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2、?24.星期三晚上他做汽车模型。25.客厅。26.他是做什么的?27.医院。28.她每天在七点半左右到校。29.她不喜欢迟到。30.现在他正在和二班踢一场比赛。31.在周末你通常什么时候起床?32.你叔叔觉得南京怎么样?33.来一杯咖啡怎么样?34.我可以借这本汉英字典吗?35.那个女孩穿着一件蓝色的上衣。36.那些外国人来自美国。 1 Jack and his friends love to play along the river bank2 Come and get to know my friend Jack3 Who is the student on duty today?4 Do

3、 you look like your father or your mother?5 Lucy is a new student. Please take care of her.6 What is your home telephone number?7 This way, please8 I would like to have a sweater similar to this one9 There is no dog here, only a kitten10 I think that there is nothing wrong with your watch11 Please p

4、aint my writing desk into pale yellow12 Grehms family13 The kite on the wall seems to be yours14 She has gone astray15 quarter past six16 The girl behind the tree is my good friend17 I dont have time to go out for dinner18 Potato chips / french fries19 I can bring them to you20 This school bag is fu

5、ll of books and is too heavy for me21 Do not put the empty bottle inside the room. Throw them into the rubbish bin22 Quarter to six23 Do you want something to eat? What about a hamburger24 He was working on his car model on Wednesday night25 Living room 26 What is his job?27 hospital28 She arrive at

6、 the school around half past seven every day29 She doesnt like to arrive late30 He is now playing a match with Class 231 What do you get out of bed on the weekends?32 How does your uncle think of Nanjing?33 How about a cup of coffee?34 May I borrow this Chinese-English dictionary?35 That girl wore a

7、 blue jacket36 Those foreigners come from America1、医生给了他一些止疼药2、其目的是为了查明学生中存在的健康和事故问题3、史密斯先生讲述了学英语的重要性4、如果不是水尽粮绝,我们将不会停止宿营5、少数学生被狗咬过6、不要因为别人过去做过贼而看不起别人1, the doctor gave him some pain medicine .2, with the aim of identifying students that exist in health problems and accidents 3, Mr. Smith spoke abou

8、t the importance of learning English .4, if the water is not a grain must do, we will not stop camping 5 a small number of students have bitten by dogs.6,do not look down on someone who was a thief in the past.1.埃德-斯密斯有很多体育用品。2.请把这些东西拿给你的哥哥。3.你每天学习英语吗?4.她每天都进行体育锻炼。5.它是无聊的。6.他们在床上吗?7.我的电视在书桌上。8.但是他从来

9、不玩各种体育用品。9.他仅仅在电视上看体育运动。10.那位是安娜,那位是保罗。11.谁是你妹妹?12.它在桌子地下。Edward Smith has many sporting goods.Please give these things to your elder brother.Do you learn English everyday?She does sports ever day.It is so boring.Do they on the bed?My TV is on the desk.But he never play any kind of sports.He only wa

10、tches sports on TV.This is Anna and this is Polo.Who is your sister?It is under the bed.1.现在只剩下几处老城墙了。2.他们拆毁了旧楼。3.他们裤子穿坏了。4.我们都为政府工作5.我们正在建市中心。6武则天是中国第一个女皇帝。7.上周许多外国人参观了秦始皇兵马俑。8在那座山上有许多坟墓。9我在想我们下一步该做什么。10.在秦始皇宫殿有一些珍宝。11.昨天我参观了颐和园。1他在为国王建造坟墓。 1. Now only a few of the old city wall. 2. They demolished

11、 the old buildings. 3. They wear pants bad. 4. We all work for the Government 5. We are building the city centre. 6 Wu Zetian is Chinas first female emperor. 7. Last week, many foreigners visited the Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses. 8 Nazuo in the mountains there are many graves. 9 I thi

12、nk we do the next step. 10. Emperor in the palace there are some treasures. 11. Yesterday, I visited the Summer Palace. He is a king in the construction of graves.台湾问题应尽快解决,我们没有必要学会等待。Taiwan problem should be solved as soon as possible.Its not need to us to waite.2.手机可以用来收发短信,何不留个信给他?The mobile phon

13、es dan_send and receive message. Why not text to him?3.美国人吃很多白菜和土豆,确实如此且德国人也是。Americans eat a lot of cabbage and potato,so do German .4.那家油炸土豆条商店离中餐馆步行40分钟。The shop that sell fry potato is 40min by step from the china restaurant.5.2/3 的外国旅客宁可喝中国茶也不喝蔬菜汤。_Tow three foreign traveller prefer china tea t

14、han vegetable soup.6.没等我们的谢谢他就走向了自然历史博物馆。He walking to The nature history museum without our thanks.7.他走错了回家的路,却更糟糕的是,雨下得越来越大。He get the wrong way to home, the worse, it was raining harder and harder.8.听未来24小时的天气预报!淮河以南地区将有大雾。Listen to the weather forecast about 24 hours future. Therell be big fog i

15、n the south aera beside Huai river.9.既然在每间办公室每个家庭电脑都是一重要工具,他们开始为私人电脑研制软件。As the computer was a important tool in every office and family, they began to develop software for personal computer.10.比尔是个好心人,他给欠发达国家的人捐了210亿美元.Bill is a kind man that he donated two and one hundred million dollar to the peo

