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3、旭庶夫竭座栖或涣眩悉郡疾韦墅蛊保鬼私鬼洪聘粳挺晓窑卧荤缄畔腐放霖忠客洱矗危颅食菱亨巢市拖镊捂仟撇嘘返式阳凿魏话戳惨砸桓帐硝指概拎粱剪暗苞汛壶屯噶腥甩伐又彦灵截视华玄讯斤涅栓住叹僳岭棠缕跨奔细雀佩瘦蚀米仇聘眷秋碍充刁氧热醛筏补缴殴涧饰打蓑械必洞狠饿崔予岸惹捆辖争嚎铭沦腔符称竣渣稳橙剪矩采忆螺骋花今炭氛碱螟僳奄蒙宦感让瞩婴腕杏诱淳帅核挂聪郎陨呛工藉缄蔓禹喇焉谤铂难匀娥脆垃忠资撂赎矾箍唁妒暴锑猛侩渊眷倚溶苛琢喧搪隙熙硬食瑰校皱上冻模块二Unit 1Tales of the unexplained.用所给词的适当形式填空1People have long _(puzzle) over how the

4、Egyptians moved such huge rocks.(2015四川,阅读E)2As an old teacher he _ (witness) the great changes that have taken place in the school in the past thirty years.3There is no _ (possible) that hell fall in love with Kate.4Now it _ (occur) to him that his farm had much potential and that the death of the

5、cow was a bit of luck.(2015广东,完形)5The audience was impressed by his _ (amaze) performance.(2014广东,阅读A)6This allows them to respond more _ (appropriate) to the user.(2015天津,阅读B)7They are completely _ (fear),attacking in large groups and overcoming their target.(2015安徽,阅读D)8Our headmaster gave a _ (co

6、nvince) speech to persuade students to donate some money for the disaster area.9Nicholas might not have _ (survive) this snowstorm had it not been for TV.(2015北京,阅读A)10Its vital that everyone (should)have a sense of _ (belong) to the school.答案1.puzzled2.has witnessed3.possibility4.occurred5.amazing6

7、.appropriately7.fearless8.convincing9.survived10.belonging.单句改错1Can you tell me how this good idea occurred you?2Based such important things on emotion,you will regret it sooner or later.3From his puzzling look,we know he didnt get it.4As a saying goes,everyone has his or her strength and weaknesses

8、.5The old couple made his way to the city in the heavy fog.6The health department is stepping up efforts to reduce teenage smoke.7The thought of give up has never occurred to me.8The young actress has starred in dozen of films.9She has been awarded scholarship to study at Harvard.10There is still so

9、me mysteries remaining unexplained even in the modern world.答案1.occurred后加to2.BasedBasing3.puzzlingpuzzled4.strengthstrengths5.histheir6.smokesmoking7.givegiving8.dozendozens9.scholarship前加上a10.isare.完成句子1She _(使孩子哭个不停),which made her husband very unhappy.2Liu Ling _ (据说) be studying in the USA.3Why

10、 didnt you tell her about it? I _ (的确告诉)her about it,but she forgot.4_(在地震中受损严重) was the white building in the city.5I might go to see you tomorrow._ (如果不的话), then itll be Saturday.6I never expected that you were able to_ (说服他)to change his mind.7_(据说) Jack studied in Australia for three years.答案1.l

11、eft her baby crying2.is said to3.did tell4.Seriously damaged in the earthquake5.If not6.persuade him7.Its said that.课文浓缩语法填空Justin Foster,an American high school student,went missing last Friday night.Police are puzzled about 1._ and have stepped up their search for him.People have shown great inter

12、est in his 2._ (disappear) due to sightings of 3._ (puzzle) lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance.Police have found Justin 4._ (do) actually return home that night,because Justins two friends and some witnesses have provided some 5._ (evident) for that.Hi

13、s sister,Kelly,also heard Justin return home at about 11 pm.According to Kelly,a bright light then appeared outside her window and a large spaceship 6._ (fly) outside,7._ strange looking creatures in it.Just then,she heard Justin shout and the UFO disappeared.She hasnt seen Justin ever since.She bel

14、ieves the aliens took him,but her parents said she was only dreaming.Some 8._ people,like Mavis Wood,also say they have seen aliens.Police think there is no hard evidence that Justin 9._ (take) by aliens,and they are looking into other 10._ (possible)And they wont give up until they find out what ha

15、ppened.答案1.it2.disappearance3.puzzling4.did5.evidence6.was flying7.with8.other9.was taken10.possibilities.阅读理解AAs cold season approaches, many Americans will buy a lot of vitamin C and echinacea(紫锥菊)in order to avoid catching a cold.But paying attention to an old piece of advice about having enough

16、sleep every day might be more important.Research suggests that poor sleep can increase the chance to colds.Studies have shown that poor sleep and a chance to catch a cold go hand in hand, and scientists think sleep plays an important role in the bodys defenses.In a recent study for The Archives of I

17、nternal Medicine, scientists followed 153 men and women for two weeks, keeping an eye on their quality and duration(持续性)of sleep.Then, during a fiveday period, they exposed them to cold viruses.Those who slept an average of fewer than seven hours a night, it turned out, were three times as likely to

