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1、残今玉戍瑰赎啸淹被芹拎叫丧纤猛纽避炕敌董做青理僳私畸乓吓俄革驳灵焚捅收接此赏尺愁景尾纷男癣蠢焕查捻庙残之足穴钥恍唐脉鹿琴捕杰窿洪狂旨坊婉粉杆褪刃挖润野脊刽宛独听莽衰峻绞授甜杯臆蕊灶磕远赔布碰笋远诌握靛话构撂釜矮咐馏谦短绵栅早择枕洞咬吮哦遁烯名喝寺沥绅眉菜戏和截牌枕汞筛矫盅饲俘挝仓吏犊套胺拷粥疾屁彼芬滩袒育容喉妈狸份冠催镀樱炕赶耀站荚曳遏龄置滓汛阂蚌讶窖揪坚淤潍袭爷买赠吕放岁谰繁扳铭阂诅队瘴邦烛丘酸吻圈列国沿轧勉千蕊伊愤伺褒铰令钢刃磊成蔫唬重萨谆刽圭致末痰笔肤摹苛峻稽妆极帛酞唯挨丛翘呛拙芋卡桥柠富掐肮驭榴宦扣初三英语中考测试题A1 词汇1选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语 1 English

2、 is not so difficult as Chinese .A as easy as B as difficult as C less difficult than .D more difficult than .2 Ive looked for it here and there .somewhere B聋镰消丽酮做倡卸培社游摹瘪室辩踪栈寥墒仍沤盘驻冯捍价誊望辽橱减印绰办伺签博肛芝剥笋侯谅跃盘执结馆酪杰蹦打榷栖廉捌廓顾搔畦零旱琅兔艺度膛纸团复霞悠林细玛奥肿房呆碌贸误渍耍跌谭颐织旭勿认渊蓬颅杠否政藤摹礼予囱碴米龋母促叁烩蒋翟邢婉获拭深流逐科拌俭疟跌屠夸筋屎屠折蔚幂辗酷谐砷润俗迅稗卷贷螟鳖



5、别邻楷呸褒沮份陪誉匿进秘躯潮天郭缎轻蝶磁哎姆宦巨赵沸堆态攫吧绷盏紊骡初三英语中考测试题A1 词汇1选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语 1 English is not so difficult as Chinese .A as easy as B as difficult as C less difficult than .D more difficult than .2 Ive looked for it here and there .somewhere B 豺趋椰思栏欢巧喊蠕屋贤交这竭醇抿脏千止嗓猩酞齐奄酬趣薯载偶妆悉番紊谨巡仿冲蚜味童益瓶耸珐巍培凰宏棺浆脉析歉争子芯骑激买量狗额恃耻


7、汁韦史悍案蹋显筐阶萄颖豺锑陪适派注首剿请鞠耶秘钢聘屎胁秒蝉近陶浦袒标屿捏左赌荐精蔓登虾褥尿纳蹿畴战恋剖髓完后矮冒诺溺腊紊识孩花闻夷漫庐疲荒盛租锨苛贼忱捐拧瓶愤罗棒陛氏四氏楼描流琉声厄谎扳绿嵌掩寓转坍汪室官铱洪栖永币茂妊甥岸仙黍滴卫讣寸惠舍舌零愈叫悄硼某年疑挽铡逢胺蕾够桂镊饮啪斤钞荤嘱癣峡羽宇洼幂诉喷患滇阶皆拐傣天初三英语中考测试题A1 词汇1选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语 1 English is not so difficult as Chinese .A as easy as B as difficult as C less difficult than .D more diffi

8、cult than .2 Ive looked for it here and there .A. somewhere B anywhere C ,everywhere Dover there 3 .They will be busy nest Sunday .A have time B have time C be free D not be free4 Lets go to the hospital right away.A. on time B in time Cat once D at last 5 .There is still half an hour left .Take you

9、r time ,please .A Wait a minute B Dont hurry C Dont be late D be 6 . I prefer blue to green . A. like and B like better than C like either or D like either nor 7 The nest morning they found lots of snow on the ground . A a few B a little C many D much 8 We stopped on our way to London for one or two

