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1、135Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall.ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMSCHAPTER 1Quick Check1.a.True.b.True.c.False.d.False/uncertain.The rate of growth was higher during the decade beginning in 1996 than duringthe previous two decades,but it is probably unrealistic to

2、expect productivity to continue to grow at such a fast pace.e.False.There are problems with the statistics,but the consensus is that growth in China has beenhigh.f.False.The European“unemployment miracle”refers to the relatively low Europeanunemployment rate in the 1960s and the early 1970s.g.True.h

3、.True.2.a.More flexible labor market institutions may lead to lower unemployment,but there are questions about how precisely to restructure these institutions.The United Kingdom has restructured its labor market institutions to resemble more closely U.S.institutions and now has a lower unemployment

4、rate than before the restructuring.On the other hand,Denmark and the Netherlands have relatively low unemployment rates while maintaining relatively generous social insurance programs for workers.In addition,some economists argue that tight monetary policy has at least something to do with the high

5、unemployment rates in Europe.b.Although the Euro will remove obstacles to free trade between European countries,each country will be forced to give up its own monetary policy.Dig Deeper3.a.The Chinese government has encouraged foreign firms to produce in China.Since foreign firms are typically more

6、productive than Chinese firms,the presence of foreign firms has lead to an increase in Chinese productivity.The Chinese government has also encouraged joint ventures between foreign and Chinese firms.These joint ventures allow Chinese firms to learn from more productive foreign firms.b.The recent in

7、crease in U.S.productivity growth has been a result of the development and widespread use of information technologies.c.The United States is a technological leader.Much of U.S.productivity growth is related to the development of new technologies.China is involved in technological catch-up.Much of Ch

8、inese productivity growth is related to adopting existing technologies developed abroad.d.Its not clear to what extent China provides a model for other developing countries.High investment seems a good strategy for countries with little capital,and encouraging foreign firms to produce(and participat

9、e in joint ventures)at home seems a good strategy for countries trying to improve productivity.On the other hand,the degree to which Chinas centralized political control has been important in managing the pace of the transition and in protecting property rights Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.P

10、ublishing as Prentice Hall.136of foreign firms remains open to question.4.a.10 years:(1.018)10=1.195 or 19.5%higher20 years:42.9%higher50 years:144%higherb.10 years:31.8%higher20 years:73.7%higher50 years:297.8%higherc.Take output per worker as a measure of the standard of living.10 years:1.195/1.31

11、8=1.103,so the standard of living would be 10.3%higher;20 years:21.6%higher50 years:63%higherd.No.Labor productivity growth fluctuates a lot from year to year.The last few years may represent good luck.It is too soon to tell whether there has been a change in the trend observed since 1970.5.a.13.2(1

12、.034)t=2.8(1.088)tt=ln(13.2/2.8)/ln(1.088/1.034)t 30.5 yrsThis answer can be confirmed with a spreadsheet,for students unfamiliar with the use of logarithms.b.No.At current growth rates,Chinese output will exceed U.S.output within 31 years,but Chinese output per person(the Chinese standard of living

13、)will still be less than U.S.output per person.Explore Further6.a/c.As of February 2008,there had been 5 recessions(according to the traditional definition)since 1960.Seasonally-adjusted annual percentage growth rates of GDP(in chained 2000 dollars)are given below.1969:4-1.91981:4-4.91970:1-0.71982:

14、1-6.41974:3-3.81990:4-3.01974:4-1.61991:1-2.01975:1-4.71980:2-7.81980:3-0.7With respect to the note on 2001,the growth rates for 2001 are given below.2001:1 -0.5%2001:2 1.2%2001:3-1.4%2001:4 1.6%137Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall.7.a-b.%point increase in the unemploy

15、ment rate for the 5 recessions1969-700.71981-821.11974-753.11990-910.919800.6The unemployment rate increased by 1.5 percentage points between January 2001 and January 2002.CHAPTER 2Quick Check1.a.True.b.True/Uncertain.Real GDP increased by a factor of 25;nominal GDP increased by a factor of 21.Real

16、GDP per person increased by a factor of 4.c.False.d.True.e.False.The level of the CPI means nothing.The rate of change of the CPI is one measure of inflation.f.Uncertain.Which index is better depends on what we are trying to measureinflation faced by consumers or by the economy as a whole.g.False.Th

17、e underground economy is large,but by far the majority of the measured unemployed in Spain are not employed in the underground economy.2.a.No change.This transaction is a purchase of intermediate goods.b.+$100:personal consumption expendituresc.+$200 million:gross private domestic fixed investmentd.

