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1、1 2015 2016 学年度第一学期四年级英语期末测试卷 班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数_-出卷人:黄老师 Part 1 Listening 一、Listen and choose.听音,选出你所听到的单词,序号写在前面的括号里。(1*10)1.()A.January B.June C.July 2.()A.spring B.summer C.season 3.()A.twelve B.twenty C.thirty 4.()A.when B.where C.what 5.()A.on B.in C.behind 6.()A.bag B.bike C.boy7.()A.Monday B.Satur

2、day C.Sunday 8.()A.he B.she C.it9.()A.cool B.cold C.hot 10.()A.computer B.library C.playground 二:ListenListen andand choosechoose thethe numbersnumbers 选出你听到的号码。(10 分)三:三:、Listen and choose.听录音,选择正确的答案。(10)1、()A.Im from Wuhan.B.Im twelve.C.Im Lisa 2、()A.In December.B.Twelve.C.12 P 3、()A.Thank you.B.

3、Here you are.C.Youre welcome 4、()A.Its behind the door.B.Yellow.C.Twenty 5.()A.Yes,there are B.Yes,they are C.yes,it is 121314151820403050802 Part2 Writing 一:Read and cross.在每种水果房子里,都有一个单词宝宝不是该家庭成员,你能找到它们并用/划掉吗?)(10)二:单项选择 (20 分)()1.There _some milk in the bottle A.am B.is C.are D.be ()2.-

4、_ students in your class?-Forty.Twenty-two girls and eighteen boys A.How B.How many C.How much D.when ()3.-_?-Its an orange schoolbag A.What s this?B.when is your birthday 3C.What color is it?D.Is this your schoolbag?()4.-When is your birthday?-_ Octobor.A.on B.under C.at D.in ()5.I can play _ footb

5、all,but LI Ming can play _guitar.A.the,/B./,the C./D.the,the ()6.I cant ride a bike,but I _ride a bike A.can B.am C.cant D,dont ()7.We can _in spring A.swim B.fly a kite C.make snowman D.pick apples ()8.-Do you like spring?-Yes,it is very _ A.warm B.hot C.cool D.cold ()9.-Whats your favorite _ -Sund

6、ay A.day B.food C.color D.season()10.We can _in the canteen A.play B.have class C.have lunch D.play games 三、Look、read and write.根据图片,选择正确的词语完成句.(10)1.Can you play_(football/table tennis)?Yes,I_(cant/can.)4 Look,There _(is/are)a dog in the box.And there is a cat _(on/behind)the box.There _(are/is)thr

7、ee balls _(under/on)the chair.四:看图写单词(10)_ _ _ _ _ 五、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。五、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。(10 分)分)()1、How many apples in the bag?()2、Who are they?()3、Does he like English?()4、Can you dance?()5、What color is it?六、六、阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写“T”“T”,错的写,错的写“F”“F”。(10 分)分)Look at my family photo.This

8、 is my father.Hes a teacher.Hes tall.He likes sports.This is my mother.Shes a teacher,too.She likes reading.This is my brother.Hes a baseball player.Hes strong.I love my family.()1、My parents are teachers.()2、My father likes sports.A、My parents and me.B、No,I cant C、Fifteen.D、Orange E、Yes,he does 5()3、My mother likes music.()4、My brother is tall and strong.()5、There are four people in my family.

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