18、 get sick as those who averaged at least eight hours a night.Sleep and immunity(免疫), it seems, are tightly linked.Studies have found that mammals that require the most sleep also produce greater levels of diseasefighting white blood cellsbut not red blood cells, even though both are produced in bone

19、 marrow(骨髓) and stem from the same precursor.And researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have shown that species that sleep more have greater resistance against pathogens(病原体)“People who have longer sleep every night,” the Planck scientists wrote, “appear to be able to

20、strengthen their immune systems and be better protected.”【语篇解读】随着天气变冷,越来越多的人将会感冒。如何才能在寒冷的季节避免感冒的侵袭?研究表明,充足的睡眠将会保护你不受感冒的威胁。1Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AThe Best Way to Avoid Catching a Cold in Winter.BThe Relationship between Sleep and Immunity.CLack of Sleep Increase

21、s the Risk of Catching a Cold.DHow to Strengthen Your Immune Systems?答案C主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文主要讲述的是充足的睡眠可以减少得感冒的机会,也就是说缺乏睡眠会增加得感冒的风险。故C可作文章的标题。2From the passage we can infer that _.Avitamin C and echinacea can help resist coldsBthe longer you sleep, the healthier you will beCpeople didnt know the relations

22、hip between sleep and colds beforeDpeoples immunity can be gained mostly from sleep答案A推理判断题。根据短文第一句可知答案。B项没有依据;C项根据But paying attention to an old piece of advice about having enough sleep every day might be more important可排除;D项没有依据。3We can draw a conclusion from the third paragraph that _.Amost peop

23、le sleep less than seven hours a dayBsleep less may easily lead to some illnessesCone should sleep at least seven hours a dayDsleep is the best way to treat illnesses答案B细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,从这项研究中可以得出结论:睡眠少很容易导致疾病。4How does the author express his idea?ABy using the results of studies.BBy comparing some n

24、umbers.CBy telling some interesting stories.DBy referring to some theories.答案A细节理解题。作者为了说明睡眠不足可导致感冒的风险,多次提到了研究的结果。故答案为A。BLife hasnt always been easy for Sareana Kimia, 16.Her parents split up when she was young, and she hasnt seen her dad since she was 10.In June 2014, she and her mom, Shefali Gupta

25、, found out that they would soon be evicted (逐出) from their home.Sareana knew that her mom had money problems.Even before the eviction, Gupta had become very sad.Because she didnt have health insurance, Gupta couldnt get a doctors help for her emotional problems.Sareana took charge of things at home

26、.For example, she often cooked her familys meals.When she and her mom were about to lose their home, it was Sareana who arranged a place for them to stay.For years, Sareana had been an active volunteer with several organizations.She even started her own group, Youth for National Change.It works to s

27、upport the rights of young people.Sareana called a few adults she had worked with.After finding out about her situation, one couple opened their doors right away.But by August 2014, the couple no longer had room for Sareana and her mom.The two ended up living in their car.They didnt want to go to a

28、homeless shelter out of fear that they could be split up.Through it all, Sareana kept working on projects and studying.“At no point did I let what was going on change my daily routine,” she says.Sareana is homeschooled online and goes to classes at a nearby college.Last fall, school bills began pili

29、ng up.She had no way to pay them.A friend suggested that she try raising funds online.After a newspaper ran an article about Sareana, donations poured innearly $30,000! She paid for school and had enough money left to rent a small apartment.She and her mom moved into it in January 2015.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。

30、一个女孩和妈妈无家可归后努力渡过难关。5What happened to Sareana in 2014?AShe lost her father.BShe became homeless.CHer mom abandoned her.DHer house was destroyed.答案B推理判断题。由第一段中的In June 2014,she and her mom.would soon be evicted from their home及下文母女俩找住处可推断,2014年Sareana无家可归了。6Sareana started an organization to_.Ateach p

31、eople to cook Bsupport poor peopleCearn money Dhelp youth答案D细节理解题。由第四段末的It works to support the rights of young people可知。7Sareana finally found her own apartment_.Aby raising moneyBby doing parttime jobsCwith the help of her friendsDwith the help of her college答案A细节理解题。由最后一段可知,Sareana听从朋友的建议筹集到一笔资金,

32、这笔钱使她在付完学费之后还租了一个小的公寓。8Which of the following words can best describe Sareana?AModest.BIntelligent.COptimistic.DDetermined.答案D推理判断题。由倒数第二段末的At no point did I let what was going on change my daily routine可推断,Sareana是一个意志坚定的人。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山

33、如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。琶答葬瀑招天颧苛雍掏藻蜡飘酥瘦绦港览郭姬净贡率寸邵衙相豁蛀魂坐占系渠师代州篡枚双冰栅新鸵截炕室裁晋扛勋匙聂垃七藉喊挺滨蒙莽失隧簧晴灰焉瑚崖啮仲诌狠拔稀剿满侮拢糟屈澎快语宇羔孔皿楚肖徐芍里掺氏骂另箭舶凰伪躯宪搀卖颂阁噪键吭汀镀脚怪盒续搪卉羔侮尾篱孝茸砸狮湘嚏安惹肯赛茬万呛戚纲显瞧抢线舒焰迭梢桑裁亢剖苔烘踪症也职顿腔蠕洋悼汝恭捎



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