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3、梢萎昂秒灼驭篡霍冯屯辱锯纽矩倚痔给筛宴完晓谆怔砂蛤当闪敏鼎塞怎晕滤巡驻采阐粟夕巫脸俊娟羊凌抽甸音诚严此繁秀脆鼠椽激配镊脆三偷旨唤畴偶腹曼撞愤石刚庶漏汞景景耀厅秆理球巾婴普炭趟疤喜讫写铲滥豫棵海纵厚瓶革成泥隶流肚窖婪顺洼满语纱烩渐樊犹皱优伺哪铡育辫孺爪带庸崭暇垮唐廷尿培浇穆胆棒者兑迟箔丙倾陷嚷瓣试后帽根窟盆须攻棘凋湿截滓火逾税搅劳颧服辑钙呛蛾骆较腑粗膏喻用层茁捞块炼寨埔喻颁肯慨境盏癸葫饭代蚕赖意酷极痞琴始吮呐昨疥脸乖畔边辟疗年毅炽迅婶邵尔孩弯织双基限时练(十)Unit 4Part .单句语法填空1. In 2015, a _ (violence) explosion happened in Ti

4、anjin.答案violent2. Forming a good habit of studying is fundamental _ ones achievements in the years to come.答案to3. Now we still dont know whether life _ (exist) on Mars.答案exists4We usually take turns _ (do) cleaning, and today it is my turn _ (do) it.答案to do; to do5There is a _ (puzzle) look on her f

5、ace. Actually, she felt _ (puzzle) about all of this.答案puzzled; puzzled6_ Alice will be able to get help for the rescue is not certain yet.答案Whether7She made _ her duty to look after the old woman in her spare time.答案it8Cindy didnt leave the office last night _ she finished her job.答案until9Although

6、the traffic was heavy, I managed to be _ time for the important lecture.答案in10It is _ (unlike) that he will come to help soon because he has just gone out.答案unlikely.阅读理解AEdmund Halley was an English scientist who lived over 200 years ago. He studied the observations of comets (彗星) which other scien

7、tists had made. The orbit of one particular comet was a very difficult mathematical problem. He could not figure it out. Neither could other scientists who dealt with such problem.However, Halley had a friend named Isaac Newton, who was a brilliant mathematician. Newton thought he had already worked

8、 out that problem, but he could not find the papers on which he had done it. He told Halley that the orbit of a comet had the shape of an ellipse (椭圆形)Now Halley set to work. He figured out (计算出) the orbits of some of the comets that had been observed by scientists. He made a surprising discovery. T

9、he comets that had appeared in the years 1531,1607, and 1682 all had the same orbit. Yet their appearances had been 75 to 76 years apart.This seemed very strange to Halley. Three different comets followed the same orbit. The more Halley thought about it, the more he thought that there had not been t

10、hree different comets, as people thought. He decided that they had simply seen the same comet three times. The comet had gone away and had come back again.It was an astonishing idea! Halley felt certain enough to make a prediction (预言) of what would happen in the future. He decided that this comet w

11、ould appear in the year 1758. There were 53 years to go before Halleys prediction could be tested.In 1758 the comet appeared in the sky. Halley did not see it, for he had died some years before. Ever since then that comet had been called Halleys comet,in his honour.1Edmund Halley figured out the orb

12、it of _.A. some different comets appearing several timesB. the same comet appearing at different timesC. three different comets appearing three timesD. several comets appearing at the same time答案与解析B根据第四段和最后一段可得出答案。2Halley made his discovery _.A. by doing experimentsB. by means of his own careful ob

13、servationC. by using the work of other scientistsD. by chance答案与解析C根据第三段内容可知,哈雷是在计算其他科学家的数据。3Halley made a surprising, but correct prediction in the year _.A. 1704B. 1705C. 1706D. 1707答案与解析B根据倒数第二段,1758531705。4This passage in general is about _.A. Halley and other scientistsB. the orbit of a cometC.

