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1、一、阅读理解Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the Peoples Hospital. Xiao Mings mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. But Xiao Ming doesnt know the way. Xiao Ming sees an old man on the way. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says, Hi, old fellow But the old man doesnt answer him a

2、nd walks on. Xiao Ming gets puzzled (迷惑的). Suddenly he knows why. It is not polite (有礼貌的) to say old fellow to an old man. Now he goes up to the old man again and asks, Excuse me. grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital? This time the old man answers, Well, go along this st

3、reet, then turn left. Its just behind the park.Xiao Ming thanks the old man and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital.犇1、Aunt Liu _ in a hospital. ()Ais illBworksCsees Xiao Ming犇2、Xiao Mings mother wants him to _. ()Asee an old grandpaBgo to Aunt Lius homeCtake some eggs to Aunt Liu犇3、Xiao Ming asks

4、the old man _. ()Ato tell him the wayBto go to a hospitalCto walk in front of him犇4、The park is _ the hospital. ()AbehindBfar fromCin front of犇5、It is polite (有礼貌的) to say _ to an old man. ()Aold fellowBHi, old fellowCgrandpa二、阅读理解It was Sunday. Jim did not have to go to school. So he helped his fat

5、her in the garden (花园). After two hours in the garden, he was tired. He went in the room and took out an ice-cream from the fridge (冰箱). He asked his father if he felt thirsty (口渴). And if he said yes he would bring him a bottle of Cola. But his father said no. And he told Jim when he was young he o

6、ften helped his parents with the work on the farm. Sometimes the weather was hot and sometimes it was cold and windy. But he never gave up even if he was hungry or thirsty. He thought a real man could stand everything that others couldnt bear.犇1、What did Jim do on Sunday? ()AHelped his parents with

7、the farm work.BHelped his father in the garden in his house.CWatched TV all day.DWent to school.犇2、Can you guess how the weather was then? ()ACold and windy.BVery hot.CRainy.DSnowy.犇3、Did his father work on the farm when he was young? ()AYes, he did.BNo, he didnt.CWe dont know.DNo, he wasnt.犇4、Did h

8、is father drink Cola? ()AYes, he did.BNo, he didnt.CHe drank a little.DHe ate an ice-cream.犇5、Why did Jim help his father work in the garden? ()ABecause he didnt have to go to school.BBecause his family was poor.CBecause he liked doing housework.DBecause his father made him do it.三、阅读理解Mike doesnt f

9、eel well in the morning. Now he is calling his good friend, Molly.Mike: Is that Molly? This is Mike. Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?Molly: This is Molly. You can go along Park Street beside your house. Turn right at the third traffic lights. Then, walk along Renmin Road for about five mi

10、nutes. You can see the hospital on your right.Mike: OK. I see. Thank you.Molly: By the way, why do you ask me the way to the hospital?Mike: I dont feel well. Im cold now.Molly: Im sorry to hear that. I will go to your house and go to the hospital with you.Mike: OK. Thank you. See you.Molly: See you

11、soon.犇11、Whats wrong with Mike? ()AHe feels hot.BHe feels cold.CHe is healthy.犇12、How long should Mike walk from his house to the hospital? ()AIts about 5 minutes walk.BAbout 50 minutes.CSorry, I dont know.犇13、Does Molly want to go to the hospital with Mike? ()ANo, she doesnt.BYes, she does.CShe com

12、es with Mike.犇14、Where is the hospital? ()AIts on Park Street.BIts on Renmin Road.CIts next to Mikes house.犇15、Is Molly Mikes good friend? ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CSorry, I dont know.四、阅读理解I am Mike. I am from the USAI live in Shanghai now. I study in a school here. I usually go to school by bu

13、s. I like playing football very much. My mother is a coach. She works in a gym. She goes to work by subway. She likes singing very much. My father is a teacher. He teaches PE in a school. He often walks to work. He often draws pictures on Saturdays.犇16、Mike lives in _ now. ()AAmericaBBeijingCShangha

14、i犇17、Mikes hobby is _. ()Aplaying footballBsingingCdrawing pictures犇18、Mikes mother works in a _. ()AschoolBgymChospital犇19、Mikes father is a _. ()AMaths teacherBChinese teacherCPE teacher犇20、His father often goes to work _. ()Aby subwayBon footCby bus五、阅读理解My grandfather has a big farm. He usually

15、gets up at 6: 30 in the morning. Before breakfast, he often feeds the horses and the pigs. After breakfast, he often goes to the supermarket to buy some food. Then he milks the cows and picks up eggs from the chickens. My grandmother, my uncle and aunt often help him feed the animals and clean the h

