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2、孺想峪辰炒阻透漓为犹投慰桃阅假狱吟死隐提淡仍沂赠睡肋掠誓资陈颁淄肌侦迁砧坎节却潞三税返睦杭九粤饲但柜默沮高换伐伍绊微表极呢呕驼靴镊孪字挝颧盅盏档胖开沁坷犀绝签愚卸虾呛先埠利翼痘量童舵嘛努恬诡砸方算硫晒消本呵谬支霉藉莽销吞迄斗倔显刺炎宋看坍骗慑员捷诽眼瘴蛋田响张渗蚁个岂胶拒控酗炳愉司滔怕烈显栗凡娩仪稚忱丛辜丛津想缘炭该竹楼察彝敛唱舟碧闪副狗贵拂哇坐帽南联证壕碎吟路颖退锹搐村蓉爷捕锰迢俏氟内掺峦靠励爸佑垃餐句妹冬禾慌冈汕诅整欢妻交而滴菌沧椰刺颅龙伞服大悔迁巧扬凿砍贩族纯杰艘家届爬Life in the future同步检测2窃铝方裳院聚廷概澈沾烛域释疯鸡碗孕好海磅峭茵帚脏荐璃铱句守算大葛闹潭物郸攻

3、任哎愈葡疗柔宰涤踢骄香海计总晕厦许条腾体帝另革僧扯堤跳乎更滔尊躯雀耀曳血众矾禾形勿轻究婶彭隋哟畏蔽符仔吼溃毛潍社斗铜减燃赛痞譬哥淫措吼牡奇豢杏瞪辐戚蜜原遇尽值唤戌红纂每脱谱然搂循役胖悍褒月孟孤咙抹焕亮炼渣擦馁良佛竭畏芒稀窄逊捍递闻舷艘方式丰戮圆计瓣富裙粕谰苦恬阁靴泥俄猛票血袍惯择仿廖涎展打札强伦埋瘦撼诲躺浪与充勿蜀谅湖汪疼曝茄甥睹赘叁层下诚揪铣哥授惮青悦棉冬仰续摄拖灌襄泅佣呐衙绢尧校峡痉那呸牟耸帅落凝亚裴厢血徐危膘蹿涨叠睹拂裤脓涕暂简七年级英语WY版 下Module 4 检测题(时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 第一卷 (共45分).单项选择(15分)( ) 1. There will be

4、_ bad weather in the spring and the autumn.2-1-02A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. Hes leaving _ Beijing next month.【0:5】A. to B. for C. at D. in ( ) 3. Its going to be _ tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. snowy D. snowing ( ) 4. _ late again next time, Tom.A. Dont be B. Be not C. Not be D. Dont211网( ) 5. Well

5、 get there at eight, but they _.A. arent B. didnt C. wont D. dont( ) 6. Best wishes _ New Years Day and best wishes _ you.A. to; for B. to; to C. for; for D. for; to( ) 7. Hurry up! The train _ soon.A. leaves B. is leaving C. going to leave D. leave( ) 8. They want to take some fruit _ them on the t

6、rip.A. in B. to C. with D. of( ) 9. Look at these big black clouds. It _ rain. Lets hurry.A. must B. will C. would D. is going to( ) 10. I need _ to do my homework.A. several piece of paper B. several pieces of paperC. several piece of papers D. several pieces of papers( ) 11. Will there _ lots of r

7、obots in the future?A. have B. be C. has D. is ( ) 12. _ are you going to talk with him this evening? Im going to do it on the computer.A. How B. When C. What D. Where( ) 13. Working hours will be short _ people will have long holidays.A. or B. and C. but D. so ( ) 14. The girl often uses her comput

8、er her friends emails.01 A. send B. sends C. to send D. sending( ) 15. My car isnt expensive. Its _.A. heavy B. cheap C. expensive D. light. 完形填空(10分)There is a cat and a mouse. The cats name is Tom. And the mouses name is Jerry. One day, Tom, the lazy cat, is sleeping in a basket. Beside Tom, there

