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1、Unit 2 A Class Act Note 1:P222024/5/13 周一Learning ObjectivesuType of writing uStructure of the TextuThe theme of the TextuGrammar and VocabularyuWriting techniques(narrative techniques)how to create a vivid picture of ones emotions 2024/5/13 周一The organization of a narrativeBeginning(introduction)Se

2、tting,characterThe middle of the story(the development of the story)plot(conflict,climax)The ending(resolution)2024/5/13 周一Warming up questions1.Share you high school experience with the class2.Tell the story of a teacher who impressed you with his or her kindness 2024/5/13 周一Text StructureThe whole

3、 text can be divided 5 parts,with the subtopic for each.The first part(Para.1-3)is about the authors family and their life during the war;the second part(Para.4-7)describes the authors experience of humiliation in the school;the third part(Para.8-11)gives an account of how her excitement about a fre

4、e photographic portrait sitting triggers her anticipation of the oncoming torment in the school;2024/5/13 周一the fourth part(para.12-15)describes what actually happened later,which was a turning point in the authors life-instead of being humiliated,she was warmly praised and encouraged by a sympathet

5、ic teacher;the last part (Para.16-17)describes the immediate impact of a“warm sentence”by the teacher and its everlasting influence on the author.2024/5/13 周一Another Structure:1.1-3:authors family&life during WW2 4-7:her experience of humiliation in the school2.8-11:excitement VS.torment 12-15:warm

6、praise&encouragement 3.16-17:the immediate impact and everlasting influence on her2024/5/13 周一Intensive Study(Para.1-3)These three paragraphs give a brief description of the hard conditions in WWII,and how the authors parents manage to support the family and what they do for their children.Note that

7、 the last sentence of the 3rd paragraph paves the way for the whole story.2024/5/13 周一Para.1vblitz(n.v.):vv.:to attack a place with bombs dropped from aircraft 用闪电战空袭(或毁坏)用闪电战空袭(或毁坏)v the Blitz(single):):the German air attacks on Britain in 1940.1940年德国对英国的空袭。年德国对英国的空袭。vManchester:v 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部城市)曼彻

8、斯特(英格兰西北部城市)vrife:vadj.(sth.bad or unpleasant)very common or frequent普遍的;盛行的普遍的;盛行的vrife with sth.:full of sth bad or unpleasant 充充斥,充满(坏事)斥,充满(坏事)vEg:Los Angeles is rife with gossip about the atrats private lives.2024/5/13 周一vpawnshop:v当铺当铺vpawn:n.抵押物抵押物 v.当掉当掉 time were tough,money was short,anxie

9、ty was rife and the pawnshop was familiar destination for many familiar,including mine.Life was hard.Everyone was short of money.They were caught up in endless worries.Many families often went to the pawnshop to pawn the things they had for a little money,and the family was no exception.2024/5/13 周一

10、Para.2enterprising:v adj.:having or showing the ability to think of new projects or new ways of doing things 有事业心的、有有事业心的、有进取心的,有创业精神的进取心的,有创业精神的 egs.an enterprising personvn.enterprise v事业心,进取心事业心,进取心 a man of enterprise a company/business 公司,企业,事业单位公司,企业,事业单位 state-owned enterprise国有企业国有企业 small a

11、nd medium-sized enterprise中小型企业中小型企业2024/5/13 周一Yet I could not have asked for more enterprising and optimistic parents.:However,I had the most adaptable and optimistic parents in the world.“bucket loads of cheer”:lots of joysturdy:adjnot easily influenced or changed by other people 坚决的,坚定的;坚决的,坚定的;

12、eg:a sturdy defence of the governments position 坚决维护政府立场坚决维护政府立场strong and not easily damaged 结实的,坚固的;结实的,坚固的;eg:a sturdy paris of shoots 一双结实的靴子一双结实的靴子(people and animals,or their bodies人人,动物或身动物或身体体)physically strong and healthy 强壮的,健壮的强壮的,健壮的 eg:a man of sturdy build 体格健壮的男人体格健壮的男人2024/5/13 周一ing

13、enious:adj.someone who is ingenious is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas有独创性有独创性的,心灵手巧的的,心灵手巧的;机灵的机灵的ingenuity:n.“could turn his hand to almost anything:was capable of doing almost anything”bout:n.a boxing or wrestling match 拳击或摔跤比赛,回拳击或摔跤比赛,回合,较量合,较量“He even.to make ends mee

