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1、Unit 1 Section A: Your First Night at SchoolTeaching Objectives:1. 理解课文 A 和 B 的文章大意,了解大学新生的心态和入校后的事宜。2. 理解和正确运用重点词汇、短语和句型(真实条件句、否定句、疑问句)等。3. 掌握长元音 /i:/ 和短元音 /I/ 的不同发音。4. 学会正确使用不同的词性。5. 了解对中国文化影响深远的儒家代表人物孔子及其思想。Teaching Procedures:Part 1: Warm-up Activities1. Matching:Learn the following words and ph

2、rases about different places on campus, and match them to the pictures.2. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with your partner, using the words and phrases provided on the right.3. Background Information 1. SATWith the idea of providing colleges and universities with one mon criterion that ca

3、n be used to pare all applicants, the College Board has created SAT, which is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities in the United States to make admissions decisions. There are three sections: Math, Critical Reading and Writing. 2. NCAA The National Collegiate Athletic Association

4、(NCAA) is a non-profit association which regulates athletes of about 1,300 institutions. It also organizes the athletic programs of many colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, and helps more than 450,000 college student-athletes who pete annually in college sports. The organizati

5、on is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.Part 2: Text A: Your First Night at School. Words and phrases1. survivev. continue to live normally and not be too upset by your problems 艰难度过I dont think I could survive another year as a teacher; its just too stressful.我认为我没法再多做一年老师;这压力太大了。2. sociala. n

6、. a party of people assembled to promote sociability and munal activity 联欢会;联谊会There will be a social on Saturday. 星期六会举行一场联欢会。b. a. relating to human society and its members 社会的Social progress is related to every one of us. 社会进步与我们每个人都息息相关。3. a ton ofa lot of 许多;大量的Theyve got a ton of money. 他们有一大笔

7、钱。There are a ton of questions to ask. 有很多问题要问。4. explorev. inquire into; examine minutely 探索;探测I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self. 我想探寻并了解内在的自我。5. energeticallyad. in an energetic manner 精力充沛地He talked on energetically.他精力充沛地继续谈话。6. literallya. ad. (intensifier before a figurativ

8、e expression) without exaggeration 简直;几乎(加强语气)Until next payday, I was literally without any money. 到下一个发薪日前,我几乎身无分文。b. ad. in a literal sense 逐字地;按字面地You have to read it literally. 你必须逐字地读它。7. voluntarilyad. out of ones own free will 自动地;自愿地They were said to have left their land voluntarily. 据说他们自愿

9、离开了他们的家园。8. take advantage ofmake use of 发挥的优势;利用He took advantage of the fine weather to paint the shed. 他利用好天气油漆了棚子。9. overshadowv. exceed in importance; outweigh 掩盖;使显得逊色Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones. 她的新书将使她早期的所有作品都黯然失色。Word-building: ad. + v. v.overdo 把做得过分;使过于劳累overdraw 透支;

10、拉过度;夸张10. capable of (doing sth.)having the skills and qualifications to do sth. well 有能力做某事Through this growth you are capable of reaching new levels of passion.经历这番成长,你们的热情能到达新的水平。Little kids are not capable of understanding the message of Easter.小孩子无法理解复活节所传达的信息。其他一些介词词组同样可用作后置定语。例如:This is a sub

11、ject worthy of careful study.11. genuinea. honest and friendly; not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed 真诚的;真实的He is a real genuine guy. 他确实是一个真诚的人。There was genuine joy on every face. 每一张脸上都洋溢着真诚的喜悦。12. devote oneself to (doing) sth.give ones time, energy, etc. to (doing) sth. 致力于(做)某事She devote

12、d herself to the church. 她致力于教会事务。Some people devote themselves to working out that problem. 有些人全身心致力于解决那一问题。13. expandv. extend in one or more directions; make/bee larger in size or volume or quantity 扩大;扩展We have to expand the size of the image. 我们得放大图像的尺寸。This kind of industry expanded toward the

13、 middle of the 19th century. 这种产业在19世纪中叶时得以扩展。14. sleep throughnot be woken up by (e.g. a noise or an alarm clock) 未被吵醒Some children can sleep through any kind of noise. 有些孩子在任何噪音中都能安睡。You slept right through the thunderstorm. 你一直睡着,雷雨都没把你吵醒。15. incrediblea. extremely good or extremely large; beyond

14、 belief or understanding 了不起的;惊人的;难以置信的He has an incredible singing voice. 他有一副令人难以置信的歌喉。It was an incredible display of motherly love. 这是一种令人难以置信的母爱表现。16. lifelonga. continuing or existing all through ones life 终生的Everyone knows that lifelong learning is important. 每个人都知道终身学习很重要。Hes got a lifelong

