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1、小学英语六年级上册期中模拟提高试卷测试题(答案)一、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案It was a rainy day. I was in a bus. And a man with a dog got on the bus. It was a big dog and its feet were dirty.I didnt want a dog to sit near me. But the man said to the conductor (售票员),“Oh, I pay for (付钱) my dogs ticket (票). Can he sit here like the other

2、 people?”The conductor looked at the dog and said, “Yes, sir. But like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”1、It was _ that day.( )AwindyBcloudyCsunnyDrainy2、I saw_. ( )AwomanBa tigerCa boyDa man with a dog3、Why did the man and the dog get on the bus? ( )AIt was a rainy day.BNo o

3、ne was on the bus.CThe dog could sit.DThe man was a conductor.4、I didnt want the dog to sit near me because _.( )Athe dog was bigBthe dog wasnt cleanCthe dog wasnt mineDthe dog had no ticket5、The conductors words meant(意思是) _.( )Athe dog could sit hereBThe dog had to be like a manCThe dog hadnt to s

4、it on the chairDThe dogs feet were like the other people二、阅读理解Hello, Im Tom. Today is Friday. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Im going to buy some food and a comic book. Tomorrow morning Im going to Guangzhou for a trip. Im going there by train. Im going to read my new comic book on the

5、train. The day after tomorrow Im going to Kunming by plane from Guangzhou. In Kunming, Im going to see folk dances(民族舞曲) and eat snacks. Ill be very happy this holiday.6、When is Tom going to the supermarket? ()AFriday morning.BFriday afternoon.CFriday evening.7、What is he going to buy? ()AA football

6、.BA comic book.CSome food and a comic book.8、How does he go to Guangzhou? ()ABy train.BBy subway.CBy car.9、He is going to read _ on the train. ()AEnglish bookBcomic bookCstorybook10、He will be _ this holiday. ()ASadBtiredChappy三、阅读理解I am a bird. I fly in the sky. I like the clouds. They are pretty.

7、I live in a tree. The tree is near a river. There werent any fish in the river a few years ago. There was only one tree. I felt lonely. One day, I saw some students. They planted trees. They grew flowers too. I like the trees and the flowers. They are very beautiful. Then there are trees and flowers

8、. There are many fish in the river. The air is cleaner, and the clouds are whiter. Many birds come. I am happy.11、In the passage, “I” am a _. ()AbirdBtreeCflower12、Where is the tree? ()ABehind the river.BOn the mountain.CNear the river.13、Were there any fish in the river at first? ()ANo, there weren

9、t.BYes, there were.CWe dont know.14、Who planted the trees and flowers? ()ASome students.BSome men.CSome women.15、After reading this passage, what should you do? ()AWater the flowers and trees.BBuy flowers.CWalk on the grass.四、阅读理解Jack is a little boy. He is five. He likes reading comic books with hi

10、s father and mother. Jacks father is a head teacher. He gets to school by bike every day. Jacks mother is a businesswoman. She often goes to other countries. She likes cooking Italian food very much. Jack lives in New York with his parents. But his grandparents live in San Francisco. It is very far

11、from New York. Today Jacks mother is taking him to visit his grandparents. They are going there by bus. There are some people on the bus. They are sitting on the seats. Jack is very happy. He is running on the bus. His mother says, Dont run. You will hurt yourself. Sit down, please. I like to see my

12、 grandparents very much. I want this bus to go faster! Jack says. All the people on the bus laugh at him, but he does not know why.16、What is Jacks hobby? ()ATaking a bus.BReading comic books.CEating Italian food.17、How does Jacks father go to work? ()ABC18、Where does Jack live? ()He lives in_.ANew

13、YorkBCanberraCSan Francisco19、How does Jack feel today? ()He feels _.AangryBafraidChappy20、Why is Jack running on the bus? ()ABecause he wants to do sports.BBecause he wants the bus to go faster.CBecause he likes running on the bus.五、阅读理解As you know, theres not enough clean water for people. So many

14、 people lose their lives for lack of water. In many countries, people have to cut down trees for a living. So theres nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts. Its time that we must do somethin

15、g useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save water and ask our parents to do so. We cant throw any rubbish onto the ground and we should collect it for recycling. If we take good care of the Earth today, it will be more beautiful tomorrow.21、Is ther

