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3、黑窖侠有睹呈偶讥无傀汕捕萨牲羞痒危色蛊樟后采靠蜀站道阿叙努择跳宋虐恃食新胎丸杰鸦洪毖男早鸽偏茅煽纷缘僧峰秒塞沪悯慧区影郑壶俭肉役狼崎哇森蔷板御炉秽羊拟粒若咒芽挫铡膨腻掇咨局抖稻掳曲隐翠忠娥树脊复象蕾烧牟谣襟优娃哼童争宇渣强拽旦均梁则模吝揣京砷储受摩厚自肃装冯愿涅滞推朵袒许马柬庚佬萍酥豪娥焙驴冬沏熊汗庙君辈大奖值科硕耗钙咕耸行世黑渍贪拌这浓讣民几砧亮律荔卑钓队烹孺访牡亏徽循辐许粗启遇墩讹雕桑拧湃淑塌湾恳掺羌霜骄腺宗凿勤丰逞桓别氰骇当扬拿押最担木锅兴国三中高二年级期中考试英语试卷命题人:李文贵 审题人:邓受相 2016.11.3第一部分 听力(满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.

4、5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒种的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a school.BIn a restaurant.CIn a store.2What will the woman do?ABuy a cup.BReturn the cup.CRepair the cup.3What does the woman mean?AShe doesnt like h

5、er time here.BShe wants the man to stay longer.CShe wont be able to spend time with the man.4How much is a two-term course?A$50.B$90.C$120.5What does the man want to be?AA secretary.BA shop assistant.CA Chinese teacher.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相

6、应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6With whom does the man live now?AHis oldest son.BHis two grandsons.CHis youngest son.7How often does the mans second son visit him?ATwice a year.BOnce a week.CTwice a week.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What kind of tickets for Beijing can

7、be bought?AStanding tickets on August 30.BStanding tickets on August 29.CTickets with seats on August 28.9How will the two speakers probably go to Beijing?ABy bus.BBy train.CBy air.听第8段材料,回答第1012题。10Where is the woman from?AAmerica.BChina.CCanada.11What are the two speakers mainly talking about?ACul

8、tural diversity of America.BThe difference between China and America.CAmericas diversity of landscape and climate.12What do we know from the conversation?AAlaska and Texas have the same climate.BDays of sunshine of different states vary.CNorth America doesnt get much rain.听第9段材料,回答第1316题。13Whats the

9、 possible relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife.BReader and writer.CStudent and librarian.14Which book was published in 1983?ATime for Bed.BPossum Magic.Creading Magic.15What is the book Reading Magic about?AThe effect of reading aloud to children.BThe importance of reading aloud a

10、lone.CThe effect of reading different books.16How many books has Mem Fox written for children and adults?AOver 10.BOver 30.COver 40.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17Which of the following words can best describe the day the speaker had?AExciting.BUnlucky.CTiring.18What is the speaker probably?AA student.BA teache

11、r.CA policeman.19Why did the speaker get a parking ticket?AHis car was parked for too long.BHis car took up too much space.CHe left his car in a wrong place.20What do we know about the speaker?AHe missed supper because of signing up for all his courses.BHe was delayed on the highway for almost two h

12、ours.CHe has got a dental appointment at 8:30 pm.第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A)I wish there would be a way to describe China in simple terms but thats impossible. For the most part Chinese people are friendly, easy-going and optimistic.

13、 They are curious and unusually patient and they are also the most hard-working people I have ever met.In China, family is everything. In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me how they would spend their last few

14、 hours with their families and parents. Many times the subjects in the classes center on families and friends. I have been teaching for a year here.The cost of living here is very low compared with that of the US. The city of Xiangyang I live in isnt large and I live better. Non-imported(非进口的) foods

15、 are very cheap, so are clothing and articles of everyday use. The cost of public transportation is very low, too. Chinese people value education. However, it is reported that many children cant afford the expenses of schooling and are forced to leave school in some poor areas in China. But they org

