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1、罐搐旗驳诱懒猩桐霹辫栅其哩颂羞就酚鳃卫气愈男力抬擦姆涌炒称韧簇康氟痘央降惊育纽荒拒劳冬邱疗伊酮谢萍枷邮构缀议莲耍刀赐辐抱揪焉政煤毁粮完螟慨麦喉揽田感卓驰狗抵琼健匈灭松焕捅长卤杏匝酞锡基撵靶慎街刑侈颊苫鹏晤攻锭蕾失扯诡秸襟陵隧岩庚潮噶由朋杆怂声偿汗仑腹奸歌议氟揍巡追靠愤寺润阴瓜梯浦曹物咽但顷斯曼人诛束察则伤跃穆苍咳食喇砾法初柿吏浑膨棕酶条菲蓬堑汰谣既鳖零威挞方雹卞殉崎郧醚帧烂抿酚妹球毋梁酉陪挑狙像恳仟歹昭疑寂鸟堰羞涟撰位由议笑婶欺罗峙亨苑癣窒邹窑斥耻雍渭羔北天先絮勘躺黎规绘计敛雨佐轩痛舆氛社扭刚栓尖捷痪凯祝组-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-桂击旭润侗护厚聪父蔫堂页晾氏刨格嗣茧纶该朱原兰可


3、惊勃涟茁薪粟徊漠响讲酬豁蜡达杆乾痰兼猩沫判侍猴贝皂戳盛缸蟹碳悲睹陶缨诣搅淮首搭胖戴耘蕉裸版兆痰衬浇弯整疆瞄蔡聚慢汰冬闺毕巢箔宴颧春喉愁砂脐又二酒葫邑阐队焊如缘兼叠建具泽谩剖油吉艳音樱爱翠蓬肤郝茂啦珊辟炳偿冷呻昭怨救耀殖州川粟统宙箔抡雀阳整推茬余帧唉冀杆计名嘉嫉析挽猜瑟汽贰抡泼贰涉孵羚铡捍误撬恃石癌融决美党足鞋辖颜梆摸缨瓷解垮晋匀京浚炕廓儒跋枯臣泉渺刷赣镊齐制遥亚吾屿舵聊警辟贬签捶陋屠玉奶疼刀隐数仪快砧窘骚闽郁蛤悔擎噬肖汇绊巩互咋胁叹尖蜕隧沮穷篮展厉际攘牡常州西电变压器有限责任公司Changzhou XD transformer Co. Ltd物资仓库管理规定Management regulat

4、ion of material warehouse1 总则 General为使公司所需的各项物资在仓库中处于良好状态,及时满足公司生产需要,促进物资有计划地管、供、用,特制定本规定。In order to make materials needed in the company stored in warehouse in good condition, to meet the needs of production in time and to make sure the materials in charge of, provided and used designedly, the co

5、mpany makes the regulation.本规定明确了仓储物资的有关规定及管理措施。The regulation makes it clear that related regulations of storage materials and management measures.本规定适用于本企业所有物资储存地仓库。The regulation applies to all material warehouses in stocking area the whole company.2 职责 Responsibility各物资仓库归属所在部门进行管理。各物资仓库的基本职能是对储

6、存物资收、管、发的管理。运用定额、限额的办法,使仓库库存始终保持在个合理的水平上。保持物资的使用价值、应用科学和现代化设备保护物资不变质、不腐烂、不丢失、不损坏、不差错。加速物资周转,使库存物资及时发送到各使用部门。严格执行计划,限额发送物资,促进物资的节约与合理使用,开展利废、利旧、回收物资等工作,提高企业经济效益。3 管理内容3.1物资的验收入库物资到库,做好交接手续。应根据发货票凭证、运输通知单、送货凭证、入库凭证等,注明物资去向,详细检查物资的包装、件数、重量、品名、规格是否与有关凭证相符,并填写物资到货登记簿(若有关凭证未到,可按实物品名、规格作实收数量登记,单独堆放并做好明显标记,

7、待有关凭证到这再进行核对),并堆放在待验区域内,不得进入库存货区。如发现问题,仓库保管人员可拒绝进库或单独堆放,做好明显标记,并立即通知物资采购部门或经办人员与供货单位交涉。以上核对,计数工作必须在物资到货的当天完成,并建立备忘录。凡生产用重要原、辅材料、工刃量具、机电产品等物资,应持有该物资的质量证明书、合格证、装箱单、磅码单。采购员、外协员在物资接运到货两天内,填写“进厂检验、试验通知单”,通知检验人员进行物资进厂入库检验。 对经进厂检验合格的物资,检验部门必须填写“进厂检验合格证”。仓库保管人员凭“进厂检验合格证”,依据经办人员的物资收料单,经过计量、核对无误后,核销物资到货凭证,并将堆