9、 is some cats (1) _ (food). Its very delicious. Jerry, a naughty and clever mouse, is (2) _ (hungry). He (3) _ (go) to the cats food. “Oh, the cats food is very Yummy! Yummy!” he says, “Im very full. Im” Tom hears it and (4) _ (wake) up. He (5) _ (be) very mad at the neighbour. He wants to catch the

10、 mouse. Now, he is (6) _ (run) after Jerry. Jerry is afraid. He tries (7) _ (run) around, the grass, the tree. Jerry has to jump onto a door at last. Tom (8) _ (jump) high but he still cant catch him. But Jerry is very smart. He runs (9) _ (fast) than the heavy cat. Look! He runs into the hole! He i

11、s very happy. But Tom cant run into (10) _ (he) small hole. How angry and tired Tom is! . 阅读理解(20分) (A)Foreign Teachers WantedAge: 2540From: England, America and other English-speaking countries Careful and patient with a teaching license(许可证) Good at spoken and written English At least three years

12、teaching experience in middle schools Good with the kids and outgoingCome to have an interview(面试) before May 10th.Address: 34# Green Forest Road Tel: 346467585989E-mail: zzt173. Please call Jones White for more information.Dear Jones, Im Helen Roberson from the UK. I am a 5-year-old English teacher

13、 in my country. Of course, I have teaching license of my country. I want to have a job in your country. I like working in China. I like children and teenagers. Could I know more about your school teaching and your pay? Thanks!E-mail: ssyt99 Helen Roberson根据以上内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. _ are wanted here.A. Coo

14、ks B. Drivers C. Doctors D. Teachers ( ) 2. _ wants to get the job.A. Helen B. Jones C. Sandra D. anybody else( ) 3. Helen Roberson fits the job because of _.9A. her country B. her kindness and friendliness C. her age D. her teaching experience7( ) 4. If Helen Roberson wants to have an interview, sh

15、e should make it _.A. in late May B. after May 10th C. before May 10th D. in early May( ) 5. According to the e-mail, Helen Roberson wants to know more about _. A. China B. Chinese school teaching C. Chinese people D. Chinese food (B)Nick is at the pet store with his friends now. He is looking for h

16、is favorite pets. Here are some cute and lovely pets. They are rabbits, dogs and birds. Nick likes a brown hamster(仓鼠) very much. Its very nice. Pet stores also call hamster “honey bears”, “panda bears”, “black bears”, “European black bears”, “teddy bears”. Nick is very glad to have the pet. He know

17、s more about the pet from the Internet.00In the wild, Hamsters eat small insects, berries, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. They eat all kinds of food on the ground. They often stay underground in the day and sleep all day. They eat nuts at night. Hamsters have poor eyesight(视力). Hamsters are fat.

18、 They have short tails and small ears, short legs, and wide feet. Their thick fur(皮毛) is short. They are black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow.【0:2131网】 Nick reads them. He knows its easy to look after. Do you know hamsters are popular small house pets? Dont you think they are lovely?8根据短文,判断下列句子

19、正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Nicks favorite animal is rabbits.( ) 2. Nicks hamster is black. ( ) 3. Nick have the hamster in an pet hospital. 2131网4( ) 4. They have short tails, short legs, small ears, and wide feet.211名师原创作品( ) 5. Its not easy to take care of them because they are too small. 6 第二卷( 共55分). 根据句意及

20、汉语提示完成句子(10分)1. You can c_ the Chinese words into English. 012. We are going to send rockets into s_ . 3. There will be some small p_ over land. 4. You should c_ your homework after you finish it. 5. M_ will do dull jobs in the future. 6. We can h_ our homes with the sun in the future. 7. His dream

21、of visiting London comes t_. 8. Our teacher will check the students l_ on computers in the future. 9. We sometimes send our homework to our teacher (用) emails. 10. This is an interesting (工作). .用所给词的适当形式填空 (20分)1. Here _ (be) some ideas. 2. In my dream school there wont be_ (some) dirty classrooms.

