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1、一there be 句型总结1.there is/are 表示某处有某物,there is后面接单数,或不可数名词,There are后面接可数名词的复数。2.就近原则,靠近谁,就用谁的形式,单数在前用is,复数在前用are。3.否定句,not 加在be 动词后面,遇到some变any4.变疑问,be 句首站,there 跟在be 后面,遇到some变any。肯定回答,Yes, there is/are. No, there is/are not.5.对数字提问,用how many +可数名词复数+are there 。?用所给词的适当形式填空1.There is _(a) orange co

2、at on the chair.2.There _(be) some soup on the table.3.There _( be) three bears in front of her.4.There _(be) a pen and two rulers in basket.5.There_( not) any cakes here?6.There_(be) two glasses of juice on the table.7.There_(be) a bird in the tree.8._(be) there _(some) puter rooms?9.How many _(des

3、k) and _(chair) are there in the classroom?10.How many classrooms _(be) there in our school?句型转换1.There is some soup on the table.否定句:_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_2.There are forty doctors in the hospital.划线部分提问_一般疑问句并作否定回答_3. There is a new library in our house.否定句;_划线部分提问_4. There are three puter rooms in our sch

4、ool.划线部分提问_5. There isnt any bread on the plate.改为肯定句;_6. There are some apples in the bag.划线部分提问_一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_二have ,has 的用法1. 当主语是第三人称单数时,用has,包括 he ,she, it.人的名字,单个的人或物体2. 当主语为I,you, we, they,以及主语是复数时用have3. 否定句,要请助动词 do, does 来帮忙,三单时请does,其他请do 来帮忙not加在助动词后,变为,dont, doesnt, 助动词是照妖镜,要把动词照回原形。主语+

5、dont + have +. 主语+ doesnt + have+ .4. 一般疑问句,把助动词移到句首,后跟主语,遇到第一人称I(我),we(我们),要变为you (你,你们), Do + 主语+ have+.? Does + 主语+ have+ .?5. 肯定回答,Yes,主语+ do/does 否定回答,No,主语+ dont/doesnt6.对have, has 之后的内容提问用what + do/does +主语+ have?用have, has, do, does 的适当形式填空1. I _ a new friend.2. My mother _ a red dress. 3. T

6、he boys _ some picture books.4. She _ many animal friends.5. Our teacher _ many kites.6. It _ four feet.7. Yang Ling _a model plane, but she _(not) _ two toy cars.8. _ Tom _ any masks? Yes, he _.9. The students _ some fruits.10. What _ you _? I _ a hat.11. What _ your brother _? He _ some dolls.12.

7、_ they _ any story books? Yes ,they _.13. _your teacher _ a shirt? Yes, he _.14. What _ she _? She _ a cat.15. _ you have _(any) _(hobby)? Yes, they_.句型转换1. She has a parrot.该为复数句;_否定句;_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_2. The girls have some nice dresses.否定句_对划线部分提问_3. It has four feet.一般疑问句_对划线提问_4. We have some good f

8、riends.一般疑问句并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_三Can 的用法,can 是情态动词,表示能够的意思。1. Can + 动词原形,不需要任何变化2. 否定句,not直接加在can 的后面,can not 缩写为cant. 3. 一般疑问句,把can 移到句首,can +主语+ 动词原形+. ?肯定回答;Yes,主语+can. 否定回答;No, 主语+cant.(遇到I, we. 变疑问时要变为you.)4. 对can 后面的部分提问;What can +主语+ do ?用所给词的适当形式填空1. Bobby _(can not) see any cakes in the fridge.2

9、. You can _(eat) some bread.3. They can _(swim).4. It can _(run) and _(jump).5. It can _(talk) and _(fly).6. He can _( play) basketball, but his sister _(not).7. What can you _(do), I can _(sing).8. Can you find Tom? No, I _.句型转换1. I can see some juice in the glass. 否定句;_一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_2. He c

10、an play the piano well.一般疑问句,并作否定回答_3. Can I go to school today?肯定回答;_改为肯定句_4. Su Hai can make a model ship. 对划线部分提问_.否定句_.5. You can see polar bears in Canada.对划线部分提问_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_-否定句_四like的用法1.like +名词的复数,表示喜欢某一类事物。2.like+ 动词ing 形式,表示喜欢做某事3.否定句,主语+ dont /doesnt like doing 4.一般疑问句;do/does +主语+ like

