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1、NSEFC Module4 Unit1 Period2 Reading课型:课型:阅读理解课阅读理解课 梁嘉欣梁嘉欣1精选课件Step One:Leading-in2精选课件3精选课件chimps4精选课件5精选课件6精选课件7精选课件She is kissing the chimp.8精选课件 A Student of African Wildlife1.Who is the student?2.What animals was she studying?3.Where did the student study chimps?Step Two:PredictionPrediction:Wh

2、at is the passage about?9精选课件Step Three:Skimming(2mins)1.Underline the topic sentence and the key words of 4 paragraphs.2.Summarize the main idea of the passage in two sentences.10精选课件01595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403

3、020100Time Left Time Left Back to Clock Home11精选课件00595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100Time Left Time Left Back to Clock Home12精选课件Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Following Janes way of studying chimps,our group visit(L2-L3

4、)She spent years observing and recording their daily life.(L15)For forty years Jane has been outspoken about understand and respect(L24-L25)She has achieved everything she wanted to do.(L35)1.Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.13精选课件2.Can you summarize the main idea of the whole passage i

5、n one or two sentences?The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worked with _ _ and helped people_ and _ the life of these animals.It was Janes _(continue)work that inspired _ who want to cheer the achievements of women.chimpsin their environmentunderstandcontinuingthoserespect14精选课件 Work in gro

6、ups and raise questions of each paragraph.Group1-Para1;Group2-Para2;Group3-Para3;Group4-Para4.The group leader shows the questions to the whole class.Step Four:Detailed Reading15精选课件QuestionGroup1-Para1What do the chimps do in a whole day?16精选课件wake upWander into the forest feed,cleanplaygo to sleep

7、 together Task(1):Read Para 1,and fill in the blank.What were the chimps doing?(verbs)first activitythenmost of the timeeveningThe _ between members of a _ family is as strong as in a human family.bondchimpfirst activitythenmost of the timefirst activitytheneveningmost of the timefirst activitythen1

8、7精选课件QuestionsGroup2-Para21.Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild rather than at a university?2.When was Jane permitted to begin her project?3.What did she discover in her research?18精选课件1.Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in 2.the wild?Because she wanted _.A.to work with the

9、m in their own environment B.to prove the way people think about chimps was wrong C.to discover what chimps eat D.to observe a chimp family2.Jane was permitted to begin her work after _.A.the chimp family woke up B.she lived in the forest C.her mother came to support her D.she arrived at Gombe(细节理解细

10、节理解)Task(2):Read Paragraph 2 and finish the multiple choice.(细节理解细节理解)19精选课件3.What did she discover in her research?A.Chimps hunt and eat meat B.Chimps only eat fruit and nuts C.How chimps communicate with each other D.Their body language and social system (细节理解细节理解)20精选课件QuestionsGroup3-Para31.What

11、s Janes feeling when she sees animals in the labs or cages?2.Line 25,“Wild animals shouldnt be used for entertainment or advertisements”Whats the meaning of“entertainment”in this sentence?21精选课件Task(3):Read Paragrap3 and find out the information.1.Find out an adjective to describe Janes feeling towa

12、rds the animals in labs or cages.2.Whats the meaning of“entertainment”in the sentence“Wild animals shouldnt be used for entertainment or advertisements.”?3.Can you give more examples to show animals are used for entertainment?terrible fun/amusement.Animals in the zoos are used to entertain people.22

13、精选课件QuestionGroup4-Para4What did Jane achieve?23精选课件What did Jane achieve?1._animals in their own 2.environment.2._ a _ degree.3._ that _ can live in the forest to study wild animals as men can.4._others who wanted to cheer the achievements of women.Task(4):Para4 Listen to the tapes and write down t

14、he achievements of Jane.Working with GainingdoctorsShowingwomanInspiring24精选课件In 1965,she earned her PHD(博士学位博士学位)ethnology(动物行为学动物行为学)from Cambridge University.On April 16,2002,she was appointed peace messenger of the United Nations(联合国和平使者联合国和平使者).more information25精选课件Activity 1:Discussion(group

15、work)1.What kind of difficulties did she meet when she lived in the forest?2.2.What qualities made her successful?Step Five:Consolidation26精选课件1.What difficulties did she meet when she lived in the forest?many years of living in the forest;without a university degree;not enough knowledge about chimp

16、s;cant enjoy the happiness of family give up social life27精选课件2.What qualities made her successful?She spent years observing and recording their daily life.Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals.When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960,it is unusual for woman to live in the forest.Sh

17、e has helped to set up special places where they can live safely.hard-workingambitiousbravekind-hearted28精选课件Activity 2:Role-play Suppose Jane Goodall is giving a lecture at your school.Please work in pairs and make an interview.(学生扮演学生扮演Jane展开面对面的访谈。展开面对面的访谈。)Born in London in 1934Study chimps at G

18、ombe,East AfricaStudy by observing,recordingHave a hard life for many yearsUnderstand,respect,discover,achievetips29精选课件30精选课件only if we understand can we care;唯有了解,我们才会关心唯有了解,我们才会关心;only if we care will we help;唯有关心,我们才会行动;唯有关心,我们才会行动;only if we help shall all be saved.唯有行动,生命才会有希望。唯有行动,生命才会有希望。Jan

19、e Goodall 珍妮珍妮古道尔古道尔 Summary31精选课件Self-assessmentAfter leaning,I am able to do these thingsVery wellQuite wellOK A littleLittleKnow about some women of achievementKnow how to describe a personPredicting through the title and the picturesRead for gistScan for detailed informationParticipate in group work and express opinion32精选课件Homework1.Speaking:retell the story of Jane Goodall in your own words.2.Writing:watch a short video about Jane Goodall and write a passage to describe a great woman.Try to use some beautiful sentences and words youve learned.33精选课件34精选课件

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