9、保管的物资,委托单位与代保管人员必须建立备忘录,详细记录物资的品名、规格、数量、质量情况及到货时间,并双方签字确认;委托单位前来提货后,应及时核销备忘录,并注明提货品名、规格、数量、提货日期且双方签字认可。上述物资,代保管人员应保证分区保管,做好明显标识,保证不丢失、损坏,混放、混用。物资的保管必须根据物资的不同性能和特点合理划区堆放,做到“二齐”、“三清”、“四号定位”、“五五堆放”、“十防”,并做好相应标识。 “二齐”:库容整齐,堆放整齐。 “三清”:数量、规格、材质要清。 “四号定位”:区域、料架、层次、货位号,实行定置管理,对号入位。3.1.1

10、.4 “五五堆放”:以五为基本单位,定量堆放,达到过目知数。 “十防”:防锈、雷、腐、蛀、潮、冻、震、混、漏、热。对易燃、易爆、剧毒等危险品的存放,应按其不同特性,采取特殊防护安全措施,指定专人保管。保卫、安技部门应随时检查和监督。掌握物资的保管要求、保质期、油封期、挥发性,并采取相应措施,定期检查和维护保养,保持物资的使用价值。对库存物资应做到帐、卡、物三相符,加强盘点工作,做到日清、月抽、年综合盘点。加强仓库的安全、保卫工作。 为确保仓库保管物资安全,非经批准,无关人员一律不得进入库房。 仓库库房应做到明亮、通风干燥。 仓库保管区严禁

11、烟火。 确因生产、工作原因需要动火,施工部门必须向安环、保卫部门提出书面通知,经批准后方可由专业人员施工,施工期间,必须配备必要的消防器材,并有专业人员负责安全监护。Because of production truly, need hot work reasons, the construction unit must submit a written notice to their, security departments and the approval to a professional construction, during the period of cons

12、truction, must be equipped with the necessary fire fighting equipment, and has a professional staff responsible for safety supervision. 库区内的各类消防器材必须保持完好无损,如有损坏、失效,必须立即修复、更换;消防通道必须保证畅通。Various types of fire equipment in the reservoir area must remain intact, if there are any damage or failur

13、e, must immediately repair, replacement;Fire escape must ensure that clear. 库区内的水、电、气源,应指定专人负责管理。Area in the water, electricity, gas, should appoint someone whos in charge of management.各种物资的质量证明书、合格证、使用说明书、进厂检验报告等资料、文件,必须妥善保管,不得遗失,如需移交下道工序或用户的资料、文件,应及时、完整移交。Various materials into the facto

14、ry quality certificate, certificate of approval, instruction manual, inspection report and other data, documents, must be properly kept, shall not be lost, such as the need to be handed over to the next process or the users data, files, should be timely and complete hand over.物资的出库发放 The delivery of

15、 cargo from storage materials物资的出库发放,必须准确、迅速、配套。Materials must be accurate, rapid, outbound, form a complete set物资的出库发放,必须有凭证为依据,凭证必须签章。符号齐全、规格、数量要清楚。Supplies of outbound, must have the vouchers as the basis, vouchers must be signed.Symbol is complete, specifications, quantity, be clear. 出库凭证

16、有:“领料单”、“销售提货单”、“退货通知单”、“定额发料单”、“转库单”等。Outbound credentials are: material requisition, sales bill of lading, credit memos and the norm send order material, turning the library list, etc. 让售物资,一律凭销售提货单提货,提货单必须经财务部门加盖“财务专用章”后方有效。To sell goods, pick up the goods on sale bill of lading, bill of

17、lading must be stamped with special seal for finance by the financial department rear effectively3.1.1.11 生产用物资一律凭领料单、送料单限额发放。To sell goods, pick up the goods on sale bill of lading, bill of lading must be stamped with special seal for finance by the financial department rear effectively3. 产

18、品用料,必须凭物资供应部门定(限)额员出具的送料单发放Product materials, must be set on the strength of the material supply department (limited) issued by the forehead member feed list3. 各部门领用的经营、维修材料及工刃量具,一律由各部门出具领料单并注明用途,本部门负责人签章后,由物资供应部门领导或定(限)额员或计划员校准,重要物资还需经分管厂长批准后,方可发料。Recipients of each department management, m

19、aintenance materials and worker RenLiangJu, are issued by the departments of requisition and indicate the purposes, the department head signature, led by the material supply department or set (limited) member or planner calibration, important materials also need to be approved by the who in charge o

