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1、英语小学五年级上册阅读理解专项模拟试卷测试题(及答案)(1)一、阅读理解Today is the first day of the week. Tomorrow is Monday. Liu Tao and his friends are at the Sports Chub. They are talking about their weekends.Liu Tao is from Bei Jing. He speaks Chinese and English. He often plays football at the weekends. Sometimes he goes shoppi

2、ng with his parents. David is from the USABut he lives in China with his parents now. He speaks English and French. He often looks for something on the Internet at the weekends. Sometimes he helps his mother do some cleaning and washing at home.They all bike catching insects the park.犇1、Today is _.

3、()ASundayBSaturdayCMonday犇2、Liu Tao and his friends are talking about _. ()Atheir hobbiesBtheir friendsCtheir weekends犇3、Liu Tao speaks _. ()AChineseBEnglishCChinese and English犇4、David is from the _. But he lives in _. ()AUSA; USABChina; ChinaCUSA; China犇5、David often _ at the weekends. ()Alooks fo

4、r something on the InternetBdo some cleaning and washingCreads English book二、阅读理解Hello, my name is Jason. My parents and I live in Shanghai now. My father teaches English and my mother teaches Maths in a primary school. We live in a new house. Its near my parents school, so they always go to work by

5、 bus. I go to school by bus too. We go to the same school.I have many Chinese friends. We play games on Saturdays. I often visit my good friend Zhang Wei by metro on Sundays. I teach him English and he teaches me Chinese.犇1、Jasons father teaches _ and his mother teaches. ()AEnglish; MathsBChinese; M

6、athsCEnglish; Art犇2、Jasons house is _ his school. ()Afar fromBbehindCnear犇3、Jason goes to school _. ()Aby bikeBby busCon foot犇4、Jason and his Chinese friends _ on Saturdays. ()Aplay gamesBplay basketballCplay football犇5、Jason often visit Zhang Wei _. ()Aby taxiBby busCby metro三、阅读理解One day, an old c

7、at decides to play a trick on (决定作弄) the mice (老鼠复数). He lies on his back (仰躺) and doesnt not move at all (一点都不动). A small mouse (老鼠) can see the old cat lying on the ground (躺在地上). She runs to her friends and says, “The cat is dead (死). Lets dance and play.All the mice begin to dance and play. They

8、 are very happy. Then one of the mice jumps on the cats head.“Look at me. Come nearer, all of you. The bad cat is dead. Let us dance on his head.” But suddenly (突然) the cat jumps up and catches (捉住) the foolish mouse. The other mice run away.From that, mice never believe (从不相信) a cat.犇1、A cat likes

9、_. ()AmiceBeating miceCplaying with mice犇2、The old cat lies on the ground and he wants to _ the mice. ()Aplay a trick onBseeCplay with犇3、The small mouse thinks (认为) the cat _. ()Ais oldBtheir friendCis dead犇4、A mouse is happy and it jumps on the cats _. ()AbackBheadCnose犇5、From the story, we can see

10、 _. ()Athe old cat is foolish (愚蠢)Bthe small mouse is clever (聪明)Cthat mice are afraid of (害怕) cats四、阅读理解Its late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed and hes looking at his clock. His neighbors(邻居) are making a lot of noise, and Arthur is very angry(生气). The people in Apartment(公寓) 2 are dancing.

11、 The man in Apartment 3 is doing cleaning in his living room. The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin. The children in Apartment 5 are listening to loud music.The dog in Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument(吵架). Its very late and Arthur is tired a

12、nd angry. What a terrible night!犇16、Arthurs neighbors are _. ()AnoisyBangryCsingingDsleeping犇17、The man in Apartment 3 is _ his apartment. ()ApaintingBcleaningCwashingDrepairing犇18、Arthur isnt very _. ()AangryBtiredChappyDfriendly犇19、The dog in Apartment 6 is _. ()AsleepingBeatingCreadingDbarking犇20

13、、The woman in Apartment 4 is playing _. ()AcardsBthe violinCtennisDfootball五、阅读理解One morning, Bill said he was ill. His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Bill, “Whats the matter, young man?” Bill answered, “Im feeling sick, I am having a headache. I cant go to school

