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1、 安丘外国语学校三年级英语预习卡学习内容M6U1What do you do on Sundays?姓名一、 预习导学,自主学习:(一) 先说出每个单词的汉语意思,然后抄写下列单词,看谁写的最漂亮。do Sunday on Sunday swimming go swimming eat watch TV in sleep1.on Sundays_ 2.play football_3.in the morning_ 4.in the afternoon _5.ride my bike_ 6.go swimming _7.I sleep in the morning._8.I ride my bi

2、ke in the morning._(二)阅读课文,完成下列短语、句子的选择。1. ( )What do you do on Sundays? A.你每周天都去游泳吗?2. ( )Do you go swimming on Sundays? B.我下午看电视。3. ( )I watch TV in the afternoon. C.你周天做什么?二 合作探究,释疑解难,讨论回答下列问题。1. Do you play football in the morning? _2.What do you do in the afternoon? _三习题操练,检测达标。1.I _my bike in

3、the morning. A:riding B:ride C:rides2.-Do you play football in the morning?- _ A:Yes,I do B.Yes,I does. C.No,I am not.3.I go to school on _. A:Mondays B. Sundays C:Saturdays 安丘外国语学校三年级英语预习卡学习内容M6U2 What does Lingling have at school?姓名一、预习导学,自主学习:(一)先说出每个单词的汉语意思,然后抄写下列单词,看谁写的最漂亮。have class today musi

4、c has Chinese maths art PE science(二)为下列单词归类,将序号写在横线上。A. English B. football C. Maths D. table tennis E. swimming F. Art G. basketball H. Chinese 运动类:_ 科目类:_二、合作探究,释疑解难。将单词或短语填在正确的图片下面( )里。A. have Art B.go swimming C.play football D.have Music E. watch TV F. play basketball ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三

5、 习题操练,检测达标。1.What do you _ at school? A. have B.has 2.What _ lingling have at school? A. do B. does 3.She _Chinese at school. A. have B.has 4.I _ Maths and Tom _PE. A. have has B.have have 安丘外国语学校三年级英语预习卡学习内容M7U1We fly kites in spring.姓名一、预习导学,自主学习:(一)先说出每个单词的汉语意思,然后抄写下列单词,看谁写的最漂亮。we spring summer a

6、utumn winter season fly nice warm hot cool cold go skating(二) 选词填空 hot warm cold coolIts _ in spring. We fly kites in spring .2. Its _ in summer. We go swimmming in summer .3. Its _ in autumn. Weplay football in autumn .4. Its _ in winter. We go skating in winter .二、 合作探究,释疑解难。将单词或短语填在正确的图片下面( )里。A.

7、 ride bikes B. go swimming C. go skatingD. play table tennis E. watch TV F. play basketball ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、习题操练,检测达标。1.放风筝_2.去游泳_3.在秋天_4.去滑冰_ 安丘外国语学校三年级英语预习卡学习内容M7U2 Its warm today.姓名一、预习导学,自主学习:(一)看谁写的最漂亮play snow rain sunny windy very warm hot cool cold(二) 阅读课文,完成下列短语、句子的选择( )1、It_raini

8、ng today. A. is B . are C . am( )2.Its hot _ summer. A. in B . on C . at( )3. Its cold . Its _ . A. spring B . winter C . autumn( )4、Its warm . Its _ . A. summer B . spring C . winter二、合作探究,释疑解难,讨论完成下列问题。( )1. 今天天气很暖和A . Its warm today . B . Its hot today . C. Its sunny today . D. Its cold today .(

9、)2. 秋天又冷又多风。A . Its hot and sunny in summer . B . Its cold and windy in spring . C. Its hot and sunny in winter . D. Its cold and windy in autumn . ( )3.今天在下雪,天气非常冷。A . Its snowing today . B . Its snowing today . Its very cold . C. Its raining today . D. Its raining today . Its very warm .三习题操练,检测达标

10、。(翻译小达人)1. Its warm today, but its raining now . _ 2 . Its hot and sunny today . _ 3 . Its cool and windy today . _ 安丘外国语学校三年级英语预习卡学习内容M8U1 Its on your desk.姓名三、 预习导学,自主学习:(一)写出下列单词和句子1.玩具_ 2.在.下面_ 3.为,给,对_ 4.盒子_5.在.后面 _6.卧室 _(二)阅读课文,完成下列短语、句子的选择4. ( )Where is my toy? A. 生日快乐5. ( )in the bag B. 我的玩具

11、在哪里?6. ( )happy birthday C.在盒子上7. ( )on the box D.在包里四 合作探究,释疑解难,讨论完成下列问题。1.它在你的书桌上:_2.它在门后面:_3.它在椅子下面:_三习题操练,检测达标。 _ the car _ the car _ the car _ the car 安丘外国语学校三年级英语预习卡学习内容M8U2 Daming flies a kite in the park.姓名一、预习导学,自主学习:(一)写出下列单词第三人称单数形式1.go_2.do _3.like _4.have_5.am _6.go _7.play_8.watch_(二)看

12、谁写的最漂亮(先说出每个词的汉语,然后再抄写)flies park lake tree fishing go fishing walk spring summer autumn winter(三) 阅读课文,完成下列句子的选择 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. He goes fishing under the tree. 2 . They play football in the playground .3. He swim in the lake. 4. He walks in the snow.二、合作探究,释疑解难,讨论回答下列问题。1.What does Daming do in

13、spring? _2.What does Daming do in autumn? _三习题操练,检测达标。(在B栏中选出A栏句子的否定形式) A B( )1. Where does Daming fly kites?. A . Its on the desk .( )2. Wheres orange? B . No, he doesnt .( )3. Whats this? C . I go to school by bus.( )4. How do you go to school? D . He flies a kite in the park.( )5. Does Sam swim in the lake? E .Its an elephant.

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