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1、一、单项选择1Its an _ car. ()AtoyBblueCorange2Good morning. ()_AGood morning.BGood afternoon.3Hes _. Hes my friend. ()ATimBHelenCYang Ling4Are you Miss Li? ()_.AYes, ImBNo, Im notCNo, Im5_ Alice. Shes _ friend. ()AShe; meBHes; myCShes; my6What colour is your T-shirt? ()_AIts great.BHow nice!CIts yellow.7T

2、his pie is for you. ()_AThank you.BYes, it is.CYes, I am.8Happy birthday, Bobby. ()_AMe too.BThank you.CHow nice!9This is Helen. _ my sister. ()ASheBHesCShes10This is John. _ my brother. ()AHeBShesCHes11Hello! _ is my sister Tina. ()AHeBSheCshe12_ my T-shirt. ()How nice!AWhat colourBWhat aboutCLook

3、at13Hi, Bobby. ()_AHello, Bobby.BHi, Sam.CHi, Im Bobby.14_ is it? ()Its a car.AWhatBWhat colourCWhats15Whats this? ()Its an _ jacket.AorangeBblueCwhite16_ you John? () No, _.AIs; Im notBAre; I amCAre; Im Sam17I can jump and I can run. I am a _. ()AbirdBbutterflyCdog18_ is my cap? ()Its red.AWhatBWha

4、t colourCI19Whats this? ()Its an _ ice cream.AwhiteBorangeCred20Whats this? ()Its an _ car.AorangeBblueCwhite二、完成句子21This is my _i_ter, Helen. 22She is my s_.23There were a lot of p_ in the street.24This new doll is red (和) yellow.25Whats (那个)? Its a hot dog.26_ (新年快乐), Uncle Li!27What colour is _ (

5、我的汽车) now?It is _ (红绿相间的).28What colour is it? Its (蓝色).29Hi, Im _. 30This (红色的) skirt is for you.31A panda is _ (白色的) and _ (黑色的).32This is my new . 33Nothing can live without the_. 34Eat some _. 35Miss White wants to eat (some ricesome fish). 36We have t_ fingers(手指).37We have _ (6) cards.38There

6、are s_ days(天) in a week(周).39Would you like a _ (蛋糕)?Yes, please.40Tom and Mike are _ (我的朋友们).三、阅读理解阅读理解,选择正确答案。Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to th

7、e shops this morning. Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at night. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.41、When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.42、How are they come to school today? ()ABy car.BBy bus.CWalking.43、When is Mrs. Green going

8、to the shops? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 10:00.CAt 9:00.44、When does Mr. Green read his newspaper? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.45、What is Mr. Green do this evening? ()AReading a book.BWriting a letter.CWatching TV.四、阅读理解This is my room (房间). A ball is under the bed. Two books are on the bed. A chair is under t

9、he desk. A toy boat is on the desk. A bag is in the desk. Look! Strawberries are on a plate. How many strawberries? One, two, three Ha! Fifteen strawberries!46、A ball is _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder47、Two books are _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder48、A _ is under the desk. ()AballBbagCchair49、A toy _ is on the

10、 desk. ()AboatBcarCdog50、How many strawberries? _. ()A15B16C17五、阅读理解Hi! My name is Mike. I am a boy. I have a blue bag, a green pencil box and a yellow ruler. I have a good friend and her name is Sarah. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is very beautiful (漂亮的). She has a red bag.51、The boy is

11、_. ()AJohnBMikeCSarah52、I have a _ bag. ()AyellowBgreenCblue53、The _ is green. ()AbagBpencil boxCruler54、_ is my good friend. ()ASarahBMikeCJohn55、Sarah has big _ and a small _. ()Amouth; eyesBeyes; mouthCmouth; head六、阅读理解Hello, Im Lili. Im nine. I have a happy family. This is my grandpa. Hes a doct

12、or. This is my grandma. Shes a nurse. This is my father. Hes a policeman. This is my mother, shes an English teacher. This is my little sister. Shes two. This is my brother. His name is Mike. Today is Mikes birthday. Look at the birthday cake. There are (有) many candles (蜡烛) on it. How many candles?