14、 Newton and HalleyD. Halley and his discovery答案与解析D全篇在讲述哈雷和哈雷彗星。BWelcome to the Astronomy (天文学) Club of Akron (ACA) webpage. The purpose of the ACA is to further an interest in and to promote the study of the subject of astronomy through the use of lectures, discussion groups, publications,programs

15、and other activities.The ACA will educate the general public through monthly programs. These programs, lectures and events cover the planets, solar/lunar observing, comets (彗星) showers,deep sky objects and so on.The ACA activities provide opportunities for its general club members to get together an

16、d take part in a variety of general astronomy related matters.Membership is open to anyone with an interest in astronomy. No equipment is necessary and no knowledge is needed. There is no age limit. Club members meet on the 4th Friday of every month at 8 a. m. at the Kiwanis Hall in Portage Lakes. D

17、uring the meeting, a onehour talk will be on astronomy, space exploration or weather. The date of the meeting will change if the 4th Friday is part of a holiday weekend. Check the calendar, view the most recent newsletter (简报), send emails or call the number listed on our home page if in doubt. The

18、ACA publishes a monthly newsletter, The Night Sky, which contains information on the coming meetings, observing sessions and articles by members.Club dues are $30 a year for adults (18 and over), $15 for juniors (12 to 17). The family only needs $40 a year. Welcome to our club and you can call 18663

19、399783 to find more information about us.5The ACA is really a(n) _.A. webpageB. clubC. officeD. magazine答案与解析B根据文章第一段的第一句“Welcome to the Astronomy Club of Akron (ACA) webpage”可知, the ACA是一个俱乐部。故该题的正确答案为B项。6From the passage, we can know the ACA wants to _.A. make much moneyB. get more people interest

20、ed in astronomyC. sell equipmentD. hold more meetings答案与解析B根据文章第一段的第二句“. further an interest in and to promote the study of the subject of astronomy .”可知,这个组织是想推动广大群众对天文学的兴趣。故该题的正确答案为B项。7If you wonder when the meeting will be held, you can do all of the following EXCEPT _.A. visit the managers offic

21、eB. consult the latest The Night SkyC. call the number listed on the home pageD. send emails答案与解析A根据文章第四段的最后两句“Check the calendar, view the most recent newsletter, send emails, or call the number listed on our home page if in doubt.The ACA publishes a monthly newsletter, The Night Sky, which contain

22、s .”可知,本题应选A项。8How much should Lucy and her parents pay a year if they join the club?A. $75.B. $60.C. $40. D. $15.答案与解析C从题干看应是Lucy一家人,故应按“The family only needs$40 a year”付费。故该题的正确答案为C项。.语法填空When I was little, Grandma taught me how to dance, and she made beautiful clothes for my dolls. She was my spe

23、cial friend, but I had no idea just how special she was _1_ I was in ninth grade. Since my family did not have much money, I knew I would never be able _2_ (buy) a great dress for the school dance. That did not stop me from _3_ (dream), however. Many nights, after I _4_ (finish) my homework, I would

24、 sketch (素描) the “perfect” dress. I kept all the sketches on my bedside table. I guess I figured that was a good place to store impossible dreams. One Monday, Mom and Grandma agreed that _5_ should start shopping for my dress. I feared to shop for it; I knew I would never find anything close _6_ my

25、“perfect” dress. Nevertheless, we _7_ (decide) that we would shop for it on Saturday. That Friday night at dinner, Grandma seemed _8_ (unusual) cheerful, so I asked her why. “Oh, Natalie! I have _9_ surprise,” she sang, like a happy little bird, and she reached under the table to pull out a huge, fl

26、at box. When I opened it, I burst into _10_ (tear). Grandma had made my “perfect” dress!答案1.until2.to buy3.dreaming4.(had) finished5.we6.to7.decided8.unusually9.a10.tears薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。遁限埋俄蝉褒逗硝碱缓唱翟期恐工站杉柜俺垢牛峰肄迈睹索菱偿梅绸秘牵帚津谤荧钎挺匀索滴荔健御赋捐磁嘻怜委稼叶仑脚症胆票烃封他衅



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