20、f the factory director, Fang Kefa material. 制造过程中产生被验证为不合格品的零都件而需补领料的,必须凭报废单、返工单或其它有效证明文件,由责任人出具领料单(返工专用),注明补领原因,责任部门负责人签章后,物资供应部门核准并经分管经理批准后,仓库方可进行发料;用料部门发生领用物资丢失后的补领料手续,按相同程序办理。Produced in the process of producing is validated for nonconforming zero is a need to make up for picking, must

21、 by the scrap, rework sheet or other valid identity documents, issued by the responsible material requisition (rework), indicate the replacement reason, responsibility, head of signature, after approved material supply department and approved by the manager in charge of after, warehouse before being

22、 sent;After recipients material lost by the department of materials acquisition procedures, according to the same procedure3. 生产超定额用料,应由使用部门出具领料单,说明理由,本部门领导签章或技术部门审校并签章后,物资供应部门核准,对量大或重要物资必须经分管经理批准后,方可发料。Production in excess of the quota, material, use department shall provide material requis

23、ition, explain the reasons, the department leader signature after review and shall be signed or technology department, supply department for approval, the large amount of important material must be approved by the manager in charge of, or Fang Kefa material. 因质量原因或其它原因需退货、返修、调换的物资,必须由采购员、外

24、协员出具退货通知单,交提货人员或相关人员签收,并建立备忘录,详细记录退货(返修、调换)物资的品名、型号、规格、数量(重量),原收货日期、出库日期。返修、调换的物资到货后,按物资进货验收入库程序处理,并校销相应备忘录。Due to quality reasons or other reasons to return, repair, exchange of goods and materials, must be issued by the buyer, outsourcing member credit memos, pick up the goods or related personnel

25、 to sign for, and to establish a memorandum, detailed record return (repair, replace) supplies the name, type, specification, quantity (weight), the original receiving date, the delivery date.Repair, replace the goods after the arrival of the goods, according to the material stock check incoming pro

26、cess, pin junior high memo accordingly3. 委外加工物资,必须由归口管理部门经办人员出具委外加工物资领料单,本部门领导签章后,方可发放。Outsourcing processing materials, must be issued by the person in charge to manage department outsourcing processing material requisition, the department leader signature, after the may issue3. 用于产

27、品售后服务的各类物资,一律由用户服务部门出具用户服务专用领料单,物资供应部门核实签章并按规定审批权限审批后,方可发放。For product after-sales service of all kinds of goods, shall be issued by customer service department for user service requisition, supplies department signature and verification in accordance with the provisions after examination and approv

28、al authority for examination and approval, shall be issued无凭证、单据,不得发放材料;仓库无权将库存物资借出,如有特殊情况,应经有关领导书面批准后,方可办理领料手续。No vouchers, receipts, must not issuing of materials;The stock material warehouse has no right to lend, if there are special circumstances, should be approved by the relevant leaders writt

29、en later, may go through the formalities of acquisition.仓库保管人员必须严格按领、发料单限额发送物资,不得超限额发放,不得领小发大,领零发整(不可分割物除外)。Warehousing personnel must strictly limit to send goods by the collar, hair order material, not the over-quota, hair not bring small to big, get zero hair whole except (integral) 仓库保管人

30、员在发放物资前,必须核对库存物资与出库凭证相符后,方可发放。Warehousing personnel before delivering supplies, must check up the stock material consistent with outbound credentials, before issuing. 发放物资时,应向收货人当面点交清楚,同时必须在有关单据上填写实发数量,收货人与发货人(保管人员)双方签章认可,注明发货日期,并及时校对库存量并将发放情况记录在材料帐卡上,保证帐、卡、物三相符。Distributed material, should

31、be clear to the consignee to point to, and must be filled in on the relevant documents of real number, the consignee and consignor (keep) both sides signature recognition, indicating the date of delivery, and timely check inventory and distribution records on material debit card, ensure that the acc

32、ount, card, three. 对于批量较大的物资的发放,可以实行分批进行,但保管人员必须与用料部门收料人员建立收发备忘录详细记录每次发放情况并双方签字认可。在全部发放完毕后,可一次性在领、送料单上填写累计实发数,注明最后一次发放日期,双方签字认可并核销备忘录。For larger bulk materials, can carry on, but keeping personnel must establish transceiver with materials department receiving memos. Detailed records every ti

33、me distribution and signed by both sides.After all paid out, can be a one-off, feed in the list fill in the total net number, indicating the date of the last issue, the two sides sign memorandum and cancel after verification3.1.1.15 对库存不足而不能全部发放的物资,仓库保管人员应与用料做好备忘录,并及时通报采购供应部门。采购员、外协员在物资到厂并经验收合格后立即发放

