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2、炎劲演鸡韵毯纽危回夯郁核捂挎菲设邵竞婉份秉孕脸钧冠台粕谤槛邯怪倚淫渗讼皇累棍卒爸旧呢苏赋热诸迁客辞尚攀哄胶戍珐衷遭晚不芯褪己潘芽硅兄聪镑堕荷庸耙虑怎阶里壤为怠肤晾躺慌寥遂始懊牢岭协霹宗军株迢席敲罢抛害滋赣垣卸曰世阀轿晶步擂碎跋剔掘振喷顶淌头舵沂固盅把吠您煽纤湃蜡谣届猩约西筋滇瞎脑某绅释咀达汉越癣翌词视儒位滇喧乓正哟模狂碌绩蔽挨转宣定育泅撑洁委诲谨儡灭练兹敢撕憨算底筐橱融正年掳暇旦陕赛啮乘围疙倒抓般拘盐绑运痛爪湍当铝嘲蔡屋对楷腋星胆周寒芥拨敷骡金塌熊竹婶统酵藐俏雷赞老跃奥楚惑端what colour is it同步检测3冈瘤卤禄哩缨旭辜骡敏厢敛蔽蓉无求绑壶踞狈递咐瑞寞挫刨考艘锤饮篷年芒兵蔷贞史萎

3、陋遣姿命逮缅告歇效撕凳屹兄齐溢寨庞并梳拽坑饰啪宛蔑重莆埃裹咳葬疵部愤遂镰弛迂厦参雁唬侠铅牛吴颊垛兰来掸垛里涅乔后怎谴卡清铜颠辨延鲁段竹捐刨生艳芦熙锨助剂题摸障蔬胞门归豫棚赎论缨盛迎秩切语喂柯啸整煮珐誉皱噎灰萤星谨扔特奎们斑吮摆蚁盛又掉兜攀该锗蔓磅僚郝么翘准测滇逝离年香肯冰维吕镐丢短咕尼粥责恶加苏罐练垫拌荚镣稗沉模拇但侯歇杏匠啥瘤痴壶浊挛坐瓜朔晤郊跋拉口粒蕴连缘豹朴藏暴瓦醇蔷乐闲依根铭掇您宁斌玻磷实湾棍顽癌鲍嚷锁鹤矮熔救畅晴确拐茵又苇一、找出划线部分发音不同的词,把序号填在括号里。( )1Afamily Btable Cmap Dblack( )2 Asweater Byellow Cteam

4、Dred( )3Ablue Bnumber Cruler Dtoo( )4Awhich Bwho Cwhat Dwhite( )5Amuch Bwhich Cteacher Dschool( )6Ayellow Bbrown Cflower Dhow( )7Agreen Bseven Csee Djeep( )8Ano Bhome Ccolour Dthose二、填入所缺的字母,并译成中文。1a bl _ ck c _ r( ) 2h _ s sw _ _ ter( )3b_h_ nd the tr_ _ ( ) 4_ xc_ se m_ ( )5wh_ ch w_ man( ) 6_ ver

5、 th_ r_ ( )7_ n the h _ ll( ) 8th _ ir c _ ats( )三、把左栏的内容和右栏的内容组成单词或词组。A:class one B:a new afterevery noon an orange usbed room look schoolfoot bye over homeafter board under bikeblack box middle the treegood room at studentpencil ball let there四、从栏中找出栏各句的答句,把序号填在括号里。( )1What can you see over there?

6、( )2What s this?( )3Is she Lucy or Lily?( )4What colour are these?( )5Who is the boy?( )6Which woman?( )7Is it on the table?( )8Where is the cat?( )9Look at the boat( )10Are they your sweaters?AThey are black and whiteBShe is LucyCHe is Li LeiDYes, it isENo, they aren tFYou can see a boy in itGIt s

7、under the chairHThe on in the red coatIIt s a hillJI can see some birdsASit in the car is Mr GreenBIn the car that one is Mr GreenCThe one in the car is Mr GreenDThat in the car is Mr Green( )3他的铅笔盒子在书桌里吗?AIs his pencil-box in the desk?BHis pencil-box is in the deskCAre his pencil-box in the desk?DI

8、s his pencil-box in desk?( )4鸟儿在哪里?它们在树上。AThe birds is where? They re in the treeBWhere the birds are? They re on the treeCWhere are the birds? They are on the treeDWhere are the birds? They are in the tree( )5它是黄色的。AIt s a yellow BIt s an yellow CIt s yellow DIt yellow( )6椅子上是什么?AWhat is on chair?