16、e enough clean water for people? ()AYes, there is.BNo, there isntCWe dont know.22、In many countries, people have to _ for a living. ()Adrink milkBplant treesCcut down trees23、If we have no trees, we will face more _. ()AdroughtsBfloodsCA&B24、We cant _ to pollute our environment. ()Aplant treesBsave

17、waterCthrow any rubbish25、Which sentence is NOT true? ()APlanting trees is very important.BWe shouldnt save water.CIf we take good care of the Earth today, it will be more beautiful tomorrow.六、阅读理解Mr Rock has some apple trees in his garden, he looks after them carefully. Now there are very good appl

18、es on the trees and Mr Rock is happy.This afternoon when he looks through the window, he sees a boy in one of his apple trees. He is helping himself eat the nice apples.Mr Rock opens the window and shouts “Hey, what are you doing there? Come down and get away, or Ill go to see your father!”The boy i

19、s not frightened at all.“Dad” he looks up and cries, “Mr Rock wants to see you! ”26、Mr Rock has some _in his garden. ()Apear treesBbanana treesCapple treesDorange trees27、Mr Rock is happy that _. ()Ahis apples are very goodBhe has some treesCa boy is in the treeDhe looks after carefully28、The boy in

20、 the tree _. ()Ais counting the applesBis looking after the applesCis looking for his fatherDis eating the apples29、Mr Rock wants the boy _. ()Ato see his fatherBto come downCeat the applesDto be in the tree30、Which is right? ()AThe boy is not frightened to see his father.BThe boys father is in the

21、apple tree, too.CMr Rock knows the boys father is eating the apples.DThe boy likes eating apples.【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、D2、D3、A4、B5、C解析:1、D2、D3、A4、B5、C二、阅读理解6、B7、C8、A9、B10、C【导语】本文汤姆介绍了今天去超市的购物计划,以及假期去广州和昆明的旅行计划。6、句意:汤姆什么时候要去超市?解析:6、B7、C8、A9、B10、C【导语】本文汤姆介绍了今天去超市的购物计划,以及假期去广州和昆明的旅行计划。6、句意:汤姆什么时候要去超市?A周五早上。B周五

22、下午。C周五晚上。根据Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. 今天下午我要去超市。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。7、句意:它打算买什么?A一个足球。B一本漫画书。C一些食物和一本漫画书。根据Im going to buy some food and a comic book. 我打算去买一些食物和一本漫画书。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。8、句意:他怎么去广州?A坐火车。B坐地铁。C坐小汽车。根据Im going there by train. 我将坐火车去那里。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。9、句意:在火车上,他打算看_。A英语书,B漫画书,C故事书

23、。根据Im going to read my new comic book on the train. 我打算在火车上看我的新漫画书。B选项符合题意,故选B。10、句意:这个假期他将会是_。A难过的,B疲倦的,C开心的。根据Ill be very happy this holiday. 这个假期我将会非常开心。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。三、阅读理解11、A12、C13、A14、A15、A【导语】本文主要讲述了一只鸟的所见所闻。11、句意:在文中,“我”是一只_。A鸟,B树,C解析:11、A12、C13、A14、A15、A【导语】本文主要讲述了一只鸟的所见所闻。11、句意:在文中,“我”是一只

24、_。A鸟,B树,C花。根据“I am a bird.”可知我是一只鸟,故选A。12、句意:树在哪里?A在河后面。B在山上。C靠近河流。根据“The tree is near a river.”可知树在河附近,故选C。13、句意:起初河里有鱼吗?A不,没有。B是的,有。C我们不知道。根据“There werent any fish in the river a few years ago.”可知这里没有树,作否定回答,故选A。14、句意:是谁种的树和花?A一些学生。B一些男人。C一些女性。根据“I saw some students. They planted trees.”可知一些学生种树,故

25、选A。15、句意:读完这篇文章后,你应该怎么做?A给花草树木浇水。B买花。C在草地上散步。根据语篇可知应该多种树,爱护环境,故选A。四、阅读理解16、B17、A18、A19、C20、B【分析】本文介绍了杰克一家人及杰克的妈妈带杰克去看望外祖父母时在公交车上发生的事。16、句意:杰克的解析:16、B17、A18、A19、C20、B【分析】本文介绍了杰克一家人及杰克的妈妈带杰克去看望外祖父母时在公交车上发生的事。16、句意:杰克的爱好是什么?A坐公交车。B看漫画书。C吃意大利食物。根据He likes reading comic books with his father and mother.,