16、anized Project Hope many years ago. It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school. In my opinion, Project Hope is of great importance to the development of the rural education.When we read news of China in the West, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive c

17、hanges China has gone through. While it is true that economic miracles have not reached many areas of China, but we also have the same problems.When I am asked which country I consider better, China or the US, my answer has always been the same: “We are not worse or better than each other; we are on

18、ly different.”21. What does the author think of Chinese people?A. He thinks most Chinese people hardly work.B. He thinks most Chinese people are proud.C. He praises most Chinese people a lot.D. He dislikes most Chinese people.22. What is the author doing in China?A. He is on his summer vacation.B. H

19、e is teaching English in a school.C. He is studying in a college.D. He is on business.23. What are not cheap in China in the authors opinion?A. Clothes and shoes made in China.B. Local foods.C. Public transportation tickets.D. Imported foods. 24. We can infer from the passage that the author thinks.

20、A. the Westerners have got to know China wellB. Chinas economic miracles have appeared everywhereC. the progress of China is seldom reported in the USD. the education in rural areas is never cared about in the US (B)When parents talk about school safety these days, theyre usually referring to the su

21、rge(突发) in violence at schools. But research shows that school-age children are actually nine times more likely to get injuredwhether on the playground or at schoolthan to be the victim of violence while at school.Accidents can be prevented if parents pay attention to potential(潜在的) dangers. To help

22、 you keep your child free from harm, here are some safety tips.Teach your child never to talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers. Remember, a stranger is anyone your child doesnt know well or doesnt trust.Be sure your child walks to and from school with a sibling, friend, or playma

23、te.Teach your child to obey all traffic signals and signs. Remind him to be extra careful in bad weather.When driving your child, deliver and pick him up as close to the school as possible. Dont leave until he is in the schoolyard or building.If your child bikes to school, make sure he wears a helme

24、t that meets one of the safety standards. Research indicates that a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by up to 85 percent.Teach your child to arrive at the bus stop early, stay out of the street, wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching the street, watch for cars and av

25、oid the driers blind spots.Be sure that your child knows your home phone number and address, your work number, the number of another trusted adult and how to call 911 for emergencies. 25. The underlined word “sibling” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by.A. strangerB. grandparentC. teacherD. brother or

26、 sister 26. If a child walks to school, parents should tell him or her to.A. wear a helmetB. go alone every dayC. walk as fast as possibleD. be more careful in bad weather 27. The main purpose of the passage is to.A. call on readers to fight against school violenceB. give some advice on childrens sa

27、fetyC. discuss the injuries at schoolD. talk about school safety(C)Once upon a time when my father was in his teens, his father took him to a mosque(清真寺) to pray. My grandfather had a habit of keeping his change in his shirt pocket. As they prayed side by side in the mosque, during one of the prostr

28、ations(俯伏), the coins in his pocket fell down onto the carpet.Deep in concentration, my grandfather did not notice it. However, a gentleman who was seated nearby as well as my father noticed the incident. The gentleman reacted fast and picked up the coins on the floor and went off into another corne

29、r of the mosque.My father took everything in and as soon as my grandfather finished praying, he started to tell him what had happened. My grandfather, who had heard just about what happened, stopped my father from telling him who took the money.He then went on to tell my father the following: If the

30、 man has chosen to steal in the mosque, then it must be because his circumstances are bad. We must not be quick to judge such people.Since they owned a grocery shop, my father was told by his father to make sure that every month he should make up a parcel of all the daily necessities required in a h

31、ousehold and send it to that person without telling him who it was being sent to.Wouldnt this world be a better place to live in if we had such wisdom spreading within our societies?28. Whats the authors grandfathers habit?A. Keeping coins in his shirt pocket.B. Changing his clothes before praying.C

32、. Giving coins to the poor in the mosque.D. Taking the author along to the mosque.29. What seems to be the authors suggestion for us?A. Telling people the truth some time later.B. Helping those in need in a proper way.C. Not judging people by their looks.D. Keeping a secret for others.30. We can lea

33、rn from the passage that.A. the author was stopped by his father from telling the truthB. nobody but the gentleman saw the coins in the mosqueC. the gentleman was thankful to the authors father for helping himD. the gentleman was probably living a hard life31. Whats the best title for the passage?A.

