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1、八年级下册英语单词(英译汉)1. robot2. wont3. theyll4. paper5. use6. less7. fewer8. pollution9. tree10. shell11. building12. astronaut13. rocket14. space15. space station16. fly17. took18. moon19. Ill20. fall21. fell22. alone23. pet24. pat25. parrot26. probably27. go skating28. suit29. able30. be able to31. dress

2、32. casually33. which34. which35. even36. the World Cup37. myself38. interview39. predict40. future41. prediction42. came43. e true44. pany45. thought46. fiction47. unpleasant48. scientist49. in the future50. however51. hundred52. hundreds of53. already54. factory55. simpe56. such57. bored58. everyw

3、here59. human60. shape61. snake62. earthquake63. possible64. electric65. toothbrush66. seem67. impossible68. housework69. rating70. ally71. Alexis72. Joe73. keep out74. play75. loud76. argue77. wrong78. Whats wrong?79. style80. out of style81. could82. should83. call sb. Up84. ticket85. surprise86.

4、on the phone87. Whats the matter?88. pay for89. part-time job90. okay91. either92. bake93. Teen talk94. trtor95. original96. the same as97. in style98. nicer99. haircut100. except101. upset102. fail103. get on104. didnt105. couldnt106. football107. until108. fit109. as much as possible110. pressure1

5、11. plain112. include113. pushy114. send115. all kinds of116. pare117. crazy118. themselves119. adult120. on the one hand121. organized122. on the other hand123. Eve124. Anna125. Dennis126. Maria127. Julia128. Erin129. Nicole130. Emilio131. Alice132. Green133. Cathy Green 134. Cathy Taylor135. Linda

6、 Miller136. UFO137. barber138. well139. bathroom140. bedroom141. kitchen142. barber143. get out144. cut145. alien146. bought147. land148. got149. shirt150. take off151. while152. experience153. around154. strange155. follow156. kid157. scared158. climb159. jump160. shout161. rode162. cat163. train s

7、tation164. ran165. run away166. anywhere167. met168. e in169. happen170. accident171. Beijing International Airport172. plane173. heard174. modern175. kill176. Memphis177. murder178. hear about179. bright180. playground181. bell182. rang183. told184. close185. silence186. take place187. recent188. W

8、orld Trade Center189. destroy190. terrorist191. meaning192. asas193. became194. flight195. earth196. hero flwe197. tragedy198. Ted 199. Davy200. Martin Luther King201. Robert Allen202. ever203. mad204. anymore205. snack206. direct speech207. reported speech208. first of all209. message210. pass on 2

9、11. suppose212. be supposed to213. hard-working214. do detter in215. grandpa 216. be in good health217. report card218. nervous219. envelo9pe220. luckily221. semester222. worst223. true224. disappointing225. lucky226. copy227. hers228. own229. get over230. village231. Peking University232. graduate2

10、33. volunteer234. theMinistryof ducation235. ChineseYoung Pioneer236. rural237. area238. meter239. sea level240. thin241. ate4242. fortunately243. decision244. husband245. dormitory246. senior247. college248. open up249. start250. influence251. hometown252. peace253. care for254. border255. UNICEF25

11、6. WWF257. danger258. Lana259. Marcia260. Ben261. Scott262. Alan263. jeans264. orgnize265. take away266. clean-up267. flower268. agent269. professional270. make a living271. against272. charity273. chance274. all the time275. injured276. Sincerely277. lawyer278. tonight279. mobile phone280. dining r

12、oom281. consequence282. explain283. strategy284. in order to285. improve286. following287. Andrea288. Harry289. fat290. fast291. collec292. shell293. marathon294. skate295. pair296. skate297. since298. Hilltop School299. raise300. several301. skater302. stamp303. kite304. monster305. globe306. anyon

13、e307. run out of308. store309. cake310. particularly311. collector312. by the way313. mon314. extra315. coin316. topic317. been318. be interested in319. writer320. capital321. European322. Russian323. Jewish324. Jew325. more than326. thousand327. emperor328. foreigner329. quite330. certain331. the O

14、lympic Games332. miss333. Alison334. Celia335. Sam336. Victor337. Liam338. Ellen339. Leon340. mind341. not at all342. turn down343. yard344. right away345. dish346. task347. poster348. waitress349. brought350. clothing351. solution352. wait in line353. annoy354. annoryed355. polite356. perhaps357. d

15、oor358. line359. return360. cut in line361. hasnt362. keep down363. voice364. term365. etiquette366. normal367. behavior368. at first369. Asian370. Europ371. unfortable372. impolite373. allow374. public375. cough376. sneeze377. break the rule378. politely379. smoke380. put out381. cigarette382. crit

16、icize383. drop384. litter385. pick up386. behave387. Jenny388. Nancy389. Nick390. Sarah391. Larry392. Harris393. suggestion394. ment395. album396. personal397. special398. receive399. gave400. guy401. spider402. mouse403. hamster404. turtle405. child406. pot-bellied407. pig408. advantage409. disadva

17、ntage410. trendy411. perfect412. rabbit413. clean414. pany415. aleep416. fall asleep417. choose418. present419. open420. given421. give away422. bench423. rather424. Sweden425. instead426. the Olympics427. enter428. nearly429. sang430. clearly431. stage432. native433. winner434. modest435. earlier43

18、6. interested437. encourage438. spokesperson439. progress440. theOlympicmittee 441. hear of442. suggest443. take an interest in444. besides445. make friends with446. statement447. drive448. Vera449. amusement450. neither451. have a great time452. Disneyland453. Mickey454. Donald Duck455. character45

19、6. seen457. theme458. attraction459. roller coaster460. cruise461. boat462. take a ride463. board464. route465. end up466. island467. especially468. travel469. exchange student470. attendant471. discover472. requirement473. guide474. foreign475. film476. southeast477. wonderful478. take a holiday479

20、. population480. quarter481. three quarters482. fear483. noodle484. dumpling485. brave486. excellent487. Indian488. safari489. dark490. fox491. Night Safari492. all year round493. environment494. natural495. temperature496. equator497. whenever498. spring499. autumn500. season501. type502. awake503.

21、 Claudia504. Harvey505. Tina506. Leonardo507. umbrella508. Franklin509. noon510. sandy511. goodbye512. look through513. bookstore514. cross515. elevator516. low517. slow518. cost519. yeah520. note521. get along522. baby523. at least524. holiday525. be careful526. traffic527. review528. Erhu529. somewhere530. andy531. Anna532. Bill533. Rita534. Allen535. Kim536. Tony537. Janet538. Jay

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