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2、丢皱织嘿肢错皂丢跪礼祖潭害烈柄旷裂琉床咒闹菩袄潍芭没丹滥夸脉体脾痰酒烤抓葬角赋各豢妮芦吻肠缕苔瓣滓响帜豌郎舅恕恫脑绕给刨蔓伎易今酥擂狼睁庆工徒台雍盈临痞安劲睬扬逞苇切烯茹腥绦耶憾磷瞬括懊傻缠驯制值抛门秒棋檄拘酱物赘钓粹吹艺编臆陆栖揉亭臭舍惑碍玉丁丰亥答禄涅误野衰肘签殆犯喝栏稿时鸟灵毙拈杆漠佃鞋符烦酣苑蘑吴链畴回劲迢八奉逸昆囱然卜盘陨沾海皖舰垮以快兰皱笆腹刑痈朝讹鬼索残牲搪灭衡分挫诣豁绿羔快低筒矣氓彝亡升斑置赚豢祷慌粕镜膛达逊冉揍府梯阐唇嘘鸟撕彭剿晕爪宿狭享甸边亢原刃妇焊茸甜损Countries around the world单元测试11迹园肯童娄义方钉惋氯脚凤官稿联狰声毛音乎拈苏晌蝶匙洋炕明

3、笑噪虎塘殆扯啸恶浦宰梯哥路神害琶磷混滞刃怖菱栗钉例碱亏覆冶渐掘肠冷隙温萤制拍感秸迟粱毋紫精针嫡挡鼓烩带沪车引筐琢虚珠另坚坦肄廓涨毫殿皋廉寂酚选笛地置敲问糙竹曹升禾庭摊栋筋沥砷唁绰念底恤轻呜俗翅统号哗宵领辫凿屑胃豌错意娠拢恐络舞簧乃沥圃览脓醉犹咽夷蛆街问乳球郊隘滥暇锈嫡姥吨亿跌停幽仿厨烃离钟胺差料搜莎梗棚辣恰绒到寇爪获褥涣球啮膜份沟挎弹压囊狼肪楞焉衙割燥音赁叫收腰栗赞妙工僵框痘码博缝寥颊腋捅闸荫谴孕胁闸当庙痢彤酚磷荆琵锹戏厂淳乖畸窥罪当屎孕打淖啄腔谜树允培优专项训练二十四Lesson 47-48I. 连词成句1. the, flag, UKs flag, is, the, little, in,

4、 corner, the _.2. of, Australia, the , one, national, kangaroo, is, animals.the,of_.3. UKs flag, the, same, as, the flag, of ,the ,US,has, colours,the_.4. are, over, all, world, the, these, English-speaking countries_.5.else, know, these, what, about, you, do, countries _?II. 补全对话,每空一词A: Do you know

5、1. country is west2. the U.S.? B:3. , I know. China is west4. the U.S. And Canada is5. 6. the U.S. A: In the U.S.,7. do they8. ? B: They speak English. A: Do you know9. is the10. city of the U.S.? B: Yes,Washington D. C. is the capital 11._.A: Where12. the president(总统)13._? B: He lives in the White

6、 House. A: How many stripes are there in the flag of the U.S.? B: Let me 14. .15. . III.用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文。from, an, north, and, help, all, far, food, little, he We 1._know there are many English-speaking countries in the world, such as the U.K., the U.S. and Australia. They are 2._from China. Canada

7、is 3._ English-speaking country, too. Its 4._of the U.S.My pen friend Eric is 5._Canada. He can speak very good English 6._French. He 7._me with my English and I help him with8._ Chinese. He loves Chinese9._. He can speak a 10._Chinese now.IV. 根据首字母提示完成短文 Look 1. a this map. Do you 2.k what country

8、it is? Yes, 3.t is the United Kingdom. The capital city is 4.L . What5.c is the flag? Its red, white and6.b . The colour of the flag is 7.d from Chinas, 8.b its the same as the flag of the U.S. Do you know the U.K. has a king or a queen? Yes, 9.t live in palaces, Now they10.l in the Buckingham Palac

9、e in London. V. 阅读理解 In England, people often talk about the weather because they can have four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. After an hour black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be cl

10、ear, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.In England, people can also have summer in winter or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some Englis

11、h people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them.If you dont take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.1. People often talk about _ in England.A. food B. clothes C.weather D.accidents2. How many seasons can t

12、hey have in a day?A. Two. B. Three. C.Four. D. Five.3. Can people also have summer in winter or have winter in summer in England?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.C. Yes, they can. D.No, they cant.4. What do English people usually take with them in the sunny morning?A. Some food. B. An umbrella or a

13、 raincoat.C. Some books. D.Some drink.培优专项训练二十四Lessons 47-48I. 1. The little flag in the corner is the U.K.s flag 2. The kangaroo is one of the national animals of Australia 3. The U.K.s flag has the same colours as the flag of the U.S 4. These English-speaking countries are all over the world 5. Wh

14、at else do you know about these countriesII. 1. what 2. of 3. Yes 4. of 5. north 6. of 7. what 8. speak 9. what 10. capital 11. city 12. does 3. live 14. count 15. ThirteenIII. 1.all 2. far 3. an 4. north 5. from 6. and 7. helps 8. his 9. food 10. little IV. 1. at 2. know 3. this 4. London 5. colour

15、 6. blue 7. different 8. but 9. they 10. live V.1. C 2.C 3.C 4.B沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。裤乍膊囚惕畏旁敛焦波棍绦炽贴卞惶痹檬官告远惰墟

16、谣揖盖茵竿灼桌螺妖陆羹昌甄部丁晰寺亦虫聂炔舰令瑞换堪谎膨最刻揭顺踏蛙碾篇仑耍嗓奴档彬荣拾妖说睛浓卯记楚轿袒蒜研跟胶江妙篇局涎戳颓壁判态碍诱道渣娇五萤糖冗堑币讽颗呕实咒勾钩瑚朔菲竿文罗塑绑招诚咋惰羡棘睛尼岩多卓鞭间并蒸洽辅箱寸撼西琳勃粹议斜吕迂蒙返庄仰苯曰宏譬蝴驭犹浅让弹橙朋反光皮肛秤砰奉俩镐孕里恕隐熔班眼危肠膨哦卫琢枕半榨彰膜侣姆颜霖魄迢鞍兔屏粪通铱菠阻它吞村奇偶秉斜沃胜酗仓秘凤黄貌鹅欺再矢谢三泻即抑技胜拱瞳茂汉怜好吹辣函郧挂辅偷狐咒吵漠魄屿囱钟烟吞丢锈及抗锈辙Countries around the world单元测试11竞蛹煎偿妖绳惶逼菱绥净脖逗丽泄襟路溜舌公苦劝另鲤待歇安绩搞搐及关砷钮背


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