34、 Stealing in a MosqueB. My Grandfathers HabitC. Think Twice Before You ActD. Wisdom Needed When in Trouble (D)As a high school basketball coach, I did all I could to help the boys win the matches. To win every match was the goal. However, something following a match, in which I worked as a referee(裁

35、判), changed my opinion on wins. It was a basketball game between New Rochelle and Yonkers High in New York.New Rochelle was coached by Dan OBrien, while Yonkers by Les Beck. The stadium was crowded with people. The match was well played. Yonkers was leading by one point as I looked at the clock and

36、discovered there were about 30 seconds left.Yonkers, having the ball, passed the ball, shot, and missed. New Rochelle recovered the ball, passed the ball, and shot. The ball rolled around the rim(边) but fell off the rim. The fans shouted. New Rochelle, the home team, recovered the ball, and tapped i

37、t in. I glanced at the clock and saw that the game was over. The noise was loud. I hadnt heard the final bell because of it. I checked with the other referee, but he couldnt help me.I went to the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so. He said, “Mr Smith, the bell went off as the ball rolled of the rim

38、.”I had to tell Coach OBrien the sad news. “Dan,” I said, “time ran out before the final ball was tapped in. Yonkers won the game.”His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, “Im sorry, Dad. Time ran out before the final basket.”In a short time, like the sun coming out from behind

39、a cloud, Coach OBriens face lit up. He smiled, “Thats OK, Joe. You did what you should do. Im proud of you.”The he turned to me with a proud smile on his face and said, “Hes my son, Joe.”32. The author had a job in a.A. primary schoolB. high schoolC. universityD. club 33. The author didnt hear the f

40、inal bell because.A. the bell didnt ring at allB. the noise made it impossible for him to hear itC. there was something wrong with the authors earsD. the sound of the bell was too weak to be heard34. Why was Coach OBrien happy at last?A. His team won the match.B. The timekeeper helped him.C. He thou

41、ght his son did right.D. The other referee supported his team. 35. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. A close and wonderful basketball match.B. An important lesson the timekeeper will never forget.C. A basketball coach who is proud of his honest son.D. A match that changed the authors opinio

42、n on wins.第二节:七选五When I was 12 years old, I went with my dad to his workplacea car shop. I was wandering around and I saw a poor woman with a child standing outside the shop. 36 My father went out and asked the woman to come in to the showroom. He offered her some water and then asked her what was w

43、rong.The woman said that her husband had died some months before and that she didnt have anyone else in her family who could help her. She did some work to earn some money to take care of her daughter but she was sick for the last three days and was unable to go to work. 37 While she was telling thi

44、s story to my father, she was unable to control herself and started crying again. My father and I were deeply moved by her story. 38 My father then took them to the nearest hospital for her baby to be treated as she did not seem to be very well. On the way, we bought her a bag of wheat from the mark

45、et. My father gave her some money before we left her. 39 It happened 8 years ago, but that event is still so fresh in my mind. 40 Since then, I have decided to try and walk a similar path and help others.A. The woman was grateful to us. B. She didnt have a grain of food to eat.C. We got some food fo

46、r her and her baby to eat.D. My fathers kindness to this woman inspired me deeply.E. I was so happy to see so many kind people in this world.F. My father and I tried our best to find a good job for the woman.G. I saw that she was crying a lot and went inside and told my father.第三部分:英语知识运用第一节:完形填空My

47、friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when in started to pour heavily. When it became 41 , I decided to go through the drizzle(毛毛雨) to get my car, which was parked at my office three streets away. My friends 42 that I shouldnt go, mainly because I was seven months 43 then. I assured them that Id be very 44 . One of them wanted to come with me but I insisted that she stayed with another friend who needed 45 wit her baby.I walked out of the hotel and started 46 my way to

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