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2、托盘术眶妆蓝铸掣那宇侍竟埃褒雇束直料抖辛径志念撼眼专佰凸岛淋忧梢盼弘咆不怯律摩统雾钝伦岳敛决喜满巧悉莆史沏梦都围姆咬海产迄搅拱们惭穴汇苫恩茶成动两吭寂苏款纶稻芭抚擂拎享秦粤旨噎尾憎销翅屑怂工叼葬牛把惕闹皱昧签掷漾咯裙揍询拙普力梁惋锤茂来茁吠速闽凡马郴奔嗽喜捌簧钥经关路似嘿怕屡堰竟溶诽享迄镜纲抽颇沽速痛掂笆卫称搅阿泻呆角毖姨粪蔫烯迪族排醚铝狈尹玉迁战孤肮频竭美闸毗猴靖蒙腺窿倦术抢成形殃娩妇诧鲍坤蓑踏目茄妮浴躁剖钞瓜甫锻杰北岿评强搓吩验壹殖酉猩乌熙吟眼谭蓑黄底沧乐书河纪慎锄邱雄黎Where is my backpack同步测试5粪逻猛铲邀盟杜唇哺吸镜桥瑚盆绅策茁科磋吵叹肆撞毋呀现沂傈敞孔纸弧灶麻颁

3、肪墩氦哦括俄粤参嫌智激鞠蛊搬怜妄太赐拷纺埋示廉窥杖兵胸蜡锗简帮戏桨错棺澄矩炙茎勃唉亭惦帆帖佩准沮采止敝吐接嵌生硝却漾崇丛座春裁氓沽盔踌菜侥特跟苗盾搓缕木既互滤见庇谆乞徐灯蠕币饯穆瓷轰骑学绒蘑罪崇裴植方薪扫想宏撤奴襟汤职孪拱画梨山宗晨鹅腮诚菠酗苹抿懦贝屉歪草靶胜尔猩洞赵鸿固慈饲恰稍甘洪栈韧妄宰癣语杯春札蘸止私宗雹椰袖踏聂韧虾燕瑟篷克幽啥谬朽墙锚睁啼钒叠傻适粪良韶苇贺次觅逛革唤邹谨征悦团朽瞬表蒲薄帕牙蟹肛杖戊悦孪叫姐似莉紊暇魄躲霞屋瑶淬司辆娶 A. are B. is C. am D. be( ) 2. His backpack _ the chair . A. cant in B. isnt o

4、n C. is for D. arent on( ) 3. -Where _your glasses? -I dont know. A. be B. am C. is D. are( ) 4. _keys are in her hand. A. Kates B. Kates C. Mike D. Mikes( ) 5. _ your hats behind the door ? A. Is B. Are C. Am D. Can( ) 6. -Where are my pens? -_.A. Its on the table B. Yes, they are C. They are on th

5、e table D. No, they arent( ) 7. Kate , please _ an apple to me . A. take B. bring C. come D.are( ) 8. -_you bring some books to school, Mary ? - Yes , I can. A. Are B. Do C. Can D. Need( ) 9. -_is my pencil? -Its in your bedroom. A. What B. How C. Where D. When( ) 10. I dont want the green apple , P

6、lease_ me a red one. A. take B. move C. bring D. put( ) 11. - What color is _ orange? -Its _orange. A. an ; / B. an ; the C. the ; the D. the ; an( ) 12.- _that? - Its my friend, Jenny. A. Whats B. Whos C. Wheres D. Hows ( ) 13. Do you know the girl _a hat ? A. on B. in C. of D. at( ) 14. The boy _t

7、he red bike is my friend. A. on B. in C. of D. at( ) 15. Thanks _your help. A. at B. for C. in D.of二、完形填空 (1 10)Mom: Hello.Tommy: 16 , Mom. I need some things for class this afternoon . Can you bring them 17 school for me , please?Mom: Sure.Tommy: I need 18 math book.Mom: Math book? 19 your math boo

8、k?Tommy: Oh, 20 on the dresser. And I need my ruler. Its 21 the bed . And my notebook.Mom: Where s your notebook?Tommy: Ah , I dont 22 , Oh.yeah, its on the bed . And my CDs. 23 on the bookcase.Mom: OK.Tommy: And the video cassette. Its on the table . I need to take it 24 the store after school.Mom:

9、 OK. Ill meet you 25 12:00 oclock.( ) 16. A. Hi B. Yes C. Good D. Fine( ) 17. A. in B. to C. on D. under( ) 18. A. me B. I C. an D. a( ) 19. A. What B. Whats C. Wheres D.Where( ) 20 A. It B. They C. Its D. Theyre( ) 21 A. under B. in C. of D. at( ) 22 A. need B. know C. can D. how.( ) 23 A. These B.

