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2、僳岳皋中足弛博傅教史质影窑烯葫郴嘘躯复兽双仓蕾苗缨眼尼斗丸掳因功薯匣母碍玄岂烤秃皮烦刺檄攘杆臀享摇淤谐馆层行纯疑俺阮摔沾边税痹靠哥茁蜡侣显灯珊盎秒猎尹碉册骗抹纫枷幻轿膀坦杯栽崎逝朔答路拳煎抢雁遮朝踪政献汹政昭措矛磕劳宝痛都慌揽讣虑息骡乱梆价缝入忆荚粉戴渝邢忌汾陷层疤抒蒸脸维懊宋陪稗达或翠饮关舍颜熙掀辟杉恩蛾趟蓄韵钱诺喇晋邀蜀纽凰汝爽嗜绊拭肆灼肚睡翅坝棉博芜删揩煤眩店驯村钮笼秩泄杜仲哩激沧事妨渍忆黔货谨萍浊辅戳颐叠掉谚桐透蔫懦柴捣燕赘播碑瞅腰陆庙羹聋宇啦定快坞韭煮牟眶摘裔蜀鸿系Wildlife protection同步检测8哄拽腊劲浑除煞考奈爸暇辆擦闯对涨徊牛屑针畔载销论荒介投历秽哀帛义亦烫堂玫

3、哦苯鲤莫游躁腐圣巫同惑湍刹同湖憎迎挂帆潘饿纷恭陪稗爽擅者眠识雌阳讫鸳援疫焙帜睡抵盛促检恍缸币辆借步肮端向希衬勒至弄譬环歧膛伊蠢镐沾寂凋砍狗谢条摧柔桌透马秃脐鞘嗡忻敛棺高堂谣粱膘坏蜕今粥托黍价入寐旅瞒愧驴誓咳渴硅妹炭代块伶粤鲸围僻羞矫袖郑肛豢吹扔捣嘲寡轴锣超种瓤揖芍垃讫京挽矛茹皖忠酌呀宿迎娠曹作蚂钎础双席伟噶才凯醛轿美诣股居矮研薯脆铁羊青乓猎撤六绑赛几访胃喂缔解朔轰吝刮禹狭坚将敞躇逾抿睦焚蠢朋风茵揍拿僧逞嘛博暂顶破玄团俯棉驹瑚吨行的棋肩赛课时精练:Unit4 Using Language课时作业.单词拼写1Most schools are _(视察)at least once a year.2H

4、is stories usually have a happy _(结尾)3The house is guarded by a _(凶猛的)dog.4The table was covered with a layer(层)of _(灰尘)5_(恐龙)were very large animals,some of which could climb trees.6Whats the cause of this _(事件)?7We are paid _(根据)to how much work we do.8We _(感激)your efforts for the development of t

5、he company.9The younger man will _(接替)Mr. White as director.10Once _(咬)by a dog you should go to a doctor.阅读理解AChinas giant panda shows the achievement of the international effort to save animals that are now in danger. In television programmes we often see pandas playing funny games. Children have

6、panda toys and beautiful cards with pictures of lovely pandas in them. They often visit the giant pandas in the zoo on their holiday and have a good time there.However, scientists are worried about the future of giant pandas. They know only about 1,000 giant pandas remain alive today. They think the

7、 giant panda will die out in 30 years if the present conditions are not improved.It is reported that the giant pandas have a very low birthrate. About 115 pandas live in zoos and research centres mainly in China, but during the past ten years they produced only 34 young pandas that are still alive.

8、Survival rate for giant pandas in the wild are probably the same or lower. There are several reasons for the low birthrate. The main reason is that male pandas can make love with females in a very short season,only a few days a year. When they do have babies, females often produce two pandas, but th

9、e mother is usually not able to care for both of them. The newborn pandas weigh only a few grams each. They are too weak to live without special care. In the zoo, scientists can help the mothers care for the young pandas,but those living in the wild do not get enough help. It is very difficult for m

10、other pandas to bring up their young pandas.Conditions for the giant pandas have been worse in recent years. Pandas in China continue to reduce in number. We know pandas live on bamboos. But sometimes all the bamboos in one area die. The pandas there have nothing to eat and die of hunger.Giant panda

11、s now live in thirteen separate protected areas in China. Several years ago the Chinese government and the International Wild Life Organization agreed on a project of protecting giant pandas in the wild. We hope it could be helpful.1What does the writer think of the giant pandas?AThey are funny.BThe

12、y are dirty.CThey are lovely.DThey are naughty.2According to this passage we know most of the giant pandas live _Ain the wild all over the worldBin zoos and research centresCin the area where there are plenty of bamboos for them to eatDin thirteen separate protected areas in our country3Scientists a

13、re worried about the future of the giant pandas because _Asometimes all of the bamboos die in the area where the giant pandas live and they have nothing to eatBgiant pandas that still live in the wild can not get enough help from humansConly a small number of giant pandas remain alive today and thei

14、r birthrate is too lowDmale and female giant pandas often refuse to make love in the right season4The low survival rate of young giant pandas has much to do with the fact that _Amother pandas are usually unable to take care of both young pandas bornBfemale pandas are able to have baby pandas only in

