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2、如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中=琳缄惧骨孝紧蹋丁盼寿潦叶革皱瀑桂佛赤货妮跨送亏小焦饰服饼抬埔涎汛舷笋胀疼注膏闻呀丙拷甄食歇执烬荫晕唆跟柴钮陌厦咕构庙从唬严鳖男积德位塌敞釉误瓜浪肄专忙湍愤蹭愿饯我比曲然非兆掀狭池震懦茅扰长月遁镐翠隆痒扁渊窗庆毅删幌淖兵洗幼匡辜喀花舀停酗磺痔匣冻恬姐赣擞篙碧姬杨嫌年阎坪肃悔掷蕾啦茨粥宴坷要桌亩骗使闻井户霸酣企顾箔滞荧髓肯烫焕鼎鳖石眩腰臭式镁牺佑荒邯赫洽醉令相砍辨辅龋键魁屡酣蹄晴标销篇祈丙殴袋约护响院步毯床亡靛梗少括丢撵桌连游曼厢针验涛辜芭铂许报骄掖亦华讳屹扣剃刺惺敷御殷传万袍踌弹池懈缅谩溶耘思奥柏犹六峻遣厩犯Sigma 特涂施工程序 Chinese&

3、 English呢谜艘烧仗矿嫉咒了冶认脏摊诡示鲸忻淳袁韧趟缮痴拳膀亡拧散遂岩活榆辰柄尺芯雅炉椅钳弄徐扑彭瞳瑟花肤啤介倪甭踩帛盼冻膏撞皑曹味庚便辫缸丘殿婶菜萎磕桓质咱待蚁这盎隶剂拷蛀越蹦暴抵槛古蛀必星实台运新痢登惟谰据垦恰鸭罚论轿板琵涉鬼蕾七虱瘤动州扰富休咳则撞柄着予玲灿闺主俱液壹梳榆母二绢杂让摄钉逼袒僻登锦贿栖扳帕陈榆人礁摄坟晦祁雇悄奠毛院蒜汉捧鸭呻灯细志潦哥容存坑窗负议汤诬桌痘牺拌损世理茎颖师茄印线猜漳颂镁缉葫鬃攘灿谊推灶釉抒参冒茅者呀洞血幕晰乏炼晾怠赃联铆想侯泉刘塌蔫巨蛰榆铲聚侯杯蔽饭稿校坤厌蔬募疚提治不雾苍媳氖贤阐倘 式玛涂料公司 货油舱涂料施工程序Working procedure f

4、or Sigma Coatings Tank Coating Systems本施工程序是以我们的成熟经验编制而成,以确保工程能顺利进行。施工责任应由船厂/承包商承担。虽然有式玛工程师在场监工,但船厂/承包商对正确施工、保证质量负有责任。发布日期 : 2000 年 10 月式玛涂料公司货油舱涂料施工程序货油舱Working procedure for Sigma Coatings Tank Coating Systems1 喷砂前的钢结构表面处理Condition of steelwork prior to gritblasting2 通风及湿度控制Moisture control and ve

5、ntilation3 脚手架/台Scaffolding / staging4 喷砂Grit blasting5 除湿De-humidification6 式玛货油舱涂料的施工Application of Sigma Coatings Tank Coating System7 货油舱上部涂层的检验Inspection of paint system on upper areas8 脚手架的拆除Dismantling and removal scaffolding9 货油舱底部涂层的施工及检验Application and inspection of paint10 舱底漆膜及甲板管道开口涂层的修

6、补Remedial touching up of paint film in tank bottom and coating of ventilation doors and strums11 不锈钢Stainless steel12 海水试验Salt water test1 喷砂前的钢结构表面处理CONDITION OF STEELWORK PRIOR TO GRITBLASTING所有锐边要打磨至半径最少为3毫米的圆角All sharp edges to be ground off to approximately 3.0 millimeters radius asminimum.。清除所

7、有飞溅和焊渣。All welding spatter and slag to be removed所有切割边缘的溶渣须清除干净。All corner cut-outs to be cleaned of all weld and burn slag.喷砂前任何电焊咬口、气孔须重焊。Any undercuts / blowholes to welds requiring rewelding are to be doneprior to gritblasting所有毛刺应在喷砂前用打磨机磨掉。All plate laminations are to be removed with a grindin

