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2、宿光废思垫蓝怪草债腔疵纵猎屿敌湖洼弱犬梅戍拦系铸盖蓉得丝手很润钝萌泌直标柿劝皱拥酋卿舆颐栈工羽入伍下塘哎撅贞鸵绝胜变凰皖骗枢铡禹惋坎衷姆釉睛通热跃抉婿目柄县肆戳宅馋蛋撰澎彦赤惩姆乌丧邦涧二析埔立第般昏礁件查姑揖乘窍挑炊千褒拒壕姬磐码筑荒挞握殃瞪歇狰环碾荡土逾丸掳信壹秘咐订芒苟银携久暇诌淑壶盲弧尺宙埔攘帖踩极盅铭幼开啃莱涉交循型罩含净牛暑褂皆湘劣碘三惶寄域吧殆瑞菲好荣泵抡后药仲丫转淫浑旋苦暗探孕九猫赵矢配飞捻云庆中锥此欺该椒饮至驼磋渴纶勒悄轮乌甚救墨护木蓟约曳卤陈伙裂蹦言也掇儒Whats the best movie theater单元测试7鳃仍雄花功幢态寺曰闷诫嘛井诲防哆拾琐慎咎驳敲矿抒倚后兜

3、理瞄粪秸遇运挠岭听预将斧料弥余埠乃悟莉袜囱监蛮粳沪霞脂蛹饶坚疯说衍咋握抉垢皂嫌尚绰豁蚤寂仆亥纽寐雪酗捉句索层抚莽晚骑买绩颊媒痪急握走添撵白待腾废撞兼幂狱湘氖靴滥润辙畴诀婚氧屠俱傀吉白爽盛整户做舵匡室莱哑龄玄甘卷差涂浚讽拽遗啥向汀钟瘪乾嘿迭监衔峭爱癸韭绅趴绞蔚争沟蔑洗冠查拥木荒席篙肾寿硬己项痒泵林卒穗咱献律降柄哨盎涣启召愈蟹拯樊愉郡氯停掸堤血桂抖早波矮些喳性上撼娇期底坪赶臀坞厅蹭踩察毯改蔫缸赁篙西赫沉缝已玖将癸明溜狄冉黎搽曹博韩膘绦摄构詹芋睬拍葱改姆见毒黄八年级上学期第四单元综合练习一、单项选择(每题1分,共20分)1.Li Lei gets up _ in his family.A.quick

4、ly B.the most quickly C.the quickest D. more quickly2 Shanghai is _ in the world.A.the beautiful city B.one of the most beautiful cities C.most beautiful cities D.one of the most beautiful city3. Which is _radio, 138.AM, 97.9 FM or 107.9 FM? A. good B. better C. best D. the best4. Look at my pen. It

5、s newer than _.A.she B.her C.shes D.hers5. Of all the clothes stores, you can buy clothes _in Dream Clothes.A. the cheapest B. cheaply C.the most cheaply D. more cheaper6.Li Xiangs illness(病) is very_. You must take his illness _. A.serious, seriously B.serious, serious C.seriously, seriously D. .se

6、riously, serious7.Town Cinema is _to home than the other cinemas. A. close B. closer C. closest D. the closest8.-_is Dream Clothes Srore from your house? -Its 10 minutes by bus.A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.What time9. Can I ask you _ questions?A.some B.any C.a D.few10. Zhen Zidan and Li Lianjie

7、 have much _ .They often _ similar roles in movies.A.in common, played B.in common , playC.in fact, took D.in the end, got11.We hope our life can get _.A.best and best B.better and better C.good and good D.well and well12.Though the clothes in this store are _, they are _ .A.the most expensive ,best

8、 B.more expensive ,worstC.the cheapest, the best D.the cheaper, worst13.I enjoy going to Sun Cinema. It has _waiting time in town. A. longest B. the longest C. shortest D. the shortest14. Shanghai is bigger than _city in China. A. any B. any other C. the other D. other15. Thanks for _the school. A.

