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1、Unit 6 Topic 2 The Monkey King is my favorite characterBy KiraBy Kira.重点短语重点短语1231.work hard on 在方面努力工作2.works of art 艺术作品3.according to 根据Jim在很努力的学英语在很努力的学英语.Jim is working hard on studying English.根据字典根据字典,这个答案是错的这个答案是错的.According to the dictionary,the answer is wrong.重点短语重点短语134.the introduction

2、to the painting 画的介绍画的介绍5.express strong feelings 表达强烈的情感表达强烈的情感6.in the distance 在远处在远处7.win every battle 赢得每一场的战役赢得每一场的战役8.express the real meaning of friendship 说明了友谊的真正含义说明了友谊的真正含义9.walk through the desert 穿过沙漠穿过沙漠.重点短语重点短语123 10.have an argument 争辩/吵11.slap sb.in the face 打了某人一计耳光12.keep on doi

3、ng sth.继续做某事Jim Jim 和和MikeMike吵了一架吵了一架.Jim had an argument with Mike.Jim had an argument with Mike.Jim Jim 打了打了MikeMike一记耳光一记耳光.Jim slapped Mike in the face.Jim slapped Mike in the face.MaryMary做完作业后继续看书做完作业后继续看书.Mary kept on reading after finishing her Mary kept on reading after finishing her homew

4、ork.homework.重点短语重点短语12313.take a bath 洗澡14.get stuck in 陷入15.erasefrom 从当中抹/擦掉16.be good at hiding 善于隐身17.play alone 独自玩耍.重点句型重点句型1231.It is a pity that he died when he was very young.遗憾的是遗憾的是,他英年早逝他英年早逝.2.What(do you think)are the most important things I need to know about paintings?你认为你认为,关于绘画关于绘

5、画,我需要知道的最重要的事情是什我需要知道的最重要的事情是什么么?Well,that depends on what kind of paintings you want to learn.这取决于你想学哪种画这取决于你想学哪种画.重点重点句型句型1236.Perhaps that is the reason why I prefer to paint landscapes.(定语从句)也许那就是我为什么更喜欢画风景画的原因也许那就是我为什么更喜欢画风景画的原因.7.,it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every bat

6、tle.(定语从句)沙僧和猪八戒帮助美猴王赢得每一次战役的胜利沙僧和猪八戒帮助美猴王赢得每一次战役的胜利.8.One tree cant make a forest.独木不成林独木不成林.9.But without saying anything,he wrote in the sand.但什么也没说但什么也没说,他写在了沙子中他写在了沙子中.123重点句型重点句型3.Then you can decide whether you want to become a painter or not.(宾语从句)那时你就能决定是否想成为一名画家那时你就能决定是否想成为一名画家.4.It says h

7、ere that Gu Kaizhi is quite good at painting figures.(宾语从句)这儿写着顾恺之尤其擅长画人物画这儿写着顾恺之尤其擅长画人物画.5.The way he shows things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi does.(定语从句)他描绘远景的方式与顾恺之不同他描绘远景的方式与顾恺之不同.重点知识点重点知识点1231.paint 与draw 都具有“绘画”的含义,但有很大区别paint 表示用颜料等画带有色彩的画表示用颜料等画带有色彩的画,如油画、水彩画如油画、水彩画及

8、画正式的肖像画。及画正式的肖像画。draw 表用蜡笔、铅笔、钢笔等各种笔画,并且通常表用蜡笔、铅笔、钢笔等各种笔画,并且通常画得比较简单。画得比较简单。eg:He is drawing a horse on the blackboard.他正在黑板上画一匹马他正在黑板上画一匹马。The artist painted in water colors.那个画家用水彩作画。那个画家用水彩作画。.重点知识点重点知识点1232.I want to know if it is difficult to be an artist.我想知道成为艺术家是否很难。我想知道成为艺术家是否很难。If you work

9、 hard at painting,it wont be difficult for to succeed.如果你努力画画,对你来说成功并不难。如果你努力画画,对你来说成功并不难。前句中的前句中的if表表“是否是否”,引导宾语从句;,引导宾语从句;后句中的后句中的if表表“如果如果”,引导条件状语从句。,引导条件状语从句。.重点知识点重点知识点1231.The shorter boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink小个子男孩陷进泥里,开始下沉小个子男孩陷进泥里,开始下沉get stuck 是系表结构是系表结构,stuck是过去是过去分词作表语分词作表语,表被动表被动.thanksthanks.

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