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1、英语五年级下学期阅读理解专项质量试卷测试卷(及答案)一、阅读理解Tom and John are brothers. They live in the same room and they are in the same class.One day they have a fight, so they dont speak to each other for a few days. On Monday evening Tom is tired after dinner. He doesnt say anything to John.John helps his mother with hous

2、ework. Then he does some homework. When he goes to bed, he finds a piece of paper on the small table near his bed. On it are the words, John, wake me up at 7 a.m. ,Tom.When Tom is awake the next morning, it is nearly 8 oclock. And on the small table near his bed he sees anther piece paper. He takes

3、it and reads these words, Tom, wake up! It is 7 a.m , John.犇1、Are Tom and John in different classes? ()AYes, they are.BNo, they arent.CYes, they do.犇2、Why dont they speak to each other? ()AThey have a watch.BThey have a fever.CThey have a fight.犇3、What does John find on the small table near his bed?

4、 ()AA computer.BA box.CA piece of paper.犇4、Does John write anything the next morning? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he is.犇5、Does John wake up Tom the next morning? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he is.二、阅读理解Aunt Janes birthday is coming. Her birthday is on the 18th of November. She wil

5、l be forty years old. My father is younger than his sister. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her home. We are going to go there by train. We are leaving on Friday morning. And we are coming back on Sunday afternoon. The birthday party will be on Saturday. I am going to give my dear Aunt Jane a ca

6、rd. Look! I am making it now. I am using my colour pencils to draw some nice flowers on the card. I think Aunt Jane will like them very much. I am going to draw Aunt Jane a small cat on it, too. Because she likes cats. The card will be very beautiful. Dad says his sister will like it very much. I fe

7、el very happy.犇1、Aunt Jane is _ sister. ()Amy mothersBmy fathersCmy sisters犇2、Aunt Jane will be _ years old. ()A40B44C14犇3、Im going to give my aunt _. ()Aa catBa cardCsome flowers犇4、We are going there _. ()Aon FridayBon SaturdayCon Sunday犇5、It will be a _ trip. ()Aone-dayBtwo-dayCthree-day三、阅读理解Mum

8、gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on a bus and sits near an old woman. Then he sees the old womans handbag is open. There is ten yuan in it.He quickly looks into his pocket (口袋). The money isnt there now! Little Tom thinks that the old woman is a thief. He wants to ta

9、ke back the money from the old womans bag. He carefully puts his hand into the old womans bag, takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly, the old woman shouts ,“Wheres my money? I cant find it, There is a thief on the bus!” Little Tom feels strange (奇怪的). Then he sees ten yuan under his seat. Littl

10、e Tom is thinking a question now, “Am I a thief?”犇11、Little Tom goes shopping _. ()Aon footBby busCby car犇12、Little Tom sees _ in the old womans bag. ()Aa pocketBten dollarsCten yuan犇13、The word “thief” means “_” in Chinese. ()A强盗B小偷C贪心的人犇14、Little Tom sees _ ten yuan under his seat. ()Ahis own (自己的

11、)Bthe old womansCthe thiefs犇15、Which sentence is RIGHT? ()ALittle Tom is a bad boy.BMum gives little Tom twenty yuan.CLittle Tom makes a mistake (错误).四、阅读理解Jane is a student. She is fifteen years old. She studies at Willow School. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. She goes there by bike. She

12、 lives with her parents and her grandfather. Today her grandfather is ill. He should see a doctor. But Janes parents are busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a teacher. So Jane is worried about his grandfather. She wants to go to the hospital with him.犇16、What does Jane do? ()AShes a teach

13、er.BShes a policewoman.CShes a student.犇17、Who should see a doctor? ()AJane.BJanes parents.CJanes grandfather.犇18、Jane goes to school _. ()Afrom Monday to FridayBfrom Monday to ThursdayCfrom Sunday to Friday犇19、What does Janes mother do? ()AShes a doctor.BShes a teacher.CShes a policewoman.犇20、Who w

14、ants to go to the hospital with the grandfather? ()AJane.BJanes father.CJanes mother.五、阅读理解Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary (Mary is her daughter). Mary is going to be thirteen years old. Twenty friends of Marys are going to come to the party. They are all girls. Mrs. Green is g

15、etting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her. Lets make a pretty cake. Mrs. White says to Mrs. Green.“OK. Thank you very much.” Mrs. Green is going shopping now. Shes going to buy some fruit for the party. Mrs. Green buys some fruit. She buys a lot of pears, oranges, and bananas. Then she g

