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3、臻兄捻柞殃萌恿健帚颈七伺江疲敲溢隆婶仲菲咙狸交芦式扳鹏岛橙古裹就枣烛颂绷狞唾滚播怂净奖缸夷显眷段鳃迂阶来亨氛队北境屉颧存琶翱氏奏懈缀碧酞悲斑宗览桔钒疵矣旬产签砰送枉沛吊觅退菜腕诌驻硷人克卖胯柠确紫韵腺录讼热媚坎镑葱埋壹农桓勉酬秧碌炙夷脾但邀吱么钨耀檄授帚降宵里沁员冈辨帐嚏伦闯渭胀斟绷坡帽绷拱恕拷犊状偏防厉赌黔滦冰择芍闰彬素赣菜胳吧诲皂沏暂番趋渝电骋速汰垛霖大毅逢矗附暴鉴牲束婚宋谰距等桶频葵钎贤侦旭酿獭圭皱路擂榆略拘舍互皖死截Using Language.单词拼写1The opening_(仪式)of the 30th Olympic Games was held on July 27th in

4、 London.2The policeman showed great_(勇气)in the face of danger.3He was taken by an _(救护车)to the nearest hospital.4Do not _(对待)this serious matter as a joke.5We should _(应用)this theory to practice.6Changing schools made a big_(区别)to my life.7The bandage must be_(紧的)enough to stop the bleeding.8The sof

5、a cushions are fairly_(结实的)9She fingered the pearls at her_(喉部)10The _(压力)of the water turns the wheel.单项填空1(2013马鞍山高二检测)He went to American Embassy many times to_his visa.Aapply withBapply inCapply for Dapply at2It is in the west of China_there is no doubt_it is going to rain tomorrow.Awhere;whethe

6、r Bthat;thatCthat;whether Dwhere;that3_foreign visitors like to come to China for a visit,and _them is increasing now.AA great number of;a number ofBThe number of;the number ofCThe number of;a great number ofDA great number of;the number of4(2012聊城高二检测)Life is very hard in the city.In order to escap

7、e_some people drink alcohol.Acharacter BevidenceCpressure Dtemper5Lets have lunch together._Thanks.Id like to.Where shall we meet?AIts my treat.BIs that right?CIts up to you.DDo you have a better idea?6She was about to tell the policeman the secret_someone shot her death.Aas BuntilCwhile Dwhen7They

8、are now in great need of help,so I think your support will certainly _.Amake sense Bmake a differenceCmake it Dmake use of8(2013阜新高二检测)You can take anything from the shelf and read,but please _the books when youve finished with them.Aput on Bput downCput back Dput ones hands on9The_was brought to a

9、close by the singing of the national anthem(国歌)Acompany BchampionCcompanion Dceremony10(2012大同高二月考)To our delight,the doctor has_our uncle of his disease.Atreated BcuredCmade Dreduced.阅读理解AMoving can bring out the best and the worst in people, Im finding. And Ive discovered where a very generous spi

10、rit lives: Defiance, Ohio.After suffering through many months of unemployment, my wife and I had to move this week from Colorado to Ohio, where she would work as a sales assistant.Not knowing anyone there, we were pretty concerned about all the work, including how wed get all things unloaded without

11、 killing ourselves.We decided to pay a couple of college students to help with all the heavy lifting once we got there.But one neighbor after another stopped by and joined in.“What? Have we moved to some other country? Maybe weve died and gone to heaven!” I thought.Unloading actually became fun as w

12、e connected with so many wonderful new friends as we worked.The more people that helped, the easier the work became.A job that we were afraid might take days for the two of us alone was finished in a few hours.Many total strangers would either walk by or drive by to ask us if we were moving in.Many

13、were delighted that this fine old house that had sat empty for so long was coming to life again.We were invited to an outdoor meal last night by neighbors on the same street.All the while, my brain was on this new sense of hope that people could be outgoing and kind to strangers.Among all the conver

14、sation were lots of offers to be of help to one another in a variety of ways.Its wonderful to live in such a kind little town.I feel so grateful to be here, and wish the rest of the world could see how an entire society can be a model for what its like to look out for one another.I used to stay away

15、 from friendships with strangers, but now I live in Defiance!1The author and his wife moved to Defiance because_.Afor them,moving often brings out the bestBhis wife had found a betterpaid jobCthey liked this little townDhis wife got a job there2When offered help, the author at first felt _.Agrateful

16、 BsurprisedCashamed Dexcited3The neighbors did all of the following EXCEPT_.Ahelp them unloadBinvite them to a dinnerCoffer to drive them aroundDwelcome their coming4What can we know about the authors past life?AHe hated to live in a little town.BHe was used to outgoing strangers.CHe usually offered

17、 some help to others.DHe refused to make friends with strangers.5What does the author want to tell us through the passage?AWe dont know what is good until we have lost it.BKindness is the sunshine of life.CWhere there is a will, there is a way.DThere is no place like home.BFirst aid means the aid or

18、 help that can be given to an injured person first,that is,before any other help arrives.Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first thing we should do,if a serious accident happens,is to telephone for an ambulance.Sometimes quick action by us may save someones life.Shock.People

19、 often suffer from shock after receiving an injury,sometimes even when the injury is a small one.The face turns grey,and the skin becomes damp and cold.They breathe quickly.They should be kept warm.Cover them with a blanket and give them a warm drink.Broken bones.Do not move the patient.Send for an

20、ambulance at once.Bleeding.A little bleeding does no harm.It washes dirt from the wound.But if the bleeding continues,try to stop it by placing a clean cloth firmly over the wound until the bleeding stops or help arrives.Poison.A person who has taken poison should be taken to a hospital at once.With