11、 +doing?肯定回答;Yes.主语+ does/do 否定回答; No, 主语+ doesnt4.对like 后面的内容划线提问,如果是物体,what do/does +主语+ like?如果like 后是动词ing 形式,要用what do/does +主语+ like +doing?小试牛刀用所给词的适当形式填空1.I like _(play) football.2.He _(like)_(draw) pictures.3.She _(like) _(read) _(story)4.Suhai likes _(dance). He can _(dance) well.5.What _(

12、do) he _(like) _(do)?6.The girl _(like) the red flowers, but the boy _(not like)_(they).7.I like _(skate).but I _( can not) skate well.8._(do) he like _(listen) to music?Yes. he_,/ No. He _.9. My father _(like)_(watch) flims and _(sing)10. _he like _(play) the piano? Yes.he _.11. What _(do) you _(li

13、ke) _? I like swimming.12. Do you like _(rabbit) ? No,I _.13. _Yang Lin _(like)_(play) table tennis? Yes.she _.14. My cousin_(like) _(run).15. Mr Green_(not) _(like)_(play) basketball.句型转换1. She like drawing in the park.否定句_.一般疑问句_.对划线部分提问_.2. I like cats.否定句_ .一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_.3. SuYang likes

14、playing the piano in his room.一般疑问句_.对划线部分提问_.4.LiuTao and Mike like listening to music and drawing.对划线部分提问_.一般疑问句并作肯定回答_.5. We like swimming in summer.一般疑问句_.对划线部分提问_.否定句_.6. My brother likes singing.否定句_.一般疑问句_对划线部分提问_.7. 你喜欢滑冰吗?是的,我喜欢,我能滑的很好。_you like _? Yes. I _. I can _ well.五Let的用法1. Let是让某人做某

15、事的意思。 后面要加动词原形2.let 后面要用人称代词的宾格Lets= let us 让我们, let me 让我 let it 让它Lets go 后面要加doing(动词ing).3.shall we+ .? Lets go. 按要求填写适当形式1. Let _( I ) have a look. 2.Let _(we) go and _(skate)3 .Let_(it) go. 4.Let _(he) show you around.5.Let _(she) e in . 6.Lets go _(swim)7.Lets go and _(swim). 8.Lets _(go) to

16、school 9.Lets go and_(play). 10.Lets _(go) home. 11.Let _(they) try.按要求写句子1. 让我们在玩一次吧!_.2. 让我看一看。_.3. 让我们去滑冰吧._.4. 让我们回家吧。_.5. 让它走吧。_.六介词的用法1. 介词是表示在什么方位的,例如,in front of (在.前面), behind(在.后面), beside,(在.旁边) between,(在两者之间) in(在里面) ,on(在上面), at,(在什么时候),with(和一起),for,(给谁,为了.) ,under(在.下面)2. 介词后面跟宾格,例如,

17、in front of her, behind you, with me 。3. 介词后面加名词,地点,时间,构成介词短语。On the table , in the ice, behind the door, beside the bear.用介词填空(in ,on ,at ,in front of ,beside, between ,with, for 1. There is a house _ the forest.2. There are three bears _(在前面) her.3. There are two pandas _(在.后面) him。4. There is som

18、e soup_ the table.5. There are some hard beds_ the room.6. There is some juice _ the glass.7. There are some cakes _the fridge.8. I am _(在.中间)Liu Tao and Su Hai.9. There are many birds _the tree.10. Its time _ lunch.11. Where is Sam? He is _(旁边)you.12. Lets go _ (和.一起)me 13. He likes playing footbal

19、l _ (和.一起)his friend。14. Our classroom is _ the second floor.15. We get up _six thirty every day.16. Bobby is _the swing.17. There is a hole _the ice.18. Sam and Billy skate _ the ice.19. You can see pandas _China.20. They like playing football _the playground.21. The cat is _(在.之间) my shoes.22. The

20、re is a pair of shoes _(在.下面my bed.七人称代词的用法第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称(单数)第三人称(单数)第三人称(单数)第三人称(复数主格I Weyouyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouyouhimheritthem物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir1.主格,一般放在句首,作为主语,例如,I am a girl/boy. He is a teacher.2.宾格,一般放在动词的后面,后介词的后面, look at me, show you around, in front of her.3.物主代词,表示什么

21、东西是属于某人的,例如,my father, my sister, our school, your name, his coat4.单独的人名,要表示“谁的”只要在人名上加s 就可以,例如,Liu Taos mother,Helens book , my cousin schoolbag.5. 我用am ,你用are, is 用于它,他,她小试牛刀用人称代词填空,或按要求填空1._(我) am a new student.2.Look at _(they).3.Look at _(she) red coat.4._(I) father is a doctor.5.Can you show _