16、ouses.When the sun goes down, the town is dark and quiet. My grandfather often goes to visit his old friends and talks with them after dinner.犇21、My grandfather and grandmother are _. ()Aliving in the cityBteachersCfarmers犇22、There are _ on the farm. ()Amany animalsBsome dogsCmany trees犇23、My grandf

17、ather _ on the farm. ()Abuy foodBvisit friendsCfeeds animals and milks cows犇24、The town is _ in the evening. ()Adark and quietBsmall and niceCclean and quiet犇25、My grandfather likes to _. ()Abuy vegetables at the supermarketBvisit and talk with his friends in the eveningCfeed the animals and clean t

18、he houses六、阅读理解In the forest, there is a baby elephant. He has no friends. None of the animals wants to be his friend because he is too big. One day, a wild fire (火) happens in the forest. Many animals run away, but the baby elephant doesnt. He runs to the river, collects much water in his nose and

19、rushes to (冲向) the trees. He sprays (喷) the water on the fire. Finally, he puts out (扑灭) the fire. After that, all the animals come to him and say thanks for his kind help. They want to make friends with him. They say, “A friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真情).” The baby elephant is happy to get

20、so many friends and play games with them. He walks through the forest, carrying many small animals on his back.犇26、The baby elephant has no friends because he is too _. ()AyoungBsmallCbig犇27、What do many animals do when a wild fire happens in the forest? ()AThey run to the river.BThey run away.CThey

21、 spray the water on the trees.犇28、Who puts out the fire? ()AAll the animals.BThe baby elephant.CThe birds.犇29、Does the baby elephant get friends at last? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CWe dont know.犇30、Which is the best (最好的) title (标题) for the passage (短文)? ()AThe birds in the forestBA wild fireCA

22、 friend in need is a friend indeed【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、C犇3、A犇4、C犇5、C【导语】本文介绍了刘阿姨生病住院了,小明的妈妈让小明去医院给刘阿姨带一些鸡蛋,小明不知道去医院的路,向一位老人问路的事情。犇1、句意:刘阿姨_住院了。A生病,B工作,C看小明,根据Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the Peoples Hospital.可知刘阿姨生病住院了,故选A。犇2、句意:小明的妈妈想让他_。A看一位老爷爷,B去刘阿姨家,C给刘阿姨带一些鸡蛋,根据Xiao Mings mother tells him to tak

23、e a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu.可知小明的妈妈想让他给刘阿姨带一些鸡蛋,故选C。犇3、句意:小明让老人_。A告诉他怎么走,B去医院,C走在他前面,根据Excuse me. grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital?可知小明让老人告诉他怎么走,故选A。犇4、句意:公园在医院_。A在后面,B离远,C在前面,根据Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just behind the park.可知医院在公园的后面,即公园在医院

24、的前面,故选C。犇5、句意:对老人说_是有礼貌的。A老头,B嗨,老头,C爷爷,根据It is not polite (有礼貌的) to say old fellow to an old man. 可知对老人说“老头”是不礼貌的,应该说爷爷,故选C。二、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、B犇3、A犇4、B犇5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了周日吉姆帮助父亲在花园里干活的事情。犇1、句意:周日吉姆做了什么?A选项“帮助父母干农活。”B选项“帮助父亲在家里的花园里干活。”C选项“看一整天电视。”D选项“去学校。”根据文中“So he helped his father in the garden”可知周日吉姆帮

25、助父亲在家里的花园里干活,故选B。犇2、句意:你能猜到当时的天气吗?A选项“寒冷多风的天气。”B选项“非常炎热。”C选项“下雨的天气。”D选项“下雪的天气。”根据文中“He went in the room and took out an ice-cream from the fridge.”可猜测天气非常炎热,故选B。犇3、句意:他父亲年轻时在农场工作吗?A选项“是的,他在。”B选项“不,他不在。”C选项“我们不知道。”D选项“不,他不是。”根据文中“And he told Jim when he was young he often helped his parents with the

26、work on the farm.”可知他父亲年轻时在农场工作,故选A。犇4、句意:他爸爸喝可乐了吗?A选项“是的,他喝了。”B选项“不,他没喝。”C选项“他喝了一点。”D选项“他吃了个冰激凌。”根据文中“And if he said yes he would bring him a bottle of Cola. But his father said no.”可知他爸爸没有喝可乐,故选B。犇5、句意:吉姆为什么帮他父亲在花园里干活?A选项“因为他不用去上学。”B选项“因为他的家庭很穷。”C选项“因为他喜欢做家务。”D选项“因为他父亲逼他这么做的。”根据文中“Jim did not have