26、可知杰克的爱好是看漫画书,故选B。17、句意:杰克的爸爸怎么去上班?根据Jacks father is a head teacher. He gets to school by bike every day.,可知杰克的爸爸骑自行车去上班,故选A。18、句意:杰克住在哪里?他住在_。A纽约,B堪培拉,C旧金山,根据Jack lives in New York with his parents.,可知杰克住在纽约,故选A。19、句意:杰克今天感觉怎么样?他感觉很_。A生气的,B害怕的,C高兴的,根据Jack is very happy.,可知杰克今天感觉很高兴,故选C。20、句意:杰克为什么在公

27、交车上跑?A因为他想做运动。B因为他想让公交车开得更快。C因为他喜欢在公交车上跑步。根据I want this bus to go faster!,可知杰克在公交车上跑是因为他想让公交车开得更快,故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、B22、C23、C24、C25、B【导语】本文主要讲述了水资源缺乏,人类应该节约用水。21、句意:有足够的水供人们饮用吗?A是的,有。解析:21、B22、C23、C24、C25、B【导语】本文主要讲述了水资源缺乏,人类应该节约用水。21、句意:有足够的水供人们饮用吗?A是的,有。B不,没有。C我们不知道。根据“As you know, theres not enoug

28、h clean water for people.”可知没有足够的水供人类饮用,作否定回答,故选B。22、句意:在许多国家,人们不得不_为生。A喝牛奶,B种树木,C砍伐树木。根据“In many countries, people have to cut down trees for a living. ”可知人们砍伐树木,故选C。23、句意:如果我们没有树,我们将面临更多的_。A干旱,B洪水,C A和B。根据“Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floo

29、ds and droughts. ”可知人类面临更多的洪水和干旱,故选C。24、句意:我们不能_污染我们的环境。A植树,B节水,C扔垃圾。根据“We cant throw any rubbish onto the ground and we should collect it for recycling.”可知不能乱扔垃圾污染环境。故选C。25、句意:哪个句子不正确?A植树很重要。B我们不应该节约用水。C如果我们今天好好爱护地球,明天就会更加美丽。根据语篇可知我们应该节约用水,选项B说法错误,故选B。六、阅读理解26、C27、A28、D29、B30、A【分析】短文主要讲了洛克先生花园里有一棵长

30、得很好的苹果树,一个男孩在树上吃苹果的事情。26、句意:洛解析:26、C27、A28、D29、B30、A【分析】短文主要讲了洛克先生花园里有一棵长得很好的苹果树,一个男孩在树上吃苹果的事情。26、句意:洛克先生花园里有一些_。A梨树,B香蕉树,C苹果树,D橙子树。根据文中句子Mr Rock has some apple trees in his garden, 可知洛克先生花园里有一些苹果树,故选C。27、句意:洛克先生很高兴_。A他的苹果很好。B他有一些树。C一个男孩在树上。D他照看的很仔细。根据文中句子Now there are very good apples on the trees

31、and Mr Rock is happy.可知洛克先生高兴的是树上有许多很好的苹果,故选A。28、句意:那个男孩在树上_。A正在数苹果。B正在照看苹果。C正在找爸爸。D正在吃苹果。根据文中句子He is helping himself eat the nice apples.可知那个男孩正在树上吃苹果,故选D。29、句意:洛克先生想那个男孩_。A去见他的爸爸。B下来。C吃苹果。D在树上。根据文中句子Come down and get away, or Ill go to see your father!可知洛克先生让男孩下来离开,否则带他去见他的爸爸,所以B选项正确,故选B。30、句意:哪一个是正确的?A这个男孩不害怕见到他的父亲。B男孩的爸爸也在树上。C洛克先生知道男孩的爸爸正在吃苹果。D男孩喜欢吃苹果。根据文中句子The boy is not frightened at all.可知男孩不害怕去见他的爸爸,故选A。【点睛】

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