13、 One candle, two candles, three candles, four candles, five candles, six candles, seven candles, eight candles, nine candles, ten candles, eleven candles, twelve candles. The candles are red. Here is a present for my brother. Its a cat kite. Its yellow and blue. Were happy today.56、Lili is a _. ()At

14、eacherBnurseCpupil57、How old is Mike? ()ANine.BTwelve.CTwo.58、Lilis father is a _. ()ApolicemanBdoctorCdriver59、Mikes present is a _. ()AcatBdog kiteCcat kite60、The candles are _. ()AredByellowCblack【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:它是一辆橙色的汽车。A玩具,以辅音音素开头;B蓝色的,以辅音音素开头;C橙色的,以元音音素开头。根据an可知横线处填以元音音素开头的单词,故选C。2A解

15、析:A【详解】句意:早上好。答语回复早上好,A早上好,B下午好。故选A。3A解析:A【详解】句意:他是_。他是我的朋友。A蒂姆,B海伦,C杨玲。A为男孩名字,BC为女孩名词。根据主语He他,可知该空应填男孩名字。故选A。4B解析:B【详解】问句句意:你是李小姐吗?are提问的一般疑问句,主语是you,肯定回答为Yes, I am. 否定回答为No, I am not. 故选B。5C解析:C【详解】句意:_是爱丽丝。她是我的朋友。第一句中没有谓语动词,Alice是女孩,故用代词She代替,Shes她是;第二空做friend的定语,故用形容词性物主代词my我的限定。故选C。6C解析:C【详解】句意

16、:你的T恤是什么颜色的?A太棒了。B多好啊!C它是黄色的。问句提问颜色,故选C。7A解析:A【详解】句意:这个馅饼是给你的。_。A谢谢你。B是的,它是。C是的,我是。根据题意可知收到别人给的东西应表示感谢,故选A。8B解析:B【详解】句意:生日快乐,鲍比。_ A我也是。B谢谢你。C多漂亮!对于别人的祝贺应表示感谢,B选项符合题意,故选B。9C解析:C【详解】句意:这是海伦。她是我的姐姐。She她; Hes他是; Shes她是;由句子可知海伦的女的,且句子缺动词,所以用shes表示。故选C。【点睛】10C解析:C【详解】句意:这是约翰。他是我哥哥/弟弟。A他,B她是,C他是,第二句缺少主谓语,根


18、B选项用于提问什么颜色。故选A。【点睛】15A解析:A【详解】句意:这是什么?它是一个_夹克衫。A橙色的,B蓝色的,C白色的。根据an用于以元音音素开头的单词前面,orange是以元音音素开头的,故选A。【点睛】16C解析:C【详解】句意:你是约翰吗?不,_。you对应的be动词是are,所以A是错的,句子是be动词引导的一般疑问句,否定回答是No, I dont. 所以B是错的。所以C符合句意,故选C。17C解析:C【详解】句意:我会跳我会跑。我是一个_。A鸟,B蝴蝶,C狗。根据题干描述,可知C选项符合题意,故选C。【点睛】18B解析:B【详解】句意:我的帽子是_?它是红色的。A什么,B什么

19、颜色,B我,根据答语可知问句是问颜色,故是由what colour引导的特殊疑问句,故选B。【点睛】19B解析:B【详解】句意:这是什么?它是一个橙色的冰淇淋。white和red都是以辅音音素开头的单词,orange是以元音音素开头的单词,根据an可知横线处填以元音音素开头的单词,故选B。20A解析:A【详解】句意:这是什么?是一个橙色的汽车。A橙色的,B蓝色的,C白色的,根据an可知横线处填以元音音素开头的单词,orange以元音音素开头,故选A。二、完成句子21 s s【详解】句意:这是我的妹妹,海伦。根据提示可知考查单词sister妹妹,名词,故答案为s,s。22sister#ister

20、【详解】句意:她是我的_。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词sister姐姐/妹妹,根据句意用单数,故答案为sister。【点睛】23people#eople【详解】句意:街上有很多人。根据句意和首字母提示得知,该空需要填写people,意思是:人们,复数名词,故答案为people。24and【详解】句意:这个新的玩偶是红色和黄色的。根据汉语提示,可知考查并列连词and和,故答案为and。【点睛】25that【详解】句意:那个是什么?它是一个热狗。本题考查指示代词那个that,故答案为that。【点睛】26H解析:Happy New Year【详解】句意:新年快乐,李叔叔。新年New Year,新

21、年快乐英文为happy New Year,故答案为Happy New Year。27 my car red and green【详解】句意:我的汽车现在是什么颜色?它是红绿相间的。我的my,汽车car,句子be动词是is,所以名词是单数形式,红绿相间的red and green,故答案为my car;red and green。28blue【详解】句意:它是什么颜色?它是蓝色的。蓝色是形容词blue,故答案为blue。【点睛】29Sam【详解】略30red【详解】句意:这件红色的短裙是给你的。red红色的,符合题意,故答案为red。【点睛】31 white black【详解】句意:熊猫是白色和