15、fascination with the sea. 他终生迷恋大海。Word-building: n. + a. a.duty-free 免税的world-famous 世界闻名的17. challenge-ladena. full of challenges 充满挑战的The life of the middle-aged could be really challenge-laden. 中年人的生活可真是充满了挑战。Word-building: n. + past participle a.duty-bound 义不容辞的homemade 家里制作的18. stressfula. maki

16、ng sb. worry a lot 使紧张的;使感到压力的She had a stressful job as a sales representative. 作为销售代表,她的工作压力很大。Parenting can be a stressful business. 育儿可能是一件压力很大的事情。. Sentences:1. Its a little weird, isnt it? (Para. 1)感觉有点怪怪的,不是吗?反意疑问句强调句子的前半句。例如:They work hard, dont they? 他们努力工作,不是吗?You didnt go, did you? 你没去,是吗

17、?2. Time to relax; the hard part is over: your parents are out of your dorm, and if youre lucky your stuff is all put away, your furniture is arranged and you are stress-free, lying in the bottom bunk. (Para. 2)是轻松一下的时候了;艰难的时光已经过去:父母已经离开你的宿舍,而且如果走运的话,你的东西已经收拾妥当,家具也已各就各位,你正躺在下铺,毫无压力。这是一个并列复合句。在第二个分句

18、the hard part is over 后面有两个并列的、起说明作用的子句,其中第二个子句是一个包含条件从句的复合句,即 if youre lucky your stuff is all put away, your furniture is arranged and you are stress-free, lying in the bottom bunk。3. This first week is going to be a whirlwind, but take advantage of the energy while you have it. (Para. 4)开学的第一周会很忙

19、乱,但是一定要趁你有精力的时候充分利用好它。这是一个并列复合句。前一个分句用了一个隐喻,将大学第一周充实而忙碌的生活比做“旋风”(whirlwind);后一个分句是一个祈使句,其中 while you have it 是一个时间状语从句,表示“当你有精力的时候”,it 指前面所说的 energy。4. Youre an adult, capable of making decisions, taking responsibility, and dealing with consequences. (Para. 6)你已经是个成年人,能够自己做决定、担责任、应对后果。这里 capable of

20、后面用了三个动名词短语,做介词 of 的宾语,整个 capable of 结构是 adult 的后置定语。翻译时,如果后置定语较短,就放在所修饰的词语之前;如果后置定语较长,则单独译成一个句子。. Exercises. Pronunciation: parison between /I/ and /i:/. Tips:/I/ 和 /i:/ 是两个不同音质的音,不能把 /i:/ 简单地看成是 /I/ 的延长。/i:/ 的音长是 /I/ 的两倍以上, 舌位比/I/ 高,嘴的开口程度比 /I/ 小,下颌肌肉以及整个口腔的紧张程度比 /I/ 高,嘴唇向两边拉伸,如同微笑。. Grammar: Part

21、s of Speech 请看下面句子,学习词性的用法: a. . I went to . an ice cream social. (Text A) b. There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. (Text B) 上面例句 a 中的 social 做名词,意为“联欢会”,但更多时候它做形容词,意为“社会的;社交的”。而上面例句 b 中的 growing older 和 growing up 两个词组分别表示的是“长大”和“成长”这两个概念,两个 growing 都是介词between 的宾语,所以需要用动

22、名词,而不能用动词原形grow。英语单词有十种词性,具有辨别词性的能力是正确使用词汇的前提,也是学好英语的保证。但是在实际运用中,英语词性的误用或混用现象非常普遍,严重影响了英语表达的准确性。Part 3: Text Analysis. 1. Writing style This is a short essay about college students first days on campus. An essay is an analytic or interpretative literary position dealing with a subject from a limited

23、 or personal point of view. In the text, the author uses her own personal experiences to give some advice to new college students. So what she said is persuasive and believable. In terms of structure, the text is loosely organized, but it centers on one topicgiving advice to new college students. To

24、 give her suggestions, the author uses many imperative sentences, which make the suggestions more direct and clearer. The author also uses metaphor and parallel structure to make her essay more vivid. For example, “whirlwind” (Para. 4) is used metaphorically to describe the busy state of the student

25、s in the first week. “Be who you are. . Be genuine, be caring, .” (Para. 6) are parallel structures, which make the sentences more coherent and rhythmic. 2. Text summary This text is mainly about how to live the college life as a new student. Through her own experiences on campus, the author tells t

26、he freshmen to enjoy the first night on campus and have a good sleep because the following days will be both busy and exciting. To have an enjoyable college life, the author suggests that students should be genuine, be caring, study hard, expand their horizons and make friends.Part 4: ExercisesPart 5: Cultural FocusConfuciusThe sage of SagesHomework :1. Review the language points of the whole passage2. Be ready for the dictation3.Finish learning text B

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