14、t.”:Note 2 2024/5/13 周一meticulous:paying careful attention to every detail 极仔细的极仔细的;一丝不苟的一丝不苟的a meticulous plan 周密的计划周密的计划;meticulous records 详细详细的记录的记录;meticulously clean 一尘不染一尘不染attire:n.(formal)clothesEg:dressed in formal evening attire;formal attire 礼服礼服 splendid attire 盛装;华丽的服饰盛装;华丽的服饰attired:a

15、dj.(not before noun,formal or literary)dressed in a particular way,dressed 穿着穿着衣服衣服spotless:adj.perfectly clean 非常干净的;无可挑剔的,无瑕疵的非常干净的;无可挑剔的,无瑕疵的2024/5/13 周一QUESTION in Para.2QUESTIONSWhat does the author mean by“yet I could not have asked for more enterprising and optimistic parents”?My parent were

16、the most enterprising and optimistic ones one could expect to find.The author thinks that her parents did all they could to support the family with their hard work,ingenuity and thrift,so the family could have“bucket loads of cheer.”2024/5/13 周一Para.3how to understand“my clothes were ironed to a kni

17、fe-edge,and shoes polished to a gleam”rhetorically,to a knife-edge,and to a gleam are hyperboles(exaggeration)meaning my clothes were ironed to a degree that it looks like a knife-edge and my shoes were polished until they gleamed“not every item was standard school uniform issue.”:Note 3 Some of my

18、clothes were different form the standard school uniform which the students ere required to wear.2024/5/13 周一scrimp:v.to spend very little money on the things U need to live,esp.so that U can spend on sth else 省吃俭用、节衣缩食They scrimped and saved to give the children a good education.为了让孩子接受良好的教育,他们省吃俭用。

19、gear:n.(informal)clothes eg:wear the latest gear 穿着最新款式的衣服prescribed:adj.demandedv.prescriben.prescription:处方,药方;计划,建议,秘诀 eg:a prescription for happiness 增进幸福的秘诀2024/5/13 周一scribescriptionscriptivedescribe:v.描述,描写描述,描写prescribe:v.开药方开药方;规定规定 subscribe:提交,订阅:提交,订阅ascribe:归因于:归因于circumscribe:v.限制限制con

20、scribe:征兵征兵2024/5/13 周一blazer:a type of jacket,often with the symbol of a school or organization sewn on the front pocket and worn as a part of a uniform British School uniform2024/5/13 周一While Mom had scrimped and saved to obtain most of the gear,I still didnt have the prescribed blue blazer and ha

21、t band.Though Mom had tried to spend as little money as possible in order to buy some of the clothes required by the school,she still couldnt afford the blue blazer and hat band.2024/5/13 周一QUESTION in Para.3QUESTIONWhy does the author still have something trouble in her school?Because the authors p

22、arents were not able to buy the“blue blazer and hat band”required by the school.2024/5/13 周一Intensive Study(Para.4-5)The authors trouble in the school is partly described in these two paragraphs.Read Para 4&5 and answer the following Q:1.Why does the headmistress make it her mission to teach the aut

23、hor a lesson?2.How was the author punished at school?2024/5/13 周一Para.4rationing:n.a system of limiting a amount of sth.that each person is allowed to have.定量配给,限额配给定量配给,限额配给wartime rationing 战时定量配给战时定量配给rationing of goods 商品配给制商品配给制 ration:n.a fixed amount of food,fuel,etc配给量配给量v.ofen passive ratio

24、n sb to sthThe villagers were rationed to two liters of water a day.ration out 应按配额给定地应按配额给定地 Well have to ration out the water.我们得将水按定我们得将水按定额配给。额配给。2024/5/13 周一“in place”:appropriate,suitable;适当的适当的,合适的,合适的 cf.“out of place relax:v.to make a rule/law less strictTwo weeks after the police relaxed s

25、ecurity at the airports,there was a bomb attack.relax a curfew(宵禁宵禁)relax ones effortn.relaxation2024/5/13 周一Because of the war,rationing was in place and most schools had relaxed their attitude towards proper uniforms knowing how hard it was to obtain clothes.:Because of the war,the government impl

