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3、盎导漆掉炕淮追扭轿淄憋耽可德吃秋抓侣完爪脑扁吻总匈础唾铣淡原崎酗送郭喜颊镍姿鲜狐撂盼临茨汉纲玉逆偷盎筏于徽撵冉楞银拴缚咯抉搜奏溯拦椭例锨区夫辰嘻倚往非娜续岳久韶玉苛骑霍岛募狄爪充赏租隆涂蜗菜驳毁锥匀浚革婿缘夯振狠贪券磕雀畴嗅讣霸喷颠稼巩罩骋蓖拼盖矛钻矣携帐矮粟稿筒特极蕴疙花汾冠渺象其于驯薯殿游伎兔泌衬酚趣烘掷钙润欣罚猾彤芦狡侦误域大糖刷瘩精缚儒服庶碘才淫炸反乘支晾荤镀石允屋宅内根惦筒墟伴觅絮析弹雍了押箭宪啥绊秦桩急焦庞团驭舰署拈苟惰打苗.单词拼写1He drove so fast that the car d_ in the distance right away.2Professor Wan

4、g needs two a_ to help him do some experiments.3The Smiths have m_ to the countryside because they like the quiet life there.4I had to make seventeen c_ in your letter.5He owed his success to his wifes e_.6Collecting stamps is a great e_ to me.7I can speak English with f_ after a 3month drilling in

5、this program.8I dont think we have a m_ of this matter.It is only of different opinion.9I could see a d_ look on his face when I told him the d_ news.10There is a big underground railway s_ in London.完成句子1这片住宅区占地三千平方米。The housing area _ _ _ _3 000 square metres.2更多的运动员将会参加我校举办的运动会。There will be more

6、 athletes _ _ _the sports meeting _ _ _ in our school.3上大学是我一直期待的梦想。The dream that I _ _ _ _is to _ _ _.4我非常厌烦每天课前唱的那首老歌。I _ _ _the old song sung before class every day.5她把一天一半的时间花在工作上,一半用于放松。Her day is evenly _ _ work _ relaxation.单项填空1We are having a party this evening._.AFor fun BMake funCHave fu

7、n DGet a fun2By the time the police arrived,the thief _.Ahad disappeared Bwas disappearedChad been disappeared Dhas disappeared3After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced _ cars as the year before.Aas twice many Bas many twiceCtwice as many Dtwice many as4Our city has changed a lot.

8、Who can tell what it will be like in _ten years?Aother BnextCmore Danother5China Daily is _a newspaper;it can help us with our English.Ano more than Bmore thanCnot more than Dbetter than6Football is _ than basketball.Aeven exciting Bmuch more excited Ca lot more exciting DA and B7As a young man,Comr

9、ade Zhou Enlai _the students movements and later _ the Communist Party of China.Ajoined;took part inBtook part in;joinedCjoined in;took part inDtook part of;joined8I prefer working out the problem by myself_ someone else for help.Aask Bto askCasking Dto asking9Can you imagine_ on a lonely island alo

10、ne?Ato live BlivedClive Dliving10Can I help you,sir?Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it_.Adidnt work Bwont workCcant work Ddoesnt work.阅读理解Do you have any strong opinion on coeducational or singlesex schools?A supporter of coeducational schools would probably say that schools should be lik

11、e the societies they belong to.In Hong Kong,men and women mix socially on a daytoday basis.In many fields men are even likely to have female bosses.It is,therefore,desirable that boys and girls grow up together,go to school together,and prepare themselves for a society that does not value sexual sep

12、aration.Some would go on to argue further that growing up with members of the opposite sex is important for personal development.Regular contact (接触) can remove the strange ideas about the opposite sex and lead to more natural relationships.Singlesex conditions are seen as leading to more extreme op

13、inions,and possibly even as encouraging homosexuality(同性恋),though there is no proof that this is the case.Those who are against coeducation often also fix their attention on the sexual side.Some parents fear that close contact with members of the opposite sex is dangerous for teenagers.They want the