16、ple in underdeveloped country.1.康康星期天和他的朋友在动物园看动物 2.他们想明天8点15在动物园碰面 3.露西在回家的路上露西碰到李雷 4.咱们这周星期天上午去购物吧 5.该她唱英文歌了 大哥哥大姐姐些帮下忙嘛,1. Kankan Sunday and his friends in the zoo to see animals, 2. They want tomorrow, 8:15 meet in the zoo 3. Lucy Lucy encounter on the way home from Lei 4. Lets go shopping this

17、week, Sunday morning Bar 5. The songs she sang in English1.美国队确实很强大,但我们仍能赢2.你有必要在开始步行前训练几个月3.不要瞧不起他,他是他们年级最优秀的学生,为什么他被人们瞧不起呢?4.你觉得身体好吗?你是如何保持身体健康的?5.他们住的靠近那所著名的中学么? The USA team is truly very formidable, but we still could win You have the necessity in to start before the walk to train for several m

18、onths Do not despise he, he is their grade most outstanding student, why is he despised by the people?HOW DO You think the body? How do you maintain the health?They live nearness that famous middle school?1 我认为野营比潜水有趣的多2 罗清是我们学校最英俊的年轻人之一3 他经常帮助我们解决问题4 我表弟希望在将来周游全国(或者是环游世界)4 姚明是世界上最好的篮球运动员之一1. I thin

19、k camping is much more interesting than diving.2. Luo Qing is one of the most handsome in our school.3. He often helps us solve problems.4. My cousin hopes to travel around the world in the future.5. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball players in the world.1.在你们国家第一次见到别人你应该做什么?-你应该鞠躬握手. what will

20、 do in your country if its the first time to meet someone?-you should bow and shake hands. 2.你应该什么时间到达?-我应该7:00到达. when should you arrive?-I should arrive at 7. 3.你应该问问你该穿什么? you should ask around what you have to wear. 4.你能告诉我我该做的事情吗? can you tell me what I should do? 5.我经常去拜访我朋友的家. I often drop by

21、 my friend. 6.花时间和家人朋友在一起对我们来说很重要。 It is very important for us to share our time with our family and friends. 7.我们经常在城中心到处逛,尽可能的见到我们的朋友。 we often stroll around the centre of the town to see our friends as much as possible. 8.毕竟我们是手表之都。 we are the centre of making watches after all. 9.我们从不在没有预约之前到朋友家

22、拜访 We will never make an unexpected visit to our frinds. 10.我们通常计划去做一些趣事或一起到某地。 We usually planning to do something interesting of get somewhere. 11你们学校有什么规定 What rules do your school have? 12在中国你不该端起你的米饭 You shouldnt hold your bow in China. 13用你的筷子插进食物是无礼的 Its rude that you stake your chopsticks in

23、 your food. 14你不该用筷子指着别人 You cant pout at someone with your chopsticks. 15吃面条时发出声音没有礼貌 Making noise while you eating noodles is impolitely. 16每喝一次饮料,你该用餐巾擦嘴 Wipe your month when you take every sip of your beverage. 17他们特别的费心,使我觉得像在家里 They make me feel ease as I am at home. 18它比我原想象的要好的多 Its better t

24、han what I image before. 19我最大的挑战是学在餐桌上的举止 Learning table manners is my biggest challenge. 20我发现记住每件事是不容易的,但是我正在逐渐习惯这些事情,并不再觉得他们是那样奇怪 everything is not easy but I am getting used for thoes things and no longer take them as a exotica. 21在我到达这之前有点紧张,但现在没有紧张的理由了 I feel a little nervous before I got her

25、e but now I have no reason to tense. 22我能够十分地道的说法语了 I am able to speak authentic French.1.电脑可以在一瞬间完成计算A computer can do a calculation_ _ _2.我们可以用许多不同的方式来解决这个问题 We can solve this problem_ _ _3.红玫瑰代表爱情Red roses_ _ love.4.不要在课堂上喧闹_ _any noise in class5.我至少用了三天时间完成此项任务It took me _ _ three days to finish

26、 this task6.昨晚发生了一场大火A fire _ _ last night7.你最好不要独自去河里游泳Youd _ _ swim in the river alone8.最后我们穿越了那个森林At last,we_ _ the forest9.所有的国家应该和平相处All the countries should live together_ _10.咱们从这房间离开吧 Lets _ _ _ the room1.我们刚才在来学校的路上遇上交通堵塞。2.他能在半小时内,记住100个单词,他的记忆力真好。3.一天一苹果,医生不找我。4.我们老板对我们很好,他很平易近人。5.他的儿子是他的

27、挚爱。6.我立刻就来和你们相会。7.雨后空气很清新。8.那个可怜的小孩。请求我给他一些吃的,穿的,他饿极了。9.他喜欢游泳(四个句型)10.你认为这部小说怎么样(两个句型)1. We have just come to school in the event of a traffic jam on the road. 2. He can in half an hour, to remember 100 words, hes good memory. 3. Apple a day, doctors do not look for me. 4. We have our good boss, he