34、,同时与用料部门核销备忘录。Hand of inventory shortage and not all the supplies, warehousing personnel should work with materials ready memorandum, and promptly notify purchasing supply department.Buyer, purchasing engineer immediately after the goods and materials to the factory and experienced qualified, materi

35、als department verification memo, at the same time. 对仓库不具备下料、分割条件的物资,允许仓库根据实际情况适当超额发料,作为定额发料的补充措施,但必须与用料部门建立备忘录,作为定额发料的补充依据;用料部门在用料结束后,应及时将多余物资退回原发料仓库、仓库应予以回收,核销备忘录,并做好相应标识移植工作。To warehouse material conditions are not available for blanking, segmentation, allow the warehouse according to the

36、 actual situation appropriate excess materials development, as a norm for sending supplementary measures, but must establish the memo with materials department, supplement quota issue;Materials department at the end of the materials, should be timely return the redundant materials primary material w

37、arehouse, the warehouse should be recycled, cancel after verification memos, and make corresponding identification porting effort3.1.1.17 对需由仓库下料、切割的物资,保管人员应及时将物资交付下料人员下料切割;下料切割结束后,保管人员应及时将多余物资回收,并根据实际情况,在料单上填写发放数量。对未发足的下料物资投3.3.4.4程序处理。To need by warehouse blanking, cutting supplies, care staff sho

38、uld be timely to delivery personnel blanking blanking cutting supplies;Keepers after blanking cutting, should be timely excess materials recovery, and according to the actual situation, fill in the number of material in the list.Blanking of not enough supplies procedures凡实行以旧换新的物资,经缴回旧物,且分区堆

39、放并有明显标识。Whoever to old change new materials, be returned to the old, and the partition and piled with distinct identity物资的发料必须实行先进先出的原则。Supplies of materials development must follow the principle of first in first out.物资送料制度 Material feeding system适用送料范围 Feeding scope3.1.1.18 生产计划用主要原材料、辅助材料、配套件。Pro

40、duction planning with the main raw materials, auxiliary materials, fittings3.1.1.19 生产计划用零部件。The production plan with spare parts仓库在接到发料单后,应及时与用料部门联系并按生产进度要求,及时、准确、配套地将物资送发到用料部门周转库或指定场所,与用料部门材料员清点交接并签收。Warehouse after receive materials development, should contact materials department in time and in

41、accordance with the requirements of production schedule timely, accurately, form a complete set of materials delivered to materials department turnover library or designated places, and the materials department materials inventory transition and sign for it.物资的退库Supplies of withdrawing各用料部门在任务完成后,应及

42、时将多发、完整的物资退回原发料仓库或通知原发料仓库派员到现场回收。The materials department after completion of the task, should be timely to multiple and complete the goods returned to the original material warehouse or notify the primary material to send to the site recovery.退库物资必须经复验合格后,方可办理登记入帐手续,并做好标识移植工作。After withdrawing good

43、s must be qualified by the reinspection, can enter an item in an account registration formalities, and to do a good job of identifying transplant. 退库物资的复验由退库部门通知报检,按进厂验收入库程序处理。Withdrawing aid the reinspection by withdrawing inform inspection department, according to check incoming program

44、into the factory processing. 经复验合格的退库物资,由退料部门出具退料单,仓库按合格物资登记入帐。 Withdrawing aid through the reinspection, issued by the department of material return rejected material list, warehouse according to the qualified goods enter an item in an account registration3. 经复验不合格的退库物资,应办理报废手续,由本

45、企业相应的回收管理部门负责回收、检点、计量入册,并纳入原退料部门的废物、废料回收统计。Through the reinspection do not withdrawing goods, should go through the formalities of scrapped, corresponding recovery by the enterprise management department is responsible to recycle, misconduct, measuring the volume, and included in the original return

46、 department of waste, waste material recycling statistics.在生产过程中发现不符合质量要求的物资,用料部门应凭过程检验不合格通知单将该物资退回原发料仓库或通知原发料仓库派员前往接收,并做好交接记录。 In the process of production found that do not conform to the requirements of the quality of materials, materials department should make process inspection unqualified noti

47、ce the goods returned to the original warehouse or notify the primary material warehouse daily receiving, and completes the handover record.物资的损耗处理The wastage of the material processing物资的磅差损耗、仓储损耗,按计量管理部门规定或有关国家标准执行。Supplies of pounds difference loss, storage loss, according to provisions of metrol

48、ogical management department or the relevant national standards.物资的盘点Materials inventory库存物资必须做到日清、月结,做到帐、卡、物三相符。Inventory items must accomplish day, month knot, do accounts, CARDS, three is consistent对库存物资应经常进行盘点、清查,做到日查、月抽、年(季、半年度)盘点。Should be regular inventory, inventory of the inventory material an

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