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1、点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频.Match the activities with the pictures a-f.1.did my homework _2.went to the cinema _3.went boating _4.camped by the lake _5.went to the beach _6.played badminton _faebdc1a.What did you do On Saturday morning?On Saturday morning,I played badminton with my mother.on Saturday afternoon

2、 I went boating.What did you do on Saturday afternoon?.on Saturday night I went to the cinema.What did you do on Saturday night?.On Sunday morning I went to the beach with my sister.What did you do On Sunday morning?.on Sunday afternoon I went fishing with my friends.What did you do on Sunday aftern

3、oon?.On Sunday night I did my homework.What did you do last weekend On Sunday night?.Fill in the blanks with who,what,where or how.1.A:_ did you do last weekend?B:I played badminton on Saturday.A:Sounds fun!_ did you play with?B:I played with my father.Hes really good!WhatWho 3a.2.A:_ was your weeke

4、nd?B:It was great!I had so much fun!A:_ did you go?B:The weather was beautiful,so I went to the beach with my parents.HowWhere.3.A:_ did Jim lose?B:He lost his keys.He often loses things.A:Thats too bad._ did he lose them?B:I heard it was yesterday.What When.A:How _ your last weekend?B:It was great.was1.Look at the pictures,and read the conversation then fill in the blanks.A:_ did you go?B:I went to the _.A:_ did you go _?B:I went with my classmates.A:_ did you do there?B:We _ _ and _ some photos.WhereWho withparkWhatwent boating took.

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