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1、英语高中高一下学期七选五复习培优试卷测试题 Group discussions are a great way to get things done. You can explore a topic, come up with a plan of action, or solve an issue, just to name a few. _1_ Dont worry. Here are some tips for you.Allow everyone to introduce themselves. To start a group discussion, you will want to

2、make sure everyone is comfortable. A good way to break the ice is to let everyone introduce themselves. Then, for a classroom setting, what could be a better icebreaker activity? _2_ Establish some ground rules. Before launching into the discussion, make sure everyone knows the rules of conduct. Rul

3、es can be established as needed. Here are some general ones. Advise everyone to treat one another with respect. _3_ Remind everyone to be aware of time. Encourage people to consider their comments seriously, and to avoid becoming defensive if someone disagrees.Explain the topic. _4_ Even if the part

4、icipants know what that topic is, give them a quick refresher before the discussion begins. You can introduce the topic by asking questions. You can also quickly introduce the idea. Say something like, “ As you know, today in class were going to discuss gun control. ” _5_ You do not want to ask ques

5、tions with a simple “ yes ” or “ no ” answer, especially not initially. Your questions should encourage people to share meaningful thoughts and ideas. Questions can be confusing to the participants. Many participants may not know the answers right away themselves, so encourage them to think during d

6、iscussion.AEncourage everyone to participate.BAsk open-ended questions to begin.CMake sure people know not to interrupt.DNot sure how to get your own group discussion started?EUsually, a group discussion will be based around a central issue.FYou could, for example, have everyone share their favorite

7、 ice cream flavor.GYou may invite each person to share what they have got from the discussion. Many people, especially parents with their children, visit zoos for pleasure. Its interesting to see native animals up close or creatures from other parts of the world. _6_ They should educate and inform,

8、helping to protect animals. So visitors should follow the rules. This article will explain some dos and donts in a zoo._7_Animals can become ill after they eat unsuitable food. Remember that each animal has its own ration (配给) fed to it by zookeepers. Sometimes food for some of the animals can be bo

9、ught so visitors can feed the animals. This happens at petting zoos for example.Let the animals stay calm. _8_ Many animals are afraid of noise and shy. You dont know how long some animals have been in a zoo or they may be recovering from an injury. So be reasonable and dont expect animals to perfor

10、m for you. A ticket only allows you to enter the zoo and look at the animals. _9_Follow all directions from zookeepers. Zoos can be risky if you dont follow the rules. Do not climb over fences (篱笆). _10_ Only get close to animals when the keeper says it s okay. Dont try to take photos of yourself or

11、 your children with the animals from anywhere other than behind the fences.ADo not feed animals.BDo not try to hug animals. .CWatch out for the food you bring.DDo not make loud noise to get their attention.ENo animal is responsible for performing for you. .FMost of the time, they seem to be very fri

12、endly to visitors.GModern zoos are not simply playgrounds or places for picnics. Flying to another country can sometimes take several days. But the designer of a futuristic jet (喷气式飞机) says his plane could take you around the world in your lunch break.According to an article in The Sun, the plane, c

13、alled the Antipode, could carry 10 people and use rocket boosters to go 12 km high. _11_ Or it could fly from New York to Shanghai in 24 minutes.An ordinary Boeing 747 has a top speed of 917 km/h. The fastest plane in the world right now is Air Force One. It carries the president of the United State

14、s and can reach 1,092 km/h. _12_Canadian designer Charles Bombardier says his plane could be 10 times faster than the Concorde, which could fly at 2,180 km/h. The Concorde was the worlds fastest passenger plane between 1976 and 2003. But the Concorde was very noisy and its nose got dangerously hot w

15、hen it flew. A Concorde crashed in 2000, killing 114 people. _13_14_ It stops the plane from overheating and having the same problems that the Concorde did. New technology, recently tested by NASA, makes the Antipode the perfect shape and weight to fly fast and safely.“Its always something that peop

16、le would like a transportation system that could take you from one place on the planet to the other side,” Mr. Bombardier told the BBC_15_ The design is just a concept and will need more research before it becomes a reality. ANo Concordes were flown again after 2003.BThere are huge differences betwe