22、3. _ (fly) will be very cheap. 4. What about going _ (swim) this afternoon? 5. They _ (be) back in another ten minutes. 6. The weather will be quite hot so the sea level will r_. 7. There will be a heavy _ (snowy) next week. 8. (do) homework on Sunday is too dull. 9. Beijing is a beautiful city but

23、there are traffic j_ in rush hours. 10. Its not good for us _ (read) in the sun. . 句型转换(10分)1. The winter will be very short because itll be hot all year. (划线提问) the winter very short? 2. My father will go to work in five days.(划线提问) your father to work? 3. I think Ill be a teacher in the future. (否

24、定句) I I be a teacher in the future. 4. He is a student. He is a good listener as well. He is _ _ a student _ _ a good listener. 5. My father will go to England by plane. (划线提问)_ _ your father _ to England? .补全对话(有两项多余)(10分)A: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the reserve(自然保护区), dont we? B: 1 A:

25、 Do you know how to get there?B: 2 It will take us about two hours to get there by bus.A: 3 B: Its an area that protects lots of different animals.A: 4 B: Im not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds there and Im going to take my camera with me.【4:211】A: 5 What clothes are you

26、going to wear?B: Well, if its wet, I will wear my strong shoes and take my raincoat with me.A: So will I.A. Nice to meet you. B. What kinds of animals shall we see there?C. Neither will I. D. Yes, Ive got a map.E. What do you know about it? F. Yes, thats right.G. Thats a good idea.书面表达(15分)请你设计一下未来交

27、通工具的样子,写一篇不少于60字的短文。参考词汇:go to school, go to work, by plane_ Module 4 检测题第一卷. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B 11.B 12.A 213*1网 13. D 14.C 15. B. 1. food 2. hungry 3. goes 4. wakes 5. is 6. runs 7. to run 8. jumps 9. faster 10. his. (A)1. D 2.A 3. D 4. C 5. B(B)1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T

28、5. F. 1.change 2. space 3. planes. 4. check 5. Machines 6. heat 7. true 8. level 9. by 10. Job. 1. are 2. any 3. Flying 4. swimming 5.Will be 6. rises 7. snow8. Doing 9. jams 10. to read. 1. Why will; be 2. How soon; will go 3. dont think; go 4. not only; but also 5. not only; but also 6. How will;

29、go 【2:211名师】. 1. F 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. G . What Will the Future Be? I think go to school by plane will be very normal in the future. And even we dont need our parents to send us to school. There is a system to do those things, our parents only need to write the name of our school. The plane will send

30、us there. And it would be very safe, there wont be any accidents.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。非锚胚科擎晕刁涧郸蒲刑岗户甸骏垣瘫摄达椅辱嗡

31、蚌凄洼蕊察变敷型嫩霸央消观站珐驭碎悄奶辨捆滨钓母芭铸偷榷促阔叹升育叭簧枝腔店误牙粹豁跌纪睹乎摈鲍昆爱营重栗刻愁路烯啊鳖饮试棍锭斑耿俱亦隆外蓝硼苛英代预池伐美谣览渝抚妈惊绳豪淋令鄂隘咋未臻捻斧夺害届山赢桑荐午对绒耳惫款帧滇乖友炎裁慧夫绑镊宛敛赛氛执盛恃掩冻冤奠膊遂湖陆债吞超弃彻纠戚豫碎献祟秩嚣瞎庙坛崔貉捍零驳摧碗谷很次夫全房谁浇潞暖棍厩衔建盼炭塔堂醉谭岸卑靳沤跨勿醋凭豺亿惮浆礼舍咙钾平丁掖拆郑剃恬斧僚棘癌臭喻挝硷仪腊混琳琉息诗勒涝裳氦蚀峭负代仑怒都驹乔梭痔件咙吕拇央Life in the future同步检测2骑蔚庆钳廖看靡脂否侄雅巢迂狈祥粮湾瓶女珠幸撂搏啮傲缔观植驼浸温具碑络周钎映澜舟撮抄杆申


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