16、oes home. Its three oclock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to start in thirty minutes.犇21、_ is going to give a birthday party for Mary. ()AMrs. WhiteBMrs. GreenCMaryDMary s friend犇22、Mary is going to be _ years old. ()AtwentyBtenCtwelveDthirt

17、een犇23、_ are going to come to the party. ()AThirty boysBTwenty girlsCForty childrenDMrs. Green and Mrs. White犇24、Mrs. Green buys _ for the party. ()Aa cakeBsome fruitCsome bananas and applesDa lot of oranges犇25、The party is going to begin at _ in the afternoon. ()Atwo thirtyBthreeCfourDthree thirty六

18、、阅读理解Mike doesnt feel well in the morning. Now he is calling his good friend, Molly.Mike: Is that Molly? This is Mike. Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?Molly: This is Molly. You can go along Park Street beside your house. Turn right at the third traffic lights. Then, walk along Renmin Road

19、 for about five minutes. You can see the hospital on your right.Mike: OK. I see. Thank you.Molly: By the way, why do you ask me the way to the hospital?Mike: I dont feel well. Im cold now.Molly: Im sorry to hear that. I will go to your house and go to the hospital with you.Mike: OK. Thank you. See y

20、ou.Molly: See you soon.犇26、Whats wrong with Mike? ()AHe feels hot.BHe feels cold.CHe is healthy.犇27、How long should Mike walk from his house to the hospital? ()AIts about 5 minutes walk.BAbout 50 minutes.CSorry, I dont know.犇28、Does Molly want to go to the hospital with Mike? ()ANo, she doesnt.BYes,

21、 she does.CShe comes with Mike.犇29、Where is the hospital? ()AIts on Park Street.BIts on Renmin Road.CIts next to Mikes house.犇30、Is Molly Mikes good friend? ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CSorry, I dont know.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、C犇3、C犇4、A犇5、B【分析】短文大意:短文主要讲述汤姆和约翰吵架后发生的事儿。犇1、句意:汤姆和约翰在不同的班级?由短文They live

22、 in the same room and they are in the same class.可知他们在同一班,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。犇2、句意:他们为什么不和彼此说话?由短文One day they have a fight, so they dont speak to each other for a few days.可知他们吵架了,A他们有一块表。B他们发烧了。C他们吵架了。故选C。犇3、句意:约翰在他床边的小桌子上发现了什么?由短文When he goes to bed, he finds a piece of paper on the small tab

23、le near his bed.可知他发现了一张纸,A一台电脑,B一个盒子,C一张纸,故选C。犇4、句意:第二天早上约翰写什么了吗?由短文He takes it and reads these words, Tom, wake up! It is 7 a.m -John.可知约翰写了一张纸条,因为应作肯定回答,结合选项A符合题意,故选A。犇5、句意:约翰第二早上叫醒汤姆了吗?由短文When Tom is awake the next morning, it is nearly 8 oclock. 可知约翰没有叫醒他,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇1、

24、B犇2、A犇3、B犇4、A犇5、B【分析】本文讲述了作者姑姑的生日快到了,他们一家要去姑姑家的故事。犇1、句意:珍姑妈是_妹妹。A我妈妈的,B我爸爸的,C我姐姐的,根据My father is younger than his sister.可知是作者爸爸的妹妹。故选B。犇2、句意:珍姑姑将_岁了。根据She will be forty years old. 可知她将四十岁了。故选A。犇3、句意:我打算给我姑姑_。A一只猫,B一张卡片,C一些花,根据I am going to give my dear Aunt Jane a card.可知是卡片。故选B。犇4、句意:我们打算_去那。A在星期五

25、,B在星期六,C在星期日,根据We are leaving on Friday morning. 可知是在星期五的早上离开。故选A。犇5、句意:它将是一次_旅行。A一天的,B两天的,C三天的,根据We are leaving on Friday morning. And we are coming back on Sunday afternoon.可知是两天的旅行。故选B。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:犇11、B犇12、C犇13、B犇14、A犇15、C【分析】犇11、题干句意:小汤姆_去购物。根据短文He gets on a bus and sits near an old woman. 他乘上公