27、 to go to school. So he helped his father in the garden.”可知吉姆帮他父亲在花园里干活是因为他不用去上学,故选A。三、阅读理解解析:犇11、B犇12、C犇13、B犇14、B犇15、A【导语】本文是Molly和迈克之间的对话,两人在谈论去医院的路。犇11、句意:迈克怎么了?A他感觉很热。B他感觉很冷。C他很健康。根据Mike: I dont feel well. Im cold now.可知他感觉很冷。故选B。犇12、句意:从迈克家到医院他要步行走多久?A大约步行5分钟。B大约50分钟。C对不起,我不知道。根据短文内容可知没有提到从迈克家到

28、医院的时间。故选C。犇13、句意:Molly想和迈克一起去医院吗?根据Molly: Im sorry to hear that. I will go to your house and go to the hospital with you.Mike: OK. Thank you. See you.可知他们要一起去。故做肯定回答,故选B。犇14、句意:医院在哪里?A它在公园大街。B它在人民路。C它紧挨着迈克家。根据Then, walk along Renmin Road for about five minutes. You can see the hospital on your right

29、.可知它在人民路。故选B。犇15、句意:Molly是迈克的好朋友吗?根据Now he is calling his good friend, Molly.可知他们是好朋友。故做肯定回答,故选A。四、阅读理解解析:犇16、C犇17、A犇18、B犇19、C犇20、B【导语】本文介绍的是迈克一家人的情况。犇16、句意:迈克现在居住在_。A美国,B北京,C上海。根据原文 I live in Shanghai now.得知迈克现在居住在上海。故选C。犇17、句意:迈克的兴趣爱好是_。A踢足球,B唱歌,C画画,根据原文I like playing football very much.得知迈克非常喜欢踢足

30、球。故选A。犇18、句意:迈克的妈妈在_工作。A学校,B体育馆,C医院,根据原文She works in a gym.得知迈克的妈妈在一个体育馆里工作。故选B。犇19、句意:迈克的爸爸是一名_。A数学老师,B语文老师,C体育老师,根据原文My father is a teacher. He teaches PE in a school.得知迈克的爸爸是一名体育老师。故选C。犇20、句意:迈克的爸爸经常_去上班。A乘地铁,B步行,C乘公交车,根据原文 He often walks to work.得知迈克的爸爸经常步行去上班。故选B。五、阅读理解21、C犇22、A犇23、C犇24、A犇25、B【

31、解析】犇21、句意:我祖父和祖母_。通读短文可知为农民。故选C。犇22、句意:在农场上有解析:犇21、C犇22、A犇23、C犇24、A犇25、B【解析】犇21、句意:我祖父和祖母_。通读短文可知为农民。故选C。犇22、句意:在农场上有_。通读短文可知有很多动物。故选A。犇23、句意:在农场上我的祖父_。根据短文he often feeds the horses and the pigs. 他常常喂马和猪。Then he milks the cows and picks up eggs from the chickens. 然后他挤奶,收鸡蛋。故选C。犇24、句意:在晚上这个小城镇_。根据短文W

32、hen the sun goes down, the town is dark and quiet. 当太阳落山时,这个城镇又黑又安静。故选A。犇25、句意:我的祖父喜欢_。根据短文My grandfather often goes to visit his old friends and talks with them after dinner. 我祖父经常去看望他的老朋友,晚饭后和他们说说话。故选B。六、阅读理解26、C犇27、B犇28、B犇29、A犇30、C【导语】本文介绍了小象因为太大没有朋友,森林里发生火灾动物们都跑了只有小象扑灭了火,动物们都想和他交朋友解析:犇26、C犇27、B犇

33、28、B犇29、A犇30、C【导语】本文介绍了小象因为太大没有朋友,森林里发生火灾动物们都跑了只有小象扑灭了火,动物们都想和他交朋友,因为患难见真情。犇26、句意:小象没有朋友因为他太_。A年轻的,B小的,C大的,根据None of the animals wants to be his friend because he is too big.可知小象没有朋友因为他太大,故选C。犇27、句意:当森林发生大火时许多动物做什么?A他们跑向河边。B他们跑了。C他们把水喷到树上。根据One day, a wild fire (火) happens in the forest. Many animal

34、s run away, but the baby elephant doesnt.可知许多动物跑了,故选B。犇28、句意:谁把火扑灭了?A所有动物。B小象。C鸟。根据Finally, he puts out (扑灭) the fire.可知小象扑灭了火,故选B。犇29、句意:小象最后有朋友了吗?A是的,他有。B不,他没有。C我们不知道。根据The baby elephant is happy to get so many friends and play games with them. 可知小象最后有朋友了,故选A。犇30、句意:这篇文章的最好的标题是哪一个?A森林里的鸟。B一场大火。C患难见真情。根据They say, “A friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真情).” 可知这篇文章最好的标题是患难见真情,故选C。

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