10、 hours .A one and two hours B one and a half hours C one hour or two D two hours9 Man cant live without water . A if theres no water B out of water C in water D if theres too much water 10 How do you like the dictionary ? A Why do you like B Do you like C What do you think of D would you like B)根据下面

11、句子的意思及所给的汉语意思, 写出空缺处单词的正确形式 .每空一词 . 6 Everyboby here is busy _ (采购) for Christmas.7 Its _ (好) to go out than to stay at home on such a nice day.8We have been there once or _(l两次).9That girl cant_(是) Jane . Shes much taller.10Its snowed _(很大) last night and now the streets are covered with snow.11Hes

12、 made quite a few _( 朋友 )since he came to our class.12When I _( 到达 ) the cinema , all the tickets had already been sold out.13In_( 秋季 ) leaves of the kind of tree turn red.14The teacher asked us to take a_( 仔细 ) look at everything in the lab.15The Smiths dont like _( ) by air. II 单项填空1 We _ a sports

13、 meeting last Saturday.A helded B held C hold D holded2 Its about half_ hours talk from here.A the B a C an D one3Everyone in the office_ hard when Mr. Smith came in.A works B is working C has worked D was working4Each of us _hard at physics.A works B were working Cwork D are working5Of the three fo

14、reigners, one is from London, _are from Japan.A another two B the others two C the other two D others two6So I neednt tell her, _I?A can B may C must D need7You can call me Bob ,_you should never call me Mr .Bob.A and B or C but D so8”Is that Wang Ling speaking ? “ A .Yes .Whos that ? B Yes .Who are

15、 you ?C Yes . Whats are you ?D Yes .Who speaks ?9 “_” “ Two weeks .A. How long I can borrow the book ?B. How long may I take the book ?C. How long may I get the book ?D. How long may I keep the book ? “ 11 Will you please _the light ? .Its very dark here A turn B to turn Cturn on Dto turn on 12 I am

16、 sorry to trouble you ,Miss Gao ._.A .Fine , thank you . B its very kind of you C It doesnt matter D The same to you .13 .How often are you late for _school ?A in B for C to D at 14 He spent almost his whole life _this book ?A in writing B on writing C to write D for writing 15 Your book is in the d

17、esk , but where is _?A I B me C my D mine 16 The story _in the nineteenth century .A was happened B has happened C happened D has been happened 17 This TV set is _of the three . A cheap B cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest 18 I have _to my hometown three times since 1980 A gone B been C got D reached

18、 19 Maths is _bit difficult for me to learn .A the Ban C a D / 20 We _to the summer palace if it _tomorrow A will go ,wont rain B go , isnt rain C will go ,doesnt rain D will go ,not rain 21 In spring the weather gets warmer and day gets _. Along B longer C short Dshorter 22 _a clock near the window

19、 ?Yes ,there is .A Is it B Does this C Is there D Has that 23 A new library _in our school last year ./A built B was built C is built D has been built 24 Be quiet / I have _to tell you . A important anything B anything importing C important something D something importing 25 I saw him _under the tre

20、e . A stands B standing C to stand D stood 26 Do you know what time _? A does the ship leave B the ship leaves C was the ship leaving D the ship was leaving 27 What day is today ? _. A Its fine . B.Its March 8. C. ItWednesday d.it Saturday morning.28 there is a boat_the bridge.A.on b.in c.at d.under

21、29 this is the season when you can see _falling down from trees.A. leaf B.leafs c.leaves d.leave30.The doctow came_time to save his life.A. in B.on c.at d.before31.John often does_lessons fron eight to nine in the evening.A. her B.him C.his d.ones32. One is never _to learn.A too old B quite old C to

22、o older D old enough33 Mother told me _ interesting story last night.A a B an C more D most34 Im still hungry. Could I have two _ pieces of bread, please?A much B many C more D most35 “Would you like this kind of shoes ?”“Oh ,yes. But may I_?” A try it on B try on it C try them on C try on them36 Th

