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1、Group-workWords guessing1.1.1.1.Five or six people in one group are required.Five or six people in one group are required.Five or six people in one group are required.Five or six people in one group are required. will stand in front of the big screen,without One will stand in front of the

2、 big screen,without One will stand in front of the big screen,without One will stand in front of the big screen,without looking at it.The other group members in that group looking at it.The other group members in that group looking at it.The other group members in that group looking at it.The other

3、group members in that group should give some hints(should give some hints(should give some hints(should give some hints(暗示暗示暗示暗示)in English to the one)in English to the one)in English to the one)in English to the one standing ahead.standing ahead.standing ahead.standing ahead. hints shou

4、ld not include the exact word on the Your hints should not include the exact word on the Your hints should not include the exact word on the Your hints should not include the exact word on the big screen.big screen.big screen.big screen. group has five words and the task is required to E

5、ach group has five words and the task is required to Each group has five words and the task is required to Each group has five words and the task is required to be finished within 3 minutes.be finished within 3 minutes.be finished within 3 minutes.be finished within 3 minutes. group that

6、guesses out the most words wins.The group that guesses out the most words wins.The group that guesses out the most words wins.The group that guesses out the most words wins.Warm-upWarm-upactivitiesactivitiesHat 帽子1.You will use it in winter in order to keep warm.2.You put it on your head.3.Group One

7、Group OneCamera相机Hair Dryer 电吹风USB 接口Transformer变形金刚Cell phone手机Group TwoGroup TwoPlane飞机Headphone 耳机Glass 眼镜Laptop手提电脑T V电视Group Group ThreeThreeWatch 手表Wash Machine 洗衣机Printer 打印机Eye shadow眼影 Electric cooker 电饭锅Group FourDish washer 计算机 Speaker 音箱 microwave 微波炉Mouse 鼠标 3DMovie 电影 Group FiveMotobik

8、e 摩托车Fridge 冰箱 Steven Jobs 乔布斯 Mp4 player音乐播放器 Japan 日本 Group Sixspaceship 太空飞船 Microphone话筒 Keyboard 键盘 Fitnessequipment 健身器材 Digital Video 数码摄像机Group SixSolar Heater太阳能热水器Car汽车Light 灯光Digital Video 数码摄像机Digital Video 数码摄像机此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!

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