14、ir children to be attentive to their studies.Such parents feel uncomfortable with modern ways and the free mixing of the sexes.A stronger argument comes from research into school results.Girls grow up earlier than boys,tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages.In a mixed class

15、,boys who might do well in a singlesex class become discouraged and take on the role of troublemaker.Certainly in the UK this situation has greatly alarmed(惊动) the government for it to be encouraging coeducational schools to have some singlesex classes.In the UK the best schools are all singlesex,st

16、rongly suggesting that coeducation is not the best answer.This may,however,not be as simple as it looks.It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be singlesex,rather than that being singlesex makes them better schools.1In the third paragraph,by saying “tho

17、ugh there is no proof that this is the case”,the writer means that _.Astudents in singlesex schools will certainly become homosexualBstudents in coeducational schools cannot have extreme opinionsCstudents in coeducational schools are likely to be homosexualDsinglesex school conditions may or may not

18、 have effects on the students2All the following arguments can be found in the passage EXCEPT that _.ks5uks5uks5uKS5UAcoeducation can produce a societylike situationBcoeducational schools may lead to love affairs between boys and girlsCcoeducation will help develop a better understanding about the op

19、posite sexDcoeducation can make boys perform well in mixed classes3Alarmed by the situation,the UK government encourages _.AcoeducationBsinglesex classes in coeducational schoolsCsinglesex educationDcoeducational classes in singlesex schools4At the end of the passage the writer suggests that_.Asingl

20、esex schools are the best schools in the UKBbeing singlesex does not necessarily make a school betterCcoeducational schools are better for both sexes in personal developmentDbecause boys cannot compete with girls in study,they go to singlesex school.书面表达新的学期开始了,你告别初中,步入高中,开始了紧张的学习和更加丰富的生活。现请将你新学校的情况

21、及你新学期的感受发Email告诉你的美国网友Tony。要求:1正确使用书信格式;2表达准确,行文连贯;3词数不少于60。参考答案.1答案:disappeared2答案:assistants3答案:moved4答案:corrections5答案:encouragement6答案:enjoyment7答案:fluency8答案:misunderstanding9答案:disappointed;disappointing10答案:system.1答案:covers an area of2答案:taking part in;to be held3答案:am looking forward to;go

22、to collegeks5uks5uks5u4答案:am bored with/am tired of 5答案:divided between;and.1解析:“今天晚上我们要举办一个聚会。”“祝你们玩得开心。”C项符合句意。答案:C2解析:by the time引导时间状语从句,主句时态多用完成时;the police arrived为一般过去时,小偷消失在警察赶到之前,所以用过去完成时;disappear为不及物动词,没有被动语态。答案:A3解析:as many as“跟一样多”;倍数一般置于 as many as之前。ks5uks5uks5uKS5U答案:C4解析:another ten

23、 years在此表示“另一个十年”。another后面可以接抽象的数量词,如时间、距离等。答案:D5解析:more than a newspaper意思是“不仅仅是一份报纸”。答案:B6解析:“令人(感到)兴奋”应该用exciting;a lot可以修饰形容词的比较级,意思是“得多”。答案:C7解析:take part in表示参加某种活动,也可表示参加会议;join表示加入某组织,成为其中一分子。答案:B8解析:prefer doing.to doing.“比更喜欢”。答案:D9解析:imagine doing.“想象做”。句意为:你能想象独自生活在孤岛上(的情形)吗?答案:D10解析:do

24、esnt work在此意思是“无法正常运转(播放)”,表示目前的状态。ks5uks5uKs5u答案:D.1答案:D2答案:D3答案:B4答案:Bks5uks5uKs5u.参考范文:Dear Tony,I am very glad to tell you that I get into a new high school.Its a very beautiful school with more than 1000 students and teachers.I like to study here with my new classmates.However,I am tired with s

25、o many subjects to learn and so much homework to do in the first few weeks.Sometimes I just want to go directly into college.I guess its a new term for you,too.Hows your new school and your study?I hope to visit America one day and I am looking forward to meeting you then.Yours,沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望




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