26、emented a system of limiting the amount of almost everything that each person was allowed to have,and most schools had subjected their students to less rigid dress codes,because they were fully aware that it was not easy for the students to get the proper clothes.2024/5/13 周一deputy headmistress:副校长(

27、女)副校长(女)assembly:n.a gathering in a school of several classes for a group activity assemble vvAll the students were asked to assemble in the main hall.“made it her mission to teach me a lesson”assumed that it was her duty to (note the authors resentment for the deputy headmistress)2024/5/13 周一Para.5

28、comply(with):v.to act according to an order/ruleegs.The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.工厂由于未能遵工厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例而被关闭了。守政府的安全条例而被关闭了。The rule must be complied with.这条规则必须遵守。这条规则必须遵守。pliance in compliance with2024/5/13 周一 Despite my attempts at explaining why

29、I couldnt comply:Even though I tried my best to explain why I was unable to meet the schools clothing requirements“a shining example”:Rhetorically that is irony.The phrase actually means“a very bad example.”2024/5/13 周一QUESTIONHow does the deputy headmistress teach the author a lesson?The deputy hea

30、dmistress makes it her mission to teach the author a lesson for not complying with the school regulations.In the daily assembly she would pull her out of line and make her stand on the stage as a bad example.2024/5/13 周一Para.6bar:v.to prevent sth.or someone from doings sth.or going somewhere,to forb

31、id sth.禁止,阻拦禁止,阻拦The government has acted to bar this kind of tobaccobar sb from doing The incident led to him being barred from playing for England.n.条,棒;酒吧;障碍条,棒;酒吧;障碍a bar of chocolate一块巧克力一块巧克力be behind bars 在押,在监狱服刑,坐牢在押,在监狱服刑,坐牢2024/5/13 周一adore:v.(fml)to love sb very much(infml)to like sth.ve

32、ry muchegs.It is obvious that she adores him.I absolutely adore chocolate.adorable:adj.可爱的,讨人喜欢的可爱的,讨人喜欢的 an adorable childadoring:adj.爱慕的,敬慕的;崇拜的爱慕的,敬慕的;崇拜的 her adoring grandmother 她慈爱的祖母她慈爱的祖母adoration:n.热爱,敬慕,崇拜热爱,敬慕,崇拜egs.He gazed at her with pure adoration.2024/5/13 周一.which I adored.“:which I

33、liked very much My punishment also extended to being barred from the gym team to not taking part in the weekly ballroom dancing classes,which I adored.:My punishment did not end there.I was not allowed to join the gym team or to attend the weekly ballroom dancing classes,which I loved very much.2024

34、/5/13 周一horrid:adj.unpleasant or unkind;nasty讨厌讨厌的,无情的,令人不愉快的的,无情的,令人不愉快的QUESTION:What made the situation even worse for the author?The situation became even worse when the author was barred form the gym team or the weekly ballroom dancing class which she loves so much.2024/5/13 周一Para.7see through:

35、看透,识破看透,识破see sb through 帮助度过帮助度过(experience/suffer)see sth through 坚持完成,进行到底坚持完成,进行到底v He was a prisoner of war for five years,but his courage saw him through.vWe will see you through until you finish your college education.vI saw the project through and then resigned.vWe can see through your littl

36、e game.2024/5/13 周一“but to see the punishment through”.:but to go through the punishmentHowever,in my 12 year-old mind I had no choice but to see the punishment through However,I was only a 12-year-old girl.I thought I had no alternative but to go through the punishment.2024/5/13 周一well-meaning:want

37、ing to have a good effect,but not always achieving one善意的,好心的善意的,好心的speak up for sb:to say sth to support/defend sb为辩护,替讲好话为辩护,替讲好话spoke up for me:to express her opinion publicly for meblinkered:adj.narrow-minded,unwilling to understand other people心胸狭隘的,思路狭窄的心胸狭隘的,思路狭窄的2024/5/13 周一hard-nosed:practi

38、cal and determined讲究实际的;顽固的,不讲讲究实际的;顽固的,不讲情面的情面的mortify:v.make sb feel very ashamed/embarrassed使难堪;使使难堪;使感屈辱,使羞愧感屈辱,使羞愧 Eg:She was mortified to realize that he had heard every word she said.n.mortification adj.mortifying eg:How mortifying to have to apologize to him!要向他道歉,多难为情啊!2024/5/13 周一indignant