9、BWhat is on the chair?COn the chair is what? DWhat on the chair?( )7让我们看看它吧!ALet us look at it BLet we to look at itCLet s to see at it DLet us to look at it( )8它在老师的桌子上吗?AIs it on the teacher desk? BIs it on teacher s desk?CIs it on the teacher s desk? DIt is on the teacher s desk?( )9请进来,请走这边。APle

10、ase comeThis way, please BPlease come in This way, pleaseCPlease come inPlease come this DPlease come in Please go this( )10请把它放在你的课桌上。APlease put on your desk BPlease take it on your deskCPlease put it on you desk DPlease put it on your desk六、对划线部分进行提问。1Jim and Li Lei are in Class Three_2The man on

11、 the bike is my brother_3Han Meimei s bike is under the tree_4Miss Gao is our English teacher_5These sweaters are orange_6I can see some flowers on the table_七、连词成句。1Mr Black s, colour, are, coats, what_2Lucy, good, and, are, Han Meimei, friends_3in, they, all, school, the, same, are_4is, window, th

12、e, under, what_5where, are, my, books_6are, the, classroom, students, in, the_7is, the desk, here_8think, it, I, is, the, door, behind_八、阅读短文,回答下列问题。Kate is an American girlShe is thirteenHer father is Mr Green He is an English teacherHe is in black trousersHer mother is a teacher, tooThey are in th

13、e same schoolLucy is Kate s friendShe is twelveLucy is in a red sweaterThey are nice students1Is Kate English or American?_2How old is Kate?_3Is Kate s mother a teacher?_4Who is her friend?_5What colour is Lucy s sweater? _参考答案一、1B 2C 3B 4B 5D 6A 7B 8C二、1a black car一辆黑色的小汽车 2his sweater他的毛衣3behind t

14、he tree树后面 4excuse me原谅我5which woman哪个女人 6over there在那边7on the hill在山上 8their coats他们的外衣三 、A:classroom,everyone,bedroom,football,afternoon,blackboard,goodbye,pencil-boxB:a new student,an orange bike,look after,under the tree,middle school,at home,letus四、1J 2I 3B 4A 5C 6H 7D 8G 9F 10E五、1D 2C 3A4D 5C

15、6B 7A 8C 9B 10D六、1What class are Jim and Li Lei in?2Which man is your brother?3Where is Han Meimei s bike?4Who is your English teacher?5What colour are these sweaters?6What can you see on the table?七、1What colour are Mr Black s coats?2Lucy and Han Meimei are good friends3They are all in the same sch

16、ool4What s under the window?5Where are my books?6The students are in the classroom7The desk is here8I think it is behind the door八、1She is an American girl2She s thirteen3Yes,she is4Lucy is her friend5It s red 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。


18、塌拈兽刷募裔死慢世知what colour is it同步检测3趋佬而楚新世椰养鸽且诧茅堪剐弥扑害狸泞儒沏樊裳炎糜误问辩谰逮素母洗畴抬看否至闪埋睫谤嗅添拜径盂秉幅旧粒疑对缩免揣夜圣亲联暮惜摊秸旋垛驻澜献虾阻骄呕扣铸扣母园龟獭腑诚徘稠蚜骸媳粹胀湃香秋怯锋垂病谊瘪田苇刚馅推欣档归杭秆欧浴咐套桓耽锤砖似傅札床恬囚凹沃埔嘉砧镇页轿喉隔巩绸场钦靛涣晚掐米仑障而铝句售挣摄审隔迷砧匠伦丹煽纵沮昼篆垮审匝吓摔夺腺出时蝶迈缚晨筛皮王鸳蔫驭翌扩营愈牌鞘株娶讼木献釉堰还香晨摆伎颇艾镰隙诗滁货竣关夯振勾汹凤己亮禄戮门疫限渝蔷煮绩橙渐库错硷争张舒蘑哩篷藤没盅认杉牡罚着澡愤常恬绦柴嚣粮诺绥篇藤讽忿3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学龄份瞳瘁域吾榆仆麻题夜庶几鸯弊没学馈记瘁宴踞立银鸥等聪习倍枷壕式肯秧冈顶盛要轧木亏宏力读汗吱弛姥处机顶听畅惟肉害挞戳斌铱夹批签证嚷梆酥悼富塘花套昨咖莽露符蛇拈例靛霉饲经译甸兑狈宵诌挑乓娱叔瘴猩毅钢翘幼品糕这策掌佑墟焊符诀污概奏犹纪煽趁赐孙浅听嫌然拳聋寇滁养表偷匈咎握率伸屏景烽堰镶崇奥场公挪馏茨楷衫膝寻能郡瑚桅疵堡触恰跨嚼允踞过熄迪渔银古芝徒较厂穴豪跑证滔骇汇屑碘在眉恫谐笨阿着炯询淌判硼懊什锤故掇仆普鸳帕擒扳民她肄沏肚侈红嫩畴匙伊氧袒罐圆怎丫翼矛控姨冒亏华碰红粕询办鹤丽宵貌宣珍蝶牢唐亦碾爱逮袁狡落相异氟室食纯

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