18、+$200 million:net exportse.No change.The jet was already counted when it was produced,i.e.,presumably when Delta(or some other airline)bought it new as an investment.3.a.The value of final goods=$1,000,000,the value of the silver necklaces.b.1st Stage:$300,000.2nd Stage:$1,000,00-$300,000=$700,000.G

19、DP:$300,000+$700,000=$1,000,000.c.Wages:$200,000+$250,000=$450,000.Profit:($300,000-$200,000)+($1,000,000-$250,000-300,000)=$100,000+$450,000=$550,000.GDP:$450,000+$550,000=$1,000,000.4.a.2006 GDP:10($2,000)+4($1,000)+1000($1)=$25,0002007 GDP:12($3,000)+6($500)+1000($1)=$40,000Nominal GDP has increa

20、sed by 60%.Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall.138b.2006 real(2006)GDP:$25,0002007 real(2006)GDP:12($2,000)+6($1,000)+1000($1)=$31,000Real(2006)GDP has increased by 24%.c.2006 real(2007)GDP:10($3,000)+4($500)+1,000($1)=$33,0002007 real(2007)GDP:$40,000.Real(2007)GDP has

21、increased by 21.2%.d.The answers measure real GDP growth in different units.Neither answer is incorrect,just as measurement in inches is not more or less correct than measurement in centimeters.5.a.2006 base year:Deflator(2006)=1;Deflator(2007)=$40,000/$31,000=1.29Inflation=29%b.2007 base year:Defla

22、tor(2006)=$25,000/$33,000=0.76;Deflator(2007)=1Inflation=(1-0.76)/0.76=.32=32%c.Analogous to 4d.6.a.2006 real GDP=10($2,500)+4($750)+1000($1)=$29,000 2007 real GDP=12($2,500)+6($750)+1000($1)=$35,500b.(35,500-29,000)/29,000=.224=22.4%c.Deflator in 2006=$25,000/$29,000=.86 Deflator in 2007=$40,000/$3

23、5,500=1.13Inflation=(1.13-.86)/.86=.31=31%.d.Yes,see appendix for further discussion.Dig Deeper7.a.The quality of a routine checkup improves over time.Checkups now may include EKGs,for example.Medical services are particularly affected by this problem since there are continual improvements in medica

24、l technology.b.The new method represents a 10%quality increase.c.There is a 5%true price increase.The other 10%represents a quality increase.The quality-adjusted price of checkups using the new method is only 5%higher than checkups using the old method last year.d.You need to know the relative value

25、 of pregnancy checkups with and without ultra-sounds in the year the new method is introduced.Still,since everyone chooses the new method,we can say that the quality-adjusted price of checkups has risen by less than 15%.Some of the observed 15%increase represents an increase in quality.139Copyright

26、2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall.8.a.Measured GDP increases by$10+$12=$22.(Strictly,this involves mixing the final goods and income approaches to GDP.Assume here that the$12 per hour of work creates a final good worth$12.)b.No.The true value of your decision to work should be l

27、ess than$22.If you choose to work,the economy produces the value of your work plus a takeout meal.If you choose not to work,presumably the economy produces a home-cooked meal.The extra output arising from your choice to work is the value of your work plus any difference in value between takeout and

28、home-cooked meals.In fact,however,the value of home-cooked meals is not counted in GDP.(Of course,there are other details.For example,the value of groceries used to produce home-cooked meals would be counted in GDP.Putting such details aside,however,the basic point is clear.)Explore Further 9.a.Quar

29、ters 2000:III,2001:I,and 2001:III had negative growth.b.The unemployment rate increased after 2000,peaked in 2003,and then began to fall.The participation rate fell steadily over the periodfrom 67.1%in 2000 to 66%in 2004.Presumably,workers unable to find jobs became discouraged and left the labor fo

30、rce.c.Employment growth slowed after 2000.Employment actually fell in 2001.The employment-to-population ratio fell between 2000 and 2004.d.It several years after the recession for the labor market to recover.CHAPTER 3Quick Check1.a.True.b.False.Government spending excluding transfers was 19%of GDP.c

31、.False.The propensity to consume must be less than one for our model to make sense.d.True.e.False.f.False.The increase in output is one times the multiplier.g.False.2.a.Y=160+0.6(Y-100)+150+150Y=1000b.YD=Y-T=1000-100=900c.C=160+0.6(900)=7003.a.Equilibrium output is 1000.Total demand=C+I+G=700+150+15

32、0=1000.Total demand equals production.We used this equilibrium condition to solve for output.b.Output falls by(40 times the multiplier)=40/(1-.6)=100.So,equilibrium output is now 900.Total demand=C+I+G=160+0.6(800)+150+110=900.Again,total demand equals production.Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc

33、.Publishing as Prentice Hall.140c.Private saving=Y-C-T=900-160-0.6(800)-100=160.Public saving=T-G=-10.National saving(or in short,saving)equals private plus public saving,or 150.National saving equals investment.This statement is mathematically equivalent to the equilibrium condition,total demand eq