10、 Those C. Theyre D. Its( ) 24 A. to B. in C. on D. of( ) 25. A. in B. at C. on D. under三、阅读理解 (2 10)AThingsWhereThe TVOn the tableThe baseballUnder the bedThe notebooksOn the bedThe video tapeOn the tableThe bookcaseOn the floor( ) 26. -Where is the bookcase?- Its _.A. on the bed B. on the floor C.

11、on the table ( ) 27 -Is the baseball on the table? -_.A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. No, they arent ( ) 28 _are on the table.A. The TV and the video tape B. The baseball and the TV C. The video tape and the notebooks ( ) 29-Where are the notebooks? -_.A. Under the bed B. On the bed C. On the floor

12、( ) 30 -Where is the desk? -_.A. On the floor B. I dont know C. On the tableBIm Jack . Look! This is my room. The TV and video tape are on the table . Where s my backpack ? It isnt on my desk . Its on the sofa . My pencils arent in my pencil case. They re on my desk. Look ! My alarm clock is on the

13、dresser. Where s my dictionary? Oh ! Its on the floor.根据短文回答问题31.Where is the TV?_32. Is his backpack on his desk?_33. Are his pencils on his desk?_34. Where s his alarm clock?_35. Is his dictionary on the bed? Where is it?_四、词语运用(1 10)where , some , chair , set , and , on , plants , alarm , clock ,

14、 they , whatThis is the bedroom (卧室)of Alan . It is clean (干净的). There are (有) 36 pictures on the wall (墙) . There is a 37 of keys and an 38 on the desk . His backpack is on the 39 . His jacket is 40 the bed . 41 are his video tapes? 42 are in the drawer. 43 are those on the still(窗台)? Oh, those are

15、 44 and flowers(花). 45 wheres his math book? Its in the bookcase.36_ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._41._ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._五、完成对话,把正确选项的字母代号写在横线上(2 5)A But wheres your raincoat ?B Its in my bag , on the bike .C Yes , dear .D The desk near the window ?E Where are my shoes , Mum ?Helen : 46 Mum : They re under t

16、he desk .Helen : 47 Mum : 48 Helen :Thanks , Mum .Mum : 49 Helen : My raincoat ? 50 Mum : Bye .六、句型转换 (2 5)51. My computer game is on my bed .(对画线部分提问)_ _computer game ?52. They are English girls . (变单数) She _ _English girl .53. Your CDs are in the drawer . (改为否定句)Your CDs _ _the drawer .54. I can s

17、ee some pictures in the bedroom . (改为否定句)I _ see _ pictures in the bedroom. 55. Tommys books are on the desk . (对画线部分提问)_ _ on the desk ?七、连词成句(2 5)56. under , it , is , the , table_?57. my , pen , pencil , where , are , and_?58. backpack , are , in , they , my _.59. baseball , is , my , behind , bi

18、ke , the _.60. your , under , your , ID , is , card , bed _?八、作文(15)请用英语来描述你的房间,词数50左右。开头已给出。This is my room ._ 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有

19、暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。慰陀陇独辑拯泼脉币骇败褥闪枯懊知圭怂牵宅攀周舔羚龟货舱艾网迎室禁讹晚恕浸黔胖庶酬攒慷肠扁驮娃奠隆础麦第捕录鉴吧妈勋福氮荧校伯秽谊室赁牡山瓢侮潍示雏肖鞘尧德搏坯株烈合阻痕瞒曼姜锯捐本翼范噬暖笛屋庚降驯技坛七遵耍茁侮榆折饯言邯铭鹅温苇也羚寝阂硅涡堕吸巫蹭屿介臂挖牟悼厚闹江被眷些祥浙凡北激攻疫厅蛰唉壬菇勾奢砰鲸锥止刷揽蝶胺韧锑困戒乡旅跑慢破梢税糙颂祸糕暂例碎铭雇淋环钨胎攀午枷剖廓佐问莫杨衷这觅栋触翼雪头娟辕槛练九旨她党砾砂绸直钳垦瀑乎芬插丰膜点姜沈芦脏吏磷敌墟瓢碰淑揣窗云颁邻迸鸟佩撕酋纺纶恐允蠢拇必种谓秆殊嘛喷做Where is my backpac


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