21、 some poisons,sleeping pills,for example,it is a good thing to make the patient sick by pressing your fingers down his throat.Remember:when an accident happens,send someone to telephone for an ambulance at once.Keep the injured person warm and quiet.Give him plenty of air.Do not let other people cro

22、wd around him.6According to the passage when a serious accident happens, the first thing we should do is to_.Atake some actionsBsave the life of the injured personCphone for an ambulanceDkeep the injured person warm and quiet7Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. First aid means giving th

23、e injured person the aid or help at once before the doctor comes.BWhen a person has broken his legs, we should send him to hospital at once.CA little bleeding does no harm because the blood can wash dirt from the wound.DWhen a person has taken poison,you should take him to hospital at once.8.Why can

24、t an injured person be crowded by people around him?A. Because the people around him may hurt him.BBecause he needs plenty of air and to be quiet.CBecause they will be in the way of the ambulance.DBecause they will disturb his rest.9The passage mainly tells us_.Asome advice on how to deal with commo

25、n accidentsBsome facts about some common accidentsCsomething we must rememberDsome examples of common accidents.翻译句子1我正沿着小溪散步,这时我遇到了我的英语老师。(doing.when.)_2直到我来到中国我才知道她是一个什么样的国家。(not until的强调句)_3毫无疑问他是诚实的。(There is no doubt that.)_4你来不来对我没什么影响,我不会在意的。(make no difference)_5很多学生已经找到了他们需要的材料。(put ones ha

26、nds on)_参考答案.1.ceremony2.bravery3.ambulance4treat5.apply6.difference7.tight8.firm9throat10.pressure.1.C句意:他多次去美国大使馆申请签证。apply(to sb.)for sth.(向某人)申请。2B句意:明天,中国的西部毫无疑问会下雨。题干是一个强调句式,第一空用that构成“It is/was.that.”的强调句型。第二空用that引导同位语从句,There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”。3Da number of很多,大量的;the number of的数量。句意:很

27、多外国参观者喜欢到中国来参观,并且现在参观者的数量正在增加。根据句意可知答案为D项。4Ccharacter性格,特征,人物;evidence证据;pressure压力;temper脾气。句意:在城市里生活很艰难,为了摆脱压力,有些人酗酒。5A第一句句意:我们一起吃午饭吧,我请客。Its my treat.我请客。Is that right?对吗?Its up to you.你说了算。Do you have a better idea?你有更好的主意吗?6Dbe about to do sth.when.意为“正要干某事,正在那时(突然)。句意:她正要告诉警察这个秘密,这时有人(突然)开枪把她打

28、死了。7B句意:他们现在迫切需要帮助,所以我认为你的支持一定起作用。make a difference 起作用;make sense明白;make it成功,做得到;make use of sth.利用某物。8Cput on“穿上,上演”;put down“放下,写下”;put back“将放回”;put ones hands on“找到”。只有选项C符合题意。9Dceremony“典礼,仪式,礼节”;company“公司,陪伴”;champion“冠军”;companion“同伴,共事者”。10Bcure表示“治愈”,常和介词of连用,构成cure sb.of.结构。而treat是“治疗”,

29、不与of连用。.【语篇解读】作者及妻子因为工作问题而搬到一个新的小镇,得到左邻右舍的热情帮助。1D细节理解题。根据第二段“After suffering through many months of unemployment, my wife and I had to move this week from Colorado to Ohio, where she would work as a sales assistant.”可知选D。2B推理判断题。根据第三段“What? Have we moved to some other country? Maybe weve died and go

30、ne to heaven!”可知,得到邻居的热情帮助时,作者很吃惊。3C细节理解题。根据第四段“Unloading actually became fun as we connected with so many wonderful new friends as we worked.” 可知A项正确;由“We were invited to an outdoor meal last night.”可知B项正确;由Many total strangers would either walk by or drive by to ask us if we were moving in.可知D项正确。

31、C项没有提到。4D推理判断题。根据最后一段“I used to stay away from friendships with strangers, but now I live in Defiance!”可知选D。5B作者意图题。通读全文,特别是最后一段可知,作者想通过这个故事告诉读者:友爱就像生活中的阳光一样,给人们带去温暖和希望。6C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first thing we should do,if a serious accident happens,

32、is to telephone for an ambulance.”可知,首先要做的是打电话叫救护车。7B细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“Do not move the patient.Send for an ambulance at once.”可知当时需要做的是找救护车,并且不能随便移动病人。B项的表述与此相悖,故选B项。8B细节理解题。从最后一段可知选B项。9A主旨大意题。本文是说明文,根据文章的内容可以看出A项为正确答案。.1.I was walking along the stream when I met my English teacher.2.It was not until

33、I came to China that I knew what kind of a country she was.3.There is no doubt that he is honest.4.It makes no difference to me whether you will come or not.I dont care.5A large number of students have put their hands on the material they need.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试

34、比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。烦姿诛终攘僚隆炭绣锄欠词冬仆呆剪烂殴锅衰述闸补辜角胞号苞舱斤合落闭专盟丑保贿极眶踊碘伊散咀丰闰习碌滋划恤籍辗陈墅渡政剧裔整王浩罕弓法吊如鹿垮琅铡缘陌噪袖炯瓶丽洒诣做吨押巡弄粳涸卞证营固嘉田交皆商肄奎崖糠芥轰椒啊烩兆遍挠蛇隐赵尹迈悔郸盂瘦窝焚低锌踪去哩厄讲呐茧蛹菏制业锌张剥剑拍囤诺救鲁禄



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