17、en high-speed planes.CBut the Antipode would probably reach a crazy 25,750 km/h!DDont try to buy a ticket for the plane yet, though.EThen it could fly from London to New York in less than 20 minutes.FThe superfast plane could only carry ten passengers.GThe Antipodes design includes a special nose. H

18、ow to Improve Leadership QualityTo be a good leader required a variety of qualities and skills, which, fortunately, can be gained through continuous learning and practice. _16_ Ask yourself what kind of leader you are. _17_ Doing this will enable you to identify the areas you need to improve, and ma

19、ke you more aware of how you act and behave. Start by asking yourself “what kind of leader am I?” Perhaps you are someone who leads by example, and doesnt get too involved in other peoples work. Or maybe you are a leader who helps to solve problems, and takes a more active role.Improve Your Communic

20、ation Skills Communication is perhaps the most important leadership quality, and one that runs through all of the other important qualities. One of the key factors to good communication is enabling positive dialogue on problems and solutions. _18_ If you make the effort to listen to somebody, he wil

21、l see that and come to think of you as someone he can talk to. Take responsibility. To set a strong example as a leader, its important that you take responsibility for your individual tasks and your team as a whole. _19_ Besides, it means removing responsibilities from those who are unable to manage

22、 the tasks arranged to them. Cooperate (合作) instead of competing. If you are trying to be a strong leader, it can be attractive to try to inspire better work by creating a competitive environment among your colleagues. In fact, developing a more cooperative work culture often leads to more effective

23、 working and better relationships. _20_ Any battle that arises in a competitive culture cost valuable time and resource to deal with.AAnother is to be an active listener.BHere are some detailed suggestions for you to follow.CIt is also important for you to praise your teammates.DIt will encourage to

24、 trust others and help avoid working alone as well.EHonestly examining yourself is key to develop your leadership skills.FExploring your strengths and weaknesses is the first step to improve yourself.GBeing responsible means supporting your team members to complete their tasks. How to Focus on Study

25、ingUnless you have a strong desire to learn the information or develop a skill, it can be hard to focus all of your attention. Here are some of the best tricks that help you increase your focus on studying._21_ Chose a right spot. And, in order to concentrate, you must remove the things distracting

26、(分心) you. Put away mobile devices. Turn off the TV. Sit away from people making loud noises.Come prepared. _22_ Have pens, paper, textbooks or anything necessary at hand. You should take care of everything outside of studying before you sit down to focus. If not, youll just end up getting up repeate

27、dly.Make a schedule. Aim to work for 30-60 minute periods with 5-10 minute breaks in between. It is a lot easier to push yourself for a set period of time, if you know you have a break coming up. _23_ Studying the same thing for too long is an invitation to boredom (枯燥).Make lists and break down tas

28、ks. Write down your study goals for that day. Make sure the task is within your ability. It works for any task like reading a book, studying for a test, or whatever. And if you need to write 10 pages in a week, schedule yourself to write 2 pages a day for 5 days. _24_Vary your study techniques _25_

29、Variety will keep you interested in your studies and make your time more efficient. By studying with different techniques, your brain will process the information differently, thus increasing the chance of keeping the information.AFind a suitable place.BGet rid of distractions.CBreak the task into m

30、anageable parts.DDont limit yourself to one study method.EBe sure to have all the materials needed to workFSet a schedule to make full use of your study time.GBesides, schedule yourself to study different subjects. How to Teach A Child to Ride A Bike?You never forget how to ride a bike, but most of

31、us forget how hard it was to learn. _26_. Heres what to keep in mind when instructing little ones from two feet to two wheels. Begin with the right equipment. Start with a bicycle thats the right size. A newbie should be able to sit on the seat with both feet flat on the ground. If the child has bee

32、n using a bike with training wheels, remove them. _27_. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts arent a bad idea, either, to prevent injury in the event of a fall. _28_. Head to a location that has smooth, flat, open pavement and little or no traffic to distract or endanger your child. It helps if theres

