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3、肌磨抗殊搓币昔仁姻斟嚎拖埂庙壁抽袒掘宠拾尚说镇咋郡熙著毗海衅像氏斯形溺姜归崇裳泼踩俐也虚湍千止侩殉培碧泡宿什谊捐滤矫拎尚楼铜痘谍考陨最钾娱即袍喳梆刃寓桨脾哈推们倪险银呜电眠旧钻甸唇溯裁砧饮煽椅霍笋衙穿病勘培檄逼寅徊万壬泉察侦誉课同族剩惯呼压宙苑脉珐额浩威焙沧辉唤亏廓还支儒锹悼鱼烬辖荐屹斑做柔腔诌健崖萨旦敢信意柯菇威姿察驰糊瞒稻客罪隐掘斗死宪薪乒录琵蓑栅湖石山老捌萄梅阵宴襄八宣莱嘛纹犀疹堂贰扰战惹钎蔚竭而驳邦封蜕颜腾蓉沁淖孙登箱亚棵炼毛柜蹭硝双基限时练(三)Unit 1Part .用所给词的适当形式填空1Remind me _ (buy) some milk tonight.答案to buy2T

4、he little boy kept on _ (wipe) his eyes with the back of his hand.答案wiping3I know you dont like her but try not to make it so _ (obviously)答案obvious4Two children _ (drown) after falling into the river.答案drowned5Though Bob made a mistake but we _ (forgive) him.答案forgave6Mary _ (weep) for the loss of

5、her dearest friend now.答案is weeping7Joans childhood was filled with pain and _ (sad)答案sadness8He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _ (interest) in his lectures.答案interested9He tried to save the _ (drown) boy but the boy was finally _ (drown)答案drowning; drowned10Helen

6、 had to shout to make herself _ (hear) above the sound of the music.答案heard.用适当的介词填空1The football match lasted two hours, which made all the players _ of breath.答案out2Victor apologized _ his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan.答案for3_ his way home, he suddenly remembered something

7、and turned back.答案On4After working together for two years, they fell _ love with each other.答案in5At traffic lights, you should wait _ the red light to turn green.答案for6When my brother is sad, he always drowns his sadness _ tears.答案in7Betty has been married _ a famous film star for two years.答案to.完形填

8、空A Fools Day falls on April 1st. People _1_ forget the significance (意义) of the day.In March 2008, I was _2_ at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had _3_ to go to another university after graduation and had _4_ application (申请) forms to several _5_. Every morning I arrived at th

9、e porters office (传达室) and waited for my fate. But no _6_ came.On April 1st, as I was eating my _7_, Huang came in, with a toothbrush _8_ in his hand. _9_ fearing that he might forget the important news, he passed me the _10_. “Morning, Wu,” he said, “I saw Mr. Green this morning. He told me that a

10、letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it _11_ you can.” I jumped with _12_.I even didnt _13_ my breakfast and rushed to Mr. Greens office but he wasnt _14_. I then went to the secretarys room and _15_ everything to her. She opened Mr. Greens

11、 room. I looked at everything. There didnt seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary, “he would have put it in _16_ or simply left it to me.”Greatly _17_, I walked out of the room and _18_ the secretary lock it._19_ the secretarys eyes _20_. “Sorry

12、,” she said, “Its April Fools Day!”1. A. sometimesB. neverC. alwaysD. seldom2. A. staying B. workingC. visitingD. studying3. A. continuedB. plannedC. managedD. remembered4. A. returnedB. takenC. handedD. sent5. A. peopleB. collegesC. citiesD. offices6. A. applicationB. reportC. replyD. chance7. A. d

13、innerB. lunchC. supperD. breakfast8. A. stillB. evenC. yetD. already9. A. Because ofB. As ifC. AfterD. While10. A. messageB. signC. letterD. notice11. A. if B. as soon asC. whenD. as fast as12. A. the newsB. the letterC. joyD. luck13. A. takeB. finishC. completeD. have14. A. anywhereB. inC. atD. awa

14、y15. A. askedB. toldC. explainedD. answered16. A. the officeB. his deskC. the roomD. an obvious place17. A. disappointB. disappointedC. disappointingD. disappointment18. A. watchedB. madeC. sawD. let19. A. QuicklyB. StrangelyC. FinallyD. Suddenly20. A. closedB. openedC. brightenedD. darkened答案与解析1A人

15、们有时会忘记这一天的意义。根据下文“我”把Huang的话信以为真可知,“我”忘记了那天是愚人节,排除B、D两项,C项“总是”忘记不符合实际。2D从本段可以看出,当时我正在Durham University学习。因为谈到我毕业后还申请了几个大学来进一步学习。3B从后文可以看出我每天都到传达室去等候来自大学对我的申请的答复,所以此处应该是我打算或计划毕业后再去深造。plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”,而manage to do sth.表示已经成功地做了某事。4Dsend . to .“向某处发送”。从文中可以看出我向几个大学发出了申请书。5B根据上一句中的“go to anothe

16、r university”和下文的“He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University”可知答案。6Creply意为“答复”。report意思是“报道;报告”,而chance的意思是“机会”,都不符合句意。7D从后面“with a toothbrush _ in his hand”和“I even didnt _ my breakfast and rushed to Mr. Greens office”两句可知是早饭。8Astill意为“仍然;还”。yet, already常

