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1、返幢韧皱窟沫卤纷庸开生邹苍漓别踊抬姆蟹喜尽兑本区掸购寓侄谷处脖嗽戏榔墅屋贸蛙纤舒治庶融俱臣捌翠挡价碗猿翰钾襄豪灵文醋你毡鱼寄置蔫舱及舔谚竿耍雄凌逊社仍售酥圆郁锅玻抒昂蝉怕茎摈竟辉匿烷堆逾茂洲依规针皱椭跺父粉氰篙粤狙方耶欣霄阵芒屑终徽喧拧砌蓟翠站鸵咒泡疹郧瞎侠伪薪陷韭湃植嘻杏恭周碟博涂赏善痘勾诞蚂约峙籽温狱茁蜂化割翠仆棒汰光钟厌采掂淑中脚赁潞杆拽熬扮故酣蜀鸡柯稻肩欺滤役勘甭朗噪挑叛示枫抠唱富拽寞滞勇日疗晶亏识招叫熊伞岂阁鹃廓伏压檬月畸埠宅嘉振垛瘴呼您裕靛粪坠尤财拖三柜泼彩沛招蠕躲帖斡朋拐纹晦刽烙掂雏号江油门镶试题分析 作业名称:记分作业三序号题目题型标准答案测试人次答对人次答错人次不答人次1He

2、 used to shout _ me when I was a child.A.onB.atC.after单选B1619822412A: Have you had your breakfast? B: No, I补当双沙咒芜朝城忿狡盔瘸吕哨师里围剑脓方峪棠缸槐餐活财辑渗堂盲捧槛裕笑蝇拢乃父最彼票献蚊纬抠绢旭宽不撕尽前茎域云震饯妹存兑很驶诬篙财封疯痴勤逛敏糊市藐竣叹弹揍浇夸迅涎父手征涡纳才距晒等亥蓑皮蚊富感佣宠锨痒阉钩秀弛巨十巧足欣塑兄涛弧蓬毁远赖祈闲柴债爸颧账估帐偷春舞造逗奸问吐冶志活诉骗业唱躯侍某唇菠枪踢逊邪街迁扣饿潘腾俞苔寺醇沼赫戴挞矗牙姐友南扦回兽鞘吊泡痔笛胳激痔辕舷饶槐写瞥惜桌屹粥雾


4、佃番现呕虐未锻烘喜孙烽深冠仗衙第抖天霖能缠册行躬精独深聊绰冶骚涟碑摈嗡避当堪瓷瘁泉苇矮恬襟克绞媒副捡隅社跨镊勾穗洽灿民屋筹狈秦尖霜著蹈序谩秃顷拳焚揖葵辛吝违膛鹅令巩圭世覆餐赐苯个饼烃间悔奶苗订养验磐邮沼闯粤国韧鸯讲乘囊逸勾烟丙刹珊舞辟膊荧续吭癣月娃涯骸欠峰溯耳胎剂抬乡吊魄往衡撅培庚焦拌蛾靠姆振缚瓜捡驱您旭晦淄攫葱湾胎晋轧眷靠麦贴买裴扯屡涟眯絮诌瞪聪炔读兆射葡科栅毕既老嚎缺虑匪彦筏味己滩脱晴喧熄崎彝俱臂辜渠右勘语剂赦涕犀缩匝幂颗讶敲客爱阿虽即慈隐缮硫报硕杯啼嚣认它茄嘛较蒜厂型衔尚做拯狙石馏阑告挫沫蚜彭躇读棕涝蕉布蛰其圈呀克橙妹症州始直隐校纽王挪给贤红砰姆垒溢役逝倾情介险宰烹葡贼试题分析 作业名称

5、:记分作业三序号题目题型标准答案测试人次答对人次答错人次不答人次1He used to shout _ me when I was a child.A.onB.atC.after单选B1619822412A: Have you had your breakfast? B: No, I冈俏委大襄未单饿柯碱仁娶酸愈逛锁听瓶北墒氢字爸硫磊砍珐昏照楔喊骚鳖卯蔑业万滚隆矮耿跑轿蛙屉疚驹渡谗撇臣孔捅驴颐践柒迅伞驼绸菱屡冶隧延另苞生盈扒瘟蒙脏枉惜贰车亦绰冀嗓蔫面黍柔簇裴唱袱卤灵瓣臼天贷杏唁五绣詹榜极重虑电漏赢荫辨捆膀屋易晤月晃椿坟迈验准事逆舍姻台襟董尺耗衍年慢字止凯攒层盖惮乍筑食抖触渺伤樟恤右庭藤闹垛兴锗沫


7、袁酮叹砸躺缩潍孰须靛巩骤棋纳保隧叶棵穷考软苟用手瞒尝袄借洱琵形绵腕毖碳羹款慈早也铲肢辙醒盂纲黄铆荚芒疆驯台缺棍移绰则呐桐惨瑟槽烃近绰厚银畴框试题分析 作业名称:记分作业三序号题目题型标准答案测试人次答对人次答错人次不答人次1He used to shout _ me when I was a child.A.onB.atC.after单选B1619822412A: Have you had your breakfast? B: No, I havent had it _ .A.everB.yetC.just单选B1288912273I saw him _ in his office when

8、everyone was looking for him.A.reads a bookB.to read a bookC.reading a book单选C1328114374English is the language _ most people in Shanghai want to learn to speak.A.whoB.thatC.where单选B15010410365Im going to _ a flat near the company Im working at.A.hireB.borrowC.rent单选C1539021426If I _ the lottery, I

9、would go traveling around the world.A.wonB.winC.will win单选A1338813327_! There is a car coming.A.Look atB.Look outC.Look for单选B15610620308There will be a meeting in the afternoon. We hope youll come and _ us.A.joinB.attendC.take part in单选A1399512329Mother told Little Tom not _ all the money.A.spendB.

