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1、Have you ever done a part-time job?Unit 3Reading and Writing.56 2Teaching MaterialStudentsTeaching Methods 4 Learning MethodsTeaching ProcedureTeaching ReflectionParts.Part 1Status and FunctionBookTeaching materialUnitLessonPublished by Higher Education PressJobMarketing assistant wanted .Find self

2、ability and direction of effort Teaching objectivesAccording to the new standard curriculum a)Wordsb)Sentence patternsKnowledge Ability Emotiona)Understand b)Write .Teaching Key and Difficult PointsHow to write a job advertisement withthe given information According to theNew English Curriculum Crit

3、erion1)Words and expressions 2)Understand simple job advertisement Key PointsDifficult Points.pCar repairingpCreative and full of energypFond of various activities Fond of various activities Part 2The studentspUnderstand simple words and sentences.1 1AidsAidsCommunicative2 2 Part 3Teaching MethodsAc

4、cording to the modern social communication teaching theoriesTask-basedBlackboardAidsAidsMulti-media.CompetitionCooperation Part 4Learning MethodsAccording to the features of vocational studentsDiscussion.Lead-in Pre-ReadingWhile-reading Blackboard Design Part 5 Teaching ProcedurePost-readingHomework

5、Summary.Step Lead-in(1min)Job advertisement.The contents ofjob advertisement Step Pre-reading(8 mins)Wordsorganizationcompanycommunicationwebsiteexperiencepressure.Step While-Reading(13minsStep While-Reading(13mins).Task 2:read and tickTask 3:read and choosePair work:read and understandTask 1:read a

6、nd completeStep While-Reading(13mins).Step Post-readingStep Post-reading(12mins)Activity 1:Group discussion Activity 2:Fill the form Activity 3:Think.New Words organization company quality website position marketing assistantUseful Expressions two-year working experienc have good communication skill

7、 We are looking for If you are interested,please call at Please visit our website for more informationHow is your learning?good so-so not goodStep Summary(5mins)Make self-check.Step Summary(5mins)Make comments Hand out presents.Step Step Homework Homework(1min)Required(easy)Finish the first advertis

8、ement with the given information in pg47 Activity 13Optional(difficult)Finish the second advertisement with the given information in pg47 Activity 13.Step Blackboard Design Unit 3 Have you ever done a part-time job?The purpose of design:Present the key points clearly.PK G1 G2 G3 G4 Words and sentenc

9、e patternsmarketing assistanthave good communication skills be able to work under pressureIf you are interestedPlease callat Please visit for more information.Teaching reflectionPart 5 cut down the teaching material brainstorming,competition,discussionstudents self evaluation and teacher evaluation.

10、cultivate students consciousness of employment some students were not active.Step While-ReadingStep While-ReadingRead and completeOrganizationPositionWebsiteaddressQualities.()1.have at least two-year work experience in this field.()2.speak fluent English.()3.have good communication skills.()4.be ab

11、le to work under pressure.()5.Good computer skills.()6.Willing to work on weekends.Step While-ReadingStep While-ReadingRead and tick.Read and choose Step While-ReadingStep While-ReadingJohnI am hard-working.I love talking with other people.My English is poor,but my Chinese is great.CindyI worked as

12、a saleslady from 2006 to 2008.I love talking in English.I enjoy working under pressure.Read and understand Step While-ReadingStep While-Reading Words and phrasesmarketing assistanttwo-year working experiencehave good communication skills be able to work under pressureWe are looking forIf you are int

13、erested,please callat Please visit for more information.Group discussionWhats the qualities of car marketing assistant?Step Post-reading(13mins).Step Post-reading(13mins)Fill the job advertisementOrganization XYZ 4S shopPositionCar marketing assistantWork time Full-time,week daysQualitiesGood communication skillsCan work under pressureTelephone212-567-95 Do you have _?Do you have _?Would you like working with an exciting new 4S shop?If so,please contact _ for more information.Car assistants needed.学生思考 Step Post-reading(13mins).

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