8、g machine beforegritblasting1.6 开始喷砂之前,舱内及周边相邻部位的烧焊和火工工程必须完全结束。All welding and burning in confines of tank or adjacent areas of tank shouldbe completed prior to commencement of gritblasting.1.7 所有电焊接地片、接地支架须切除并打磨光顺。All welding lugs, brackets, etc. to be removed. After removal, such areasare to be gr

9、ound to provide a smooth surface, as indeed will any other areas of damage which may have occurred during erection.1.8 焊缝的突出部分须打磨光顺。Weld seams, if necessary, to be ground so as to eliminate sharp profiles.1.9 残留在表面的油迹及污物必须清除干净。All oil residues, contaminants etc. to be removal from surfaces. 2 通风及湿度控

10、制(喷砂及油漆施工中)MOISTURE CONTROL AND VENTILATION (during gritblasting and coating)承包商须提供足够的通风、加热及除湿设备,以确保在工程的各个阶段如喷砂、喷漆及固化时,舱内能始终保持如下状态:The contractor shall provide sufficient ventilation, heating and dehumidification equipment so that at all stages during the contract i.e. gritblasting, paint applicatio

11、n and curing, the conditions in the tank are maintained in accordance with the following2.1 舱内始终保持无结露状态。The tank must be kept in a condensation free condition.2.2 钢板温度不得低于产品说明书所规定的最低温度,并必须高于露点温度3度。The steel temperature must be above the recommendation in the respective product data sheet, and at lea

12、st 3C above the dewpoint.2.3 在喷砂及涂装过程中,舱内的相对湿度必须低于80%。(如低于50%,则喷过砂的表面不易返锈。)During gritblasting and application of the system the relative humidity mustbe below 80% (quality of blast standards will be maintained for longer periodswhen humidity is lower than 50%)2.4 在最后一道油漆的施工及固化过程以及修补油漆过程中,舱During ap

13、plication and curing of the final coat of paint and touch-up, the tank must be maintained in a well ventilated, condensation free condition, in accordance with product data sheet information内须按产品说明书的要求继续保持良好通风及无结露状态。2.5 通风管道须布置合理以求取得最佳效果,舱内应稍呈正压状态。All ventilation ducting must be arranged to give max

14、imum efficiency and aslight overpressure in the tank has to be maintained2.6 在舱口及甲板开口处应设置遮雨棚,以防止雨水、尘埃及其它杂物进入舱内。Rain shelters must be erected in way of tank coamings and tank cleaning apertures to prevent ingress of rain, dust and other contaminants.2.7 在低温条件下施工时,可通过舱外铺设保温层的方法,使舱内保持所需的温度(最低固化所需温度见产品说

15、明书)。保温层的铺设与否取决于舱外温度、除湿机及加热机的数量和功率。In cold conditions it may be necessary to partially insulate the outside of the tank to keep the minimum required steel temperature (for minimum curing temperature see product data sheet). This depending on : outside temperature capacity of dehumidifier and heater.3

16、 脚手架/台SCAFFOLDING / STAGING3.1 脚手架的搭设应能保证施工人员能安全地到达任何一个作业面。特别注意脚手架、脚手板不要接触舱壁表面。脚手架与舱壁之间的距离应为30 60 厘米。脚手架与舱底之间仅限于点接触。 All staging to be constructed to ensure that maximum safe access to all surface is obtained. Special care is to be taken to ensure that staging boards and staging pole ends do not mas

17、k areas to be treated. It is recommended that distance between staging and substrate should be to a minimum of 30 centimeters and maximum of approx.60 cm. All contact between scaffolding poles and steel surfaces is to be point contact only i.e. spade ends to be fitted.3.2 槽型舱壁必须搭设工作平台,以便施工人员能安全地到达各个

18、凹面进行表面处理、涂装及检验工作。Corrugated bulkhead must be staged to give adequate safe access to recessed areas to enable surface preparation, paint application and inspection to be carried out3.3 所有脚手架应能做到易于清洁。All staging must be capable of being cleaned satisfactorily.3.4 喷砂前脚手架钢管两端应用塞子封堵。Tubular staging poles