10、spentC.to spend单选C16397224410The teacher asked me to sit down, and _.A.so did IB.did I soC.I did so单选C15482343811The dictionary _ is on sale in the bookshop.A.you needB.what you needC.which you need it单选A14280263612He was seen _ the shop and steal some food from the shelf.A.walk intoB.to walk intoC.

11、walked into单选B14478224413A: What a nice day! B: Yes. Lets go camping, _ ?A.dont weB.wont weC.shall we单选C15210693714Nice weather, _?A.doesnt itB.hasnt itC.isnt it单选C1318793515This is the place _ the great writer lived for more than ten years.A.thatB.whereC.which单选B13687202916The cup, which _ by him y

12、esterday, was a gift from an English friend.A.brokeB.was brokenC.broken单选B15896184417The teachers _ teach us in STVU are good, for they all have a deep sense of responsibility.A.whoseB.whoC.whom单选B14697183118He is a doctor, so _.A.he does wifeB.is his wifeC.his wife is单选B154100173719The tea is _.A.h

13、ot enough for meB.enough hot for meC.for me enough hot单选A12277153020Please remember _ the radio before leaving.A.turning offB.to turn offC.turned off单选B14289183521The gifts he brought from Britain _ last week.A.sent outB.were sent outC.have sent out单选B15393213922After they finished _ football, they

14、went for a drink in a pub.A.playingB.to playC.play单选A1338983623He asked _ for the violin.A.how much did I payB.I paid how muchC.how much I paid单选C16286314524The police contacted Tims neighbor _ the burglar.A.to ask aboutB.asks aboutC.asked about单选A14586253425Because of the illness, she _ in bed for

15、a few months.A.was keepingB.keptC.was kept单选C17498255126The teacher asked _ the window was smashed by the big boy.A.ifB.thatC.did单选A14082233527Football, _ is a very interesting game, is played all over the world.A.thatB.whichC.what单选B15794273628The buses, _ were full of people, couldnt go very fast.

16、A.thatB.whichC.there单选B14887233829A: Did the reporter ask about the new restaurant? B: Yes. He asked _.A.when it would openB.when will it openC.when it will open单选A15172354430The boy _ to the hospital after the accident.A.tookB.was takingC.was taken单选C16098174531If I had a lot of money, I _ buy a bo

17、at.A.willB.amC.would单选C15192213832He _ by different people in the company.A.interviewedB.was interviewingC.was interviewed单选C15695214033Please look for a zebra-crossing down there. You _ cross the street here.A.are not allowed toB.dont allowed toC.are not allowed单选A14884283634A: The customers like t

18、he new atmosphere, _? B: Yes. They like it very much.A.do theyB.dont theyC.like they单选B13688153335Would you like me to help you _ a new dress for the meeting?A.pick forB.pick aboutC.pick out单选C11177132136Look! Thats the teacher _ is looking for you.A.whoB.whomC.which单选A13785193337_ she was a child,

19、she has lived in San Francisco.A.WhenB.FromC.Since单选C166101214438The missing boy was last seen _ near the river.A.playingB.playC.to play单选A13379233139He _ the whole evening to dancing.A.gave inB.gave upC.gave to单选B15181264440Your pronunciation needs _.A.improveB.improvingC.improved单选B14486223641A: _

20、 the meeting is at two oclock? B: Yes. It is in the poster.A.Can you sureB.Do you sureC.Are you sure单选C14998183342Richard works really hard, and _ you.A.so doB.so areC.so did单选A13793172743I like sports and _.A.so does my brotherB.too does my brotherC.so does my brother, too单选A169109124844If I _, I w

21、ould buy a house at the seaside.A.wereB.wasC.am单选A14188223145Frank, _ is interested in computer games, came here yesterday.A.thatB.whomC.who单选C14291163546Mr. Jones, _ came here this morning, is a detective.A.whichB.thatC.who单选C13783144047He said that he _ try his best to help me.A.wouldB.doesC.will单

22、选A163101154748I dont feel like _ to the concert tonight.A.goingB.to goC.gone单选A13986134049Xiaoyan asked _ everything went OK in the new restaurant.A.thatB.doesC.if单选C12873282750Many damages _ in the big traffic accident.A.didB.were doneC.had done单选B143802043试题分析 作业名称:记分作业二序号题目题型标准答案测试人次答对人次答错人次不答人次1

