better promote cooperation between families and schools.Communication issues in family school cooperation Utilizing Modern Communication ToolsSummary By usi

17、ng modern communication tools such as WeChat,QQ,etc.,it is convenient and efficient to communicate with parents and provide timely feedback on students learning progress.Detailed descriptionCommunication issues in family school cooperation04Self assessment/reflection在此添加您的文本17字在此添加您的文本16字在此添加您的文本16字

18、在此添加您的文本16字在此添加您的文本16字在此添加您的文本16字Enhanced language proficiency:Obtained a deep understanding of the English language through teaching,including grammar,vocabulary,and promotionImproved less planning:Developed more effective lesson plans that are engaging and challenging for studentsInnovation in tea

19、ching methods:Experimented with new teaching techniques and materials to make learning more enjoyable and effectiveImprovement of ones own teaching abilityTime management:Improved ability to manage time effectively,ensuring that all teaching tasks are completed within the allocated time frameworkImp

20、rovement of management capabilityClassroom management:Developed better skills in managing student behavior and creating a positive learning environmentImprovement of management capabilityStaff management:Gained experience in managing and leading a team of teachers,including assigning tasks,providing

21、 feedback,and resolving conflictsImprovement of management capabilityStronger communication skills:Improved ability to communicate effectively with colleagues,sharing ideas and collaborating on projectsEnhanced team spirit:Developed a strong sense of team identity and being ongoing,working together

22、to achieve common goalsReflection on personal impact:Reflected on how ones actions and decisions have impacted the team,learning from misses and identifying areas for improvementReflection on Teamwork05Future plans1.Incorporate more interactive and student-centered teaching methods,such as project b

23、ased learning and role playing,to enhance students English communication skills2.Introduce digital technology into the classroom,allowing students to engage with online resources and interactive games to enhance their English learning experience3.Encourage teachers to collaborate with each other and

24、 share best practices to improve the quality of English instructionTeaching Method Innovation Program1.Implement individualized learning plans for students,taking into account their unique needs,interests,and learning styles2.Provide additional support and resources for students who need extra help

25、in English,such as after school tutoring or extracurricular activities3.Regularly assess students progress and adjust the teaching plan according to ensure that they are making satisfactory progress in EnglishPersonalized teaching plan for students1.Increase communication between teachers and parent

26、s to share information about students progress in English and identify areas where additional support is needed3.Arrange regular parent teacher meetings to discuss strategies for improving students English proficiency and address any concerns or suggestions raised by parents2.Encourage parents to actively participate in their childrens English learning by providing resources and activities at homeHome school cooperation deepening planTHANKSFOR感谢您的观看WATCHING

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