22、黑色的。本题考查形容词辨析,根据汉语意思可知单词为white白色的,black黑色的,故答案为white,black。32doll【详解】句意:这是我的新洋娃娃。本题考查名词辨析和可数名词及其单复数。图片显示洋娃娃doll,谓语动词is,doll用单数,故答案为doll。33sun【详解】结合图片可知句意:没有太阳什么也活不了。太阳sun,注意前面需要加the。故答案为sun。34fish【详解】略35some fish【详解】句意:怀特小姐想吃_。图片上是鱼,some fish一些鱼,符合题意,故答案为some fish。【点睛】36ten【详解】略37six【详解】略38seven#eve

23、n【详解】句意:一周有_天。根据句意和常识,可知一周有七天,考查单词seven七,基数词,故答案为seven。【点睛】39cake【详解】句意:你想要一个蛋糕吗?好的,谢谢。蛋糕cake,前面有a修饰,用单数,故答案为cake。【点睛】40my friends【详解】句意:汤姆和迈克是我的朋友们。我的my,朋友们friends,故答案为my friends。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:41、A42、C43、B44、C45、A【解析】41、题干句意:孩子们何时来学校?根据Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day.可知是

24、八点,故选A。42、题干句意:他们今天怎么来学校?根据But they are walking to school today.可知是走路,故选C。43、题干句意:格林女士何时去商店?根据Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning.可知是早上十点,故选B。44、题干句意:格林先生何时读报纸?根据Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at night.可知

25、是晚上九点,故选C。45、题干句意:格林先生今晚做什么?根据But he is reading an interesting book this evening.可知是看书,故选A。四、阅读理解解析:46、C47、A48、C49、A50、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了我房间里面的物品。46、句意:一个球在床_。A在上面;B在里面;C在下面;根据短文中的A ball is under the bed.可知球在床下面,故选C。47、句意:两本书在床_。A在上面;B在里面;C在下面;根据短文中的 Two books are on the bed. 可知两本书在床上面,故选A。48、句意:一个_在书桌

26、下面。A球;B包;C椅子;根据短文中的A chair is under the desk.可知一把椅子在书桌下面,故选C。49、句意:一个玩具_在书桌上面。A小船;B小汽车;C狗;根据短文中的 A toy boat is on the desk.可知一个玩具小船在书桌上面,故选A。50、句意:有多少草莓?_根据短文中的Fifteen strawberries!可知有十五个草莓,故选A。【点睛】五、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、B54、A55、B【导语】本文介绍了迈克的文具及迈克的朋友萨拉。51、句意:这个男孩是_。A约翰,B迈克,C萨拉,根据My name is Mike. I am a

27、 boy.,可知这个男孩是迈克,故选B。52、句意:我有一个_包。A黄色的,B绿色的,C蓝色的,根据I have a blue bag, a green pencil box and a yellow ruler.,可知迈克有一个蓝色的包,故选C。53、句意:_是绿色的。A包,B铅笔盒,C尺子,根据I have a blue bag, a green pencil box and a yellow ruler.,可知铅笔盒是绿色的,故选B。54、句意:_是我的好朋友。A萨拉,B迈克,C约翰,根据I have a good friend and her name is Sarah.,可知萨拉是迈

28、克的好朋友,故选A。55、句意:萨拉有大_和一张小_。A嘴巴;眼睛,B眼睛;嘴巴,C嘴巴;头,根据She has big eyes and a small mouth.,可知萨拉有大眼睛和一张小嘴巴,故选B。六、阅读理解解析:56、C57、B58、A59、C60、A【分析】本文主要介绍了莉莉的家人及迈克的生日活动。56、句意:莉莉是一名_。A老师,B护士,C学生,根据Hello, Im Lili. Im nine.,可知莉莉是学生,故选C。57、句意:迈克多大?A九岁。B十二岁。C二岁。根据One candle, two candles, three candles, four candles

29、, five candles, six candles, seven candles, eight candles, nine candles, ten candles, eleven candles, twelve candles.,可知迈克十二岁,故选B。58、句意:莉莉的爸爸是一名_。A警察,B医生,C司机,根据This is my father. Hes a policeman.,可知莉莉的爸爸是一名警察,故选A。59、句意:迈克的礼物是一只_。A猫,B狗风筝,C猫风筝,根据Here is a present for my brother. Its a cat kite.,可知迈克的礼物是一只猫风筝,故选C。60、句意:蜡烛是_。A红色的,B黄色的,C黑色的,根据The candles are red.,可知蜡烛是红色的,故选A。【点睛】

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