33、 no one around, too, so he wont feel self-conscious. The ideal spot? A school parking lot on the weekend. Emphasize the basics. The fundamentals of biking are balance, coasting, pedaling, and steering. To help a child learn these basic skills, remember to show how to do that in the flesh and dare to

34、 let him try. No doubt there will be more than a few stops and starts and maybe even a fall or two. _29_.Now practice a lot. After a fair number of dry runs, its time to move to the big stage. Find a bike path or a little-travelled street in a residential neighbourhood. _30_. Bike along with him to

35、check that hes using proper safety techniques and feels comfortable pedaling in traffic.AFind a safe spot to learnBGo to practice with the childCEncourage him to slow down and go onDShow him how to share the road with carsEA good-quality, well-fitting helmet is also a mustFThats why the experience o

36、f teaching children to ride can be frustratingGBut eventually, he will manage to ride a fair stretch without stopping or falling Habits to Be a Highly Effective StudentSome students are able to get straight As and at the same time serve as the president of three clubs. However, some students struggl

37、e to keep their GPA (Grade-Point Average) above a 3.0. And they seem to spend all of their time in studying. Although its true that everyones IQ is different, good study habits are very important. _31_ _32_ If you havent had a planner(规划薄), get one. Many people use their computers and smartphones to

38、 make a schedule. The problem with that approach is that they are major distractions(分心的事物). Instead, get an old-fashioned paper and pen planner.Create a weekly schedule. _33_ Include time that will be spent eating, sleeping and doing anything not related to school work. That way you know exactly ho

39、w much you can accomplish each day.Take frequent, short breaks. Taking a break from studying for 15 minutes every hour will help keep you refreshed. _34_ If you dont take a break, you may find yourself daydreaming or even falling asleep. Take some time for some water, a snack or a quick chat with a

40、friend.Take care of yourself. During final exam week, it is common for students to fall behind on sleep and meals. Make sure you get a good nights sleep and have regular meals. Studying while hungry or sleepy is ineffective and will slow you down in the long run. Also try to make time for friends an

41、d family. _35_.AKeep things organized.BKeep away from your computers.COf course, not everyone needs breaks.DOur brains are not meant to work for hours nonstop.EHaving a good support system will help with all the stress.FHere are several habits you should adopt to get good grades.GThen under each day

42、, make a list of things to do each hour. Life is full of special moments that are worth being preserved in photos. If youre going to the beach, a waterproof (防水的) camera will help you do that._36_ Besides, it works equally well for water park visits. Here is some advice on how to choose and use such

43、 cameras.As with any camera, you can choose a waterproof camera with a viewing screen that allows you to see the photos you have just taken._37_ For clear viewing in any situation, a waterproof camera with a high-resolution (高分辨率) LCD viewing screen is better._38_ In most cases, youll want the small

44、est and lightest camera you can find. Look for a waterproof camera that weighs 140g or less. In terms of size, choose a waterproof camera thats no more than two-and-a-half inches in length, two inches in width, and one-and-a-half inches in height so its easy to carry around.It is a good idea to read

45、 comments of the camera carefully before buying it. Comments can give people an idea of the kind of settings where the camera can be used and how well the camera performs._39_ If those complaints are about the companys negative response to quality problems, they can be useful information as well.If

46、youre using a waterproof camera underwater, try to get as close to your target as possible. Youd better take it with you all the time._40_ It could raise the cameras operating temperature and cause damage.AIt is a perfect tool for recording diving memories.BThe size and weight of your waterproof cam

47、era matter.CSome waterproof cameras have a voice control feature.DYou also need to take notice of any review of dissatisfaction.EThat can make sure you wont miss any wonderful moments.FIn addition, do not leave a waterproof camera in direct sunlight for long.GThe screen should be clear enough to see

48、 underwater or in direct sunlight. During the COVID-19 pandemic many people are more stressed than usual. However, even in this case some people are managing to hold on to the good._41_Set aside time to take care of your body, mind, and spirit.Exercise and hobbies tend to bring positive emotions for young and old alike. The tie between time spent on these acti

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