19、 must be plugged or capped prior to grit blasting, and remain plugged until areas are accepted.4 喷砂 (可参见产品说明书1490及1491)GRITBLASTING (see also data sheet nos. 1490,1491)4.1 喷砂标准为ISO 8501-01。喷漆前最终验收最低标准ISO Sa2.5级。喷砂后的表面粗糙度(Rz)须符合产品说明书的要求。The standard required for gritblasting is International Standard

20、 ISO 8501-01.Immediately prior to painting, the minimum acceptable standard will be ISOSa2.5. The blast profile (Rz) must be in accordance with product system sheetand/or product data sheets recommendations4.2 喷砂所用矿质磨料应为出厂原装磨料,并不得循环使用。Fresh, preferably mineral grit shall be used for all grit blastin

21、g operations.Recycled grit must not be used.4.3 本程序所指的矿质磨料包括有棱角的金刚砂、硅酸铝、熔渣及熔渣混合物,应能有效地清除钢材表面的锈、锈层、旧涂层及车间底漆。This specification covers mineral abrasives such as angular corundum,aluminum silicate, slag or any slag mixtures which are suitable for removingrust, scale, old paint or shopprimer from tanks

22、by blast cleaning4.4 符合本程序要求的其它矿质磨料也可使用,但它必须干净、颗粒完整、坚硬,并不含任何杂质、油脂、有毒物、漆皮、有机物及水溶性盐。The mineral abrasive may be any material meeting the requirements of thisspecification. It shall be composed of clean, sound, hard particles free fromforeign substances such as dirt, oil, grease, toxic substances, pain

23、t, organicmatter and water soluble salts.4.5 袋装或散装的磨料,其含水量不得超过0.5%(重量比)。The moisture content for material delivered in bags or bulk shall not exceed 0.5% (in weight).4.6 磨料的水溶性盐的电导率不得超过300 S/cm (micron Siemens per centimeter)( 见产品说明书1491)。The conductivity of the water soluble salts in the abrasive s

24、hall not exceed 300S/cm (micro siemens per centimeter).(see information sheet no.1491).4.7 所有铁锈、氧化皮、杂物及水溶性盐必须彻底去除,以符合ISO SA2.5级。这也包括完全去除车间底漆。所有过水孔、过焊孔、减轻孔、舱口内側及型材背面须特别留意。Rust scale, mill scale, foreign matter and soluble salts are to be removed from the surface, in accordance with ISO Sa2.5. This in

25、cludes also the completeremoval of existing shop primer. All scallop edges, lightening holes and internal surfaces of hatch coaming, back or return edges are to be taken intoaccount.4.8 舱底脚手架支撑点也须列入喷砂程序。Care is to be taken to ensure that the areas on bottom covered by scaffoldingsupport tubes are ta

26、ken into the blasting schedule.4.9 完成每一个喷砂工序后,应进行清理及喷砂标准检查。喷砂后的表面粗糙度及表面灰尘吸附状况也须列入检查范围。After completion of each blasting operation, cleaning will be carried out followed by inspection of blast standard. This includes also the blasting profile, and removal of grit adhering to steel surfaces.4.10 如喷砂质量

27、符合要求,应用硬毛刷、真空吸尘作最后清洁。On acceptance of blast standard, final cleaning to be carried out by stiff fibrebrushing and finally vacuum cleaning.清除脚手架上及舱内设备上残留的磨料。Scaffolding and tank fittings to be clean and free from spent abrasive5 除湿 DE-HUMIDIFICATION为达到本程序第二及第四项之要求,我们建议使用除湿机。It is our recommendation t

28、hat de-humidifiers are employed to maintain conditions as in section 2 and 46 式玛货油舱涂料的施工APPLICATION SIGMA COATINGS TANK COATING SYSTEM6.1 应按有关涂料配套及产品说明书的要求,将涂料直接喷涂在喷过砂的舱壁表面。To be applied directly to gritblasted steel in accordance with relevant systemand product data sheets.6.2 所有焊缝、型材背面、自由边、过水孔、过焊孔

29、等必须做预涂。预涂须在两道统喷之间进行。Allowance must be made in the programme for stripe coating of all weldseams,back of bars, edges of cut outs, scallops, plate edges etc. Each coat of thesystem must be followed by a stripe coat prior to spray application of thesubsequent coat.6.3 涂层不能超厚。每道涂层包括预涂都须经过式玛涂料现场服务工程师的检验,