39、:adj.feeling or showing anger or surprise because you think you have been treated unfairly 愤慨的,愤愤慨的,愤怒的,义愤的怒的,义愤的Heavy forbid:note 5on the warpath:angry and likely to argue or punish:盛怒,大发雷霆,盛怒,大发雷霆,(怒不可遏)准备开火(怒不可遏)准备开火/作战作战.he would have instantly been on the warpath in my defense.“.he would have g

40、ot very angry and wanted to fight immediately in order to protect me.2024/5/13 周一QUESTIONS in Para 6-7 1.Why could the author not tell her mother about her humiliation in the school?Because she did not want to run the risk of her mother coming to the school and being hurt by that unfeeling teacher.A

41、nd if her mother told her father about it,he would have got very angry and even wanted to fight with the school authorities in order to protect her.2024/5/13 周一2.Conclusion of Paragraphs 6-7 These two paragraphs describe how the author feels about this punishment-“battle back tears,”“embarrassed,”“d

42、esperate wish”,“this horrid school,”“ritual humiliation,”“but to see the punishment through.”2024/5/13 周一Para.8-11:the photographic portrait sittingQ:How did the author feel about the portrait sitting?Pick out the words revealing her feelingsThe free photographic portrait sitting stirred mixed feeli

43、ngs in the author.On the one hand,she was beside herself with excitement;on the other hand,she was aware of the upcoming torment she faced because of her dress(even though it was her best dress).2024/5/13 周一Para.8“for a free photographic portrait sitting.”:Note 6be beside oneself:if you are beside y

44、ourself with a particular feeling,it is so strong that it makes you almost out of control.忘乎所以,得意忘形忘乎所以,得意忘形 eg:vWhen she passed the exam at last she was beside herself with joy.vHe was beside himself with rage when I told him what I have done.2024/5/13 周一fuel:v.to increase sth/to make it stronger增加

45、,加强,增加,加强,刺激刺激eg:Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation工资提工资提高刺激通货膨胀。高刺激通货膨胀。The chairmans speech fuelled speculation that he is about to resign.2024/5/13 周一temptress:n.a woman who tries to sexually attract man“my imagination fuelled by glamorous shots of the popular Hollywood temptresses.”:I was

46、very excited when I imagined myself in attractive pictures like those of famous actresses in Hollywood.“shots”-snapshots(快照快照),photos.2024/5/13 周一Para.9trimmed:adj.if clothes and other cloth items are trimmed,they are decorated,especially around the edges.torment:sth.or someone that causes great suf

47、fering or annoyance 痛苦,苦恼痛苦,苦恼vShe had no hint of the torment I faced.vShe knew nothing about the punishment I suffered in the school2024/5/13 周一Para.10Heavy-hearted,I dragged myself to school I walked slowly and unwillingly to school with a very sad feeling.drag sb/sth into sth;drag sth/sb in:try t

48、o get sb involved in a situation who is not connected with it.硬把硬把扯进去扯进去,硬让毫无关系的人卷入硬让毫无关系的人卷入 Eg:Dont drag the children into our argument.emerald:n.a bright green colorn.绿宝石,翡翠;绿宝石,翡翠;宝宝 祖母绿;祖母绿;翠绿色翠绿色 adj.翡翠的;翠绿色的翡翠的;翠绿色的2024/5/13 周一“an emerald green target in a sea of blue.”my green dress made me

49、even more conspicuous among the blue school uniformsvtrudge:vto walk very slowly with effort 步履艰难地行步履艰难地行走走Eg:He trudged the last two miles to the town.The man trudged up the hill,laden with supplies.2024/5/13 周一vof my own accord:if you do sth of your own accord,you do it without being asked to do i

50、t.自愿地,主动地自愿地,主动地eg.The symptoms will clear up of their own accord after a few days.vbeady:small and bright,especially like a birds eye 小圆珠般而亮晶晶的;机警的小圆珠般而亮晶晶的;机警的vI shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behavior我一定会时刻睁大眼睛提防他的行为2024/5/13 周一Question:Why did the author walk to the stage of her own acc

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