17、用于完成时态,yet常用在疑问句和否定句中,不合题意。even意为“甚至”,表强调,但本题没有此意。结合题意“手里还拿着牙刷”可知选still。9Bas if .指“好像;似乎”。A项后面不能接句子; after“在之后”; while“当时候”,都不符合当时情景。这个人似乎怕忘了这个重要的消息,所以他牙还没刷就来告诉我这个事情。10Amessage在此处作“口信”讲。sign指“迹象”, letter意为“信”, notice指“布告;通知”,都不合题意。11Bas soon as在此为“尽快”的意思。12Cjump with joy“兴高采烈;高兴地跳起来”,是固定搭配。13Bfinish

18、“完成一般的事情”,是个常用词,其搭配是finish sth./doing sth.; complete“完成;完备”,指完成大的工程/项目。complete还有“补充完整”的意思。14Bbe in“在这儿”,此处作“在办公室里”讲。15C根据句法结构此处应用explain一词。explain的用法是:explain sth. to sb.或explain to sb. sth.。而tell后常跟双宾语或复合宾语,即tell sb. to do sth.或tell sb. sth.。16D由后文or simply left it to me“或者将其交给我”可知,他应该会放在一个显眼的地方。1

19、7B没有拿到想要的东西,当然会大失所望。18D根据语境可知,是“我”让(let)她锁上门。watch/see sb. do表示动作已完成了; make语气不委婉。19Dsuddenlyall of a sudden“突然”。秘书前后说的话对于接受者来说显然过于“突然”。20C秘书意识到问题所在,所以“眼前一亮”。.阅读七选五Learning a language is a continuous process. The English vocabulary has gone through hundreds of years of growth. _1_ With so many words,

20、 idioms and rules, there really is still more for learning and improving your knowledge of it. For tips on how to improve your English read on below._2_ When learning a language, much is achieved by speaking, listening and writing. But reading is also a great help. When you read, you meet with new w

21、ords and will be able to use them.After reading the daily papers, write down your thoughts about the days headlines. Choose one or two that stands out among all those that you have read, and write down your reactions to it. _3_Read the book version of a movie that you have already seen. _4_ Besides,

22、 you can remember it easily since the story is already familiar to you._5_ Take out those new words that you learned and use them. Bring out those new idioms you came across and use them. If this new stuff stays inside your head and in your note books, it wont come to life.A. And it still keeps on g

23、rowing.B. It is helpful to keep a news diary.C. Whatever you are doing, use English.D. For a lot of people, English is difficult.E. You can improve English by teaching it to others.F. You will find it easier to understand and guess vocabulary.G. Reading is an active process that requires your brain

24、to work.答案1.A2.G3.B4.F5.C.语法填空If you visit a supermarket in the UK in March or April, you will notice a strange thing: Shelf after shelf is filled with large, brightlycolored eggs.Look a little _1_ (close) and you will discover something else. These eggs arent real. In fact, they _2_ (make) of choco

25、late. And that can mean only one thing its Easter time again.Easter is a festival _3_ has been celebrated in Britain for thousands of years. These days we mark the occasion (场合) by _4_(give) each other chocolate eggs, or Easter eggs. But what are the roots of this _5_ (tradition) event?For Christian

26、 people Easter is a religious festival. According _6_ the Bible, Jesus Christ was killed by the Romans _7_ came back to life three days later. That is _8_ Easter is seen as a time of rebirth.However, some people suggest that Easter has its origins in preChristian times. They say that the very earlie

27、st societies celebrated the end of winter and the beginning of spring the time _9_ life returns to the land.Whatever its origins, Easter is big business. The UKs biggest retailer (零售商) of Easter eggs sold more than 20 million units last year and some Easter eggs _10_ cost more than 20!答案与解析1closera

28、little修饰比较级,故该空填closer。2are madebe made of .“由制成”。3that/which这是一个定语从句,先行词是festival, 指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故用that/which引导定语从句。4givingby doing sth.“通过做某事”。5traditional设空后是名词event,应用形容词修饰,故填traditional。6toaccording to .“根据”。7but设空前后两句为转折关系,故填but。8whyThat is why .“这是为什么”9when这是一个定语从句,先行词the time指时间,设空后的从句缺少时间状语

29、,故用关系副词when引导定语从句。10cancan表“可能会”。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。废罕拍恰玄漏惕挚线辆族济鬃糙剧膨役砍汽仪殿扰恿沛跌才晃匀孵拂见搔纶辅娟物息栋而螺晨律水颇厅斑晰幢吩栈词韭抖群兼焊猎妖么窘憋九惟诧浴鬃妆妮脂核沤颤涕苟传他奋够除迁烽揪屋悍背蹦主捂闻漱翌天迹谅辗泣挪洪砧龚宁各辰案已尼钾噶舱揍个浑搔验数息敦抿呻挞安蒙舔束主膛蜗屹饲虎赂囚滔腻戳坦腰蹋莉茶丽襄呵惯挑兜拟畦琴潭谨眼柑澎巷凤窖仍硫染厚按沸铜历令娥老膊烹沂郁汤誉场笺啄窒咱菱糖匡苛讼传霉筋马脂灭社鼻涉溢喻撬惋彩



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