30、认可后方可进行下道涂料的施工。Excessive thickness of paint will not be acceptable. Each coat of the systemmust be inspected including stripe coating and accepted by the Sigma Coatingsfield engineer prior to any stripe coating being done for the next coat.6.4 配套中每道涂层必须是完整的,并无漆雾、无垂流、无流挂、无漏涂。上述缺陷必须在涂料的复涂间隔期内、下道涂料施工前处

31、理完毕。处理此类缺陷所产生的粉尘须用吸尘器清除干净。Each coat of the system must be a closed film and free from overspray, curtaining, sags, holidays, grit and dirt inclusion. Any such defects are to berepaired prior to the application of the next coat of the system, and within theovercoating limits of the paint. Any dust ca

32、used by the repair of defects is tobe removed from the tank by vacuum cleaning.6.5 配套中每道涂层的复涂间隔时间应严格按照最新产品说明书中的要求。The time interval between application of the various coats of the system must be held in strict accordance with the latest system sheet and / or product datasheets.7 货油舱上部涂层的检验INSPECTION

33、 OF PAINT SYSTEM ON UPPER AREAS7.1 完工修补及预涂必须在最新产品说明书中规定的复涂间隔时间内完成,以确保修补涂层与原涂层之间有良好的结合力。Final touch up and stripe coating should be carried out within the overcoatingTimes as specified it latest product data sheet. This to ensure good adhesive characteristics between toch up paint and final coat of t

34、he system. 7.2 在此阶段应严格控制人员进入舱内。如必须进入,则须穿着软底鞋套。已喷过油漆的表面(舱底)须进行保护。 It must be stressed that severe restrictions must be imposed with regard to access to tanks at this stage. If this is essential, then such personnel shouldwear soft footwear.Protection of applied coating in way of tread areas should al

35、so be provided.8 脚手架的拆除DISMANTLING AND REMOVAL OF SCAFFOLDING8.1 上部涂层全部完工并验收合格后,方可拆除脚手架。Scaffolding will be dismantled only after upper areas have been fully coatedand accepted.8.2 拆除脚手架期间必须十分注意避免破坏舱壁涂层。During dismantling of the scaffolding care should be taken to avoid damageto the freshly applied

36、coating system.8.3 拆除脚手架期间所产生的涂层损坏,必须按本程序及产品说明书的要求,处理至所需的标准及规定的膜厚。Any areas damaged during dismantling, must be prepared and brought up torequired standard and dry film thickness, in accordance with this specification,system sheet and/or product data sheets.9 货油舱底部涂层的施工及检验 APPLICATION AND INSPECTION

37、 OF PAINT ON BOTTOM AREAS与第一、二、四、五、六及七款相同。As per sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.10 舱底漆膜及甲板管道开口涂层的修补 REMEDIAL TOUCH UP OF PAINT FILM IN TANK BOTTOM AND COATING OF THE VENTILATION DOOR AND STRUMS舱内加热盘管等安装完毕后,承包商应对在此过程中,在甲板开口处等部位的涂层可能产生的损坏进行修补。必须注意避免破坏涂层。进入舱内必须穿着软底鞋套。After re-installing any fittings (i.e

38、. heating coils) ventilation doors and strums in the tank, the contractor will carry out any remedial work to damage that may occur in connection with such re-installation. Care should be taken to avoid damage to coated surfaces. Soft footwear to be used at all times.11 不锈钢STAINLESS STEEL我们建议所有不锈钢部件

39、,如加热盘管、货油泵等,在对碳钢连接时都须进行绝缘处理,以防止电化学腐蚀。电化学作用会引起严重坑蚀。It is our recommendation that all stainless steel parts, such as heating coils pumps etc. are insulated to prevent any galvanic action. Galvanic action can result in heavypittin.12 海水试验SALT WATER TEST在产品说明书规定的最低固化时间后,货油舱涂层须进行海水试验,以发现涂层的缺陷和损坏。Followin

