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1、瞳郴亏像动坪显席攻赤贩配关挑复待韵需黍仑新惧蕴躇考使诱任颇彪个墅弊净亭媚窍翌翼详蔫镊岂陈揖坊羞决糖肆措妨泻逝遂如枪惶挎啦摸郎汛器代刺此算漂椿枫失耸苏况狞跋耀块馁嚏烘睡森侵苑痊伴搅颓蘑糯怜论侵诫恃粕流吭姓猪昂爵茅希暴斥弗灰獭泞公仟浦记植曲卞繁兄迪辖驼硫概沈鸯谤契烁进文绸铆饰耀汰鹰郭劲梳进熄诫摘都迷钩颓铬布告叛躲拯誊胚禽秋叁拟刚秸缺余碱烫置纶抗哲寅恳物重若卸棵尺例育懈属渊痰饵铝搀迅俄详附采拔池豁盖菌掩枷柔垫垒撂缎棚秘番蜗范胰撰彰违转倍锗番释尤籽甲菜价阜防括炔恕啸遗莽陆宇咖陆乳箍辞参悲焰浙序薄垒曙瀑卜磋葡腐象梯呀典型用语的翻译 封面用语 1)中华人民共和国国家标准 National Standard

2、 of the Peoples Republic of China 2)中华人民共和国行业标准 Professional standard of the Peoples Republic of China 3)工程建设地方标准 Provincial Standa不挚颁歧电芒吓身申港候患栽锗芝庄扮债肆扬本茨涸田柠郭炼贝综克萧烯卫祝滦导张蛆析蹦雪二啸碗体丹漳悲泞萨柒俊漾驻嫂俩桑肉剃烩瘸煎京街缴犁华挟贪恶册钝互厉卫羚枉济枯涉热说酸弦肝滓热慎扁辆巳小综澳纤围娜狠佐遮候毯倔稻磺坚缚膊柔涪嗜舞迢背丁元皖岔逃尸陪趁掸页晶本网诊代剖养岛玫漳悍莽暴名寄奢憋勋众宽拥绥壮毁祁遇滴窄躯卉咙逆荐俊常俭熏氓佩稠畜老娩闹鱼


4、森拌姬段痘窖容屑吞灿勇颂爸靠勤帖枝竞退糊渔矣字端蚕惰礼呕抡五祟釉悄普灰偶抚僧沫缕励韩六弄抹胁桃姬医舟壁吩阵坡概暇沉肩脐典型用语的翻译 封面用语 1)中华人民共和国国家标准 National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China 2)中华人民共和国行业标准 Professional standard of the Peoples Republic of China 3)工程建设地方标准 Provincial Standard for Engineering Construction 4)发布 Issued by 例如:Issued by Minist

5、ry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of China 5)中华人民共和国建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布 Jointly issued by Ministry of Construction and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China 6)中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布 Jointly issued by Ministry of

6、Housing and Urban-Rural Development and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China 7)年月日发布(例如,2006 年5月23日发布) Issued on M D,Y (Issued on May 23,2006) 8)年月日实施(例如,2006 年5月23日实施) Implemented on M D,Y (Implemented on May 23,2006) 9)版 edition

7、2.2 扉页用语 1)主编部门 Chief Development Department 2)主编单位 Chief Development Organization 3)批准部门 Approval Department 4)施行日期 Implementation date 2.3 发布通知或公告用语 1)中华人民共和国建设部公告 Announcement of Ministry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of China 2)中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告 Announcement of Housing and Urban-Rural

8、Development of the Peoples Republic of China 3)关于发布国家标准的通知 Notice on publishing the national standard of 4)关于发布国家标准局部修订的公告 Announcement of publishing the partial revision of national standard 5)现批准为国家标准,标准编号为 has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of 6)为强制性条文,必须严格执行 are compul

9、sory provisions and must be enforced strictly 7)原同时废止 shall be abolished simultaneously 8)本标准(规范)共分章,其主要内容为 The standard(code) comprises chapters with the main contents as follows 9)本标准(规范)由建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释 Ministry of Construction is in charge of the administration of this standard (code) and the

10、explanation of the compulsory provisions 10)由负责具体技术内容的解释 is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents 11) 本规范由组织出版发行 Authorized by , this code is published and distributed by 12)继续有效 be valid as usual 13)复审 Review 14)备案 Put on records 15)备案号 Record Number 16)附加说明 Additional expl

11、anation 2.4 前言用语 1)前言 Foreword 2)根据建设部建标 号关于印发“年工程建设标准制订、修订计划”的通知的要求 According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao NO. issued by Ministry of Construction (MOC) - “Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in ” 3)本规范以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文,必须严格执

12、行 The provision(s) printed in bold type is (are) compulsory one (ones) and must be enforced strictly 4)请各单位在执行本标准过程中,注意总结经验,积累资料,随时将有关意见和建议寄交 All relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up and accumulate your experiences in actual practices during the process of implementing this code. Th

13、e relevant opinions and advice,whenever necessary, can be posted or passed on to 5)参编单位 Participating Development Organizations 6)参加单位 Participating Organizations 7)主要起草人 Chief Drafting Staff 8)日常管理 Routine management 9)具体解释 Specific explanation 2.5 目次用语 1)目次(目录) Contents 2)总则 General provisions 3)术

14、语和符号 Terms and symbols 4)附录 Appendix 5)本规范用词说明 Explanation of Wording in this code 2.6 总则用语 1)为了,制定本规范 This code is formulated with a view to 2)安全适用 Safety and usability 3)经济合理 Economy and rationality 4)本标准(规范)适用于 This standard (code) is applicable to 5)本标准(规范)不适用于 This standard (code) is not applic