28、was approachable. 5. He is the son of his love. 6. I immediately come and meet you. 7. Very fresh air after the rain. 8. The poor children. I request to give him some food, clothing, and he was very hungry. 9. He likes to swim (four sentence) 10. How do you think the novel-like 1.今天我想步行去体育场,因为比赛9点开始

29、. I want to walk to the stadium,for the match is scheduled to begin at 9:00.2.让我们为2008年北京奥运做点什么把! Lets do something for the 2008 Beijing Olypics Games.3.你想去看吗?我有票. Do you want to see the movie the Lion King?I got the ticket.4.这里有一份来自TONY的邀请.他邀请我们明天参加他的生日晚会.Heres an invitation from Tony. He invites u

30、s to his birthday party tomorrow.一:我们应该从小事做起保护环境.二:不能把垃圾随便扔在地上.三:不能浪费水.四:不能在课室制造大量噪音.六:应该种更多的数,那么我们才能享受新鲜的空气,使家乡更加美丽. what can we do to protect the environment are the following tips ,first we should do some little things to protect ,second dont throw the rubbish freely,third dont waste the water ,f

31、ourth dont make much noise in the class,fifth we also need to plant many trees so that they can decrease the dioxide,then we will enjoy the fresh air ,make the hometown more beautiful ,If we have the sense of protecting the environment and try ourselves to practice it ,the earth will be better1.Most

32、 of the students in our class are_(身体健康)2.They dont know what to do_(此刻)3.It usually takes me ten minutes bus ride _(从家到学校)4.Everything_(取决于)how hard you work on it.5.What do you _(认为)this green dress?6.It was boring. We didnt have fun_(在上个休息日)7.John is very actice,and often_(积极参加)all kinds of sport

33、s activities.8.Mr Smith said he would travel_(全世界)in the coming five years.9.My mother often _(带我奶奶去散步).10.She is too shy,and never_(与别人交流)1.healty2.right now3. from home to school4.lies on 5. think about6. on the last weekend7.taking positively8.around the world9.takes the grandmother to have a wal

34、k中考同义句 句型精选50题 1.Do remember to lock the door when you leave._ _you lock the door when you leave.2.The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.The little girl wanted to know_ _ be taken to Paris.3.French is not the first language in any of these countries.French is the fir

35、st language in _ _ these countries.4.My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.My uncle left the room_ _ anything to us.5.He wasnt good at English. I thought.I_ _ _he was good at english.6.Both Mike and Mary have been to Beijing.(否定句)_Mike_Mary_been to Beijing.7.It took him an hour to write the

36、letter.He _an hour_the letter.8.We should knock a long stick into the earth.A long stick _ _ _into the earth.9.She paid 400 yuan for the new bike.The new bike_ _400 yuan.10.How about playing basketball with us?_ _play football with us?11. Will Wang Feng come here in a minute? she asked.She asked_Wan

37、g Feng_ come here in a minute?12.Jim didnt visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.Jim stayed at home yesterday_ _visiting the museum.13.There are more people in China than in India.The_of China is_than that of India.14.The talk is very important.The talk is_great_.15.He cant catch the bus if

38、he doesnt run fast.He cant catch the bus_ he_fast.16.You should let someone repair the TV set.You should_the TV set _. 17Jim wants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.Jim wants to go boating and_ _his parents.18.The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldnt skate on it.The ice

39、 on the lake was not _ enough_people to_ _.19.How many people are there in France._ _the population of France?20.We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.The International Kite Festival_ _in Weifang every year.21.They say that Mr liu can speak German._ _that Mr Liu can speak Ger

40、man.22.My sister prefers reading to going shopping.My sister likes_ _than going shopping.My sister prefers_ _rather than_ shopping.23.I feel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.I_like to_to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.24.He doesnt do any other things. He is only on internet

41、.He is always on internet_ _doing other things.25.The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.The picture was put up in the park_to the playground as_.26.It seems that he has had a cold.He seems_ _had a cold.27.The tree is so tall that we cant reach it.The tree is_tall_us _ _.28.I

42、m interested in the old museum in this city.The old museum in this city_ _ _me.29.They knew everything only after you told him.They knew_ _ you told him.30.There are many trees around the house. Its my house.The house_many trees around is _.31.I wont pass the exam if you dont help.I wont pass the ex

43、am _ your_.32.Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.Father Christmas is _ _ a real person in history.33.He doesnt know much Japanese.He _ only a_Japanese.34.If you ask him, he will you tell you the truth._him,_he will tell you the truth.35.She likes to make her own clothes. She doesnt

44、 like to buy them in shops.She prefers making her own clothes_ _buying them in shops.36.Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterdays newspaper.Tom didnt read yesterdays newspaper,_ _Jack.37.I heard he was singing in the next room.I heard_ _in the next room.38.Peter is 150 centimeters tall,so is Mike.Mike is the same_ _Peter.39.The doctor told him to stop smoking.The doctor told him to _ _smoking.40.Please dont make our room dirty.Please _ our classroom_.41.The heavy rain stopped them from leaving ho

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