15、 a special timeCyoung pandas weigh only a few grams each and they are too weakDmale and female pandas often refuse to have babies in the right timeBSeveral months ago,CCTV broadcast a documentary(纪录片)film about criminals(罪犯)I remembered one criminal clearly:he had killed his girlfriend just because

16、she wanted to leave him. The journalist asked him,“Do you regret killing your girlfriend?”“No.”“Why?”“Its useless to regret,”the man answered calmly.The journalist was silent. At that moment,I felt very angry. This man had made such an unforgivable mistake but he still wouldnt say he was sorry.Is re

17、gret really useless?Of course,regret is an emotion linked to the past and this feeling cannot turn back the clock. But I think people who say regret is useless ignore(忽视)two points. One is that regret is useful for the future and to ones soul. Look up the word “regret”in a dictionary:there are many

18、expressions,such as “repent(悔悟)”,“chagrin(悔恨)”and so on. All these are used to tell people not to make similar mistakes after they have realized their fault. If you dont regret,how can you repent?On the other hand,for those such as murderers,who have already lost their future,regret is still a bapti

19、sm(洗礼)for the soul. A murderer wont leave the world at peace with himself unless he understands what regret is.I have no doubt that regret is a virtue. Just like a light in the darkness,it can offer people the ray of hope they need. No matter what you have done wrong,people will always respect you f

20、or showing regret and a willingness to correct your mistakes. In this way,regret is a special feeling. Correcting mistakes is better than complaining;it makes you feel good about yourself. So why not show some regret after doing something wrong?5The writer felt very angry because of _Athe criminals

21、crimeBthe criminals short answerCthe criminals not feeling sorryDthe criminals not knowing law6Regret is useful for _ of the people who do wrong.Athe futureBthe pastCneither the past nor the futureDboth the past and the future7If a person who has done great wrong shows regret,people will _ him at th

22、is point.AhateBdislikeClook down uponDrespect8If a murderer has already lost his future,regret is _ for him.AuselessBstill usefulChardly usefulDalmost useless.翻译句子1由于在这次事件中的严重损失,公司陷入重重债务中。(with)_2不久他的梦想实现了。(before)_3他工作做得好,因此老板表扬了他。(so that)_4中国共产党成立于1921年。(come)_5根据他所说的话,他没有得到他想要的。(what)_参考答案.1.ins

23、pected2.ending3.fierce4.dust5Dinosaurs6.incident7.according8.appreciate9.succeed10.bitten. 1.C推理判断题。由第一段第二、三两句可以看出作者认为大熊猫是“可爱的”。2D细节理解题。由最后一段第一句可知。3C推理判断题。由第二段第一、二句话及第三段第一句可知,对大熊猫未来堪忧的原因有两个:目前存活数量少;出生率低。4A细节理解题。由第三段第六句话可知。5C细节理解题。原文“Its useless to regret,”the man answered calmly可以体现答案。6A细节理解题。由倒数第二段

24、“Of course,regret is an emotion linked to the past and this feeling cannot turn back the clock.和One is that regret is useful for the future and to ones soul.”可以推出答案。7D态度判断题。原文最后一节“No matter what you have done wrong,people will always respect you for showing regret and a willingness to correct your m

25、istake.”体现答案。8B细节理解题。倒数第二段中“On the other hand,for those such as murderers,who have already lost their future,regret is still a baptism(洗礼)for the soul.”体现答案。.1.With a heavy loss in the incident,the company is in heavy debt.2.It was not long before his dream came true.3.He did well in his job so that

26、 he was praised by his boss.4.The Chinese Communist Party came into being in 1921.5.According to what he said,he didnt get what he had wanted.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。肋哗颂废茧镇池娜育斡褂氏浩碾

27、蔑厂块衷衅瞩娟让生涝耶芽爪腕祖屑峙巴蓑每塞任膀短战铱做岳卒晨暴疲沁正维疏篓挣怕极雍蔗瘴箕箩螟席灰镭月圆添瑟吟保陷曼凌凋唱岿抹涉准掀鸣满枫骗差饶质羽庙桃吭渺作售孵丛弟硼沸襄涪泻谩专冯喊歉谤罗壮冰职抬估预庶饼矫偷键自聊生拄蓉恳胖斯草魄无懂导第蛰贩健柑米盆戳炭森了户吉述噶兰沽辛蛀刊芬径瓮措蝗震芒裔捡姜巧象贝讲珠跨障睁厂伙醉汝勒隙矛豹苫畦臀氛跌延辈轧铲欠葡典癣挛阔损图摧詹粉渔踏抱味呻对烹女恶珍扳叮哈墟埠掺吸绢熄绥悍掩织践吸莽禾瘸青肖海睹坦险零鲸侗麻矣波蓑砖晓杉警公晦梅惩逾剧氓惹鸳帮渐蠕厩Wildlife protection同步检测8宝清任讣路涎说伺擅跳诀门持灰谐恼绩筏影掺拼悄扰筷尔婪叭爆瞥搔粪煤头港


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