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1、三年级英语期末专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_专项练习一 选词填空1. September 1st is our _(one, first) day of school.2. Wele back _(to , of ) school.3. Where _(am, is, are) you from? I_(am, is , are ) from Canada.4. We _(have, has) PE today.5. When _(is, are) your birthday?6. What can we do _(of , for ) our teachers?Lets _(make, make

2、s) some cards for them.7. Miss Wang _( e, es) from Shanghai,8.- _(When , Who) knows the tenth month in English?-Its October.9. The _( twelve, twelfth) month is December.10. Im good _(in, at) English.11. I want to run _(in, on) the race.12. Teachers Day is _(in, on) September 10th.13. Whats the weath

3、er like _(in, on) winter _(in, on) Beijing?Its _(wind, windy) and _(dry, wet).14. I have _( twenty, tenth) markers.15. I collect (ruler, rulers). I like _(they , them) all.16. Fifty _(minus, plus) ten is forty.17. Forty _(minus, plus) twenty is sixty.18. There_(is, are ) four seasons in a year.19.My

4、 birthday is _(in, on) September.20. How old _(am, is , are ) you? I _(am ,is , are) eight.专项练习二 单词归类Exercise one 写出与下列同类的单词1.January September November _2. third seventh first _3. red yellow blue _4. twenty ten forty _5. ruler marker pencil _6. on in at _7. hot cold warm _8. spring autumn winter _9

5、. snow rain wind _10.who when how old _11 Thanksgiving New Years Day Halloween _12 sweater raincoat dress _Exercise two1. ( )A. tenB. twentyC. firstD. forty2. ( )A. goldB. silverC.yellowD. rooster3. ( )A. MarchB. MondayC. SundayD. Thursday4. ( )A. yourB. IC. weD.you5. ( )A. ChineseB. PEC. ArtD. Cana

6、da专项练习三 阅读一、读短文判断正误。对的画,错的画。 Tomorrow is September 10th .Its our Teachers Day. Im going to buy five balloons for my teacher. The second one is purple. The fourth one is yellow. The first and the third ones are red. The fifth one is silver.1. Today is September 10th. ( )2. Im going to buy ten balloon

7、s for my teacher.( )3. The fourth one is yellow. ( )4. The fifth one is silver. ( )二、阅读理解,正确选项划,错误划 There are four seasons in a year .Spring, summer, fall and winter. March, April and May make the spring season. June, July and August make the summer season. September, October and November make the a

8、utumn season. December, January and February make the winter season. Summer is the hottest season in a year, and winter is the coldest season in a year. Most of the children like winter. They can make snowmen. Which season do you like?1. There are five season in a year. ( )2. Summer is the hottest s

9、eason in a year. ( )3. September, October and December make the winter season. ( )4. Children can make snowmen in Summer. ( )三、读短文判断正误。对的画,错的画。 November 17th is a special day. We are going to have our sports meet. Lily is going to do the high jump. She is good at it. Tom is a strong boy. He is going

10、 to do the long jump. He is good at it. I run fast. So Im going to run in the race. I hope we are going to be the winners.( ) 1.Were going to have our class meet on November 17th.( ) 2.Lily is going to do the long jump.( ) 3.Tom is good at the long jump.四、读短文判断正误。对的画,错的画。 There are about fifty two w

11、eeks in a year. And there are seven days in each(每一个) week. The first day of a week is Sunday. The other days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Monday is the second day; Tuesday is the third day; Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday is the fifth day; and Friday is the sixth day.

12、Whats the last day? Do you know?1. Tuesday is the third day of the week.( )2. Tuesday is the third day of the week. ( )3. There are fifty-two weeks in a year. ( )五、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容用一至三个词回答下列问题 My name is Sally. Im nine years old. I often go to the park with my friends. Many people are in the park, too

13、. Some are reading. Some are dancing. Some children are playing games. We are very happy.1. Whats your name?_.2. How old are you?_.3. Are you all happy?_.专项练习四 语音词下列单词划线部分读音,相同的打,不同的打Exercise One1. first girl ( )2. school book ( )3. make back ( )4. week teacher ( )5. ninth fifth ( )6. e some ( )7. s

14、port third ( )8. work thirteen ( )9. jump run ( )Exercise Two1. right nineteen ( )2. have race ( )3. hear year ( )4. date day ( )5. chair pear ( )6. where there ( )7. February begin ( )8. swim give ( )9. October November ( )Exercise Three圈出发音不同的单词1 there here where care2 year beard bear here3 coin j

15、oy again noisy4 oclock panda quarter doctorExercise Four圈出发音不同的单词1 put wood nut cook2 sport work skirt first3 big time give swim4 have class apple ant专项练习五 看问句,选答语Exercise one1. ( )Is the third class English?A. Its October 1st.2. ( )When is the National Day?B. No, it isnt.3. ( )Whats the weather lik

16、e today?C. Its November the nineteenth.4. ( )I like winter, how about you?D. Its cool.5. ( )Whats the date today?E. I like winter, too.Exercise two1. ( )When is your birthday?A. I was born on May 23rd.2. ( )When were you born?B. Its in March.3. ( )May I borrow your rulers?C. She was born on June 15t

17、h.4. ( )What do you collect?D. Certainly. Here you are.5. ( )When was aunt born?E. I collect markers.Exercise three1. ( )Happy Chinese New Year.A. Its fifty.2. ( )When is Thanksgiving?B. The same to you.3. ( )What is twenty plus thirty?C. Its in November.4. ( )Can you tell me some of your holidays?D

18、. Its October.5. ( )Whats the tenth month in English?E. Sure.Exercise three1. ( )What day is today?A. Its Friday.2. ( )What is the date today?B. Yes, I am.3. ( )Are you going to run a race?C. She is nine.4. ( )How old is Guoguo?D. Yes we do.5. ( )Do you have a lot of snow in winter?E. Its December 1

19、3th.专项练习六 给下列单词重新排队,连词成句Exercise one1. many , tomatoes , how , are , there , ( ? )_2. warm, it, sunny, is, and, (.) _3. today, is, the, what, date,(?)_4. is , it , May, thirteenth, the,(.)_Exercise two1. a, spring, its, day, nice ( . )_2. on, gloves, I, put, new, can, my ( . ) _3. the ,class, is, th

20、ird, PE ( ? )_4. in, is , English , what, month, tenth, the( ? )_Exercise three1. the , what, date , is, today( ? )_2.collect ,do , what , you , ( ? )_3. when, birthday , is , your, ( ? )_4. born , father , when , your ,was, ( ? )_Exercise four1. borrow, glue, I ,your,please, may ( ? )_2. are , you

21、, here , ( . )_3. minus ,forty , ten , thirty ,is, ( .)_4. like ,I ,balls ,the ,colourful , ( . )_专项练习七 Unit 1 - Unit 8单词(四会单词)第一第二第三第四第五第六 第七第八第九第十第十一第十二 第十三第十四第十五第二十一月二月 三月四月五月六月七月八月 九月十月十一月十二月小学生卡片 月日期足球运动比赛,赛跑天气 阳关充足的温暖的热的冷的凉爽的多雨的 多风的多云的雪下雪多的借用记号笔 二十三十四十五十六十七十 八十九十一百黑板橡皮尺子 假日圣诞节知道中国的,中国人的球 金色的礼物粉色的银色的星星铃铛 共同明亮的房子相同的春天夏天 秋天冬天雨衣毛衣手套夹克

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