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1、指示代词与反身代词讲义Part 1代词的定义和分类定义:用于代替名词以及起名词作用的短语、分句或句子等。分类:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、不定代词、疑问代词、冠词代词等。一、指示代词指示代词单数复数近指this(这个)these(这些)远指that(那个)those(那些) 指示代词还可用来指代已提到过的人或事。1 用指示代词进行提问this或that作主语的疑问句,要用it来回答。Is this your cousin? No, it isntIs that your friend? Yes, it isWhats this? Its an orangethese或those作主

2、语的疑问句,要用they来回答。Are these your brothers? Yes, they areAre those your sisters? No, they arentWhat are those? Theyre English books2 介绍他人介绍某人时,用this或that,而不用he或she。This is KateThat is Mike3 电话交际打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。Gina:Hello,this is GinaWho is that?Lucy:Hello,this is Lucy二、反身代词单数复数第一人称myself (我自己)

3、ourselves (我们自己)第二人称yourself(你自己)yourselves (你们自己)第三人称himself (他自己)herself (她自己)itself (它自己)themselves (他们自己)固定搭配by oneself 亲自 for oneself 为自己enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 help oneself 自便teach oneself 自学 talk to oneself 自言自语Part 2 例题与练习例题部分( )1 Is _ a dog over there?AthisBthatCtheseDthose( )2 Look at the skyAr

4、e _ birds? AthisBthatCtheseDthose3This is my sister (变复数) _4That is a tree (变复数) _( )5 Is that your uncle?_AYes, itsBNo, he isntCYes, it isDNo, that isnt( )6 _ those your pencils?Yes, _AIs; it isBAre; those areCAre; they areDIs; they are( )7 What are these, Lily?_AThey are apples treesBThey are appl

5、e treesCThese are apple treesDThese are apples tree( )8 John, _ JackNice to meet you, JackAhe isBthis isCthissDhes( )9 Hello, this is WendyCan I speak to Gina? Yes, _AGina is meBGina, pleaseCmy name is GinaDthis is Gina speaking( )10 I dont think we can do it all _Aby ourself Bby myself Cby ourselve

6、sDby yourselves( )11 You are twelve now_ must look after _AYou; yourself BYour; yourself CYou; your DYoure; yourself12Bad luck! I cut _ with a knife yesterday13My cat can find food by_14Xiao Hui, can you introduce _ to us?15The girl lost_ in the beautiful music练习部分(Exercise)( )1 _ my friendsAThese a

7、reBThis areCThese isDThis is( )2 What are these? _AThey are booksBIts a mapCThese are pensDThat arent pens( )3 Hello! Is that Kate speaking?Yes, _AIts KateBIm KateCthis is KateDKate is me( )4 “Make _at home” he said to his friendsAyourselfByourselvesCyouDyours( )5 I cant repair the bike _Can you help _?Ame; me Bmyself; myself Cmyself; me Dme; myself【参考答案】例题部分:12:BD3These are my sisters4Those are trees511:CCBBDCA12myself13itself14yourself15herself练习部分:15:AACBC5

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