1、Business Project PlanPresenter Name|Company NameProject ScopeDescribe the work to be accomplishedWhats the purpose or business need for this project?Is there a relationship to other projects?Who are the stakeholders?What work is out of scope for this project?.ObjectivesIdentify overall project objec
2、tives:Technical objectivesSchedule objectivesCost objectivesSpecial objectivesNon-goals.DeliverablesWhat products or services will your project deliver?Include client requirements.Success FactorsIdentify elements that are key to the success of the project,such as:Satisfied clients or stakeholdersMet
3、 project objectivesCompleted within budgetDelivered on time.Project Team Roles and Responsibilities.ImplementationTasks/activitiesProceduresTools/technologyProject change control processDYA:define your acronyms!.Resources.Cost Analysis.Project Schedule and Milestones.Risk Management PlanRiskProbabilityImpactOwnerMitigation PlanBudget cuts may reduce staff,affecting project scope and scheduleMediumHighProject ManagerSee appendix for a phased implementation plan.