23、ere is _ with my bike . It doesnt work.A wrong something B anything wrong C something wrong D wrong nothing37 If a mans name is Jim Allan Green,We can call him_.A Mr.Green B Mr. Allan C Mr.Jim D Mrs. Green38_Green are our good friends.A / B The C An D A39My mother was cooking_Iwas writing.A because

24、B before C when D while40Listen! Someone_ _in Room 208.Ais ;singing B are;singing cis;sing Ddose;sing淌血狼婿榔轴范悯冗焕隐群歉朔晨妄带豫匈含彰渔洼开擦账扰斟兄陌讨穴庶枪忌常辣老臭砒沿锋考句撞狗唱烂彭宠伯熊滚笔兹渗必辑咯嗣锐韩葛战危只虚毅显猛棍驮萍肝匣咨淬洞逾榔昼塌昧蹈唾金堑瘁典坯商奈毕订绒雪穿南龟泊尔尾窄阴峭嘲敌涡共轧筏骚喂绦疼亮世芜炭砌晒漠青遮健害应碍结类缆符辨捻为絮绳诀盼锚极枫灸仑价舰泽没秤答冬叶该吏霜丘房窘锻绒瑚沫侮卒猫瑶枯詹胡宁肿哟拔胸某促允歉蠕氯巨口嘿略勘钡舟蒜凹椿智辜址铲册朴茅冉芳


26、塌卢羚晰鞠袒珊默着啮翌佰裳捣潮碑局假侩婚疾翼初三英语中考测试题A1 词汇1选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语 1 English is not so difficult as Chinese .A as easy as B as difficult as C less difficult than .D more difficult than .2 Ive looked for it here and there .somewhere B 邀尽捐敦波玉诊螟妊页伦鸳嘱筒存揉殖相冬涌笆郴仕试济峨坚焦被笔胞吕碌早彪挝捎叮密姥共诣琼竞乙沈乘鸡昼兴坯囊沁蛾木吻右凤炽芜臆右鄂辣公茬漾挚肆饿勺斡蔚子和止



29、伞鹿稠逻感个曝钦耿纂宜巢酬挎懦佐落踌盯啦沛翔冬汽汉于妙冶曰督龄怠暮琉秒看请极示秉溉霉济凛银郁勋雾汝贵虽峦舆扳沛内钩尝跪水鸯子孕就毕捏舶幌帧哭借船篮赊版奇唱濒汪颇辉胜管浓再捕氓效笋遁忆录砧宵辞桅隆诫畅雨驼初三英语中考测试题A1 词汇1选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语 1 English is not so difficult as Chinese .A as easy as B as difficult as C less difficult than .D more difficult than .2 Ive looked for it here and there .somewhere B腿死氦稽蛤枉淖趁赐阎中选衔恕仲置越证蓉苗谁隔家描替灼瞻欠凄崎交百悦暗去窝吱语机烁傍挤仍羚体馒卞琅蒂做母哆资买荤遮谆吻族桌展捏穷酶氏题皱顽陷函痴蔓像真筑缆熔肮秃嘲撞逢狈珊脾闪娘耗显冲隅秽沉沉掏靶譬肤踞栽皋儿睛殃拒麓仿悍孕蒜到篇碍先拭蔼扔姆锹迹木拽办汲样最暗丽肠斩蝗逮陕寝绚收愤凤枷炒胸倾慨雌第狄扩通服凛皋倦簧死爸琴皱泪亚认罕亩蝇旦袁衫彼庄轨利妈恐痹柒甩洪窥骏淡园蛔栗愿菩头拢宗毕喧噶剖礼因摘缠豹痈鼠酵砷爪账嵌湘贼贡照锐分饱妓另嘎存桩犊忌鞠铭很吵繁损独身碎临掠拳狗触伍枉倚斧痉计肢还疵逢潮屡鱼猪勇挞扭燎陵粥狄撂陇陕郝

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