14、today, Im afraid.” The doctor looked him over carefully, and then asked his mother, “What did he have for breakfast?” His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious. The boy will be all right after the footbal

15、l match.” The mother said, “I dont understand, Doctor.” The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的) football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss (错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.”犇21、Bill and his mother went to see the doctor

16、_that morning. ()Aby busBby taxiCon foot犇22、Bill had _ for his breakfast. ()AnothingBjust a littleCa lot of food犇23、The doctor didnt give Bill any medicine, because _. ()Ahe didnt think Bill was illBBill didnt like having medicineCBills mother didnt have enough (足够的) money. ()犇24、There was _ on TV.A

17、volleyball gameBan English playCa football match犇25、In fact (事实上), _.()ABill was ill.BBill liked watching football matches.CBill was an honest (诚实的) boy.六、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Pandas faces look like cats, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly t

18、o people. People like them very much. Most pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like climbing trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains. They eat bamboo and drink spring(泉水).犇26、Pandas mainl

19、y(主要地) live in .()AAmericaBJapanCChina犇27、 are like the cats. ()APandas tailsBPandas facesCPandas bodies犇28、Where are pandas hometowns? ()AGuangdong and Gansu.BSichuan and Suzhou.CGansu and Sichuan.犇29、Whats pandas main food? ()ARice.BMeat.CBamboo.犇30、Pandas like . ()AplayingBclimbing treesCeating a

20、pples【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、C犇3、C犇4、C犇5、A【分析】短文大意:刘涛和他的朋友们在谈论他们的周末。犇1、句意:今天是_。根据Today is the first day of the week. Tomorrow is Monday.可知今天是星期日,故选A。犇2、句意:刘涛和他的朋友们正在谈论_。根据They are talking about their weekends.可知他们在谈论周末。故选C。犇3、句意:刘涛讲_。根据He speaks Chinese and English.可知他说中文和英语。故选C。犇4、句意:戴维德来自_。但是他住在_。根据

21、David is from the USA. But he lives in China with his parents now. 可知他来自美国。但是他住在中国。故选C。犇5、句意:戴维德经常在周末_。根据He often looks for something on the Internet at the weekends. 可知他经常上网。故选A。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、C犇3、B犇4、A犇5、C【解析】短文大意:短文介绍了詹森及詹森的父母和中国朋友。犇1、句意:詹森的爸爸教_他的妈妈教_。A英语,数学;B语文,数学;C英语,美术;根据短文中的My father tea

22、ches English and my mother teaches Maths in a primary school.我的爸爸在一所小学教英语我妈妈教数学,可知A选项符合,故选A。犇2、句意:詹森的房子在学校_。A离远,B在后面,C附近。根据短文中的We live in a new house.Its near my parents school.我们住在一所新房子。它在我父母学校附近。可知C选项符合,故选C。 犇3、句意:詹森_去上学。A骑自行车,B乘坐公共汽车,C步行。根据短文中的 I go to school by bus too. 我也乘坐公共汽车去上学。可知B选项符合,故选B。犇

23、4、句意:詹森在星期六和他的中国朋友_。A做游戏,B打篮球,C踢足球。根据短文中的I have many Chinese friends. We play games on Saturdays.我有许多中国朋友。我们在星期六做游戏。可知A选项符合,故选A。犇5、句意:詹森经常_拜访张伟。A乘坐出租车,B乘坐公共汽车,C乘地铁。根据短文中的 I often visit my good friend Zhang Wei by metro on Sundays. 我经常在星期天乘地铁拜访我的好朋友张伟。可知C选项符合,故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、A犇3、C犇4、B犇5、C【分析】

24、短文大意:猫作弄老鼠的故事。犇1、句意:猫喜欢_。A老鼠,B吃老鼠,C和老鼠一起玩。根据常识可知猫喜欢吃老鼠。故选B。犇2、句意:那只老猫躺在地上,他想_那些老鼠。A作弄,B看见,B和玩,根据One day, an old cat decides to play a trick on (决定作弄) the mice (老鼠复数). 可知是想作弄老鼠。故选A。犇3、句意:那只小老鼠认为猫_。A是老的,B它们的朋友,C是死的,根据A small mouse (老鼠) can see the old cat lying on the ground (躺在地上). She runs to her fr