22、(she) around _(you) school?6._(it) body is hard.7.There are some pandas in front _(he).8._(they) talk about _(they) hobbies.9.Let _(we) go and play.10. What is _(you) hobby?11.Bobby and Tina find _(they) cousin.12._(we) classroom is on the third floor.13.push _(I),Bobby!14. I have an animal friend ,

23、_(it) eyes are red, _(it)_can run. _(it) is a rabbit. 15. It likes _(you) fingers.16.Whose coat is it ? Its _(Tina)17.Whose birthday is it today? Its _(Mum).18._(Tom) brother have three dogs.19.Mike and _(he) friends have a lot of books.20.You can show _(they) around the school.用be 动词填空(am, is ,are)

24、1. I _ a boy.2. We _ good friends.3. He _ good at English.4. They _(not ) good at Maths.5. It _ a parrot. It can talk and fly.6. You _ really good at _(skate)7. Who _ she ? She is my sister.8. Where _ the cakes? _ _ in the fridge.9. Who _I ? I dont know.10. How _ you today? I _ not happy.八名词变复数1. 一般

25、情况下,直接在末尾加S, 例如,book - books. room-rooms, film-films.2. 以辅音字母加y 结尾的,要变y 为I,再加es, 例如,story-stories, hobby-hobbies,3. 以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词复数加es,例如,dress- dresses box-boxes 4. 特殊变化的 foot-feet, toothteeth5. 单数和复数是一样的,Chinese,Japanese,sheep,deer,fish写出下列名词的复数1. student_ 2.box_ 3. story_4.library _ 5. Clas

26、sroom_ 6. art room_7.lady _ 8.body_ 9.baby_10. toy car _ 11.dog_ 12 foot_13.leg_ 14.bus_ 15. fish_16. boy _ 17. bird_ 18.arm_九a./ an /the 的用法1. a/an 表示一个数量,以元音字母开头的名词前用an ,即,a, e, i, o, u 五个元音字母,其余用a2.在乐器前用the 例如,play the piano, 以及在几楼,on the first floor,3.在球类前不需要加任何词语,play football /basketball.用a/an

27、/the/ 填空1. There is _ picture of _ flowers on _ wall2. Its too hotOpen _ door,please3. _ old man is _ teacherHe likes playing _ basketball.4. I often watch _ TV in _ evening5.There is _ apple on _ desk.6.He has _ orange coat.7.I have _ book. Its _ English book.8. His father is _ English teacherHe wo

28、rks in our school9. Is he _ American boy?10. Does Tom play _ football after _ school?11.I carry _ umbrella to my friend.12.Does it have _ arm? No,it has two .13.SuHai has _ lot of books.14.YangLing likes playing _ piano.十祈使句的用法以动词原形开头,句中没有主语的句子叫作祈使句,里面常常出现please.例如, Open the door, please! Give it a

29、cake. Push me!变否定句很简单,直接在动词加dont 就可以了!1. Push me ,please! (变否定句)_.2. Please close the window!(变否定句)_.3._(不要) open the door! Its too cold!4._(不要) shout! Its in the library.5._(不要) be late again!6. Give him a cake!(否定句)_.十一。对划线部分提问对划线部分提问要用特殊疑问词,有,what ,how ,how many, who, where, when, whose步骤;1.先判断划线

30、部分的类型,是对什么提问的,对人提问用who, 对数量提问用how many对什么东西提问用what, 对地点提问用where, 对时间提问用when, 对形容词提问用how.对谁的提问用whose.2. 然后把特殊疑问词放到句首3. 之后是一个一般疑问句,有be 动词的话,把be 动词放在前面,没有be 动词要找助动词do, does帮忙,看主语是第几人称,三单用does,其他用 do. 4. 如果提问的部分是动词ing 形式的,要在后面用doing 代替。如果是动词原形要用 do 来代替。5.最后,别忘记问号要加上。 对划线部分提问1. There are forty doctors in

31、 the hospital._.2. My brother likes singing._.3. We like swimming in summer._.4. Liu Tao and Mike like listening to music and drawing._.5. You can see polar bears in Canada_.6. The girls have some nice dresses._.7. It has four feet._.8. She like drawing in the park._.9. Su Hai can make a model ship._.10. He can play the piano well_.11. I like cats._.

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