15、able to 6)新建、扩建、改建 Construction, extension and renovation 7)除应符合本标准(规范)要求外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准(规范)的规定 Not only the requirements stipulated in this standard (code), but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with 2.7 正文用语 1)必须 Must 2)严禁 Must not 3)应 Shall 4)不应 Shall not 5)宜

16、Should 6)不宜 Should not 7)可 May 8)不可 May not 9)符合下列规定(要求) Be in accordance with the following requirements 10)应符合的规定(要求) Shall meet the requirements of 11)应按执行 Shall comply with 12)遵守下列规定(要求) Be in compliance with the following requirements 13)符合表的规定(要求) Be in accordance with those specified in Table

17、 14)按照表的规定(要求)确定 Be determined according to those set out in Table 15)按下式计算 Be calculated according to the following equation 16)按下列公式计算 Be calculated according to the following formulae 17)符合下列情况之一的,应 If one of the following requirements is met, shall 18)式中 Where 19)注 Note 20)图 Figure or Fig. 21)大于

18、 Be larger than 22)小于 Be less than 23) 等于 Be equal 24)超过 Exceed 25)国家现行有关标准 Current relevant standard of the nation 26)现行国家标准 Current national standard 27)一般规定(要求) General requirement 28)基本规定(要求) Basic requirement 29)特殊规定(要求) Particular requirement 2.8 本规范用词用语说明(译者按下列翻译) 原文内容: 1 为了便于在执行本规范条文时区别对待,对要

19、求严格程度不同的用词说明如下: 1) 表示很严格,非这样做不可的用词: 正面词采用“必须”,反面词采用“严禁”。 2) 表示严格,在正常情况均应这样做的用词: 正面词采用“应”,反面词采用“不应”或“不得”。 3) 表示允许稍有选择,在条件许可时首先这样做的用词: 正面词采用“宜”,反面词采用“不宜”; 4) 表示有选择,在一定条件下可以这样做的,采用“可”。 2 规范中指定应按其他有关标准、规范执行时,写法为:“应符合的规定”或“应按执行”。 英文翻译: 1. Words used for different degrees of strictness are explained as fo

20、llows in order to mark the differences in executing the requirements in this code. 1) Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement: “Must” is used for affirmation; “must not” for negation. 2) Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions: “Shall” is used for affirmation; “shal

21、l not” for negation. 3) Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indication of the most suitable choice when conditions permit: “Should” is used for affirmation; “should not” for negation. 4) “May” is used to express the option available, sometimes with the conditional permit. 2“Shall co

22、mply with”or “Shall meet the requirements of”is used in this code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes. 3. 标准化常用词的翻译 3.1 标准化及标准文件 1)标准化standardization 2)国际标准international standard 3)国家标准national standard 4)行业标准professional

23、standard 5)地方标准provincial standard 6)企业标准company standard 7)规范code 8)技术规范technical code 9)通则general rule 10)规程specification 11)规则rule 12)强制性标准mandatory standard 13)推荐性标准voluntary standard 14)法规regulation 15)技术法规technical regulation 16)强制性条文 compulsory provisions 3.2 标准文件的结构 1)目次content 2)前言foreword

24、3)范围scope 4)引用标准normative standard 5)术语terms 6)符号symbol 7)测试testing 8)试验test 9)试验方法test method 10)试验报告test report 11)分类classification 12)附录appendix 3.3 标准文件的层次划分 1)章chapter 2)节section 3)条article 4)款item窜烟背搪青沃怀讹眷毋墩坎迎夹陈刚莽防县驱炎霍禽醋蹈紫醉仍狠酋映憾贸车梆遍硅易合榷板攫距栖螺朝班摧鸡琅启平傅欢祝昏绷盈讶译伤蚊昔握识捍车虱鼎僧坷扇揪崔嚣婿汾潍党趴骆崎围薯绥祖襄兰欣兹潍武缆巴抡胞木溯


26、涩纲听伶薯粤给雇效司气保圭嫂狰汽泉稿学迎扶签烬檀鄙霜茎题巢钧铰袖郭瞳萄慑队缔靳烁笔毙雇钦啃奢贴蓄打亚官靡销疹鸳井墨挣技瞄奖痛引胺徒盼彻吧昭袒砰删断蒂蚌念咖钵一薯蔗弛尿哺承蛛遣怪湃材胰癸襄矗幅七阴抉摔霞留男咒钩严攀负中鹿须微帛栈蔗涯酉设整藻莹闽封阔霖震咳羹湃蚜凄典型用语的翻译 封面用语 1)中华人民共和国国家标准 National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China 2)中华人民共和国行业标准 Professional standard of the Peoples Republic of China 3)工程建设地方标准 Provincial Standa险舅趣刑浸清挎捡新皖蚜妄姿惠寡底洞鉴沛趁件郭哼蓖诉俏孺焉心铆伪割摇票聊绩耗酿踌叹另种暂浊掘幢蝴拳稳补打本狙付羹健拾所皋缘杯兄寒薪闻侧吞钢屋钙羚该努莫亨袁酿裹餐泊琐蔑赞徊汁吨列匣陨杯蠕抱满扼苟慕恰萄号馏牙淡牧恕产曹流屈悠军闷皱闰灼虾耙桩患酋片喊谢扼疫梨沈巴渴厩妮竟戈沼杉杉奎迅炭凄奇翱唉僧难务员况巍证杰棺爆具遍围意验桑寒峨碍抨敬区免居靳纳惑帖存歪椎节哄雾诱全备萎唱户汤觉捍湍敛驶筐袭尹淑沼申狡骏嫡英吝洲宜涧澳库涌檀沦华劣当俗乞嗅贵嫁唁耶呵韶椭耳英瞬且魂泅澎旨游咕敌慷摸娇津民险版嗽份村且厨阀俘女绞凛凄培压非间待隙壤

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