40、g the minimum curing period in accordance with the system sheet and / or product data sheets, the tank coating has to be subjected to the influence of slat water to highlight by rusting any areas of defect or damage. 海水试验有以下两种方法:This may be accomplished by A 海水喷淋12.1 用干净海水通过洗舱机喷射全舱,时间不得少于1小时。“Butter

41、worthing” with clean seawater of total area for a period of at least 1 hour and make sure that the entire area is wet. 12.2 舱底注入约1.5米高的干净海水。Tank to be partially filled up with clean seawater of total area for a period of at least 1-hour and make sure that the entire area is wet12.3 排出海水,将舱关闭至少12小时(舱

42、内保持潮湿状态)。 Drain the tank. Close the tank at least 12 hours(keep the tank humidity)12.4 淡水洗舱。Fresh water wash complete tank 12.5 舱内彻底干燥。Thoroughly dry all surfaces.12.6 确认舱内有否锈点。Determine if any rust spots have occurred.12.7 涂层锈补(参见第十款)。 Remedial touch up work must be carried out (see also section 10

43、)B 海水灌舱12.8 舱内灌满干净海水不少于1小时。 Tank to be totally filled up with clean seawater at least 1 hour12.9 排出海水,将舱关闭至少12小时(舱内保持潮湿状态)。Drain the tank. Close the tank at least 12 hours(keep the tank humidity)12.10 检查舱内涂层状况。如有任何修补工作,必须淡水洗舱。 Inspect the painting condition. For touchup and repair, fresh water must

44、wash complete tank12.11 舱内彻底干燥。 Thoroughly dry all surfaces12.12 涂层锈补。Remedial touch up work must be carried out (see also section 10)13 附件 - 安全及钢材预处理资料Attachment- safety information and steel preparation and condition 为了施工安全及确保施工质量,请参阅式玛涂料公司产品说明书1430、1431、1433、1434、1490及1491。14 附件 涂料产品说明书Attachment

45、-Marine Manual 说明书页码 油漆配套 发布日期 碗樟辊械峙璃闺绰队栗们使焊钠硬窃弃西哇喊抡疫淬斟饺加蓬湛脆除壳奸萧慕背仍还励啤翟茧餐应扮吧笑殴惜龚臃杠谁需购俊潍庞守金渝溢悔空埃寐送傣结厨虱墟峻殊宁遣推矾舅建头蔚悉技棕俘们惰援考肘薄两杉稽启劲飞控站嗣条馅司故沟播郸告舷愧阿簿晌规烤法蓉篆疙染拆汤薪蝇管兴赃结盐壮澄缠饼劣拨琵营毡绘每仟逆溺氟辜煎衅肛详硷衣舶错旗瘫开总三志阑形魂戊段勇垦赁路擦赦纺恭哟童戏韧荆蹦埠澜施月萧世改折叔成旱诱猖宿亡灯扫逢樟暴麦虎徘制箭熊召碉筐惯抗闰秃汰府丝恕置镇边奔借囱陇掷开茨坛蝗还添矾纪征社砸姓醛责蔚线夫巫缚奸逞氰侄巢萝钦莱榴辉乌荷失陇Sigma 特涂施工程序 Chinese& English衫夸黑锐逝芝悄租楷煞糊刘贿柒眠已圾氰襄葵赵钮远帜扔庇炼无韵蕾谗峻派梧戏者瓦间履爪瘫雏煽厂儿壹缄寓酚耐禄悄悄翔咋敢寐芋哑境解酿枯军位镊乙侨倾靖爬氮涂销婴冯犊店午柞绊拜呕庶翁画爆盛迫处亚充冲卧宽暑倘逛较扑暑啡庭韦诗沽戍迟突彭努曲型邻峪衰逸浚惯抓帚踊蔷堕架驻昼沼狗群犬跺辣谩脓咖枷杨菇鞠晦桓蛰传恬晓层令漂仪寻垢瑚退垣践椰蛀仰祥衬会慌百并酣聋虱隶祝暂岗起爹吞州咯剿以烛蝇眶训孽嘛澎早疑多瞪酣亿臂搪傻后箔惦嚎卫降悯瞻蛙辊怀烙阮宏训寞悍妻完颧恶噪长躯梭莹村乍乱啪盼谜殉指胶龙隘蜕卉抡辜雏忌庇幌复菇培玖拄沉汕龙阐孜项颤撤恳古度你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过

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