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1、_新概念英语青少年版Starter A 复习总汇一,字母复习:1.写出26个英语字母的大小写2.写出5个元音字母的大小写3.根据字母和图片写出相对应的单词A a - apple B b - C c - D d - E e - F f - G g- H h- I i - J j - K k- L l - M m - N n- O o - P p - Q q - R r - S s - T t - U u - V v - W w - X x - Y y- Z z - 二,用 a/an,the填空1. apple orange umbrella anorak egg insect2. table t

2、eacher kite girl3. sun 三. 语音复习连线,把音标和相对应的单词进行连线1. ship shop dish fish 2. orange box fox not 3. zoo bamboo cool 4. van cat hat dad apple5. hen red leg yes 6. bee weed jeep sheep7. in insect pig fish big 8. chip chop chit chat 9. umbrella mum bus under 四,易错知识1.写出下面的简写形式what is = it is= is not= that is

3、= name is= he is= she is= he is not= she is not it is not = I am= you are= I am not= you are not= who is= where is= 2.写出下面对应的单词I(我) -my (我的) you - he She- it- 练习:1. I am a doctor, my name is Bob.2.Are a policeman?Whats name?3. is a boy, name is Robert.4. is Flora, mom is a dancer.5. is a dog, name i

4、s Dan.2.把 am, is are 放在句首,叫做 疑问句,肯定回答用 ,否定回答用 。am , is , are 的使用,我用 ,你用 , 用在他她它。练习:1. you seven? Yes, I .2. he your father? No, he 3. it under the table? Yes, it 五.常用句型(必记句型)1.Look 句型Look ! The sun! Look at the sun! Look! A monkey!Look at my T-shirt! Look at my green T-shirt!2. Good boy! Bad dog! Be

5、 quiet! Thanks! Thank you! Here you are! Really! Yummy! 3. this/ that介绍别人This is my family. This is my mum and dad.This is my friend. This my brother and sister.距离远近 this (近处) that (远处)This is my pencil case. This isnt my book.Thats your school bag. That isnt your school bag.Is this an insect? Yes ,

6、 it is.Is that a pencil? No it isnt.四,常用疑问句1.询问事物:-What this? What that? What is it?-Its a book. / Its an orange.2.询问年龄:How old are you? I am ten.Are you ten? Yes, I am. / No, Im not .I am nine.Is he eight? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. He is seven.3.询问姓名Whats your name? My name is Flora. / I am Flora.

7、Whats his name? His name is Robert. / He is Robert.Whats her name? Her name is Amy. / She is Amy.What its name? Its name is Dan. / It is Dan.4.询问颜色.What colour is the pen? It is red. What colour is your cap? Its yellow. / My cap is yellow.What colour is it? Its blue and white.Is it green? Yes , it i

8、s. / No, it isnt. Its blue.What s your favourite colour? It is yellow. / My favourite colour is yellow.5.询问位置Where is my bone? Its on the table.Wheres the ball? Its in front of the table.Where is it? Its behind the hat.Is it under the hat? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its on the hat.The boy is behind

9、the school bag.五.单词复习1.带帽的夹克 2在后面 大的 自行车 书 蓝色的 骨头 哥哥/弟弟 男孩 3.小汽车 帽子(有帽檐的) 4.舞蹈演员 医生 爸爸 玩偶 5. 数字1-10. 6. 家人 胖的 朋友 青蛙 7. 绿色的 8. 汉堡包 9. 在里面 在前面 10. 国王 11.小的 12. 猴子 老鼠 妈妈 13. 护士 14.在上面 15.熊猫 鹦鹉 钢笔 铅笔 笔袋 披萨 男警察 女警察 邮递员 16.兔子 红色的 机器人 橡皮 17.沙拉 香肠 书包 衬衫 短的 姐姐/妹妹 毛衣 18. 高的 老师 瘦的 西红柿 乌龟 火车 T恤衫 19.在下面 20.小型货车 21. 木琴 22.动物园 Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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