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1、学 生 试 讲 说 课 稿 院 别: 专 业: 班 级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2016 年 4月 Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for Module 1,Senior High 1I. Teaching Material AnalysisThis is the first module in Students Book 2, and the topic is “Our Body and Healthy Habits”. pared with the SEFC, the new press focuses on widening th

2、e students horizon and aims to improve the students municative ability. Reading prehension plays an important role in the language input, which can be helpful for the speaking and writing. The basic topic of this text is Zhou Kais healthy lifestyle. It talks about Zhou Kais healthy eating and exerci

3、se habits in his daily life. This text will enable the students master how to use skimming, scanning, and careful reading to do reading prehension. II. Teaching ObjectivesAccording to the new English Curriculum Standard, when teaching, teachers should lay emphasis on the four skillslistening, speaki

4、ng, reading and writing. My teaching objectives contain four aspects: language objectives, ability objectives, moral objectives and learning strategies. And after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:1. Language Objectives(1) Important words: Injure Injury Anxious(2)

5、Important phrases: be anxious about sth be anxious for sb would rather dowould rather do sth than do sth would do sth rather than do sthHow to use language is main task of language teaching. Therefore, the teacher should teach words and phrases. These words and phrase are important and useful. If th

6、e students master it, they can use it in their munication and their daily life.2. Ability Objectives(1) Develop the students reading skills of scanning, skimming and careful reading.(2) Enable students to learn how to talk about what they should do or shouldnt do in order to stay healthy when after

7、reading.This is a general reading class. As we all know, the main objective is to improve the students reading ability. So I will train students abilities to work out the main idea of each paragraph and gather useful information from the text correctly and effectively by scanning, skimming and caref

8、ul reading. Besides, students should improve their abilities of expression, munication and self-thinking by discussing with each other, because these abilities are very important for the students in their daily life.3. Moral Objectives(1) Develop the students moral of care for others. (2) Encourage

9、the students to keep body health and form healthy lifestyle.The topic of this module is “Our Body and Healthy Habits”. Passage 1 and passage 2 mainly tell us that Zhou Kai is health because he has a healthy diet and takes a lot of exercise. So I will get students understand the importance of keeping

10、 healthy and teach them to keep healthy by eating healthy food and taking more exercise. 4. Learning Strategies (1) Enable students to Discuss and Speak (2) Enable students to answer the questions that asked by teacher. Its important to teach students“ how to learn” not “what to learn”. So teachers

11、must help students to build up their own way to study, try to motivate students and make the class bee more active and funny. It is also important for the students to municate with their classmates actively, share their opinions with each other. 5. Cultural Awareness (1) Help the students realize th

12、e basic content about good life habits. (2) Help the students master how to form healths life habits.III. Important Points 1. Help the students to get some reading skills to improve their ability by teaching how to find the important points and get the specific information.2. Help the students to di

13、scuss how to form healthy lifestyle from eating and exercise habits.IV. Difficult Points1. How to scan the passage 2 to find the supported idea of each paragraph; It requires students to understand each paragraph and find the main idea of each paragraph. Its difficult for students to prehend each pa

14、ragraph and get the main idea for a short time.2. How to skim the passage 1 to find specific information to answer questions. It requires students to read the passage quickly and find useful information. Its a little difficult for students to get specific information quicklyV. Teaching Methods1. I w

15、ill use the municative Language Teaching and Task-based Language Teaching. A. municative Language Teaching mainly includes asking and answering and discussing. Language is used for munication. It is learner-centered munication and real-life situations.B. Task-based Language Teaching mainly includes

16、silent reading, careful reading, skimming and scanning. Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on what they have learned and how well they are doing through the task.Through these teaching methods, students will understand the text better and develop their own reading ways in their future

17、 work. 2. Teaching Aids: a blackboard, a projector and a puterTeaching aids are important for me, I will show the students the picture to arouse their interest and guide them into passage 1. The blackboard is a main tool to demonstrate my teaching words to students. The projector and the puter help

18、me demonstrate some important contents.VI. Teaching Procedures Step I: Warm-upBefore a class, teachers can use greeting to get closer to the students.Before starting the text, I will review a proverb about health“An apple a day keep the doctor away.” and check students learned knowledge in last clas

19、s. Then, I will show some pictures about food and exercise way and ask students to guess its health or unhealthy. It can stimulate the students interests to take an active part in what we are going to learn in this class. Next, I will show the picture about Zhou Kai, main character of passage, ask s

20、tudents to guess his information based on the picture. If you want know more information about him, you should read the passage.Step II: Reading In this part, I will tell the students what is the skimming and ask them skim the first passage. During this time, three question tasks will be set for the

21、m to finish and ask students what do they learned. T: 1.What does Zhou Kai will do in a raining day? S: He is going to play football in a raining day.T: 2.What does his mother think will happen?S: She thinks he will catch a bad cold.T: 3.What does his mother ask him to do? S: She asks him to at leas

22、t wear a jacket. Next, I will introduce what is scanning and ask students to scan the second passage for finding each paragraphs main idea. A. The first paragraph a. Zhou Kai really love footballB. The second paragraph b. Zhou Kais healthy eating habitsC. The third paragraph c. Zhou Kai is healthy b

23、ecause of exerciseLast, I will let students read the second passage again carefully and fill in the blanks. Healthy eating habits.The important parts of his diet: 1.fresh fruit and 2.vegetables.Something to eat regularly: fishhe eats it about 3.four times a week.Something he dislikes: fat and 4.suga

24、r.Healthy exercise habits.He takes so much5.exercise that he is very6.fit.His favorite sport is7.footballhe is a(n) 8.captain of the class team and a (n) 9.member of the Senior High team.In this part, make students learn “how to read passage” step by step. Step III: Language pointsIn this part, I wi

25、ll introduce some useful important words and phrases and do some simple exercises. This step makes students master some useful language points. It is benefit for their future study and daily life.Step IV: DiscussionIn this part, I will let students do a discussion about“how do you do for your health

26、”. Let students municate with his partner. It will help students to exercise them speaking and listen in actual life based on they have learned in the class.Step V: ConclusionAt the end of class, its better for the teacher to draw a conclusion of we have been talked in the class. This way can remind

27、 the students what theyve learnt and also will help them understand it better.Step VI: Homework assignmentThis part is quite necessary. In this section, I will ask students to review the whole text and write a plan about“how do you do for your health”. It can help the students to consolidate what th

28、eyve learned in this period.VII. Blackboard DesignBlackboard design is very important for teaching. Some difficult points and important points will be written on the blackboard to achieve visual effect. My blackboard design is simple and clear. On the side, it will be the screen of the multimedia. One the other side, I just write the key points, I think its useful for the students to have a clear understanding of the text.Module 1Our body and health habitsExercise, healthy food. Conclusion:Healthy eating habits skimmingHealthy exercise habits scanningTranslation exercises Multimedia

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