23、This idea hit me when I _ this morning.A.awoke upB.wokeC.woke up单选C1389315302Newcastle is _ from London.A.a three-hour journeyB.a three-hours journeyC.a three hour journey单选A1297719333I have no idea who stole his wallet. It _ anyone.A.could have beenB.should have beenC.must have been单选A1639037364The

24、y have the car _ every three months.A.serviceB.to serviceC.serviced单选C1609825375The doctor says there is _ in my headache, but I must have a good rest and take some medicine.A.something seriousB.anything seriousC.nothing serious单选C1368826226A: Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea? B: _. Plea

25、se give me a glass of orange juice.A.NeitherB.BothC.All单选A16211212387A: Have you seen the film Life Without Steve? B: No, I havent seen it _.A.yetB.alreadyC.still单选A15210914298_ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.A.AnyoneB.SomeoneC.Everyone单选B1408517389He used to _ very hard when he was

26、 young.A.workingB.workC.to work单选B14492183410This book is worth _.A.to readB.of readingC.reading单选C15392243711She wont leave _ her friends come back.A.sinceB.untilC.when单选B13495102912Japan lies _ the east of ChinaA.inB.atC.to单选C15588392813Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way

27、 you _?A.brought upB.were brought upC.had brought up单选B15298233114Learning English well isnt easy _ I like it very much.A.butB.andC.because单选A158112123415Tom hurt _ when playing football.A.himB.himselfC.his单选B15711583416We succeeded _ all the difficulties.A.in spite ofB.becauseC.although单选A146922034

28、17We _ go skiing a lot in the winter months.A.use toB.are used toC.used to单选C15782334218She will have the curtain _ before the guests come.A.to be changedB.changedC.changing单选B15693234019We wont go for a picnic _ it rains on Saturday.A.ifB.unlessC.until单选A14490243020We _ go swimming together when we

29、 were young.A.use toB.are used toC.used to单选C171106303521If I _ time, Ill go shopping with you.A.haveB.have hadC.will have单选A16298224222A: _ runs the guesthouse? B: Tom and Ann.A.whoB.whatC.which单选A15510944223The police arrived quickly, _ it was too late.A.butB.andC.so单选A13793133124She _ along the m

30、otorway when her mobile rang.A.droveB.has drivenC.was driving单选C167101244225A: I havent eaten all day. B. You _ be very hungry.A.mustB.shouldC.have单选A164106193926Tibet is _ the west of China.A.ofB.inC.to单选B143102103127Both Susan and I _ ready for the picnic now.A.is gettingB.am gettingC.are getting单

31、选C13591202428Can you wake me _ at about eight?A.onB.ofC.up单选C135101122229He looked terrible this morning. He _ too much last night.A.has drunkB.must have drunkC.should have drunk单选B158102164030A: _ another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but Im really full.A.How isB.How abo

32、utC.Do you have单选B14187203431Dont talk so loud. Youll _ the baby up.A.wakeB.wakenC.awake单选A13184232432Jack was _ tired that he couldnt go a step further.A.soB.tooC.such单选A163104213833Tom _ the music when Mary entered the roomA.listened toB.was listeningC.was listening to单选C14885224134_ her Ill pick

33、up the airline tickets tomorrow.A.TellB.AskC.Request单选A15298163835I am having the TV _ tomorrow.A.repairedB.repairC.to repair单选A15180403136Youll be late _ you leave immediately.A.unlessB.untilC.if单选A13784223137Im going to take an early bus _ I can get there in time.A.sinceB.becauseC.so that单选C151842

34、54238_ of her brothers came to the wedding. They dont like her new husband.A.EitherB.NeitherC.All单选B15481294439Do you know if he _ back next week? If he _ back, please let me know.A.comeswill comeB.will comecomesC.will comewill come单选B14693143940Help _ to some fruits, children.A.youB.yourselfC.yours

35、elves单选C14591223241As she. _ the newspaper, Cranny _ asleep.A.read was fallingB.was reading fellC.read fell单选B12478172942There are many restaurants on _ sides of the streets.A.eitherB.eachC.both单选C164105174243His grandfather is very healthy. He _ drinks _ smokes.A.both andB.neither norC.neither or单选

36、B156102173744He tries his best _.A.and does it wellB.to do it wellC.doing it well单选B13987133945Polly _ in that shop since 1998.A.workedB.has workedC.is working单选B152108162846Could you tell me how to _ my English?A.alterB.improveC.change单选B15097143947Is the supermarket _ the right or left?A.onB.inC.a

37、t单选A16699313648Tom has been busy with his work _ Monday.A.fromB.sinceC.for单选B161101263449While she _ a cup of tea in the living room, someone knocked at the door.A.was havingB.is havingC.having单选A14593183450An application form will be sent to you _.A.on requestB.on a requestC.in request单选A141773232试题分析 作业名称:记分作业一序号题目题型标准答案测试人次答对人次答错人次不答人次1I have to go now. I have to pick _ my son from school.A.inB.withC.up单选C1438127352John ate a big meal _ he said he wasnt hungry.A.becauseB.althoughC.if单选B1619324443A concert will be held in th

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