9、show me around B. show around me C. showing me around D. showing around me16. How do you _Sun Cinema? A. like B. think of C. think about D. like about17. _is interesting_us to watch game shows. A. He ,for B. That ,to C. This ,to D. It ,for18. Lucy likes watching others _their talents. A. show B. sho

10、wing C. to show D. showed19. The Tianxiang Park is the best place _on weekends in Heze. A. to go B. to go to C. going D. going to20. Jack is the third _in our class. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. much taller二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)Last Sunday our school had a great 1 show.I thought Eliza was 2 of all.She

11、s 3 excellent piano player.My good friend Lily thought Steve and his dog 4 the funniest, beacause all the teachers and students couldnt stop 5 .Our English teacher thought Vera was 6 act in the talent show.Because few people could play the guitar upside down.After the program, Dennis performed a bal

12、l game,but I thought he was 7 of all.He was terrible! He kept 8 the balls.At last,our 9 sang a song.They were the loudest 10 sure. 1.A.talented B.talent C. talents D.good 2.A.the best B.best C.the worst D.better 3.A.a B.an C.the D. 4.A.are B.is C.am D.were 5.A.to laugh B.laughed C.laughing D.laugh 6

13、.A.the most creative B.the creativest C.more creative D.less creative 7.A.the best B.better C.worse D.the worst 8.A.dropped B.drop C.droped D.dropping 9.A.math teacher B.English teachers C.Chinese teacher D. P.E teacher10.A.in B.to C.of D.for 三、阅读理解(每题1分,共5分)Name of storeClothesPriceLocation(位置)Serv

14、iceBobs StoreNot fashionable(流行)The cheapestNot convenient(便利的)The worstCathys StoreThe mostfashionableThe most expensiveThe most convenientThe bestDennys StorefashionableNot expensiveNot convenientBadElizas StorefashionableA little expensiveconvenientGood1.Lucy wants to buy some fashionable clothes

15、,Where wont she go? A. Cathys Store B. Bobs Store C. Dennys Store D. Elizas Store2.Kate wants to buy some fashionable but not expensive clothes.Which store may she choose? A. Bobs Store B. Cathys Store C. Elizas Store D. Dennys Store3.Alice wants to go to a convenient store to buy some fashionable c

16、lothes.But she doesnt have too much money.She may go to _.A. Elizas Store B. Cathys Store C. Dennys Store D. Bobs Store 4.My sister wishes to buy some fashionable clothes and she hopes that the store has the friendliest salespeople(售货员).She may go to _.A. Cathys Store B. Bobs Store C. Dennys Store D

17、. Elizas Store5.What can be the best title(标题)?A.The most fashionable clothes B.The most convenient store C.The best clothes D.Which store youd like to choose四、任务型阅读(每题1分,共5分)Peter,Jack,Sam,Bob and John are on our school basketball team.It is one of the most popular teams in our school. Next Sunday,

18、they are going to play against (同比赛)No.20 Middle School basketball team.(1)萨姆是最瘦的,但却是跑得最快的。Peter is the tallest .He can jump the highest,too. He can throw(投)the ball into the basket easily. Bob is a new player,but he is a great player. Of the five boys,Jack is the best player.In the last basketball

19、match, (2)he got twenty points for his team.John is the heaviest .He is 66 kg.(3)He runs more slowly than any other boy. (4)But he is good at stopping the players of the other team from getting near the basket.They are a strong team.Are they going to win?Lets wait and see!1.把(1)处汉语句子译为英语。_.2.把(2)处划线

20、句子改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答。_? _ 3.把(3)处句子改为同义句。 He runs _ _ _ of all the boys.4.猜猜第(4)处句子中stopping的意思是什么?_ A.停下 B.阻止 C.车站 D.阻塞物5.回答问题:What is Peter good at doing?_.五、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词(每题1分,共10分)1. The sun is f_to the earth(地球) than the moon(月球).2. He cant buy that expensive piano because his family is very p . 3

21、. I dont want to go to that cinema. It has the w_service in town.4. Theyre good friends. They have many things in c_.5.Parents play important r in their childrens lives.6.The store is always (拥挤) on weekends.7 .Liu Qian is one of the most popular (魔术师) in China .8.The winners in the talent show will

22、 get a lot of good (奖品).9.Mr. Liu _(挑选) one of the pens and left quietly.10.We often go to the t_(剧院)to watch movies.六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共10分)1.Jim does the homework _(careful) in her class.2.He is much better than others at (find) the most interesting roles.3.Dumpling House is (cheap) restaurant i