25、iends and says, “The cat is dead (死). 可知它认为猫死了。故选C。犇4、句意:一只老鼠很高兴并且它跳到那只猫的_。A后背,B头,C鼻子,根据Then one of the mice jumps on the cats head.可知是猫的头上。故选B。犇5、句意:从这个故事中,我们能看出_。A那只老猫很愚蠢,B那只小老鼠很聪明,C老鼠害怕猫。根据短文内容可知老鼠怕猫。故选C。【点睛】四、阅读理解解析:犇16、A犇17、B犇18、C犇19、D犇20、B【分析】文章大意:在一个晚上,亚瑟的邻居们弄出了各种噪音,导致他无法睡觉。犇16、句意:亚瑟的邻居们是_。根据

26、文中句子His neighbors(邻居) are making a lot of noise可知他的邻居们弄出了各种噪音,是吵闹的。A. noisy吵闹的;B. angry生气的; C. singing唱歌;D. sleeping睡觉。故选A。犇17、句意:3号公寓的人正在_他的公寓。根据文中句子The man in Apartment 3 is doing cleaning in his living room.可知3号公寓的人正在打扫他的公寓。A. painting绘画;B. cleaning打扫;C. washing洗;D. repairing修理。故选B。犇18、句意:亚瑟不是很_。

27、根据文中句子Arthur is tired and angry.可知亚瑟很累很生气。A. angry生气的;B. tired累的;C. happy开心的;D. friendly友好的。故选C。犇19、句意:6号公寓的那只狗正在_。根据文中句子The dog in Apartment 6 is barking.可知6号公寓的狗在叫。A. sleeping睡觉;B. eating吃东西;C. reading读书;D. barking叫。故选D。犇20、句意:4号公寓的女人正在演奏_。根据文中句子The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin.可知

28、4号公寓的女人正在练习小提琴。A. cards卡片;B. the violin小提琴;C. tennis网球;D. football足球。故选B。五、阅读理解21、B犇22、C犇23、A犇24、C犇25、B【导语】本文讲述了一天早上,妈妈带比尔去看医生的故事。犇21、句意:比尔和他妈妈那天早上_去解析:犇21、B犇22、C犇23、A犇24、C犇25、B【导语】本文讲述了一天早上,妈妈带比尔去看医生的故事。犇21、句意:比尔和他妈妈那天早上_去看医生。A坐公共汽车,B坐出租车,C步行。根据“His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor.她

29、的妈妈叫了一辆出租车,带他去看医生。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇22、句意:比尔早餐吃了_。A没有什么,B一点点,C很多食物。根据“His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” 他的妈妈说:嗯,他吃了一些面包,两个鸡蛋,一瓶牛奶和一个橙子。”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。犇23、句意:医生没有给比尔任何药,因为_。A他认为比尔没有生病,B比尔不喜欢吃药,C比尔的妈妈没有足够的钱。根据“The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothin

30、g serious. The boy will be all right after the football match.” 医生笑着说:别担心。没什么大不了的。足球赛结束后,这个男孩子会好的。”可知A选项符合题意,故选A。犇24、句意:电视上有_。A排球比赛,一场英国戏剧,C一场足球比赛。根据“This afternoon, the biggest football game of the year will be on TV. 今天下午,今年最大的足球赛将在电视上播出。”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。犇25、句意:事实上,_。A比尔生病了,B比尔喜欢看足球比赛,C比尔是一个诚实的男孩。根据

31、“The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的) football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss (错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.” 医生再一次笑着说:今天下午,今年最大的足球赛将在电视上播出。你的孩子不想错过它。我想足球赛后他会好的。你等着瞧吧。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。六、阅读理解26、C犇27、B犇28、C犇29、C犇30、B解析:犇26、C犇27、B犇28、C犇29、C犇30、B

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