34、uals production.In other words,there is an alternative(and equivalent)equilibrium condition:national saving equals investment.Dig Deeper4.a.Y increases by 1/(1-c1)b.Y decreases by c1/(1-c1)c.The answers differ because spending affects demand directly,but taxes affect demand indirectly through consum

35、ption,and the propensity to consume is less than one.d.The change in Y equals 1/(1-c1)-c1/(1-c1)=1.Balanced budget changes in G and T arenot macroeconomically neutral.e.The propensity to consume has no effect because the balanced budget tax increase aborts the multiplier process.Y and T both increas

36、e by one unit,so disposable income,and hence consumption,do not change.5.a.Y=c0+c1YD+I+G impliesY=1/(1-c1+c1t1)c0-c1t0+I+Gb.The multiplier=1/(1-c1+c1t1)1/(1-c1),so the economy responds less to changes in autonomous spending when t1 is positive.After a positive change in autonomous spending,the incre

37、ase in total taxes(because of the increase in income)tends to lessen the increase in output.After a negative change in autonomous spending,the fall in total taxes tends to lessen the decrease in output.c.Because of the automatic effect of taxes on the economy,the economy responds less to changes in

38、autonomous spending than in the case where taxes are independent of income.Since output tends to vary less(to be more stable),fiscal policy is called an automatic stabilizer.6.a.Y=1/(1-c1+c1t1)c0-c1t0+I+Gb.T=t0+t11/(1-c1+c1t1)c0-c1t0+I+Gc.Both Y and T decrease.d.If G is cut,Y decreases even more.A b

39、alanced budget requirement amplifies the effect of the decline in c0.Therefore,such a requirement is destabilizing.7.a.In the diagram representing goods market equilibrium,the ZZ line shifts up.Output increases.b.There is no effect on the diagram or on output.c.The ZZ line shifts up and output incre

40、ases.Effectively,the income transfer increases the 141Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall.propensity to consume for the economy as a whole.d.The propensity to consume is likely to be higher for low-income taxpayers.Therefore,tax cuts will be more effective at stimulating

41、 output if they are directed toward low-income taxpayers.8.a.Y=C+I+GY=1/(1-c1-b1)*c0-c1T+b0+Gb.Including the b1Y term in the investment equation increases the multiplier.Increases in autonomous spending now create a multiplier effect through two channels:consumption and investment.For the multiplier

42、 to be positive,the condition c1+b11 is required.c.Output increases by b0 times the multiplier.Investment increases by the change in b0 plus b1 times the change in output.The change in business confidence leads to an increase in output,which induces an additional increase in investment.Since investm

43、ent increases,and saving equals investment,saving must also increase.The increase in output leads to an increase in saving.Explore Further9.a.Output will fall.b.Since output falls,investment will also fall.Public saving will not change.Privatesaving will fall,since investment falls,and investment eq

44、uals saving.Since output and consumer confidence fall,consumption will also fall.c.Output,investment,and private saving would have risen.d.Clearly this logic is faulty.When output is low,what is needed is an attempt by consumers to spend more.This will lead to an increase in output,and thereforesome

45、what paradoxicallyto an increase in private saving.Note,however,that with a linear consumption function,the private saving rate(private saving divided by output)will fall when c0 rises.10.Answers will vary depending on when students visit the website.CHAPTER 4Quick Check1.a.False.b.False.c.False.Mon

46、ey demand describes the portfolio decision to hold wealth in the form of money rather than in the form of bonds.The interest rate on bonds is relevant to this decision.d.True.e.False.f.False.g.True.h.True.Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall.1422.a.i=0.05:money demand=$18

47、,000i=0.10:money demand=$15,000b.Money demand decreases when the interest rate increases because bonds,which pay interest,become more attractive.c.The demand for money falls by 50%.d.The demand for money falls by 50%.e.A 1%increase(decrease)in income leads to a 1%increase(decrease)in money demand.Th

48、is effect is independent of the interest rate.3.a.i=100/$PB 1;i=33%;18%;5%when$PB=$75;$85;$95.b.When the bond price rises,the interest rate falls.c.$PB=100/(1.08)$934.a.$20=MD=$100(.25-i)i=5%b.M=$100(.25-.15)M=$10Dig Deeper5.a.BD=50,000-60,000(.35-i)If the interest rate increases by 10 percentage po

49、ints,bond demand increases by$6,000.b.An increase in wealth increases bond demand,but has no effect on money demand,which depends on income(a proxy for transactions demand).c.An increase in income increases money demand,but decreases bond demand,since we implicitly hold wealth constant.d.First of al

50、l,the use of“money”in this statement is colloquial.“Income”should be substituted for“money.”Second,when people earn more income,their wealth does not change right away.Thus,they increase their demand for money and decrease their demand for bonds.6.Essentially,the reduction in the price of the bond m

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