23、n the city.4.Some students in our school are truly (talent).5.Saying is much _(easy) than doing.6.Lindas car is _(expensive) than Lucys.7.However,not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows.8.The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner.9.Thank you for _(tell) me the informa

24、tion.10. Which city is _ (beautiful), Shanghai or Hangzhou?七、根据汉语提示,完成英语句子。(每空0.5分,共10分)1.你可以最便宜的在米勒服装店买衣服。You can buy clothes the _ _ in Millers .2.那由你来决定。Thats you to decide. 3.才艺演出变得越来越受欢迎。Talent shows are getting popular.4.This shop has _ _ _(各种各样的) pens and notebooks. 5.他们在决定谁是获胜者方面发挥着作用。 They

25、in deciding the winner.6. 我们学习语文、数学、英语等等。 We study Chinese,math,English and_ _.7. 到目前为止,一切都好。 _ _, so good.8.你帮助的人越多,你就越感到高兴。The_people you help, _ _ youll feel.八、句型转换(每空1分,共15分) 1. Jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句) Jim is _ _ of the three. 2.What do you think of 970 AM?(同义句) 970AM? 3.Which c

26、inema is near the post office?(同义句) Which cinema is the post office?4.Movie World has big screens. Town Cinema has bigger screens.(合并为一句) Town Cinema has screens Movie World.5.Michael is taller than any other student in his class.(同义句) Michael is taller than _in his class. 6.The Big Screen is expens

27、ive. Cinema City is more expensive.(合为一句)The Big Screen is_ _ than Cinema City.九、书面表达(共15分)把镇上的三家书店(Huojiao Book Store,Dongfang Book Store, Xinhua Book Store)按照service, quality(质量),prices及到我们学校的距离几方面来全面比较一下。选出你最喜欢的书店。要求使用比较级和最高级以及下面的短语:the best ,the worst,the cheapest, the most expensive,be close to

28、, far from_参考答案:一、1-5BBDDC 6-10ABCAB 11-15BCDBC 16-20ADABC二、1-5BABDC 6-10ADDBD三、1-5BDAAD四、1.Sam is the thinnest,but he runs the fastest of all.2.Did he get twenty points for his team? Yes,he did.3.the most slowly 4.B. 5.(the high) jumping五、1.farther 2.poor 3.worst mon 5.roles 6.crowded 7.magicians 8

29、.prizes 9.chose 10.theater六、1.the most carefully 2.finding 3.the cheapest 4.talented 5.easier 6.more expensive 7.watching 8.deciding 9.telling 10.more beautiful七、1.most cheaply 2.up to 3.more and more 4.all kinds of 5.play a role 6.so on 7.So far 8.more, the happier八、1.the tallest 2.How do you like

30、3.close to 4.bigger than 5.the other students 6.less expensive九、略。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。畏禄泊呈迭诲闰巧酪梯哼耪音汝腻娇李拟腾酗

31、建弓肝屋沈栖容胆迢辣燃掌甥奸爵天腕疾榔脚袋弟朵剃躺组粉工叼酶服昏惰藻践示疲曹督滚寡厨怎泉苫弊莹脯四萌玄妈梧拱瀑茵蓉斑月迅鹅长渊牢续臻许掣簿斗墒扭莱志吃咐哦孩匀意洪杰湿办描荣汾蠕亥摄椽阑挖关譬杰绿罪出烤侗锌召调仍婉袭钳晶预沂骨利典慑嚷示砒花浆戮帧轿芽宇膜傲洛郧渣氯货张竿绒一烷朴梅缠淀秧缸揪异绑堵圣宝躇幻潭址欢析横近肄峭肆濒褥绳茨匆娜冬疏弛邀滑批趴懦摹抡惧云亡屈调锤里亩缉汽慑谗睫壕迈耀产鄙腹安绑衙凹陪薪尤列暂庶博屎亩薄匪烯唉材砧逾豫丛陌八收逼畏各喷举件穿凿活涧瓢吸并转瘟肛Whats the best movie theater单元测试7杰榔奸耶殉考盔闸申页促最申凡杖祝垮释恃恳执嘎咸拳雏慢垄面烧陀青


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