26、共汽车,坐在一位老妇人的旁边。故选B。犇12、题干句意:小汤姆在老妇人的包里看到_元。根据短文There is ten yuan in it. 在里面有10元。故选C。犇13、题干句意:单词thief汉语意思为_。该单词汉语意思为小偷。故选B。犇14、题干句意:小汤姆在他的位置下发现了_10元。根据短文He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isnt there now! 他看了他的口袋,现在钱不在那儿了!故选A。犇15、题干句意:哪一句是正确的?通读短文可知Little Tom makes a mistake.小汤姆犯了一个错误。故选C。四、阅

27、读理解解析:犇16、C犇17、C犇18、A犇19、B犇20、A【分析】该篇主要介绍了简一家人的基本情况。犇16、句意:简是做什么的?A她是一名教师,B她是一名警察,C她是一名学生。结合Jane is a student.可知简是一名学生,故选C。犇17、句意:谁应该去看医生?A简,B简的父母,C简的爷爷。结合Today her grandfather is ill. He should see a doctor.可知简的爷爷应该去看医生,故选C。犇18、句意:简_去上学。A从周一到周五,B从周一到周四,C从周日到周五。结合She goes to school from Monday to Fr

28、iday.可知简周一到周五去上学,故选A。犇19、句意:简的母亲是做什么的?A她是一名医生,B她是一名教师,C她是一名女警察。结合Her mother is a teacher.可知简的母亲是一名教师,故选B。犇20、句意:谁想和爷爷一起去医院?A简,B简的爸爸,C简的妈妈。结合So Jane is worried about his grandfather. She wants to go to the hospital with him.可知简想和爷爷一起去医院,故选A。五、阅读理解21、B犇22、D犇23、B犇24、B犇25、D【分析】本文讲述了格林夫人为女儿玛丽准备生日派对的事情。犇2

29、1、句意:_打算给玛丽办一个生日解析:犇21、B犇22、D犇23、B犇24、B犇25、D【分析】本文讲述了格林夫人为女儿玛丽准备生日派对的事情。犇21、句意:_打算给玛丽办一个生日派对。A怀特夫人,B格林夫人,C玛丽,D玛丽的朋友,根据原文Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary (Mary is her daughter).可知格林夫人要给女儿玛丽办一个生日派对,故选B。犇22、句意:玛丽即将_岁了。A二十,B十,C十二,D十三,根据原文Mary is going to be thirteen years old.可知玛丽即将

30、十三岁了,故选D。犇23、句意:_会来参加派对。A三十个男孩,B二十个女孩,C四十个孩子,D格林夫人和怀特夫人,根据原文Twenty friends of Marys are going to come to the party. They are all girls.可知二十个女孩会来参加派对,故选B。犇24、句意:格林夫人为派对买_。A一个蛋糕,B一些水果,C一些香蕉和苹果,D许多橘子,根据原文Mrs. Green buys some fruit. 可知她买了一些水果,故选B。犇25、句意:派对将会在下午_开始。A两点三十分钟,B三点,C四点,D三点三十分,根据原文 Its three o

31、clock in the afternoon. The party is going to start in thirty minutes.可知晚会将在三点三十分开始,故选D。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、B犇27、C犇28、B犇29、B犇30、A【导语】本文是Molly和迈克之间的对话,两人在谈论去医院的路。犇26、句意:迈克怎么了?A他感觉很热解析:犇26、B犇27、C犇28、B犇29、B犇30、A【导语】本文是Molly和迈克之间的对话,两人在谈论去医院的路。犇26、句意:迈克怎么了?A他感觉很热。B他感觉很冷。C他很健康。根据Mike: I dont feel well. Im cold

32、now.可知他感觉很冷。故选B。犇27、句意:从迈克家到医院他要步行走多久?A大约步行5分钟。B大约50分钟。C对不起,我不知道。根据短文内容可知没有提到从迈克家到医院的时间。故选C。犇28、句意:Molly想和迈克一起去医院吗?根据Molly: Im sorry to hear that. I will go to your house and go to the hospital with you.Mike: OK. Thank you. See you.可知他们要一起去。故做肯定回答,故选B。犇29、句意:医院在哪里?A它在公园大街。B它在人民路。C它紧挨着迈克家。根据Then, walk along Renmin Road for about five minutes. You can see the hospital on your right.可知它在人民路。故选B。犇30、句意:Molly是迈克的好朋友吗?根据Now he is calling his good friend, Molly.可知他们是好朋友。故做肯定回答,故选A。

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