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1、小学英语学习要点时态与疑问句2021/5/271小学英语的时态o一般现在时o动词形式:o动词用原形,但是如果主语是单数第三人称,动词也要跟着用单数第三人称的形式。动词的单数第三人称形式一般是在动词后加so什么是单数第三人称?o首先是单数,然后是指除了你,和我以外的所有的名词,或代词o可能出现的时间:always,often,usually,sometimes,everyday,everyweek2021/5/272小学英语时态一般过去时o过去式:o动词形式:一般会在动词后加ed,o 不规则动词ois was,are-were,buy-bought,read-read,otake-took,fl

2、yflew,havehad,dodidogowent,swimswam,run-rano体现过去式的时间状语oyesterday,last week,last month,last year,ago,this morning2021/5/273小学英语时态:现在进行时o动词的形式:o分词形式,ing形式,也就是在动词后直接加ing,用在句子中的时候,与be搭配使用,即:be doing.o经常出现的时间是:nowo有时候,也会在句子开头出现look,listen2021/5/274小学英语时态:一般将来时o动词形式:obe going to+动词原型o其中,be跟着主语来变化使用am,is,a

3、reo一般情况下的时间状语:otomorrow,next year,next week,next Sunday,next+时间,after(时间上的之后),soon2021/5/275如何将陈述句改为一般疑问句o一、看句子里是否有be动词,am,is,are,如果有be动词提前,句号改问号。但是要注意,如果主语是I,或we,变成一般疑问句时,要改为you.o二、看句子里是否有情态动词:can,may,must,如果有,把情态动词提前,句号改问号。但是要注意,如果主语是I,或we,变成一般疑问句时,要改为you.o三,如果既没有be动词,也没有情态动词,那么在句子前加do,或does,叫做助动词

4、。主语是单数第三人称加does,其他加doo如果是过去式,那么助动词也要跟着用相应的过去式dido注意:一般疑问句做回答时,主语要改为人称代词:I,we,you,he,she,it,they.2021/5/276改一般疑问句练习o1.It is a lovely dog.o2.She is a lovely girl.o3.He is his father.o4.They are Lilys cousins.o5.We are classmates.o6.I am a doctor.2021/5/277改为一般疑问句o7.There is a bird in the tree.o8.There

5、 are many stars in the sky.o 9.They are good friends.o10.I love my parents.o11.I play computer games every night.o12.There are many books on the shelf.2021/5/278o13.We have a pleasant home.o14.We like to climb the mountain.o15.He goes to church on Sunday.o16.They walk to school every morning.o17.He

6、can fly kites in the park.o18.They are playing the football in the gym.2021/5/279o19.It is a beautiful park.o20.It is a big map.o21.I can swim.2021/5/2710陈述句改为否定句o一、看句子里是否有be动词,am,is,are,如果有be动词,那么直接在be动词后加not就可以,过去式也适用。o二、看句子里是否有情态动词:can,may,must,如果有,那么直接在情态动词后加not.注意,如果情态动词是must,则改为need以后再加not.o三,

7、如果既没有be动词,也没有情态动词,那么在主语后加do not,或does not.主语是单数第三人称加does not,原来句子里的动词单数第三形式改为原形。如果是过去式,那么助动词也要跟着用相应的过去式did not,句子里以前的动词过去式改为原形。o四,祈使句改为否定句,直接在句首加dont2021/5/2711选择疑问句o英语中的选择疑问句结构很简单,就是先把一般疑问句结构写出,然后在其后加上“or+选择部分”即可,当然其标点也是问号。如:Are you a student?(一般疑问句)你是个学生吗?变成:Are you a student or a teacher?(选择疑问句)你

8、是学生还是老师?再如:Do you like playing soccer or basketball?你喜欢踢足球还是打篮球?Can you speak English or Chinese?你会说英语还是汉语?2.选择疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,不能用yes/no来回答,而必须选择选项进行回答。3.如:Have you ever been to Beijing or Shanghai?4.I have been to Shanghai.2021/5/2712特殊疑问句o就划线部分提问o步骤o先改为一般疑问句o找出合适的疑问词代替划线部分o把疑问词放在句子最前边o去掉划线部分,句号改问号。

9、o*如果是how many 开头的疑问句,记得在后边跟上所问的名词复数,whoes开头的疑问句也在后边跟上所提问的名词。(单数复数与原问句一致)2021/5/2713常用疑问词单词单词 意思意思 用法用法 when什么时间问时间who谁问人whose谁的问主人where在哪里问地点which哪一个问选择why为什么问原因what什么问东西what time什么时间问时间what colour 什么颜色问颜色2021/5/2714常用疑问词单词单词 意思意思 用法用法 what about怎么样问意见what day星期几问星期what date什么日期问具体日期what for为何目的问目的h

10、ow怎么样问情况how old多大问年龄how many多少问数量how much多少问价钱how about怎么样问意见how far多远问路程2021/5/2715特殊疑问句练习oThey bought a new bike yesterday.oShe is my teacher.oI am looking for my sister oI get up at six oI went to school late because I got up late.2021/5/2716特殊疑问句练习oMy bag is red.oThey are five yuan oHe often has

11、 lunch in the factory oMy father goes to work by car.oI have three new books.2021/5/2717选择o()1.Excuse me _ is the nearest bookshop?o Go down the street and turn left at the second corner.o A.how B.what C.where D.whoo()2._ is a ticker for the film Hacker He?o About forty yuan.o A.How old B.How many C

12、.How much D.How ofteno()3._ are you going?Im going to the library.o A.Who B.Which C.What D.Whereo()4.Its a nice car._ have you been in it?o Just to Shanghai.o A.How much B.How soon C.How long D.How faro()5._?Its eight.o A.What day is it B.Whats five and three oC.How old are you D.Whats your telephon

13、e number2021/5/2718选择o()6._?Ive got a headache and a cough.o A.Whats your trouble B.Whats wrong with it o C.Can I help you D.How are youo()7._ tea did you have?o Two cups.o A.How many B.How much C.How soon D.Which o()8._ shall we meet in the park?o What about half past eight?o A.What B.When C.Where

14、D.,Whicho()9._ a year does your school have sports meetings?o Twice a year.o A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How many timeso()10._?o The one behind the tree.o A.Whose girl B.Whos that girl C.Which girl D.Wheres the girl 2021/5/2719特殊疑问句的回答o阅读理解中经常出现按短文内容回答o特殊疑问句的回答是完整的陈述句o看句子问的是什么内容o把句子改为陈述句的语序o找到合适的内容代替句子开头的疑问词,并放在合适的位置o如:when do you get up every morning?(6:30)o确认提问的是时间o改为陈述句oI get up every morning.o时间at 6:30放在句子的合适位置。oI get up at 6:30 every morning.2021/5/2720

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